Coding round questions
Given an array of distinct elements and a number x, find if there is a pair with product equal to x.
Given a string ‘str’ of digits and an integer ‘n’, build the lowest possible number by removing ‘n’ digits from the string and not changing the order of input digits.
Given a number, find its corresponding Roman numeral.
Given a linked list, write a function to reverse every k nodes (where k is an input to the function).
Given phone digits, print all possible words that can be formed from them.
You are given an array of integers. Return an array of the same size where the element at each index is the product of all the elements in the original array except for the element at that index. For example, an input of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] should return [120, 60, 40, 30, 24]. You cannot use division in this problem.
Given a linked list and two integers M and N. Traverse the linked list such that you retain M nodes then delete next N nodes, continue the same till the end of the linked list. For example, an input of M = 2, N = 2 Linked List: 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8 should return Linked List: 1->2->5->6
Given an array consisting many inner arrays, flatten the array into one: example: input: [[6,4,7,[9,5,4,[2,4,8]]],[2,2,7],[9,0,7,[9,3,1,8,5]]] output: [6,4,7,9,5,4,2,4,8,2,2,7,9,0,7,9,3,1,8,5]
Given two sorted linked lists, merge them so that the resulting linked list is also sorted.
Given a set of points find the one with the shortest distance from the origin
Reverse the bits of an 32 bit unsigned integer A.
Find if Given number is power of 2 or not. More specifically, find if given number can be expressed as 2^k where k >= 1.
Technical Interview Questions
Data Structures and Algorithms
- There is an infinite stream of Products. Write a program to print top 10 cheapest products at any given point of time. Do it within fixed amount of memory i.e. you can't consume unknown amount of memory. (Hint: Heaps)
- Given n fences, WAP to paint them with k colours such that not more than 2 consecutive fences are of same colour.
- Suppose there are 2 glasses with capacities 5 litres and 3 litres. The glasses can only be completely filled or completely emptied. The water can be transferred from one glass to another, for eg. 5 ltrs glass can transfer all water to 3 ltrs glass and 2 ltrs of water will be left in 5 ltrs of glass. You cannot partially empty or fill any glass. The goal is to get 4 ltrs of water in any one glass. WAP to do this with n number of glasses with given capacities for each and the final capacity to achieve being k in any 1 glass. Print the least number of steps required to do so.
- Given a large 2D array with numbers increasing as you go right or you go down. Convert this into a sorted 1D array in fixed amount of memory. (Hint: Heaps)
- Difference between different type of Normalisation.
- Difference between SQL and NoSQL
- Define the ACID properties.
- What is Cursor? How to use a Cursor?
Operating System
System Design
Design a system that controls traffic lights with below assumptions:
- A group of traffic lights has two components: main lights and pedestrian lights.
- Main traffic lights have three colors: red, yellow and green.
- Pedestrian lights have two colors: red and green.
- Pedestrian lights' colors are reversed from main lights:
- Main: red/yellow - pedestrian's: green
- Main: green - pedestrian: red
- There is a button for pedestrian lights if the button is pushed in advance, pedestrian's lights change colors according to the main ones if the button isn't pushed, pedestrian's lights remain red.
- A typical junction has 4 groups of lights.
- Additional question: design the system in a way that allows cars which start from one junction after a red light don't have to stop at the next one.
Design a card game by considering the following assumptions:
- There should be more than one method of cards distribution such as even distribution, uneven distribution, etc.
- There are multiple situations which could be considered as a winning situation:
- One who finishes all his cards early.
- One who earns the maximum points at the last.
Design a task management system like Trello with the following assumptions:
- User can move tasks from one lane to the other and move it back.
- This should have a state diagram with many end states.
- Describe the main features of object oriented programming.