Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This repository holds the source code for the Realm SDK for Flutter™ and Dart™.
This project is in the Alpha stage. All API's might change without warning and no guarantees are given about stability. Do not use it in production.
To use the Realm SDK for Flutter add the realm package to your pubspec.yaml
To use the Realm SDK for Dart add the realm_dart package to your pubspec.yaml
Import Realm.
import 'package:realm/realm.dart';
Define a data model class
.@RealmModel() class _Car { late String make; late String model; int? kilometers = 500; }
Generate RealmObject class
from data model class_Car
.dart run realm generate
Open a Realm and add some objects.
var config = Configuration([Car.schema]); var realm = Realm(config); var car = Car("Telsa", "Model Y", kilometers: 5); realm.write(() { realm.add(car); }
Query objects in Realm.
var cars = realm.all<Car>(); Car myCar = cars[0]; print("My car is ${myCar.make} model ${myCar.model}"); cars = realm.all<Car>().query("make == 'Tesla'");
For API documentation go to
For a complete documentation go to Realm Flutter and Dart SDK Docs.