This section describes the options in the lis.config file.
Running mode:
specifies the running mode used in LIS.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“retrospective” |
Retrospective mode |
“RTM forward” |
RTM forward mode |
“AGRMET ops” |
“WRF coupling” |
Coupled WRF mode |
“GCE coupling” |
Coupled GCE mode |
“parameter estimation” |
Parameter estimation mode |
“ensemble smoother” |
Ensemble smoother mode |
“forecast” |
Forecast simulation mode |
Running mode: retrospective
Number of nests:
specifies the number of nests used for the run.
Values 1 or higher are acceptable. The maximum number of nests is
limited by the amount of available memory on the system.
The specifications for different nests are done using white spaces
as the delimiter. Please see below for further explanations. Note
that all nested domains should run on the same projection and same
land surface model.
Number of nests: 1
Number of surface model types:
specifies the number of surface
model types used for the run.
Values of 1 through LIS_rc%max_model_types
(currently equal to 3)
are acceptable.
Number of surface model types: 1
Surface model types:
specifies the surface model types
used for the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
land surface model |
Lake |
lake model |
Glacier |
glacier model |
Openwater |
open water surface type |
Surface model types: LSM
Surface model output interval:
specifies the surface model
output interval.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Surface model output interval: 3hr
Land surface model:
specifies the land surface model to run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
template lsm |
Noah.2.7.1 |
Noah version 2.7.1 |
Noah.3.2 |
Noah version 3.2 |
Noah.3.3 |
Noah version 3.3 |
Noah.3.6 |
Noah version 3.6 |
Noah.3.9 |
Noah version 3.9 |
Noah-MP.3.6 |
Noah-MP version 3.6 |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 |
Noah-MP version 4.0.1 |
RUC.3.7 |
RUC version 3.7 |
CLM.2 |
CLM version 2.0 |
VIC.4.1.1 |
VIC version 4.1.1 |
VIC.4.1.2 |
VIC version 4.1.2.l |
Mosaic |
Mosaic |
HySSiB |
Hy-SSiB |
GeoWRSI.2 |
GeoWRSI version 2.0 |
JULES.5.0 |
JULES version 5.0 |
CABLE.1.4b |
CABLE version 1.4b |
“CLSM F2.5” |
Catchment Fortuna-2_5 |
RDHM.3.5.6 |
RDHM 3.5.6 (SAC-HTET and SNOW-17) |
AWRAL.6.0.0 |
AWRA-L version 6.0.0 |
Land surface model: Noah.2.7.1
Number of subLSMs:
specifies the number of sub-level LSMs
or specialized models that may interface with other LSMs in LIS.
Entry here can be set to 1 with having a surface model type
specified, such as "LSM", and set to 1.
Number of subLSMs: 1
subLSM models:
specifies the sub-level land surface model to run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
template lsm |
Crocus8.1 |
Crocus version 8.1 snow model |
SnowModel |
Glen Liston’s SnowModel snow model |
subLSM models: "Crocus8.1"
Lake model:
specifies the lake model to run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
FLAKE.1.0 |
FLAKE version 1.0 |
Lake model:
Open water model:
specifies the open water model to run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“template open water” |
template open water model |
Open water model:
land slide model:
specifies the land slide model to run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“GLS” |
GLS model |
TRIGRS model |
land slide model:
Number of subLSMs:
specifies the number of subLSMs to run.
Acceptable values are: 0 : no subLSM; 1 : One subLSM
subLSM models:
specifies the subLSMs to run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
Crocus8.1 |
Crocus snow model model |
Note: To run a standalone version of the Crocus, the user needs to set:
Land surface model: "none"
Number of met forcing sources:
specifies the
number of met forcing datasets to be used. Acceptable
values are 0 or higher.
Number of met forcing sources: 1
Met forcing chosen ensemble member:
specifies the desired
ensemble member from a given forcing data source to be assigned
across all LIS ensemble members. This option is enabled only if
the met forcing data source contains its own ensembles.
Met forcing chosen ensemble member:
Blending method for forcings:
specifies the
blending method to combine forcings when one or more forcing datasets are used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
overlay |
Datasets are overlaid on top of each other in the order they are specified. For example, the forcing dataset in the second column is overlaid on top of the forcing dataset in the first column. In other words, the forcing data specified in the second column will be used in place of forcing data that is specified in the first column, for locations within the spatial extent of the second column’s forcing data. As an example, a user could specify a forcing dataset with a global extent in the first column and a forcing dataset with a regional extent in the second column. All locations within the regional extent of the second column’s forcing data will use that data as forcing, while locations outside of this regional extent will use data from the global extent of the first column’s forcing data. This continues for the number of met forcing sources specified, with the right-most column having the higher priority to be used as forcing, given its spatial extent. Choose this method when using just one forcing dataset. |
ensemble |
Each forcing dataset is assigned to a separate ensemble member. |
Blending method for forcings: overlay
Met forcing sources:
specifies the met forcing
data sources for the run. The values should be specified in a column
Acceptable values for the sources are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
None |
“GDAS” |
“GEOS5 forecast” |
GEOS5 Forecast |
“GEFS forecast” |
GEFS Forecast |
“GSWP1” |
“GSWP2” |
Princeton |
“NLDAS2 grib” |
NLDAS-2 GRIB-1 format |
“NLDAS2 netcdf” |
NLDAS-2 v020 netCDF-4 format |
“GFS” |
“MERRA2” |
“CMAP” |
“TRMM 3B42RT” |
“TRMM 3B42RTV7” |
“TRMM 3B42V6” |
TRMM 3B42V6 |
“TRMM 3B42V7” |
TRMM 3B42V7 |
GPM IMERG data from NASA |
“NARR” |
North American Regional Reanalysis |
“RFE2(daily)” |
Daily rainfall estimator |
“RFE2(GDAS bias-corrected)” |
RFE2 data bias corrected to GDAS |
UCSB CHIRPS v2.0 precipitation dataset |
“SCAN” |
“AGRMET radiation” |
AGRMET radiation |
“Bondville” |
Bondville site data |
SNOTEL data |
“VIC processed forcing” |
VIC processed forcing |
“PALS station forcing” |
PALS station forcing |
USGS PET 1.0 deg |
“NAM242” |
NAM 242 AWIPS Grid -- Over Alaska |
“WRFout” |
WRF output |
“WRFoutv2” |
NCAR-WRF 4km output |
“WRFoutv2” |
NCAR-WRF 4km output forcing |
“WRF AK” |
NCAR-WRF Alaska domain forcing |
“LDT-generated” |
LDT-generated forcing files |
“CLIM-Standard” |
Forcing climatologies (LDT-generated) |
“GenEnsFcst” |
Generic ensemble forecast reader |
“PPTEnsFcst” |
Precipitation-only ensemble forecast reader |
“AWAP” |
AWAP precipitation data |
“GDAS T1534” |
NCEP-specific GDAS T1534 forcing data |
“ERA5” |
ERA5 reanalysis meteorology |
“AWRAL processed forcing” |
AWRA-L processed forcing |
PLUMBER2 forcing |
“GDDP” |
NEX GDDP forcing |
“COAMPSout” |
COAMPS output forcing |
“GALWEM forecast” |
GALWEM 17km or 0.25deg deterministic forecast reader |
“GALWEM-GE forecast” |
GALWEM-GE forecast reader |
Met forcing sources: GDAS
Topographic correction method (met forcing):
specifies whether
to use elevation correction for base forcing.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
Do not apply topographic correction for forcing |
“lapse-rate” |
Use lapse rate correction for forcing |
“slope-aspect” |
Apply slope-aspect correction for forcing |
“lapse-rate and slope-aspect” |
Apply both lapse-rate and slope-aspect corrections |
“micromet” |
Apply Glen Liston’s MicroMet corrections to forcing fields |
Topographic correction method (met forcing): "lapse-rate"
Enable spatial downscaling of precipitation:
specifies whether
to use spatial downscaling of precipitation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not enable spatial downscaling |
1 |
Enable spatial downscaling |
Enable spatial downscaling of precipitation: 0
Spatial interpolation method (met forcing):
specifies the type of interpolation scheme to
apply to the met forcing data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“bilinear” |
bilinear scheme |
“budget-bilinear” |
conservative scheme |
“neighbor” |
neighbour scheme |
Bilinear interpolation uses 4 neighboring points to compute the interpolation weights. The conservative approach uses 25 neighboring points. If the conservative option is turned on, it is used to interpolate the precipitation field only (to conserve water). Other fields will still be interpolated with the bilinear option.
Spatial interpolation method (met forcing): bilinear
Spatial upscaling method (met forcing):
specifies the type of upscaling scheme to
apply to the met forcing data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“average” |
averaging scheme |
Please note that not all met forcing readers support upscaling of the met forcing data.
Spatial upscaling method (met forcing): average
Temporal interpolation method (met forcing):
specifies the type of temporal interpolation scheme to
apply to the met forcing data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
linear |
linear scheme |
trilinear |
uber next scheme |
The linear temporal interpolation method computes the temporal weights based on two points. Ubernext computes weights based on three points. Currently the ubernext option is implemented only for the GSWP forcing.
Temporal interpolation method (met forcing): linear
Enable new zterp correction (met forcing):
specifies whether to enable the new zterp correction.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.false. |
do not enable |
.true. |
enable |
Defaults to .false.
This is a scalar option, not per nest.
This new zterp correction addresses an issue that potentially can occur at sunrise/sunset for some forcing datasets when running at small time steps (like 15mn). In some isolated cases, SWdown may have a large unrealistic spike. This correction removes the spike. It also can affect SWdown around sunrise/sunset by up 200 W/m2. Users are advised to run their own tests and review SWdown to determine which setting is best for them.
For comparison against older LIS runs, set this option
to .false.
Enable new zterp correction (met forcing): .false.
Forcing variables list file:
specifies the file containing
the list of forcing variables to be used. Please refer to the
sample forcing_variables.txt (Section [sec_forcingvars])
file for a complete specification description.
Forcing variables list file: ./input/forcing_variables.txt
Output methodology:
specifies whether to write output as a
1-D array containing only land points or as a 2-D array containing
both land and water points. 1-d tile space includes the subgrid
tiles and ensembles. 1-d grid space includes a vectorized, land-only
grid-averaged set of values.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
Do not write output |
“1d tilespace” |
Write output in a 1-D tile domain |
“2d gridspace” |
Write output in a 2-D grid domain |
“1d gridspace” |
Write output in a 1-D grid domain |
“2d ensemble gridspace” |
Write individual ensemble member output |
When writing output using the “2d gridspace” setting with ensembles enabled, LIS will average the ensemble members into one field to write into the output file; when using the “2d ensemble gridspace” option, LIS will write each ensemble member into the output file.
Note that the “2d ensemble gridspace” setting requires setting
the Output data format:
option to “netcdf”.
Output methodology: "2d gridspace"
Output model restart files:
specifies whether to write
model restart files.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not write restart files |
1 |
Write restart files |
Output model restart files: 1
Output data format:
specifies the format of the model output data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“binary” |
Write output in binary format |
“distributed binary” |
Write output in distributed binary format where each processor writes outputs for the respective local domain |
“grib1” |
Write output in GRIB-1 format |
“grib2” |
Write output in GRIB-2 format |
“netcdf” |
Write output in netCDF format |
Output data format: netcdf
Output naming style:
specifies the style of the model output
names and their organization.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“2 level hierarchy” |
2 levels of hierarchy |
“3 level hierarchy” |
3 levels of hierarchy |
“4 level hierarchy” |
4 levels of hierarchy |
“WMO convention” |
WMO convention for weather codes |
“557WW streamflow convention” |
557WW convention for streamflow output |
“557WW medium range forecast convention” |
557WW convention for medium range forecast output |
Output naming style: "3 level hierarchy"
The “557WW streamflow convention” and “557WW medium range forecast convention” have 4 additional settings:
See Section AFWA/AGRMET for more information. Example lis.config entry
Output naming style: "557WW streamflow convention" AGRMET security classification: U AGRMET distribution classification: C AGRMET data category: ANLYS AGRMET area of data: GLOBAL |
Number of dimensions in the lat/lon output fields:
specifies the number of dimensions to use when writing the latitude and longitude fields of the LIS output. This is an optional entry. If this entry is not used, LIS will attempt to write the lat/lon fields in 1D. If the projection being used is not compatible with 1D, LIS will write in 2D.
Acceptable values are:
Value |
Description |
"1D" |
1 dimensional latitude and longitude output (Note: Only the latlon projection supports 1D output) |
"2D" |
2 dimensional latitude and longitude output |
Number of dimensions in the lat/lon output fields: "1D"
Enable output statistics:
specifies whether to write the ASCII
statistics file for the output data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.true. |
Enable writing of the statistics file |
.false. |
Disable writing of the statistics file |
Defaults to .false.
