gillesheinesch / gitfolio
Forked from imfunniee/gitfoliopersonal website + blog for every github user
Curated list of awesome open-source applications made with Node.js
Deccahedron / moment
Forked from moment/momentParse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS
subhahu123 / javascript-ebooks
Forked from sr3d/javascript-ebooks[BOOKS][The most interesting JavaScript books]
MDsolucoesTI / ModelCart
Forked from DennyAzevedo/ModelCartCarrinho de Compras
Application written with phalconphp and angularjs to record and display the Kicks and Game balls of Harry Hog Football
A desktop application for downloading Udemy Courses
MIT App Inventor Public Open Source
nulldreams / youtube-mp3
Forked from MaxGfeller/youtube-mp3npm module for downloading a youtube video as mp3 file
nulldreams / youtube2mp3
Forked from emres/youtube2mp3Download a Youtube music video and extract the sound as an MP3 file
nulldreams / tanks
Forked from rubentd/tanksTanks battle game prototype, for nodejs learning purposes
Lightweight lazy load images plugin. Only 1kb after gziping. Pure JavaScript, only Angular as dependency.
Basic Point of Sale that reads and writes to Google Sheets
Native features for mobile apps built with Cordova/PhoneGap and open web technologies. Complete with TypeScript support. The successor to ngCordova. Pairs exquisitely with a nice bottle of Ionic Fr…
lenoraporter / JavaScript30
Forked from wesbos/JavaScript3030 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
Simple social authentication module for AngularJS applications.
A project full of ionic 3 components and samples - to make life easier :)
IvanAquino / expo-uber
Forked from calebnance/expo-uberuber clone with expo / react native
mlalbuquerque /
Forked from phpba/phpba.github.ioEsse é o blog do grupo do PHP Bahia. Toda contribuição será muito bem vinda.
donJusto / ionic-site
Forked from ionic-team/ionic-siteRepo for the site
ytalobessa / vagas
Forked from frontendbr/vagasEspaço para divulgação de vagas para front-enders.
andrebian / firebase-php
Forked from ktamas77/firebase-phpFirebase PHP Client
andrebian / php
Forked from ThamaraHessel/phpBiblioteca de integração em PHP