To run tests, use stack:
$ stack test # All tests
or with a debug build:
$ stack test --fast
Select specific tests, or update tests using:
$ stack test --test-arguments="--match /parc/" # One category
$ stack test --test-arguments="--match /parc/parc4/" # One specific file
$ stack test --test-arguments="--mode=new --match /parc/parc4/" # Create output files
$ stack test --test-arguments="--mode=update --match /parc/parc4/" # Update output files
You can also use cabal:
$ cabal new-run koka-test -- --match /parc/
--mode=<new|update|test> # create new test output, or update existing one
--match <match> # only match a specific test or test directory
--cabal # Use cabal to run koka.
--system-ghc # If using stack, use --system-ghc option.
--target-js # Test javascript backend
--target-c64c # Test compressed heap
-O2 # Use optimization
-O-1 # Full debug mode with internal runtime assertions enabled
--seq # Test sequentially (instead of in parallel)