PluginRTC: IE/Safari Plugins compatible WebRTC-Experiments
This repository is a sub-part of:
This repository isn't providing WebRTC plugins. It is simply using existing plugins in WebRTC-Experiments & Libraries e.g. RTCMultiConection.js, DataChannel.js and especially RecordRTC.js and MediaStreamRecorder.js.
- RTCMultiConection.js -
npm install rtcmulticonnection
Scroll to bottom to see how to use these plugins within other WebRTC Experiments.
First step; link any of the following:
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src="//"></script>
Second step; add following code:
var Plugin = {};
window.onPluginRTCInitialized = function(pluginRTCObject) {
Plugin = pluginRTCObject;
MediaStreamTrack = Plugin.MediaStreamTrack;
RTCPeerConnection = Plugin.RTCPeerConnection;
RTCIceCandidate = Plugin.RTCIceCandidate;
RTCSessionDescription = Plugin.RTCSessionDescription;
if (!!window.PluginRTC) window.onPluginRTCInitialized(window.PluginRTC);
Now you can use Plugin
object like this:
// capture video
Plugin.getUserMedia({video: true}, function(stream) {
Plugin.attachMediaStream( DOMLoaded_HTML_Video_Element, stream );
}, function(error) {});
- Personal Webpage —
- Email — [email protected]
- Twitter — and
PluginRTC is released under MIT licence . Copyright (c) Muaz Khan.