Enable output statistics: .true.
Output GRIB Table Version:
specifies GRIB table version.
Output GRIB Center Id:
specifies GRIB center id.
Output GRIB Subcenter Id:
specifies GRIB sub-center id.
Output GRIB Grid Id:
specifies GRIB grid id.
Output GRIB Process Id:
specifies GRIB process id.
Output GRIB Packing Type:
specifies the algorithm
used to pack data into the GRIB message.
Acceptable values are:
grid_simple |
grid_simple |
grid_jpeg |
grid_jpeg (GRIB-2 only) Do not use. |
Though untested, there are more packingType available as listed at
Output GRIB Table Version: 130 Output GRIB Center Id: 173 Output GRIB Subcenter Id: 4 Output GRIB Grid Id: 11 Output GRIB Process Id: 1 Output GRIB Packing Type: grid_simple
For GRIB-2 try:
Output GRIB Table Version: 13 Output GRIB Center Id: 173 Output GRIB Subcenter Id: 4 Output GRIB Grid Id: 0 Output GRIB Process Id: 1 Output GRIB Packing Type: grid_simple
Start mode:
specifies if a restart mode is being used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
A restart mode is being used |
coldstart |
A cold start mode is being used, no restart file read |
When the cold start option is specified, the program is initialized using the LSM-specific initial conditions (typically assumed uniform for all tiles). When a restart mode is used, it is assumed that a corresponding restart file is provided depending upon which LSM is used. The user also needs to make sure that the ending time of the simulation is greater than model time when the restart file was written.
Start mode: coldstart
The start time is specified in the following format:
Variable | Value | Description |
integer 2001 {endash} present |
specifying starting year |
integer 1 {endash} 12 |
specifying starting month |
integer 1 {endash} 31 |
specifying starting day |
integer 0 {endash} 23 |
specifying starting hour |
integer 0 {endash} 59 |
specifying starting minute |
integer 0 {endash} 59 |
specifying starting second |
Starting year: 2002 Starting month: 10 Starting day: 29 Starting hour: 1 Starting minute: 0 Starting second: 0
The end time is specified in the following format:
Variable | Value | Description |
integer 2001 {endash} present |
specifying ending year |
integer 1 {endash} 12 |
specifying ending month |
integer 1 {endash} 31 |
specifying ending day |
integer 0 {endash} 23 |
specifying ending hour |
integer 0 {endash} 59 |
specifying ending minute |
integer 0 {endash} 59 |
specifying ending second |
Ending year: 2002 Ending month: 10 Ending day: 31 Ending hour: 1 Ending minute: 0 Ending second: 0
LIS time window interval:
specifies the interval at which the
LIS run loop cycles, used in the “ensemble smoother” running mode.
LIS time window interval:
Undefined value:
specifies the undefined value.
The default is set to -9999.
Undefined value: -9999
Output directory:
specifies the name of the top-level output
Acceptable values are any 40 character string.
The default value is set to OUTPUT.
For simplicity, throughout the rest of this document, this top-level
output directory shall be referred to by its default name,
Output directory: OUTPUT
Diagnostic output file:
specifies the name of run time
diagnostic file.
Acceptable values are any 40 character string.
Diagnostic output file: lislog
Number of ensembles per tile:
specifies the number of
ensembles of tiles to be used. The value should be greater than
or equal to 1.
Number of ensembles per tile: 1
The following options are used for subgrid tiling based on vegetation
Maximum number of surface type tiles per grid:
defines the
maximum surface type tiles per grid (this can be as many as the total
number of vegetation types).
Maximum number of surface type tiles per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (surface type tiles):
defines the
smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile.
The percentage value is expressed as a fraction.
Minimum cutoff percentage (surface type tiles): 0.05
Maximum number of soil texture tiles per grid:
defines the
maximum soil texture tiles per grid (this can be as many as the total
number of soil texture types).
Maximum number of soil texture tiles per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (soil texture tiles):
defines the
smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile.
The percentage value is expressed as a fraction.
Minimum cutoff percentage (soil texture tiles): 0.05
Maximum number of soil fraction tiles per grid:
defines the
maximum soil fraction tiles per grid (this can be as many as the total
number of soil fraction types).
Maximum number of soil fraction tiles per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (soil fraction tiles):
defines the
smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile.
The percentage value is expressed as a fraction.
Minimum cutoff percentage (soil fraction tiles): 0.05
Maximum number of elevation bands per grid:
defines the
maximum elevation bands per grid (this can be as many as the total
number of elevation band types).
Maximum number of elevation bands per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (elevation bands):
defines the
smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile.
The percentage value is expressed as a fraction.
Minimum cutoff percentage (elevation bands): 0.05
Maximum number of slope bands per grid:
defines the
maximum slope bands per grid (this can be as many as the total
number of slope band types).
Maximum number of slope bands per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (slope bands):
defines the
smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile.
The percentage value is expressed as a fraction.
Minimum cutoff percentage (slope bands): 0.05
Maximum number of aspect bands per grid:
defines the
maximum aspect bands per grid (this can be as many as the total
number of aspect band types).
Maximum number of aspect bands per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (aspect bands):
defines the
smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile.
The percentage value is expressed as a fraction.
Minimum cutoff percentage (aspect bands): 0.05
This section specifies the 2-d layout of the processors in a parallel processing environment. There are two ways that the user can specify the 2-d layout.
One way is the user can specify the number of
processors along the east-west dimension and north-south dimension
using Number of processors along x:
and Number of processors
along y:
, respectively. Note that the layout of processors should
match the total number of processors used. For example, if 8
processors are used, the layout can be specified as 1x8, 2x4, 4x2, or
8x1. When choosing this way, the option
Decompose by processes:
must be set to .false.
This way is useful when you must match a specific layout.
The other way is the user can allow LIS to create a load-balanced
layout based on the number of processes. For example, if 8
processors are used, LIS will create a 4x2 layout where each
process contains roughly the same amount of land-based grid-cells.
When this way is chosen, LIS ignores both the
Number of processors along x:
and the
Number of processors along y:
This way is useful when your running domain contains a large
number of ocean-based grid-cells, which would result in many
under-utilized processes when using a specified layout.
Acceptable values for Decompose by processes
Value |
Description |
.false. |
Do not decompose by processes.
Use |
.true. |
Do decompose by processes. |
Defaults to .false.
Further, this section also allows the specification of halos
around the domains on each processor using Halo size along x:
and Halo size along y:
Decompose by processes: .false. Number of processors along x: 2 Number of processors along y: 2 Halo size along x: 0 Halo size along y: 0
Routing model:
specifies the routing model to run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
do not use a routing model |
“NLDAS router” |
use the NLDAS router |
“HYMAP router” |
use the HyMAP router |
“HYMAP2 router” |
use the HyMAP2 router |
“RAPID router” |
use the RAPID router |
External runoff data source:
Specifices the data source to be
used for reading the surface runoff and baseflow fields for
offline routing.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“LIS runoff output” |
Use LIS outputs |
“GLDAS1 runoff data” Disabled |
Use the GLDAS1 outputs |
“GLDAS2 runoff data” Disabled |
Use the GLDAS2 outputs |
“NLDAS2 runoff data” Disabled |
Use the NLDAS2 outputs |
“MERRA2 runoff data” Disabled |
Use the MERR2 outputs |
“ERA interim land runoff data” Disabled |
Use ERA-Interim-Land outputs |
“GWB MIP runoff data” Disabled |
Use the Global Water Budget (GWB) model intercomparison project outputs |
Number of application models:
specifies the number
of application models to run.
Routing model: none External runoff data source: "LIS runoff output" Radiative transfer model: none Number of application models: 0
This section specifies the choice of forecast options.
Forecast forcing source mode:
specifies the
forecast run-mode and source option (e.g., ensemble
streamflow prediction, or ESP), and
depends on the number of forcing datasets selected.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“ESP conventional” |
ESP conventional method |
“ESP boot” |
ESP bootstrapping method |
Forecast forcing source mode: "ESP conventional"
ESP conventional start time of the forcing archive:
specifies the
ESP conventional forcing start date (YYYY MM DD).
ESP conventional end time of the forcing archive:
specifies the
ESP conventional forcing end date (YYYY MM DD).
ESP conventional include targeted forecast year:
is an option
if the user wants to include the year from the historical archive
that is the same target year being forecasted. This is to
provide a check of the climatology, but it is not recommended
for hindcast evaluations.
ESP conventional start time of the forcing archive: 1982 1 1 ESP conventional end time of the forcing archive: 2010 1 1 ESP conventional include targeted forecast year: 1 1
ESP boot sampling time window interval:
specifies the ESP
bootstrapping (“boot”) temporal sampling window.
ESP boot start time of the forcing archive:
specifies the
ESP bootstrapping (“boot”) forcing start date (YYYY MM DD).
ESP boot end time of the forcing archive:
specifies the
ESP bootstrapping (“boot”) forcing end date (YYYY MM DD).
ESP boot sampling time window interval: "10da" ESP boot start time of the forcing archive: 1982 1 1 ESP boot end time of the forcing archive: 2010 1 1
Forecast forcing start mode:
specifies the
type of forecast start mode, either coldstart or
restart. If restart is specified, a restart file
name needs to be supplied.
Forecast forcing start mode: "coldstart"
Forecast forcing restart filename:
specifies the
restart filename.
Forecast forcing restart filename: ""
This section specifies the choice of data assimilation options.
Number of data assimilation instances:
specifies the
number of data assimilation instances. Valid values are
0 (no assimilation) or higher.
Number of data assimilation instances: 0
Data assimilation algorithm:
specifies the choice of data
assimilation algorithms.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
None |
“Direct insertion” |
Direct Insertion |
“EnKF” |
GMAO EnKF data assimilation |
“EnKS” |
GRACE ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation |
Data assimilation algorithm: none
Data assimilation set:
specifies the “assimilation set”,
which is the instance related to the assimilation
of a particular observation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
none |
“Synthetic SM” |
Synthetic soil moisture |
“Synthetic SWE” |
Synthetic SWE |
“Synthetic LST” |
Synthetic LST |
“Synthetic(Multilayer) sm” |
Synthetic multi-soil moisture observation types |
“Synthetic L-band Tb” |
Synthetic L-band brightness temperature observations |
“AMSR-E(NASA) soil moisture” |
AMSRE L3 soil moisture daily gridded data (HDF format) |
“AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture” |
AMSRE L3 soil moisture daily gridded data (HDF format) |
“ESA CCI soil moisture” |
ESA CCI soil moisture |
“Windsat” |
Windsat |
“Windsat C-band” |
Windsat C-band |
“ANSA snow depth” |
ANSA snow depth |
“SMMR snow depth” |
SMMR snow depth |
“SMMI snow depth” |
SMMI snow depth |
“PMW snow” |
PMW-based SWE or snow depth |
“SMOPS-ASCAT soil moisture” |
SMOPS-ASCAT soil moisture |
“ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture” |
ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture |
“GCOMW AMSR2 L3 snow depth” |
AMSR2 (GCOMW) L3 snow depth |
“GCOMW AMSR2 L3 soil moisture” |
AMSR2 (GCOMW) soil moisture |
“SMAP(NASA) soil moisture” |
NASA SMAP soil moisture |
“SMAP(NRT) soil moisture” |
Near-real time SMAP soil moisture |
PILDAS soil moisture |
“SMOS L2 soil moisture” |
SMOS L2 soil moisture |
“SMOS(NESDIS) soil moisture” |
NESDIS SMOS soil moisture |
USAF Snow and Ice Analysis |
“SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth” |
NASA L-band vegetation optical depth |
“MCD15A2H LAI” |
MODIS MCD15A2H v006 LAI product |
“SMOS NRT NN soil moisture” |
SMOS Level 2 Soil Moisture Near Real Time Neural Network |
“THySM” |
Thermal Hydraulic disaggregation of Soil Moisture |
SNODAS snow depth |
GLASS Leaf Area Index (LAI) |
“GLASS Albedo” |
GLASS Albedo (black-sky and white-sky) |
Data assimilation set: none
Data assimilation exclude analysis increments:
specifies whether
the analysis increments
are to be skipped. This option is typically used along with the dynamic
bias estimation algorithm. The user can choose to apply only the bias
increments or both the bias increments and analysis increments.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Apply analysis increments |
1 |
Do not apply analysis increments |
Data assimilation exclude analysis increments: 0
Data assimilation output interval for diagnostics:
the output diagnostics interval.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Data assimilation output interval for diagnostics: 1da
Data assimilation number of observation types:
specifies the
number of observation species/types used in the assimilation.
Data assimilation number of observation types: 0
Data assimilation output ensemble spread:
specifies whether to output
the ensemble spread.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not output the ensemble members |
1 |
Output the ensemble members |
Data assimilation output ensemble spread: 0
Data assimilation output processed observations:
whether the processed, quality-controlled
observations are to be written (Note that a corresponding observation
plugin routine needs to be implemented).
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not output the processed observations |
1 |
Output the processed observations |
Data assimilation output processed observations: 0
Data assimilation output innovations:
specifies whether
a binary output of the normalized innovations is to be written.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not output the innovations |
1 |
Output the innovations |
Data assimilation output innovations: 0
Data assimilation use a trained forward model:
specifies whether
to use a trained forward model.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use a trained forward model |
1 |
Use a trained forward model |
Data assimilation trained forward model output file:
the name of the output file for the trained forward model.
The training is done by LDT, and thus, this file is produced by LDT.
Data assimilation use a trained forward model: 0 Data assimilation trained forward model output file: none
Data assimilation scaling strategy:
specifies the scaling strategy.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not use any scaling |
“Linear scaling” |
Apply a linear scaling strategy |
“CDF matching” |
Scales observations using CDF matching |
Data assimilation scaling strategy: none
Data assimilation observation domain file:
specifies the observation
domain file, which will be used as the domain to compute the
Data assimilation observation domain file:
Bias estimation algorithm:
specifies the dynamic bias estimation
algorithm to use.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
No dynamic bias estimation |
“Adaptive bias correction” |
NASA GMAO dynamic bias estimation |
Bias estimation algorithm: none
Bias estimation attributes file:
ASCII file that
specifies the attributes of the bias estimation. A
sample file is shown below, which lists the variable
name first. This is followed by the nparam value
(0-no bias correction, 1- constant bias correction without
diurnal cycle, 3- diurnal sine/cosine bias correction,
5 - semi-diurnal sine/cosine bias correction,
2-“time of day” bias correction with 2 separate bias
estimates per day, 4 - “time of day” bias correction with
4 separate estimates per day, 8 - “time of day” bias
correction with 8 separate bias estimates per day),
tconst (which describes the time scale relative to the
temporal spacing of the observations), and trelax
(which specifies temporal relaxation parameter, in seconds)
#nparam tconst trelax
Soil Temperature
1.0 0.05 86400.0
Bias estimation attributes file:
Bias estimation restart output frequency:
Specifies the frequency
of bias restart files.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Bias estimation restart output frequency: 1da
Bias estimation start mode:
This option specifies whether the
bias parameters are to be read from a checkpoint file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not use a bias restart file |
read |
Use a bias restart file |
Bias estimation start mode: none
Bias estimation restart file:
Specifies the restart file to be
used for initializing bias parameters
Bias estimation restart file: none
Perturbations start mode:
specifies if the perturbations settings
should be read from a restart file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
coldstart |
None (cold start) |
restart |
Use restart file |
Perturbations start mode: coldstart
Apply perturbation bias correction:
specifies whether
to apply the Ryu et al. algorithm, (JHM 2009), to forcing and
model states to avoid undesirable biases resulting from perturbations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not apply |
1 |
Apply |
Apply perturbation bias correction:
Perturbations restart output interval:
specifies the
perturbations restart output writing interval.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Perturbations restart output interval: 1da
Perturbations restart filename:
specifies the name of the
restart file, which is used to initialize perturbation settings
if a cold start option is not employed.
Perturbations restart filename: none
Forcing perturbation algorithm:
specifies the algorithm for
perturbing the forcing variables.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
None |
“GMAO scheme” |
GMAO perturbation algorithm |
Forcing perturbation algorithm: none
Forcing perturbation frequency:
specifies the forcing
perturbation interval.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Forcing perturbation frequency: 1hr
Forcing attributes file:
ASCII file that
specifies the attributes of the forcing (for perturbations)
A sample file is shown below, which lists 3 forcing
variables. For each variable, the name of the variable is
specified first, followed by the min and max values in the
next line. This is repeated for each additional variable.
#varmin varmax
Incident Shortwave Radiation Level 001
0.0 1300.0
Incident Longwave Radiation Level 001
-50.0 800.0
Rainfall Rate Level 001
0.0 0.001
Forcing attributes file: none
Forcing perturbation attributes file:
ASCII file that
specifies the attributes of the forcing perturbations.
A sample file is shown below, which lists 3 forcing
variables. There are three lines of specifications for
each variable. The first line specifies the name of the
variable. The second line specifies the perturbation type
(0-additive, 1-multiplicative) and the perturbation type
for standard deviation (0-additive, 1-multiplicative). The
third line specifies the following values in that order:
standard deviation of perturbations, coefficient of
standard deviation (if perturbation type for standard
deviation is 1),standard normal max, whether to enable
zero mean in perturbations, temporal correlation scale
(in seconds), x and y -correlations and finally the cross
correlations with other variables.
#ptype std std_max zeromean tcorr xcorr ycorr ccorr
Incident Shortwave Radiation Level 001
1 0
0.50 2.5 1 86400 0 0 1.0 -0.5 -0.8
Incident Longwave Radiation Level 001
0 1
50.0 0.2 2.5 1 86400 0 0 -0.5 1.0 0.5
Rainfall Rate Level 001
1 0
0.50 2.5 1 86400 0 0 0.8 0.5 1.0
Forcing perturbation attributes file: none
State perturbation algorithm:
specifies the algorithm for
perturbing the state prognostic variables.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
None |
“GMAO scheme” |
GMAO perturbation algorithm |
State perturbation algorithm: none
State perturbation frequency:
specifies the prognostic variable
perturbation interval.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
State perturbation frequency: 1hr
State attributes file:
ASCII file that specifies
the attributes of the prognostic variables.
A sample file is shown below, which lists 2 model state
variables. For each variable, the name of the variable is
specified first, followed by the min and max values in the
next line. This is repeated for each additional variable.
#name varmin varmax
0.0 100.0
0.0 100.0
State attributes file: none
State perturbation attributes file:
ASCII file that specifies
the attributes of the prognostic variable perturbations.
A sample file is provided below, which follows the same format
as that of the forcing perturbations attributes file:
#perttype std std_max zeromean tcorr xcorr ycorr ccorr
1 0
0.01 2.5 1 10800 0 0 1.0 0.9
1 0
0.02 2.5 1 10800 0 0 0.9 1.0
State perturbation attributes file: none
Observation perturbation algorithm:
specifies the algorithm
for perturbing the observations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
None |
“GMAO scheme” |
GMAO perturbation algorithm |
Observation perturbation algorithm: none
Observation perturbation frequency:
specifies the observation
perturbation interval.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Observation perturbation frequency: 1hr
Observation attributes file:
ASCII file that
specifies the attributes of the observation variables.
A sample file is provided below, which follows the same format
as that of the forcing attributes file and state attributes file.
#error rate varmin varmax
10.0 0.01 500
Observation attributes file: none
Observation perturbation attributes file:
ASCII file that
specifies the attributes of the observation variable perturbations.
A sample file is provided below, which follows the same format
as that of the forcing perturbations attributes file:
#perttype std std_max zeromean tcorr xcorr ycorr ccorr
0 10 2.5 1 10800 0 0 1
Observation perturbation attributes file: none
IMS data directory:
specifies the location of the IMS data.
IMS data directory:
Synthetic soil moisture data directory:
specifies the
directory for the synthetic soil moisture data.
Synthetic soil moisture model CDF file:
specifies the name
of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this
Synthetic soil moisture observation CDF file:
specifies the name
of the observation CDF file.
Synthetic soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of bins in the CDF.
Synthetic soil moisture data directory: ./input/dainput/SynSM/ Synthetic soil moisture model CDF file: Synthetic soil moisture observation CDF file: Synthetic soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
PILDAS soil moisture data directory:
specifies the
directory for the PILDAS soil moisture data.
PILDAS use scaled standard deviation model:
whether the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using model
and observation standard deviation.
PILDAS soil moisture model CDF file:
specifies the name
of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this
PILDAS soil moisture observation CDF file:
specifies the name
of the observation CDF file.
PILDAS soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of bins in the CDF.
PILDAS soil moisture data directory: ./input/... PILDAS use scaled standard deviation model: 1 PILDAS soil moisture model CDF file: PILDAS soil moisture observation CDF file: PILDAS soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
Synthetic multi-sm data directory:
specifies the
directory for the synthetic soil moisture data (multi-levels).
Synthetic multi-sm data directory: ./input/dainput/SynSM/
Synthetic SWE data directory:
specifies the directory
for the synthetic snow water equivalent data.
Synthetic SWE data directory: ./input/dainput/SynSWE/
Synthetic LST data directory:
specifies the directory
for the synthetic land surface temperature data
Synthetic LST data directory: ./input/dainput/SynLST/
Synthetic L-band Tb data directory:
specifies the directory
for the synthetic brightness temperature data
Synthetic L-band Tb data directory: ./input/dainput/SynTb/
Synthetic SND data directory:
specifies the directory
for the synthetic snow depth data.
Synthetic SND data directory:
ISCCP Tskin data directory:
specifies the directory for the
International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) LST data.
ISCCP Tskin scale data:
specifies if the LST observations
are to be scaled or not (0 {emdash} no scaling, 1 {emdash} scale data).
ISCCP Tskin model mean data file:
specifies the name of the
file containing the monthly mean values from the LSM.
ISCCP Tskin model std data file:
specifies the name of the
file containing the monthly standard deviation values from the LSM.
ISCCP Tskin obs mean data file:
specifies the name of the
file containing the monthly mean values of the observations.
ISCCP Tskin obs std data file:
specifies the name of the
file containing the monthly standard deviation values of the
ISCCP Tskin data directory: '../ISCCP/' ISCCP Tskin scale data: 0 ISCCP Tskin model mean data file: ../SND_Input/noah_mean ISCCP Tskin model std data file: ../SND_Input/noah_std ISCCP Tskin obs mean data file: ../SND_Input/isccp_obs_mean ISCCP Tskin obs std data file: ../SND_Input/isccp_obs_std
NASA AMSR-E soil moisture data directory:
specifies the directory
for the AMSR-E (NASA/NSIDC) soil moisture data.
NASA AMSR-E soil moisture scale observations:
specifies if the
observations are to be rescaled (using CDF matching).
NASA AMSR-E soil moisture model CDF file:
specifies the
name of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this
NASA AMSR-E soil moisture observation CDF file:
specifies the
name of the observation CDF file.
NASA AMSR-E soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the
number of bins in the CDF.
NASA AMSR-E soil moisture data directory: 'input' NASA AMSR-E soil moisture scale observations: 1 NASA AMSR-E soil moisture model CDF file: NASA AMSR-E soil moisture observation CDF file: NASA AMSR-E soil moisture number of bins in the CDF: 100
AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture data directory:
specifies the
directory for the AMSR-E (LPRM) soil moisture data.
AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture use raw data:
specifies if the
the raw fields (in wetness units) or scaled fields
(in volumetric units) are to be used.
AMSR-E(LPRM) use scaled standard deviation model:
specifies if
the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using
model and observation standard deviation.
AMSR-E(LPRM) model CDF file:
specifies the
name of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this
AMSR-E(LPRM) observation CDF file:
specifies the
name of the observation CDF file.
AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of bins in the CDF.
AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture data directory: 'input' AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture use raw data: 0 AMSR-E(LPRM) use scaled standard deviation model: 1 AMSR-E(LPRM) model CDF file: AMSR-E(LPRM) observation CDF file: AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF: 100
WindSat soil moisture data directory:
specifies the directory
for the WindSat soil moisture data.
WindSat scale observations:
specifies if the
observations are to be rescaled (using CDF matching).
WindSat model CDF file:
specifies the
name of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this
WindSat observation CDF file:
specifies the
name of the observation CDF file.
WindSat number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the
number of bins in the CDF.
WindSat soil moisture data directory: 'input' WindSat scale observations: 1 WindSat model CDF file: WindSat observation CDF file: WindSat number of bins in the CDF: 100
WindSat C-band soil moisture data directory:
specifies the
directory for the WindSat C-band soil moisture data.
WindSat C-band scale observations:
specifies if the
observations are to be rescaled (using CDF matching).
WindSat C-band model CDF file:
specifies the
name of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this
WindSat C-band observation CDF file:
specifies the
name of the observation CDF file.
WindSat C-band number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of bins in the CDF.
WindSat C-band soil moisture data directory: 'input' WindSat C-band scale observations: 1 WindSat C-band model CDF file: WindSat C-band observation CDF file: WindSat C-band number of bins in the CDF: 100
SNODEP data directory:
specifies the directory for the
SNODEP data.
SNODEP mesh resolution:
specifies the resolution of the
SNODEP mesh (8 or 16).
SNODEP naming convention:
specifies the naming convention of the
SNODEP data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“LIS” |
“other” |
SNODEP data directory: ./FORCING/AFWA1 SNODEP mesh resolution: 8 SNODEP naming convention: LIS
USAFSI data directory:
specifies the directory for the
USAFSI data.
USAFSI netcdf filename prefix:
specifies the prefix of
the USAFSI dataset. If prefix is “usafsi”, file name will
be “”
USAFSI data directory: ./FORCING/USAFSI USAFSI netcdf filename prefix: usafsi
ANSA SWE data directory:
specifies the directory for the
ANSA SWE data.
ANSA SWE lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA SWE lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA SWE upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA SWE upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA SWE resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution of the
of the ANSA domain along the east-west direction.
ANSA SWE resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution of the
of the ANSA domain along the north-south direction.
ANSA SWE data directory: ./ANSASWE ANSA SWE lower left lat: -89.875 ANSA SWE lower left lon: -179.875 ANSA SWE upper right lat: 89.875 ANSA SWE upper right lon: 179.875 ANSA SWE resolution (dx): 0.25 ANSA SWE resolution (dy): 0.25
ANSA SCF data directory:
specifies the directory for the
ANSA SCA data.
ANSA SCF lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA SCF lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA SCF upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA SCF upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA SCF resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution of the
of the ANSA domain along the east-west direction.
ANSA SCF resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution of the
of the ANSA domain along the north-south direction.
ANSA SCF local time for assimilation:
specifies the local time
for performing the ANSA SCF assimilation; LIS will find the closest
time depending on model timestep.
ANSA SCF field name:
specifies the name of the SCF field to be
assimilated in the ANSA SCF data file.
ANSA SCF file name convention:
specifies the name convention
of the ANSA SCF file; currently supported: *YYYYMMDD*, *YYYYDOY*.
ANSA SCF use triangular-shaped observation error:
whether to use a triangular-shaped observation error as follows
(De Lannoy et al., 2012):
\$std = std*scf\_obs\$ if \$scf\_obs<=50\$;
\$std = std*(100-scf\_obs)\$ if \$scf\_obs>50\$;
otherwise, \$std\$ remains to be the same as read in from the observation
perturbation attributes file.
ANSA SCF using EnKF with DI:
specifies whether to used rule-based
direct insertion approach to supplement EnKF when model predicts zero
or full snow cover for all ensemble members. The entries after this
are needed only if 1 is specified here.
ANSA SCF direct insertion methodology:
specifies which
rule to use when model predicts snow and observation says no snow.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“standard” |
use Rodell and Houser (2004) |
“customized” |
use Liu et al. (2013) |
ANSA SCF amount of SWE (mm) to add to model:
specifies how much
SWE to add to model when observation sees snow while model predicts
no snow.
ANSA SCF maximum SWE melt rate (mm/day):
specifies the SWE melt rate
if “customized” is chosen for the direction insertion methodology.
ANSA SCF threshold of model SWE to be removed at once:
the threshold of model SWE to be removed when observation says no snow.
ANSA SCF length of snowmelt period in days:
specifies the length
of the typical snowmelt period in the region.
ANSA SCF threshold of observed SCF for snow presence:
the threshold of observed SCF for indicating snow presence.
ANSA SCF threshold of observed SCF for snow non-presence:
specifies the threshold of observed SCF for indicating snow non-presence.
ANSA SCF threshold of model SWE(mm) for snow non-presence:
specifies the threshold of model SWE for indicating snow absence.
ANSA SCF threshold of observed SCF for non-full snow cover:
specifies the threshold of observed SCF which indicates non-full
snow cover.
ANSA SCF data directory: ./ANSA_SCF_UCO ANSA SCF lower left lat: 35.025 ANSA SCF lower left lon: -112.475 ANSA SCF upper right lat: 43.975 ANSA SCF upper right lon: -105.525 ANSA SCF resolution (dx): 0.05 ANSA SCF resolution (dy): 0.05 ANSA SCF local time for assimilation: 10.0 ANSA SCF field name: "/ansa_interpsnow" ANSA SCF file name convention: "ansa_all_YYYYMMDD.h5" ANSA SCF use triangular-shaped observation error: 1 ANSA SCF using EnKF with DI: 1 ANSA SCF direct insertion methodology: "customized" ANSA SCF amount of SWE (mm) to add to model: 10 ANSA SCF maximum SWE melt rate (mm/day): 50 ANSA SCF threshold of model SWE to be removed at once: 20 ANSA SCF length of snowmelt period in days: 15 ANSA SCF threshold of observed SCF for snow presence: 0.4 ANSA SCF threshold of observed SCF for snow non-presence: 0.1 ANSA SCF threshold of model SWE(mm) for snow non-presence: 5 ANSA SCF threshold of observed SCF for non-full snow cover: 0.7
ANSA snow depth data directory:
specifies the directory for the
ANSA snow depth data.
ANSA snow depth lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude
of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
ANSA snow depth lower left lon:
specifies the lower left
longitude of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude
ANSA snow depth upper right lat:
specifies the upper right
latitude of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude
ANSA snow depth upper right lon:
specifies the upper right
longitude of the ANSA domain. (cylindrical latitude/longitude
ANSA snow depth resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution
of the ANSA domain along the east-west direction.
ANSA snow depth resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution
of the ANSA domain along the north-south direction.
ANSA snow depth use IMS data for snow detection:
specifies whether to use
IMS data for snow detection.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use IMS data |
1 |
Use IMS data |
ANSA snow depth IMS data directory:
specifies the location
of the IMS data directory.
ANSA snow depth use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection:
specifies whether to use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use MODIS (MOD10C1) data |
1 |
Use MODIS (MOD10C1) data |
ANSA snow depth MOD10C1 data directory:
specifies the location
of MODIS (MOD10C1) data.
ANSA snow depth data directory: ./ANSASNWD ANSA snow depth lower left lat: -89.975 ANSA snow depth lower left lon: -179.975 ANSA snow depth upper right lat: 89.975 ANSA snow depth upper right lon: 179.975 ANSA snow depth resolution (dx): 0.05 ANSA snow depth resolution (dy): 0.05 ANSA snow depth use IMS data for snow detection: ANSA snow depth IMS data directory: ANSA snow depth use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection: ANSA snow depth MOD10C1 data directory:
SMMR snow depth data directory:
specifies the directory for the
SMMR snow depth data.
SMMR snow depth data directory: ./SMMR
SSMI snow depth data directory:
specifies the directory for the
SSMI snow depth data.
SSMI snow depth use IMS data for snow detection:
whether to use IMS data for snow detection.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use IMS data |
1 |
Use IMS data |
SSMI snow depth IMS data directory:
specifies the location of
the IMS data.
SSMI snow depth use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection:
specifies whether to use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use MODIS (MOD10C1) data |
1 |
Use MODIS (MOD10C1) data |
SSMI snow depth MOD10C1 data directory:
specifies the location
of the MODIS (MOD10C1) data.
SSMI snow depth data directory: ./SSMI SSMI snow depth use IMS data for snow detection: SSMI snow depth IMS data directory: SSMI snow depth use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection: SSMI snow depth MOD10C1 data directory:
AMSR-E SWE data directory:
specifies the directory for the
SSMI snow depth data.
AMSR-E SWE data directory: ./AMSRE_SWE
MODIS SCF data directory:
specifies the directory for
the MODIS snow cover fraction data.
MODIS SCF use gap filled product:
specifies whether
the gap-filled product is to be used (1-use, 0-do not use).
MODIS SCF cloud threshold:
Cloud cover threshold to be
used for screening observations (in percentage).
MODIS SCF cloud persistence threshold:
Cloud cover persistence
threshold to be used for screening observations (in days).
MODIS SCF data directory: ./MODIS MODIS SCF use gap filled product: 1 MODIS SCF cloud threshold: 90 MODIS SCF cloud persistence threshold: 3
PMW snow data directory:
specifies the directory for the
PMW SWE or snow depth data.
PMW snow data file format (HDF4, HDF-EOS, HDF5):
the file format of the PMW snow data. Currently, three options
are supported: HDF4, HDF-EOS, and HDF5
PMW snow data coordinate system (EASE, LATLON):
the coordinate system of the PMW snow data. Currently two options
are supported: EASE and LATLON.
PMW snow data variable (SWE, snow depth):
specifies which variable
to assimilate: SWE or snow depth
PMW snow data unit (m, cm, mm, inch):
specifies the unit of
the snow data; currently only units of m, cm, mm, inch are supported
PMW snow data use flag (1=yes, 0=no):
specifies whether to use
the data flags that come along with the PMW snow data in the same file
PMW snow data flag - number of invalid values:
the number of invalid values in the flag field of the PMW snow data
PMW snow data flag - invalid values:
specifies the invalid values
of the flag field of the PMW snow data
PMW snow data - number of additional invalid values:
the number of additional invalid values in the actual data field of
the PMW snow data
PMW snow data - additional invalid values:
specifies the invalid
values of the actual data field of the PMW snow data
PMW snow data - apply min/max mask:
specifies whether to use
min/max data values for quality control of the PMW snow data
PMW snow data minimum valid value:
specifies the minimum valid
value of the PMW snow data
PMW snow data maximum valid value:
specifies the maximum valid
value of the PMW snow data
PMW snow data scale factor:
specifies the scale factor of
the PMW snow data
PMW snow data file name convention:
specifies the file name
convention of the PMW snow data; currently only the following two
formats are supported:
note that the PMW snow reader assumes that the data files are stored
in corresponding year directory as follows: datadir/YYYY/*YYYMMDD*
PMW snow data assimilation local time:
specifies the local time
in hours to apply the assimilation (usually corresponding to the overpass time)
PMW snow data - apply mask with GVF (1=yes, 0=no):
whether to use greenness vegetation fraction as mask for assimilation;
1 is suggested unless confidence is high with the PMW snow data (e.g.,
those that are bias corrected against station data) in dense vegetation
area. If “1” is chosen, LIS will not assimilate PMW snow data in
those areas with gvf \textgreater 0.7.
PMW snow data - apply mask with landcover type (1=yes, 0=no):
specifies whether to use landcover type as mask for assimilation.
If “1” is chosen, LIS will not assimilate PMW snow data in areas
with forest land cover.
PMW snow data - apply mask with LSM temperature (1=yes, 0=no):
specifies whether to use model-based temperatures as mask for
assimilation. if “1” is chosen, LIS will not assimilate PMW snow
data in areas with a skin temperature or surface soil temperature
higher than 5 degree C according to the LSM. This mask should be
used with care if the LSM temperatures are known to be biased.
The following 8 configuration lines are for HDF5+LANTON datasets only
PMW snow data lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude
of the dataset.
PMW snow data lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude
of the dataset.
PMW snow data upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude
of the dataset.
PMW snow data upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude
of the dataset.
PMW snow data resolution (dx):
specifies horizontal resolution dx
of the dataset.
PMW snow data resolution (dy):
specifies vertical resolution dy
of the dataset.
PMW (HDF5) snow data field name:
specifies the name of the snow
data field in the dataset for assimilation.
PMW (HDF5) snow data flag field name:
specifies the name of the
snow data
flag field to use as a mask for assimilation; this must be specified if
the PMW snow data use flag (1=yes, 0=no):
option is set to 1.
The following 4 configuration lines are for HDF4+EASE datasets only
PMW (HDF4) snow data NL SDS index (-1, 0, 1, 2, …):
specifies the index of the SDS of the NL grid in the PMW snow data;
valid index starts from 0; use -1 if no SDS for the NL grid is to be
PMW (HDF4) snow data SL SDS index (-1, 0, 1, 2, …):
specifies the index of the SDS of the SL grid in the PMW snow data;
valid index starts from 0; use -1 if no SDS for the NL grid is to be
PMW (HDF4) snow data flag NL SDS index (-1, 0, 1, 2, …):
specifies the index of the flag SDS of the NL grid in the PMW snow data;
this must be specified if
the PMW snow data use flag (1=yes, 0=no):
option is set to 1.
PMW (HDF4) snow data flag SL SDS index (-1, 0, 1, 2, …):
specifies the index of the flag SDS of the SL grid in the PMW snow data;
this must be specified if
the PMW snow data use flag (1=yes, 0=no):
option is set to 1.
The following 6 configuration lines are for HDF-EOS+EASE datasets only
PMW (HDF-EOS) NL grid name:
specifies the name of the NL grid.
PMW (HDF-EOS) SL grid name:
specifies the name of the SL grid.
specifies the name of the SDS in the
NL grid.
specifies the name of the SDS in the
SL grid.
PMW (HDF-EOS) NL snow data flag SDS name:
specifies the name of
the data
flag SDS in the NL grid; this must be specified if
the PMW snow data use flag (1=yes, 0=no):
option is set to 1.
PMW (HDF-EOS) SL snow data flag SDS name:
specifies the name of
the data
flag SDS in the SL grid; this must be specified if
the PMW snow data use flag (1=yes, 0=no):
option is set to 1.
# all datasets PMW snow data directory: "./input/ANSA_OI" PMW snow data file format (HDF4, HDF-EOS, HDF5): "HDF5" PMW snow data coordinate system (EASE, LATLON): "LATLON" PMW snow data variable (SWE, snow depth): "snow depth" PMW snow data unit (m, cm, mm, inch): "mm" PMW snow data use flag (1=yes, 0=no): 1 PMW snow data flag - number of invalid values: 2 PMW snow data flag - invalid values: -1 0 PMW snow data - number of additional invalid values: 0 PMW snow data - additional invalid values: 494 496 504 596 508 510 PMW snow data - apply min/max mask: 1 PMW snow data minimum valid value: 0 PMW snow data maximum valid value: 5000 PMW snow data scale factor: 1.0 PMW snow data file name convention: "ansa_all_YYYYMMDD.h5" PMW snow data assimilation local time: 2.0 PMW snow data - apply mask with GVF (1=yes, 0=no): 0 PMW snow data - apply mask with landcover type (1=yes, 0=no): 0 PMW snow data - apply mask with LSM temperature (1=yes, 0=no): 0 # HDF5 & LATLON datasets only PMW snow data lower left lat: 50.025 PMW snow data lower left lon: -172.975 PMW snow data upper right lat: 75.725 PMW snow data upper right lon: -130.025 PMW snow data resolution (dx): 0.05 PMW snow data resolution (dy): 0.05 PMW (HDF5) snow data field name: "ansa_swe_depth" PMW (HDF5) snow data flag field name: "ansa_swe_depth_flag" # HDF4 & EASE datasets only PMW (HDF4) snow data NL SDS index (-1, 0, 1, 2, ...): 0 PMW (HDF4) snow data SL SDS index (-1, 0, 1, 2, ...): -1 PMW (HDF4) snow data flag NL SDS index (-1, 0, 1, 2, ...): 1 PMW (HDF4) snow data flag SL SDS index (-1, 0, 1, 2, ...): -1 # HDF-EOS and EASE datasets only PMW (HDF-EOS) NL grid name: "Northern Hemisphere" PMW (HDF-EOS) SL grid name: "Southern Hemisphere" PMW (HDF-EOS) NL SDS name: "SWE_NorthernDaily" PMW (HDF-EOS) SL SDS name: "SWE_SouthernDaily" PMW (HDF-EOS) NL snow data flag SDS name: "Flags_NorthernDaily" PMW (HDF-EOS) SL snow data flag SDS name: "Flags_SouthernDaily"
GRACE data directory:
specifies the directory for the
GRACE TWS data (processed data from LDT).
GRACE use reported measurement error values:
whether to use the spatially distributed reported measurement
errors in the GRACE data for specifying observation errors.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use |
1 |
Use |
GRACE data directory: ./GRACEOBS GRACE use reported measurement error values:
SMOPS ASCAT soil moisture data directory:
specifies the directory
for the SMOPS ASCAT soil moisture data.
SMOPS ASCAT model CDF file:
specifies the
name of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this
SMOPS ASCAT observation CDF file:
specifies the
name of the observation CDF file.
SMOPS ASCAT soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the
number of bins in the CDF.
SMOPS ASCAT CDF read option:
specifies whether to read all months of
or to read month by month from a monthly CDF file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Read all months |
1 |
Read month by month |
Select 0 for yearly CDF data. |
SMOPS ASCAT use realtime data:
specifies whether to use
the 6 hour data feed instead of the daily data feed.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Use daily data feed |
1 |
Use 6 hour data feed |
SMOPS ASCAT soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model:
whether to use scaled standard deviation.
This generates and uses spatially distributed observation
errors by scaling the specified observation error standard
deviation by a factor of the model standard deviation to the
observation standard deviation.
\$( e \mapsto e \times m_\sigma / o_\sigma )\$
SMOPS ASCAT naming convention:
specifies the naming convention of the
SMOPS soil moisture data. Used when reading the 6-hour data feed.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“LIS” |
“AGRMET ops” |
smops_dYYYYMMDD_sHH0000_cness.gr2 or NPR_SMOPS_CMAP_DYYYYMMDDHH.gr2, depending on date |
For “AGRMET ops”, dates before 2017-10-05 use the smops_dYYYYMMDD_sHH0000_cness.gr2 naming convention; dates on or after 2017-10-05 use the NPR_SMOPS_CMAP_DYYYYMMDDHH.gr2 naming convention.
When reading the daily data feed, the naming convention is “LIS”. |
SMOPS ASCAT version:
specifies the version of the SMOPS datasets.
Defaults to “date-based”.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“date-based” |
Assume the version of the dataset based on date. (default) |
“1.3” |
Treat the dataset as version 1.3. |
“2.0” |
Treat the dataset as version 2.0. |
“3.0” |
Treat the dataset as version 3.0. |
Assume the version of the dataset based on the NESDIS version 3.0 regeneration date. |
There are three versions of the SMOPS datasets. According to the use by the 557th Weather Wing:
version_1.3 < 2016-10-31T12:00:00 2016-10-31T12:00:00 <= version_2.0 < 2017-08-24T12:00:00 version_3.0 >= 2017-08-24T12:00:00
Also, NESDIS has regenerated SMOPS version 3.0 datasets starting from 2012-08-01.
The value “date-based” will use the dates 2016-10-31 and 2017-08-24 to determine the version of the SMOPS datasets.
The value “NESDIS V3.0 REGEN” will use the date 2012-08-01 to determine the version of the SMOPS datasets.
Should you need to explicitly state the version of the SMOPS datasets, then you may specify their version with either “1.3”, “2.0”, or “3.0”.
SMOPS ASCAT soil moisture data directory: 'input' SMOPS ASCAT model CDF file: SMOPS ASCAT observation CDF file: SMOPS ASCAT CDF read option: 0 SMOPS ASCAT soil moisture number of bins in the CDF: 100 SMOPS ASCAT use realtime data: 0 SMOPS ASCAT soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model: 1 SMOPS ASCAT naming convention: LIS SMOPS ASCAT version: 'date-based'
SMOS L2 soil moisture data directory:
specifies the directory
for the SMOS LS soil moisture data.
SMOS L2 scale observations:
specifies whether to scale
the observations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not scale |
1 |
Scale |
SMOS L2 use scaled standard deviation model:
specifies whether
the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using
model and observation standard deviation.
SMOS L2 model CDF file:
specifies the name of the model CDF
file (observations will be scaled into this climatology).
SMOS L2 observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the
observation CDF file.
SMOS L2 soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
the number of bins in the CDF.
SMOS L2 soil moisture data directory: SMOS L2 scale observations: SMOS L2 use scaled standard deviation model: SMOS L2 model CDF file: SMOS L2 observation CDF file: SMOS L2 soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture data directory:
specifies the directory
for the ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture data.
ASCAT (TUW) use scaled standard deviation model:
specifies if
the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using
model and observation standard deviation.
ASCAT (TUW) model CDF file:
specifies the
name of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this
ASCAT (TUW) observation CDF file:
specifies the
name of the observation CDF file.
ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
the number of bins in the CDF.
ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture data directory: 'input' ASCAT (TUW) use scaled standard deviation model: 1 ASCAT (TUW) model CDF file: ASCAT (TUW) observation CDF file: ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF: 100
MCD15A2H LAI data directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the MODIS MCD15A2H LAI retrievals.
MCD15A2H LAI data version:
specifies the version of the MCD15A2H LAI retrievals. The default version is "006".
MCD15A2H LAI apply temporal smoother between 8-day intervals:
specifies whether to apply temporal smoother between 8-day intervals of the LAI product
MCD15A2H LAI apply climatological fill values:
specifies whether to fill in climatological LAI values if there are missing values.
MCD15A2H LAI apply QC flags:
specifies whether to apply quality control flags for LAI retrievals.
MCD15A2H LAI data directory: ./MCD15A2H.006 MCD15A2H LAI data version: "006" MCD15A2H LAI apply temporal smoother between 8-day intervals: 1 MCD15A2H LAI apply climatological fill values: 1 MCD15A2H LAI apply QC flags: 1
GLASS LAI data directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the GLASS LAI retrievals.
GLASS LAI data source:
specifies if the GLASS data source is AVHRR or MODIS.
GLASS LAI apply temporal smoother between 8-day intervals:
specifies whether to apply temporal smoother between 8-day intervals of the LAI product.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not apply temporal smoother |
1 |
Apply temporal smoother |
GLASS LAI data directory: ./GLASS/LAI GLASS LAI data source: "AVHRR" GLASS LAI apply temporal smoother between 8-day intervals: 1
GLASS Albedo data directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the GLASS Albedo retrievals.
GLASS Albedo data source:
specifies if the GLASS data source is AVHRR or MODIS.
GLASS Albedo apply QC flags:
specifies whether to apply quality-control flags of the GLASS Albedo data to the assimilation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not apply QC flags |
1 |
Apply QC flags |
GLASS Albedo data directory: ./GLASS/Albedo GLASS Albedo data source: "AVHRR" GLASS Albedo apply QC flags: 1
Simulated GRACE data directory:
specifies the location
of the simulated GRACE data.
Simulated GRACE configuration:
specifies the simulated GRACE
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
GRACE follow-on |
Simulated GRACE use reported measurement error values:
whether to use the simulated GRACE reported measurement error values.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use reported measurement error values |
1 |
Use reported measurement error values |
Simulated GRACE data directory: Simulated GRACE configuration: Simulated GRACE use reported measurement error values:
Synthetic streamflow data directory:
specifies the location
of the synthetic streamflow data.
Synthetic streamflow data directory:
ESA CCI soil moisture data directory:
specifies the location
of the ESA CCI soil moisture data.
ESA CCI soil moisture data version:
specifies the version of the ESA CCI soil
moisture data.
ESA CCI soil moisture sensor type:
specifies the sensor type of the ESA CCI soil moisture dataset. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“passive” |
passive sensor type |
“active” |
active sensor type |
“combined” |
combined sensor type |
ESA CCI use scaled standard deviation model:
specifies if the observation
error standard deviation is to be scaled using model and observation standard
ESA CCI model CDF file:
specifies the name of the model CDF file
(observations will be scaled into this climatology).
ESA CCI observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the observation CDF file.
ESA CCI soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of
bins in the CDF.
ESA CCI soil moisture data directory: ESA CCI soil moisture data version: ESA CCI soil moisture sensor type: combined ESA CCI use scaled standard deviation model: ESA CCI model CDF file: ESA CCI observation CDF file: ESA CCI soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
AMSR2(GCOMW) soil moisture data directory:
specifies the AMSR2(GCOMW) soil
moisture data directory.
AMSR2(GCOMW) scale observations:
specifies whether to scale
the observations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not scale |
1 |
Scale |
AMSR2(GCOMW) use scaled standard deviation model:
specifies whether the
observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using model and
observation standard deviation.
AMSR2(GCOMW) model CDF file:
specifies the name of the model CDF file
(observations will be scaled into this climatology).
AMSR2(GCOMW) observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the observation
CDF file.
AMSR2(GCOMW) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of
bins in the CDF.
AMSR2(GCOMW) soil moisture data directory: AMSR2(GCOMW) scale observations: AMSR2(GCOMW) use scaled standard deviation model: AMSR2(GCOMW) model CDF file: AMSR2(GCOMW) observation CDF file: AMSR2(GCOMW) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth data directory:
specifies the directory for the AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth data.
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth use IMS data for snow detection:
specifies whether to use IMS data for snow detection.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use IMS data |
1 |
Use IMS data |
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth IMS data directory:
specifies the location of
the IMS data.
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection:
specifies whether to use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use MODIS (MOD10C1) data |
1 |
Use MODIS (MOD10C1) data |
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth MOD10C1 data directory:
specifies the location
of the MODIS (MOD10C1) data.
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth use bias corrected version:
specifies whether to use
to bias corrected data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use bias corrected version |
1 |
Use bias corrected version |
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth use input mask:
specifies whether to use an input
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use input mask |
1 |
Use input mask |
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth input mask file:
specifies the input mask file.
AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth data directory: AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth use IMS data for snow detection: AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth IMS data directory: AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth use MODIS (MOD10C1) data for snow detection: AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth MOD10C1 data directory: AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth use bias corrected version: AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth use input mask: AMSR2(GCOMW) snow depth input mask file:
SMAP(NASA) soil moisture data directory:
specifies the SMAP(NASA) soil
moisture data directory.
SMAP(NASA) soil moisture data designation:
specifies the
designation of the SMAP data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
Level 3 active passive SMAP data |
Level 3 passive SMAP data |
SMAP(NASA) soil moisture Composite Release ID:
specifies the SMAP NASA
composite release ID included within the filename (e.g., R16).
SMAP(NASA) soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model:
whether the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using model
and observation standard deviation.
SMAP(NASA) model CDF file:
specifies the name of the model CDF file
(observations will be scaled into this climatology).
Note: Soil moisture CDF grouped (stratified) by land cover or precipitation climatology or both simultaneously also can be used here.
SMAP(NASA) observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the observation
CDF file.
Note: Soil moisture CDF grouped (stratified) by land cover or precipitation climatology or both simultaneously also can be used here.
SMAP(NASA) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of
bins in the CDF.
SMAP(NASA) CDF read option:
specifies whether to read all months of
or to read month by month from a monthly CDF file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Read all months |
1 |
Read month by month |
Select 0 for yearly CDF data. |
SMAP(NASA) soil moisture data directory: SMAP(NASA) soil moisture data designation: SMAP(NASA) soil moisture Composite Release ID: SMAP(NASA) soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model: SMAP(NASA) model CDF file: SMAP(NASA) observation CDF file: SMAP(NASA) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF: SMAP(NASA) CDF read option:
SMAP(NRT) soil moisture data directory:
specifies the SMAP(NRT) soil
moisture data directory
SMAP(NRT) soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model:
whether the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using model
and observation standard deviation.
SMAP(NRT) model CDF file:
specifies the name of the model CDF file
(observations will be scaled into this climatology).
SMAP(NRT) observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the observation
CDF file.
SMAP(NRT) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of
bins in the CDF.
SMAP(NRT) CDF read option:
specifies whether to read all months of
or to read month by month from a monthly CDF file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Read all months |
1 |
Read month by month |
Select 0 for yearly CDF data. |
SMAP(NRT) soil moisture data directory: SMAP(NRT) soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model: SMAP(NRT) model CDF file: SMAP(NRT) observation CDF file: SMAP(NRT) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF: SMAP(NRT) CDF read option:
Use CDF transfer for soil moisture data assimilation:
whether to use CDF transfer method.
Reference domain model CDF file:
specifies the reference domain model CDF name and data directory.
Reference domain obs CDF file:
specifies the reference domain obs CDF name and data directory.
Number of bins in the soil moisture CDF:
specifies the number of bins in the CDF.
Reference domain precipitation climatology data source:
specifies the reference domain precipitation climatology generated by LVT.
Target domain precipitation climatology data source:
specifies the target domain precipitation climatology generated by LVT.
Use CDF transfer for soil moisture data assimilation: Reference domain model CDF file: ref_model_cdf_forcing_diff/ Reference domain obs CDF file: ref_obs_cdf_forcing_diff/ Number of bins in the soil moisture CDF: 100 Reference domain precipitation climatology data source: Target domain precipitation climatology data source:
SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth data directory:
specifies the SMAP(NASA) vegetation
optical depth data directory
SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth data designation:
specifies the
designation of the SMAP VOD data
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
Level2 passive VOD data |
Level2 oversampled passive VOD data |
SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth use scaled standard deviation model:
whether the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using model
and observation standard deviation.
SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth apply SMAP QC flags:
whether to employ the standard SMAP QC flags to screen VOD data
SMAP(NASA) reference LAI CDF file:
specifies the name of the reference LAI CDF file
(observations will be scaled into this climatology).
SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the observation VOD
CDF file.
SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of
bins in the CDF.
SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth data directory: SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth data designation: SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth use scaled standard deviation model: SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth apply SMAP QC flags: SMAP(NASA) reference LAI CDF file: SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth observation CDF file: SMAP(NASA) vegetation optical depth number of bins in the CDF:
SMOS(NESDIS) soil moisture data directory:
specifies the SMOS(NESDIS) soil
moisture data directory
SMOS(NESDIS) soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model:
whether the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using model
and observation standard deviation.
SMOS(NESDIS) model CDF file:
specifies the name of the model CDF file
(observations will be scaled into this climatology).
SMOS(NESDIS) observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the observation
CDF file.
SMOS(NESDIS) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of
bins in the CDF.
SMOS(NESDIS) soil moisture data directory: SMOS(NESDIS) soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model: SMOS(NESDIS) model CDF file: SMOS(NESDIS) observation CDF file: SMOS(NESDIS) soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
SMOS NRT NN soil moisture data directory:
specifies the SMOS NRT NN soil
moisture data directory
SMOS NRT NN soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model:
whether the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using model
and observation standard deviation.
SMOS NRT NN model CDF file:
specifies the name of the model CDF file
(observations will be scaled into this climatology).
SMOS NRT NN observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the observation
CDF file.
SMOS NRT NN soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of
bins in the CDF.
SMOS NRT NN CDF read option:
specifies whether to read all months of
or to read month by month from a monthly CDF file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Read all months |
1 |
Read month by month |
Select 0 for yearly CDF data |
SMOS NRT NN soil moisture data directory: ./SMOS_NRT_NN SMOS NRT NN soil moisture use scaled standard deviation model: 0 SMOS NRT NN model CDF file: ../DA_proc_LSM/LDTOUT/ SMOS NRT NN observation CDF file: ../DA_proc_SMOS/LDTOUT/ SMOS NRT NN soil moisture number of bins in the CDF: 100 SMOS NRT NN CDF read option: 1
THySM data directory:
specifies the THySM data directory.
THySM use scaled standard deviation model:
specifies whether the observation error standard deviation is to be scaled using model and observation standard deviation.
THySM model CDF file:
specifies the name of the model CDF file (observations will be scaled into this climatology).
THySM observation CDF file:
specifies the name of the observation CDF file.
THySM soil moisture number of bins in the CDF:
specifies the number of bins in the CDF.
THySM data directory: ../THySM/ THySM use scaled standard deviation model: 0 THySM model CDF file: THySM observation CDF file: THySM soil moisture number of bins in the CDF: 100
This section specifies the choice of radiative transfer or forward modeling tools.
Radiative transfer model:
specifies which RTM is to be used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“Tau Omega” |
“Tau Omega” |
RTM invocation frequency:
specifies the invocation frequency
of the chosen RTM.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
RTM history output frequency:
specifies the history
output frequency of the RTM.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Radiative transfer model: CRTM2EM RTM invocation frequency: 1hr RTM history output frequency: 3hr
This section specifies the specifications to enable a CRTM2EM instance.
CRTM number of sensors:
specifies the number of sensors
to be used.
CRTM number of layers:
specifies the number of atmospheric
CRTM number of absorbers:
specifies the number of absorbers.
CRTM number of clouds:
specifies the number of cloud types.
CRTM number of aerosols:
specifies the number of aerosol types.
CRTM sensor id:
specifies the name of sensors to be simulated.
CRTM coefficient data path:
specifies the location of the files
containing the CRTM coefficient data. These data are part of the
Subversion checkout that was performed to obtain the CRTM library
from JCSDA. The CRTM coefficient data path:
variable should
either explicitly specify the whole path to or symbolically link to
trunk/fix/TauCoeff/ODPS/Big_Endian/ found within the
aforementioned checkout.
CRTM zenith angle:
specifies what?
RTM input soil moisture correction:
specifies whether to
enable input soil moisture correction.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not enable correction |
1 |
Enable correction |
RTM input soil moisture correction src mean file:
the RTM input soil moisture correction src mean file.
RTM input soil moisture correction src sigma file:
the RTM input soil moisture correction src sigma file.
RTM input soil moisture correction dst mean file:
the RTM input soil moisture correction dst mean file.
RTM input soil moisture correction dst sigma file:
the RTM input soil moisture correction dst sigma file.
CRTM number of sensors: 1 CRTM number of layers: 64 CRTM number of absorbers: 2 CRTM number of clouds: 0 CRTM number of aerosols: 0 CRTM sensor id: amsua_n18 CRTM coefficient data path: ./Coefficient_Data/ CRTM zenith angle: RTM input soil moisture correction: RTM input soil moisture correction src mean file: RTM input soil moisture correction src sigma file: RTM input soil moisture correction dst mean file: RTM input soil moisture correction dst sigma file:
This section specifies the specifications to enable a CMEM3 instance. For more information regarding CMEM3, please see
CMEM3 sensor id:
specifies the name of sensors to be simulated.
CMEM3 number of frequencies:
specifies the number of
CMEM3 frequencies file:
specifies the file
containing the CMEM3 frequencies data.
This is an ASCII file containing two columns of data.
The first column specifies frequency in GHz; the second column
specifies the incidence angle. A sample file for AMSR-E:
6.925 |
55.0 |
10.65 |
55.0 |
18.7 |
55.0 |
23.8 |
55.0 |
36.5 |
55.0 |
89.0 |
55.0 |
RTM input soil moisture correction:
specifies whether to
enable input soil moisture correction.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not enable correction |
1 |
Enable correction |
RTM input soil moisture correction src mean file:
the RTM input soil moisture correction src mean file.
RTM input soil moisture correction src sigma file:
the RTM input soil moisture correction src sigma file.
RTM input soil moisture correction dst mean file:
the RTM input soil moisture correction dst mean file.
RTM input soil moisture correction dst sigma file:
the RTM input soil moisture correction dst sigma file.
CMEM3 sensor id: amsre CMEM3 number of frequencies: ./amsre-freqs.tx CMEM3 frequencies file: RTM input soil moisture correction: RTM input soil moisture correction src mean file: RTM input soil moisture correction src sigma file: RTM input soil moisture correction dst mean file: RTM input soil moisture correction dst sigma file:
This section specifies options for carrying out parameter estimation and uncertainty estimation.
Optimization/Uncertainty Estimation Algorithm:
Specifies which
algorithm is to be used for optimization.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
no optimization |
“Enumerated search” |
enumerated search |
“Levenberg marquardt” |
Levenberg-Marquardt |
“Genetic algorithm” |
Genetic Algorithm |
“Shuffled complex evolution” |
SCE-UA Algorithm |
“Monte carlo sampling” |
MCSIM Algorithm |
“Random walk markov chain monte carlo” |
MCMC Algorithm |
“Differential evolution markov chain” |
DEMC Algorithm |
“Differential evolution markov chain z” |
DEMCz Algorithm |
Optimization/Uncertainty Estimation Set:
the calibration data set,
which represents the observation source used in the particular
parameter estimation instance.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“NONE” |
template observations |
“No obs” |
no observations |
“WG PBMR sm” |
PBMR soil moisture data for Walnut Gulch |
“Synthetic sm1” |
synthetic soil moisture data |
“Ameriflux obs” |
flux data from the Ameriflux data network |
“ARM obs” |
fluxes, soil moisture, and soil temperature data from the ARM network |
“Macon landslide obs” |
Macon County landslide observation data |
“Global landslide obs” |
Global landslide observation data |
“CNRS” |
AMSR-E (Colorado State Univ.) |
“AMSR-E(LPRM) pe soil moisture” |
AMSR-E LPRM soil moisture |
“Gridded FLUXNET” |
“USDA ARSsm” |
USDA ARS soil moisture |
Objective Function Method:
specifies the objective function
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“LM” |
Least squares (Levenberg-Marquardt) |
“Least squares” |
Least squares |
“Likelihood” |
Maximum likelihood |
“Probability” |
Maximize probability |
Write PE Observations:
specifies whether to output processed
observations for parameter estimation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not write pe observations |
1 |
Write pe observations |
Number of model types subject to parameter estimation:
specifies the number of model classes used in a parameter estimation
instance. E.g.: if LSM and RTM parameters are simultaneously being
calibrated then this option will be 2.
Model types subject to parameter estimation:
specifies the
names of the model types to be used in the parameter estimation
instance. E.g.: LSM RTM
Number of model types with observation predictors for parameter estimation:
specifies the number of model types (e.g., LSM, RTM) that will be
generating predictions of observations for comparison against real
observations when conducting parameter or uncertainty estimation.
Acceptable values are either 1 or 2.
Model types with observation predictors for parameter estimation:
specifies the list of model types (e.g., LSM, RTM) that will be
generating predictions of observations for comparison against real
observations when conducting parameter or uncertainty estimation.
Acceptable values are a combination of LSM and/or RTM.
Initialize decision space with default values:
whether to use defaults instead of sampled values at the beginning
of optimization.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Use defaults |
1 |
Use sampled values |
(Yes, this is backwards from what the label suggests.)
Calibration period start year:
specifies the starting year
of the calibration period.
Calibration period start month:
specifies the starting
month of the calibration period.
Calibration period start day:
specifies the starting day
of the calibration period.
Calibration period start hour:
specifies the starting hour
of the calibration period.
Calibration period start minutes:
specifies the starting
minutes of the calibration period.
Calibration period start seconds:
specifies the starting
seconds of the calibration period.
