A starter kit for beginner learns with Bloc pattern, RxDart, sqflite, Fluro and Dio to architect a flutter project. This starter kit build an App Store app as a example
- Bloc Pattern
- Navigate pages by Fluro
- Local cache by using sqflite
- Restful api call by using Dio
- Database debugging (Android Only) by using flutter_stetho
- Loading Network Image
- Localization by using Flutter i18n plugin
- Environment Variable & Project Config (Like App Name, Bundle Id) based on different project flavour (Development, Staging & Production)
- Build pojo by using json_serializable
- Update each list item instead of re-rendering whole list view when data set has changed on a list item
- Hero animation
- Show empty View when the list view is empty
- Follow flutter official setup guide to set up flutter environment
- Install Flutter i18n plugin into Android Studio
Preference > Plugins > Browse repositories > Type ‘Flutter i18n’ > Install > Restart Android Studio
- Click 'Edit Configuration'
- Create different run configs for flavours
Generate json serialize and deserialize functions
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs