Command | Description |
curl -s\?q\=<target-domain>\&output\=json | jq . |
Certificate transparency. |
for i in $(cat ip-addresses.txt);do shodan host $i;done |
Scan each IP address in a list using Shodan. |
Command | Description |
ftp <FQDN/IP> |
Interact with the FTP service on the target. |
nc -nv <FQDN/IP> 21 |
Interact with the FTP service on the target. |
telnet <FQDN/IP> 21 |
Interact with the FTP service on the target. |
openssl s_client -connect <FQDN/IP>:21 -starttls ftp |
Interact with the FTP service on the target using encrypted connection. |
wget -m --no-passive ftp://anonymous:anonymous@<target> |
Download all available files on the target FTP server. |
Command | Description |
smbclient -N -L //<FQDN/IP> |
Null session authentication on SMB. |
smbclient //<FQDN/IP>/<share> |
Connect to a specific SMB share. |
rpcclient -U "" <FQDN/IP> |
Interaction with the target using RPC. | <FQDN/IP> |
Username enumeration using Impacket scripts. |
smbmap -H <FQDN/IP> |
Enumerating SMB shares. |
crackmapexec smb <FQDN/IP> --shares -u '' -p '' |
Enumerating SMB shares using null session authentication. | <FQDN/IP> -A |
SMB enumeration using enum4linux. |
Command | Description |
showmount -e <FQDN/IP> |
Show available NFS shares. |
mount -t nfs <FQDN/IP>:/<share> ./target-NFS/ -o nolock |
Mount the specific NFS share.umount ./target-NFS |
umount ./target-NFS |
Unmount the specific NFS share. |
Command | Description |
dig ns <domain.tld> @<nameserver> |
NS request to the specific nameserver. |
dig any <domain.tld> @<nameserver> |
ANY request to the specific nameserver. |
dig axfr <domain.tld> @<nameserver> |
AXFR request to the specific nameserver. |
dnsenum --dnsserver <nameserver> --enum -p 0 -s 0 -o found_subdomains.txt -f ~/subdomains.list <domain.tld> |
Subdomain brute forcing. |
Command | Description |
telnet <FQDN/IP> 25 |
Command | Description |
curl -k 'imaps://<FQDN/IP>' --user <user>:<password> |
Log in to the IMAPS service using cURL. |
openssl s_client -connect <FQDN/IP>:imaps |
Connect to the IMAPS service. |
openssl s_client -connect <FQDN/IP>:pop3s |
Connect to the POP3s service. |
Command | Description |
snmpwalk -v2c -c <community string> <FQDN/IP> |
Querying OIDs using snmpwalk. |
onesixtyone -c community-strings.list <FQDN/IP> |
Bruteforcing community strings of the SNMP service. |
braa <community string>@<FQDN/IP>:.1.* |
Bruteforcing SNMP service OIDs. |
Command | Description |
mysql -u <user> -p<password> -h <FQDN/IP> |
Login to the MySQL server. |
Command | Description |
---|---| <user>@<FQDN/IP> -windows-auth |
Log in to the MSSQL server using Windows authentication. |
Command | Description |
msf6 auxiliary(scanner/ipmi/ipmi_version) |
IPMI version detection. |
msf6 auxiliary(scanner/ipmi/ipmi_dumphashes) |
Dump IPMI hashes. |
Command | Description |
---|---| <FQDN/IP> |
Remote security audit against the target SSH service. |
ssh <user>@<FQDN/IP> |
Log in to the SSH server using the SSH client. |
ssh -i private.key <user>@<FQDN/IP> |
Log in to the SSH server using private key. |
ssh <user>@<FQDN/IP> -o PreferredAuthentications=password |
Enforce password-based authentication. |
Command | Description |
---|---| <FQDN/IP> |
Check the security settings of the RDP service. |
xfreerdp /u:<user> /p:"<password>" /v:<FQDN/IP> |
Log in to the RDP server from Linux. |
evil-winrm -i <FQDN/IP> -u <user> -p <password> |
Log in to the WinRM server. | <user>:"<password>"@<FQDN/IP> "<system command>" |
Execute command using the WMI service. |
Command | Description |
./ all -s <FQDN/IP> |
Perform a variety of scans to gather information about the Oracle database services and its components. |
sqlplus <user>/<pass>@<FQDN/IP>/<db> |
Log in to the Oracle database. |
./ utlfile -s <FQDN/IP> -d <db> -U <user> -P <pass> --sysdba --putFile C:\\insert\\path file.txt ./file.txt |
Upload a file with Oracle RDBMS. |