LSM Decision space attributes file:
specifies what?
RTM Decision space attributes file:
specifies what?
This section provides specifications of the LS objective function instance
Least Squares objective function weights file:
specifies the file containing
the weights to be applied to each objective function
Least Squares objective function mode:
specifies which
least squares aggregation to use.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
distributed (ie, optimized for each cell independently) |
Least Squares objective function minimum number of obs:
grid cells with fewer obs than specified, least squares parameter
estimation will not be conducted so as to avoid “overfitting” model to the data.
This section provides specifications of the Probability objective function instance.
Prior distribution attributes file:
specifies the file containing the
prior probability distribution over the parameters
This section provides specifications of the Likelihood objective function instance. There are no additional specifications needed. Unlike the Probability objective function, Likelihood does not factor in prior probability.
ES decision space attributes file:
specifies the ES decision space
attributes file.
ES decision space attributes file:
LM start mode:
specifies what?
LM restart file:
specifies what?
LM maximum number of observations:
specifies what?
LM maximum iterations:
specifies what?
LM mode:
specifies what?
LM objective function tolerance:
specifies what?
LM decision space tolerance:
specifies what?
LM orthogonality tolerance:
specifies what?
LM step bound factor:
specifies what?
LM forward difference step length:
specifies what?
LM start mode: LM restart file: LM maximum number of observations: LM maximum iterations: LM mode: LM objective function tolerance: LM decision space tolerance: LM orthogonality tolerance: LM step bound factor: LM forward difference step length:
This section provides specifications of the genetic algorithm instance
GA restart file:
specifies the name of the
GA restart file.
GA number of generations:
specifies the
number of generations of GA.
GA number of children per parent:
specifies how many
offsprings are produced by two parent solutions (1 or 2).
GA crossover scheme:
specifies the type of crossover
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
single point crossover |
2 |
uniform crossover |
GA crossover probability:
threshold to be used for
conducting a crossover operation.
GA mutation scheme:
specifies the type of mutation
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
jump mutation |
1 |
creep mutation |
GA creep mutation probability:
specifies the
creep mutation max threshold.
GA jump mutation probability:
specifies the
jump mutation max threshold.
GA use elitism:
specifies whether to enable
elitism in the selection of new solutions.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
GA start mode:
specifies the start mode.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
restart |
coldstart |
cold start |
GA restart file: ./OUTPUT/EXP999/GA/GA.188.GArst GA number of generations: 100 GA number of children per parent: 1 GA crossover scheme: 2 GA crossover probability: 0.5 GA use creep mutations: 0 GA creep mutation probability: 0.04 GA jump mutation probability: 0.02 GA use elitism: 1 GA start mode: coldstart
SCEUA Decision Space Attributes File:
specifies the name of the SCEUA
decision space attributes file.
SCEUA start mode:
specifies the start mode.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
restart |
coldstart |
cold start |
SCEUA restart file:
specifies the name of the SCEUA restart file.
SCEUA Max. Num. of Func. Evals. before Optimization Terminates:
specifies what?
SCEUA Num. of Shuffles to End Opt. if Crit. less than Min.:
specifies what?
SCEUA Min. Frac. Crit. Change in Specified Shuffles to Cont. Opt.:
specifies what?
SCEUA Number of Optimization Complexes:
specifies what?
SCEUA Seed Value:
specifies what?
SCEUA Whether to User-specify the Control Parameters:
specifies what?
SCEUA Number of Points in a Subcomplex:
specifies what?
SCEUA Num. of Evolution Steps before Shuffle for a Complex:
specifies what?
SCEUA Whether Include Initial Point in Population:
specifies what?
SCEUA Decision Space Attributes File: SCEUA start mode: SCEUA restart file: SCEUA Max. Num. of Func. Evals. before Optimization Terminates: SCEUA Num. of Shuffles to End Opt. if Crit. less than Min.: SCEUA Min. Frac. Crit. Change in Specified Shuffles to Cont. Opt.: SCEUA Number of Optimization Complexes: SCEUA Seed Value: SCEUA Whether to User-specify the Control Parameters: SCEUA Number of Points in a Subcomplex: SCEUA Num. of Evolution Steps before Shuffle for a Complex: SCEUA Whether Include Initial Point in Population:
RWMCMC decision space attributes file:
specifies the RWMCMC decision
space attributes file.
RWMCMC start mode:
specifies the start mode.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
restart |
coldstart |
cold start |
RWMCMC restart file:
specifies the name of the RWMCMC restart file.
RWMCMC number of iterations:
specifies the number of iterations of RWMCMC.
RWMCMC perturbation factor:
Applied uniformly to all parameters.
The product of this term and the width of the parameter range (ie, max-min)
determines the random-walk-like term (‘b’) in the RWMCMC algorithm.
RWMCMC decision space attributes file: RWMCMC start mode: RWMCMC restart file: RWMCMC number of iterations: RWMCMC perturbation factor:
DEMC decision space attributes file:
specifies the DEMC decision space
attributes file.
DEMC start mode:
specifies the start mode.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
restart |
coldstart |
cold start |
DEMC restart file:
specifies the name of the DEMC restart file.
DEMC number of iterations:
specifies the number of iterations of DEMC.
DEMC perturbation factor:
Applied uniformly to all parameters.
The product of this term and the width of the parameter range (ie, max-min)
determines the random-walk-like term (‘b’) in the DEMC algorithm
DEMC mode hopping frequency:
At this frequency (f), full jumps between
separated regions of high probability may occur (so as to better balance
exploration of each region) through the setting of a DEMCz control parameter
(gamma=1); at frequency 1-f, the settings are optimized for exploration
of the local region of high probability (gamma=2.38)
DEMC decision space attributes file: DEMC start mode: DEMC restart file: DEMC number of iterations: DEMC perturbation factor: DEMC mode hopping frequency:
This section provides specifications of the DEMCz algorithm instance. DEMCz is an instance of Bayesian analysis (Reference: Gelman et al. (1995)) conducted via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) (Reference: Brooks et al. (2011)). MCMC enables generation of parameter ensembles for subsequent LIS ensemble runs, where the ensembles reflect user-specified probability distributions as updated with observational datasets. Reference for DEMCz: ter Braak (2006), and ter Braak and Vrugt (2008). DEMCz implements DEMC with the “sampling from the past” of ter Braak and Vrugt (2008)
DEMCz restart file:
specifies the name of the
DEMCz restart file.
DEMCz number of iterations:
specifies the
number of iterations of DEMCz.
DEMCz GA restart file:
specifies the GA solution
that serves as the DEMCz algorithm starting point
DEMCz perturbation factor:
Applied uniformly to
all parameters. The product of this term and the
width of the parameter range (ie, max-min) determines the random-walk-like term (‘b’) in the DEMCz algorithm
DEMCz mode hopping frequency:
At this frequency (f), full jumps between separated regions of high probability
may occur (so as to better balance exploration of each region) through the setting of a DEMCz
control parameter (gamma=1); at frequency 1-f, the settings are optimized for exploration of the local region of high probability (gamma=2.38)
DEMCz start mode:
specifies the start mode.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
restart |
coldstart |
cold start |
DEMCz restart file: ./OUTPUT/DEMCz/DEMCz.188.DEMCzrst DEMCz number of iterations: 100 DEMCz start mode: coldstart DEMCz GA restart file: ./OUTPUT/GA/GA.188.GArst DEMCz perturbation factor: 0.001 DEMCz mode hopping frequency: 0.10
This section provides specifications of the MCSIM algorithm instance. MCSIM randomly samples from user-specified probability distributions to generate parmeter ensembles for subsequent use in LIS ensemble runs. Unlike MCMC algorithms (e.g., DEMCz), the probability distributions being sampled are those given by the user, and not as updated with observational datasets. Algorithm reference: Morgan and Henrion (1990).
MCSIM number of iterations:
specifies the
number of iterations of MCSIM. This typically will be
set to 1. Only set to values higher than 1 to accumulate more samples
than can be achieved in a single LIS ensemble run.
MCSIM start mode:
specifies the start mode. The restart option, as just noted,
would only be needed if the number of samples that can be achieved in a single LIS ensemble run is limiting.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
restart |
coldstart |
cold start |
MCSIM restart file:
specifies the name of the
MCSIM restart file.
MCSIM number of iterations: 1 MCSIM start mode: coldstart MCSIM restart file: none
This section of the config file includes the observation specifications for parameter estimation.
WG PBMR soil moisture data directory:
specifies the location
of the Walnut Gulch PBMR soil moisture data.
WG PBMR observations attributes file:
specifies the location
of the observation attributes file.
WG PBMR site index:
specifies the site location of the
forcing data.
WG PBMR soil moisture data directory: ../WG_domain/PBMR/ WG PBMR observations attributes file: ./wgPBMRsm_attribs.txt WG PBMR site index: 5
Syn SM data directory:
specifies the location of the synthetic soil
moisture data.
Syn SM observations attributes file:
specifies the synthetic soil moisture
observations attributes file.
Syn SM number of observation types:
specifies the number of synthetic
soil moisture observation types.
Syn SM data directory: Syn SM observations attributes file: Syn SM number of observation types:
Ameriflux data directory:
specifies what?
Ameriflux station list file:
specifies what?
Ameriflux observations attributes file:
specifies what?
Ameriflux data directory: Ameriflux station list file: Ameriflux observations attributes file:
ARM data directory:
specifies what?
ARM site identifier name:
specifies what?
ARM station list file:
specifies what?
ARM objective space attributes file:
specifies what?
ARM number of observation types:
specifies what?
ARM data directory: ARM site identifier name: ARM station list file: ARM objective space attributes file: ARM number of observation types:
Macon County Landslide Obs data directory:
specifies the location of the
Macon County landslide observation data.
Macon County Landslide observations attributes file:
specifies the
Macon County landslide observation attributes file.
Macon County Landslide Obs data directory: Macon County Landslide observations attributes file:
Global Landslide Obs data directory:
specifies the location of the global
landslide observation data.
Global Landslide observations attributes file:
specifies the global
landslide observations attributes file.
Global Landslide Obs data directory: Global Landslide observations attributes file:
CNRS Emissivity Obs data directory:
specifies what?
CNRS Emissivity Obs mask directory:
specifies what?
CNRS Emissivity observations attributes file:
specifies what?
Overpass hr descending:
specifies what?
Overpass hr ascending:
specifies what?
Mask hr ascending lower:
specifies what?
Mask hr ascending upper:
specifies what?
Mask hr descending lower:
specifies what?
Mask hr descending upper:
specifies what?
Mask cloud threshold:
specifies what?
CNRS Emissivity Obs data directory: CNRS Emissivity Obs mask directory: CNRS Emissivity observations attributes file: Overpass hr descending: Overpass hr ascending: Mask hr ascending lower: Mask hr ascending upper: Mask hr descending lower: Mask hr descending upper: Mask cloud threshold:
AMSRE_SR Emissivity Obs data directory:
specifies the location
of the AMSR-E emissivity retrievals data.
AMSRE_SR Emissivity observations attributes file:
specifies the location
of the observation attributes file.
AMSRE_SR number of observations threshold:
specifies how many observations
must be behind emissivity average for cell
Overpass hr descending:
specifies what?
Overpass hr ascending:
specifies what?
Mask hr ascending lower:
specifies what?
Mask hr ascending upper:
specifies what?
Mask hr descending lower:
specifies what?
Mask hr descending upper:
specifies what?
AMSRE_SR Emissivity Obs data directory: './obs/' AMSRE_SR Emissivity observations attributes file: './AMSRE_SR_attribs.txt' AMSRE_SR number of observations threshold: 5 Overpass hr descending: Overpass hr ascending: Mask hr ascending lower: Mask hr ascending upper: Mask hr descending lower: Mask hr descending upper:
LPRM AMSRE soil moisture data directory:
specifies the location
of the AMSR-E LPRM soil moisture data.
LPRM AMSRE soil moisture observations attributes file:
specifies the location
of the observation attributes file.
LPRM AMSRE soil moisture data directory: './LPRM.v6' LPRM AMSRE soil moisture observations attributes file: './LPRM_attribs.txt'
USDA ARS Soilmoisture Obs data directory:
specifies the location of the
USDA ARS soil moisture observation data.
USDA ARS Soilmoisture observations attributes file:
specifies the USDA
ARS soil moisture observations attributes file.
USDA ARS number of observations threshold:
specifies what?
USDA ARS Soilmoisture Obs data directory: USDA ARS Soilmoisture observations attributes file: USDA ARS number of observations threshold:
FLUXNET data directory:
specifies what?
FLUXNET objective space attributes file:
specifies what?
FLUXNET number of observation types:
specifies what?
