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Proper Movie, TV Shows, and Anime configs for Single Kometa Instance & Multiple Kometa Instances Setup

NOTICE 09/27/2024 - Overlays are listed in configs, however I do not have any programmed at this time.

TPDB: You can find all my posters at The Poster Database

Have questions, or need support for one of my configs? Get ahold of me via direct message on discord - Jamie Jones Jr / jjjonesjr33 previously JJJonesJr33#0001

Also if you want to check out all the other things I do follow me on my Socials

KOMETA: For all other Kometa related questions or issues, join the Kometa Discord Server

Single Instance (Simple Setup)

If you are using a single instance of Kometa - Copy everything in Plex-Meta-Manager-All to your docker container location and edit the config.yml to match your settings. Then run the container, open a terminal window, and use the following command python -r

Multiple Instances (Advanced Setup)

The way I have my Kometa setup is via mutiple docker containers in Unraid. I have one for Anime, Movies, and TV Shows. The reason this was done was to speed up the process for each main category. On smaller collections this may not be as necessarily, however for larger collections like mine this is a must. To set them up copy Plex-Meta-Manager-Anime, Plex-Meta-Manager-Movies, and Plex-Meta-Manager-TV to their each own docker container location and edit the config.yml in each to match your settings. To run the containers, open a terminal window for each, and use the following command python -r

Unraid Setup
Unraid (UPDATED 09/27/2024)
Anime Collections Preview:
Anime (UPDATED 09/27/2024)
Movie Collections Preview:
Movies (UPDATED 09/27/2024)
TV Shows Collections Preview:
TV Shows (UPDATED 09/27/2024)
Kids Collections Preview:
Kids | Teens Shows (UPDATED 09/27/2024)

Special thanks to the Kometa team and their configs that I drew inspiration from. The users who created, supported, and helped with creating posters. And all the users of Reddit who have contributed to the cause! :D