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Manage Vencord settings and plugins declaratively with Nix!

This repo can be used to make a clean looking config for Vencord without needing to pollute system config with needless utils to override the discord pacakge, and write ugly JSON code directly in .nix files.

I started this project after having to reinstall my NixOS system several times, resulting in manually enabling and configuring the ~100 Vencord plugins more than 4 times. With Nixcord you can configure once and save it to a git repo.


Using Nixcord means comitting to declaratively installing plugins. This means that the normal "plugins" menu in Vencord will not apply permenant changes. You can still use it to test out plugins but on restarting the client, any changes will be gone.

The primary goal of this project is to reduce the need to configure Vencord again on every new system you install.


If you're using NixOS 24.05, please set programs.nixcord.discord.vencord.package to pkgs.vencord; because the pnpmDeps.hash differs between NixOS stable and unstable and this repo uses the unstable hash for the Vencord that it provides.


{ pkgs, lib, ... }: {
  programs.nixcord = {
    enable = true;
    discord.vencord.package = pkgs.vencord;

How to use Nixcord

Currently Nixcord only supports nix flakes as a home-manager module.

First, you need to import the module:

# flake.nix
  # ...
  inputs.nixcord = {
    url = "github:kaylorben/nixcord"
  # ...

Next you'll have to import the home-manager module into flake.nix. This step varies depending on how you have home-manager installed. Here is a simple example of home-manager installed as a nixos module:

# flake.nix
  # ...
  outputs = inputs@{ nipkgs, home-manager, ... }: {
    nixosConfigurations = {
      hostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        system = "x86_64-linux";
        modules = [
            home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;
            home-manager.useUserPackages = true;
            home-manager.users.jdoe = import ./home.nix;

            home-manager.sharedModules = [
  # ...

or to install to a specific home

# home.nix
  # ...
  imports = [
  # ...

After installation, you can easily start editing config


This is an example home-manager configuration using Nixcord

# home.nix
  # ...
  programs.nixcord = {
    enable = true;  # enable Nixcord. Also installs discord package
    quickCss = "some CSS";  # quickCSS file
    config = {
      useQuickCss = true;   # use out quickCSS
      themeLinks = [        # or use an online theme
      frameless = true; # set some Vencord options
      plugins = {
        hideAttachments.enable = true;    # Enable a Vencord plugin
        ignoreActivities = {    # Enable a plugin and set some options
          enable = true;
          ignorePlaying = true;
          ignoreWatching = true;
          ignoredActivities = [ "someActivity" ];
    extraConfig = {
      # Some extra JSON config here
      # ...
  # ...

It is highly recommend configuring Nixcord with an open Vencord client to look through available plugins and options. A list of all available options is available here.

Special Thanks

Special Thanks to Vencord, Home Manager, and Nix and all the contributers behind them. Without them, this project would not be possible.


Using Vencord violates Discord's terms of service. Read more about it at their github