Get the scrip details
client.search_scrip(exchange_segment = "", symbol = "", expiry = "", option_type = "", strike_price = "")
from neo_api_client import NeoAPI
#First initialize session and generate session token
client = NeoAPI(consumer_key=" ",consumer_secret=" ",environment=" ")
client.login(mobilenumber=" ", password=" ")
# get scrip search details for particular exchange segment
client.search_scrip(exchange_segment = "nse_cm", symbol = "YESBANK", expiry = "", option_type = "", strike_price = "")
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling scrip search api->scrip_search: %s\n" % e)
Name | Description | Type |
exchange_segment | Str | |
symbol | Str | |
expiry | User can search multiple expiry - DDMMMYYYY, ex. 28JUN2023 | Str [optional] |
option_type | User can search option_type - CE/PE | Str [optional] |
strike_price | User can search strike_price - For ex. 45000, 40000-45000, >40000, <45000 | Str [optional] |
"pSymbol": 11915,
"pGroup": "EQ",
"pExchSeg": "nse_cm",
"pInstType": null,
"pSymbolName": "YESBANK",
"pTrdSymbol": "YESBANK-EQ",
"pOptionType": null,
"pScripRefKey": "YESBANK",
"pISIN": "INE528G01035",
"pAssetCode": null,
"pSubGroup": null,
"pCombinedSymbol": null,
"pAmcCode": null,
"pContractId": null,
"dTickSize": 5,
"lLotSize": 1,
"lExpiryDate": -1,
"lMultiplier": -1,
"lPrecision": 2,
"dStrikePrice;": -1,
"pExchange": "NSE",
"pInstName": null,
"pExpiryDate": null,
"pIssueDate": 805593600.0,
"pMaturityDate": null,
"pListingDate": 805593600.0,
"pNoDelStartDate": 0.0,
"pNoDelEndDate": 0.0,
"pBookClsStartDate": 1244246400.0,
"pBookClsEndDate": 1244764800.0,
"pRecordDate": 0.0,
"pCreditRating": "12.85-19.25",
"pReAdminDate": 0.0,
"pExpulsionDate": 0.0,
"pLocalUpdateTime": 1372357889.0,
"pDeliveryUnits": null,
"pPriceUnits": null,
"pLastTradingDate": null,
"pTenderPeridEndDate": null,
"pTenderPeridStartDate": null,
"pSellVarMargin": null,
"pBuyVarMargin": null,
"pInstrumentInfo": null,
"pRemarksText": null,
"pSegment": "CASH",
"pNav": null,
"pNavDate": null,
"pMfAmt": null,
"pSipSecurity": null,
"pFaceValue": 200.0,
"pTrdUnits": null,
"pExerciseStartDate": null,
"pExerciseEndDate": null,
"pElmMargin": 0.0,
"pVarMargin": 20.0,
"pTotProposedLimitValue": null,
"pScripBasePrice": null,
"pSettlementType": "T+1",
"pCurrectionTime": 315513000.0,
"iPermittedToTrade": 0,
"iBoardLotQty": 1,
"iMaxOrderSize": 6210995,
"iLotSize": 1,
"dOpenInterest": 0,
"dHighPriceRange": 1925.0,
"dLowPriceRange": 1285.0,
"dPriceNum": 1,
"dGenDen": 1,
"dGenNum": 1,
"dPriceQuatation": 0,
"dIssuerate": 0,
"dPriceDen": 1,
"dWarningQty": 0,
"dIssueCapital": 28754600000.0,
"dExposureMargin": 0,
"dMinRedemptionQty": 0,
"lFreezeQty": 6210995
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status Code | Description |
200 | ok |
400 | Invalid or missing input parameters |
403 | Invalid session, please re-login to continue |
429 | Too many requests to the API |
500 | Unexpected error |
502 | Not able to communicate with OMS |
503 | Trade API service is unavailable |
504 | Gateway timeout, trade API is unreachable |