FLUXNET data directory: FLUXNET objective space attributes file: FLUXNET number of observation types:
LIS domain and parameter data file:
specifies the
primary input file that contains LIS parameter data.
LIS 7 includes a pre-processing system called the
Land Data Toolkit (LDT). It reads the raw parameter
data and processes them to the LIS running domain.
The LIS domain and parameter data file:
is the
result of the LDT pre-processing. Please read the
“Land Data Toolkit (LDT) User’s Guide” for more
LIS domain and parameter data file: ./
Landmask data source:
specifies the usage of landmask data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not landmask |
Read landmask from the LDT-generated |
Landcover data source:
specifies the usage of landcover data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
Read landcover data from the LDT-generated |
Landmask data source: LDT Landcover data source: LDT
Soil texture data source:
specifies the usage of soil texture
data in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read soil texture |
Read soil texture data from the LDT-generated |
Soil texture data source: LDT
Soil fraction data source:
specifies the usage of soil
fraction parameters in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read soil fractions |
Read soil fractions data from the LDT-generated |
Soil fraction data source: none
Soil color data source:
specifies the usage of soil
color data in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read soil color |
Read soil color data from the LDT-generated |
Soil color data source: none
Elevation data source:
specifies the usage of topography data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read elevation |
Read elevation data from the LDT-generated |
Elevation data source: LDT
Slope data source:
specifies the usage of slope data in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read slope |
Read slope data from the LDT-generated |
Slope data source: none
Aspect data source:
specifies the usage of aspect data in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read aspect |
Read aspect data from the LDT-generated |
Aspect data source: none
Curvature data source:
specifies the usage of curvature data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read curvature |
Read curvature data from the LDT-generated |
Curvature data source: none
LAI data source:
specifies the usage of LAI data in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read LAI |
Read LAI data from the LDT-generated |
“MODIS real-time” |
Read MODIS real-time LAI |
Read ALMIPII real-time LAI |
LAI data source: none
SAI data source:
specifies the usage of LAI data in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read SAI |
Read SAI data from the LDT-generated |
“MODIS real-time” |
Read MODIS real-time SAI |
SAI data source: none
Albedo data source:
specifies the usage of albedo data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read albedo |
Read albedo data from the LDT-generated |
Read the real-time ALMIP-II albedo data |
Albedo data source: LDT
Max snow albedo data source:
specifies the usage of the
maximum snow albedo in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read max snow albedo |
fixed |
Use fixed max snow albedo from the lis.config file. This option is only available to the Noah-3.x LSMs. |
Read max snow albedo data from the LDT-generated |
Max snow albedo data source: LDT
Greenness data source:
specifies the usage of greenness
fraction data in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read greenness fraction |
Read greenness data from the LDT-generated |
“NESDIS weekly” |
Read NESDIS weekly greenness fraction |
Read SPORT greenness fraction |
Read VIIRS greenness fraction |
Read ALMIP-II greenness fraction |
Greenness data source: LDT
Roughness data source:
specifies the usage of roughness data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read roughness |
Read roughness data from the LDT-generated |
Read the ALMIPII real-time roughness data |
Roughness data source: none
Porosity data source:
specifies the usage of soil porosity data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read soil porosity |
Read porosity data from the LDT-generated |
Porosity data source: none
Ksat data source:
specifies the usage of hydraulic conductivity
data in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read hydraulic conductivity |
Read hydraulic conductivity data from the LDT-generated |
Ksat data source: none
B parameter data source:
specifies the usage of b parameter data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read b parameter |
Read b parameter data from the LDT-generated |
B parameter data source: none
Quartz data source:
specifies the usage of quartz data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read quartz |
Read quartz data from the LDT-generated |
Quartz data source: none
Emissivity data source:
specifies the usage of emissivity data
in the run.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not read emissivity |
Read emissivity data from the LDT-generated |
Read the real-time ALMIPII emissivity data |
Emissivity data source: none
TBOT lag skin temperature update option:
specifies whether
to adjust deep soil temperature as a weighted average of
previous year’s annual mean skin temperature and mean of time
series of recent daily mean skin temperatures.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not adjust deep soil temperature |
1 |
Adjust deep soil temperature |
TBOT skin temperature lag days:
specifies the number of
lag days.
TBOT lag skin temperature update option: 0 TBOT skin temperature lag days: 0
ALMIPII albedo data directory:
specifies the location of the
ALMIPII real-time albedo data.
ALMIPII albedo data directory:
MODIS RT LAI data directory:
specifies the location of the
MODIS real-time LAI files.
MODIS RT LAI data directory:
ALMIPII LAI data directory:
specifies the location of the
ALMIPII real-time LAI files.
ALMIPII LAI data directory:
NESDIS greenness data directory:
specifies the location of
the NESDIS weekly greenness files.
NESDIS greenness data directory:
SPORT greenness data directory:
specifies the location of
the SPORT greenness files.
SPORT GVF use realtime mode:
specifies whether to use the
realtime mode. When not using realtime mode, LIS reads the
previous and the next GVF bookends for temporal interpolation.
When using realtime mode, LIS reads only the next GVF bookend
for temporal interpolation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use realtime mode |
1 |
Use realtime mode |
SPORT GVF lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude
of the SPORT GVF domain.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
SPORT GVF lower left lon:
specifies the lower left
longitude of the SPORT GVF domain.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
SPORT GVF upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude
of the SPORT GVF domain.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
SPORT GVF upper right lon:
specifies the upper right
longitude of the SPORT GVF domain.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
SPORT GVF resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution of the
SPORT GVF domain along the east-west direction.
SPORT GVF resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution of the
SPORT GVF domain along the north-south direction.
SPORT greenness data directory: ./LISDATA/MODISNDVI/GVF_COMBINED_GLOBAL/gvf_SPORT_3KM SPORT GVF use realtime mode: 1 SPORT GVF lower left lat: -59.985 SPORT GVF lower left lon: -179.985 SPORT GVF upper right lat: 89.985 SPORT GVF upper right lon: 179.985 SPORT GVF resolution (dx): 0.03 SPORT GVF resolution (dy): 0.03
VIIRS GVF use realtime mode:
specifies whether to use the
realtime mode. When not using realtime mode, LIS reads the
previous and the next GVF bookends for temporal interpolation.
When using realtime mode, LIS reads only the next GVF bookend
for temporal interpolation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use realtime mode |
1 |
Use realtime mode |
VIIRS GVF lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude
of the VIIRS GVF domain.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
VIIRS GVF lower left lon:
specifies the lower left
longitude of the VIIRS GVF domain.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
VIIRS GVF upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude
of the VIIRS GVF domain.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
VIIRS GVF upper right lon:
specifies the upper right
longitude of the VIIRS GVF domain.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
VIIRS GVF resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution of the
VIIRS GVF domain along the east-west direction.
VIIRS GVF resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution of the
VIIRS GVF domain along the north-south direction.
VIIRS greenness data directory:
specifies the location of
the VIIRS greenness files.
VIIRS greenness data directory: ./LISDATA/VIIRSGVF/NESDIS_GVF_LISREAL/gvf_VIIRS_4KM VIIRS GVF use realtime mode: 1 VIIRS GVF lower left lat: -89.982 VIIRS GVF lower left lon: -179.982 VIIRS GVF upper right lat: 89.982 VIIRS GVF upper right lon: 179.982 VIIRS GVF resolution (dx): 0.036 VIIRS GVF resolution (dy): 0.036
ALMIPII greenness data directory:
specifies the location of the ALMIPII
real-time greenness data.
ALMIPII greenness data directory:
ALMIPII emissivity data directory:
specifies the location of the ALMIPII
real-time emissivity data.
ALMIPII emissivity data directory:
GDAS forcing directory:
specifies the location of the GDAS
forcing files.
GDAS forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/GDAS/
ECMWF forcing directory:
specifies the location of the ECMWF
forcing files.
ECMWF forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/ECMWF/
AGRMET forcing directory:
specifies the location of the root
directory containing the input files. The AGRMET processing algorithms
assumes the following hierarchy under the root directory at each
instance. For example, if the root directory for storing the files
is “FORCING/AFWA/”, and the current instance is December 1st, 2005,
then the files are stored under the “FORCING/AFWA/20051201/”
The additional directory names specified here are assumed to be
located under this root directory.
AGRMET first guess source:
specifies the source of the first
guess data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
use GFS data |
use UK Unified Model (GALWEM) data |
AGRMET GALWEM nominal resolution (km):
specifies the nominal horizontal
resolution of the GALWEM GRIB2 data in kilometers.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
17 |
17-km (long-time operational resolution at USAF) |
10 |
10-km (proposed operational resolution upgrade for 2020) |
AGRMET GFS filename version:
specifies which filename version convention
is used for the GFS GRIB files.
Acceptable values are:
Value |
Description |
1 |
Example: MT.avn_CY.00_fh.0000_tl.press_gr.0p5deg |
2 |
AGRMET analysis directory:
specifies the location where temporary
precip analysis fields will be written.
AGRMET surface fields directory:
specifies the location of the
surface fields (sfc*).
AGRMET merged precip directory:
specifies the location of the
processed precip obs (presav_*).
AGRMET cloud data directory:
specifies the location of the
WWMCA data (WWMCA*).
AGRMET WWMCA GRIB1 read option:
specifies whether to try reading
WWMCA GRIB1 files, or try directly to read binary. (0 = binary, 1 = GRIB1).
Note that if GRIB1 files cannot be found, the code will search for binary
as a backup.
AGRMET GFS data directory:
specifies the location of the
GFS data (MT.avn*).
AGRMET GALWEM data directory:
specifies the location of the
UK Unified Model (GALWEM) data
AGRMET PPT Background bias correction option:
0 = no bias correction, 1 = adjust GFS precip towards GALWEM.
AGRMET SSMI data directory:
specifies the location of the
SSM/I data (ssmira*_).
AGRMET GEOPRECIP data directory:
specifies the location of the
GEOPRECIP files (prec08* and rank08*).
AGRMET JMOBS data directory:
specifies the location of the
surface and precip obs (sfcobs*_ and preobs*_).
AGRMET use timestamp on directories:
specifies whether or not
to use a timestamp on directories.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use timestamp |
1 |
use timestamp |
AGRMET use timestamp on gfs:
specifies whether or not
to use a timestamp on gfs.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use timestamp |
1 |
use timestamp |
AGRMET latlon mask file:
specifies the location of the
0.1 degree landmask that can be used for processing of
respective GEOPRECIP data. Treatment of this is considered
AGRMET 8th polar mask file:
specifies the landmask
in 8th mesh polar stereographic projection used by the AGRMET
algorithms {emdash} useful when different from the basis grid.
AGRMET 8th polar terrain file:
specifies the terrain in
8th mesh polar stereographic projection used by the AGRMET
algorithms {emdash} useful when different from basis grid.
AGRMET 16th polar mask file:
specifies the landmask in
16th mesh polar stereographic projection used by the AGRMET
algorithms {emdash} useful when different from the basis grid.
AGRMET 16th polar terrain file:
specifies the terrain in
16th mesh polar stereographic projection used by the AGRMET
algorithms {emdash} useful when different from basis grid.
AGRMET 64th polar mask file:
specifies the landmask in
64th mesh polar stereographic projection used by the AGRMET
algorithms {emdash} useful when different from the basis grid.
AGRMET 64th polar terrain file:
specifies the terrain in
64th mesh polar stereographic projection used by the AGRMET
algorithms {emdash} useful when different from basis grid.
AGRMET native imax:
specifies the native grid dimension
x direction which is useful for when precip forcing will come
in on different grid from the grid used for cloud and shortwave
Value | Description |
512 |
8th mesh polar stereo |
1024 |
16th mesh polar stereo |
(4096) |
(64th mesh polar stereo reserved for future use) |
AGRMET native jmax:
specifies the native grid dimension
y direction which is useful for when precip forcing will come
in on different grid from the grid used for cloud and shortwave
Value | Description |
512 |
8th mesh polar stereo |
1024 |
16th mesh polar stereo |
(4096) |
(64th mesh polar stereo reserved for future use) |
specifies the GEOPRECIP grid dimension
x direction which is useful for when precip and native grid differ.
Value | Description |
512 |
8th mesh polar stereo |
1024 |
16th mesh polar stereo |
(4096) |
(64th mesh polar stereo reserved for future use) |
(3600) |
(1/10 degree latlon reserved for future use {emdash} note this is not grid centered) |
specifies the GEOPRECIP grid dimension
y direction which is useful for when precip and native grid differ.
Value | Description |
512 |
8th mesh polar stereo |
1024 |
16th mesh polar stereo |
(4096) |
(64th mesh polar stereo reserved fro future use) |
(1801) |
(1/10 degree latlon reserved for future use {emdash} note this is not grid centered) |
specifies the SSMI/S grid dimension x direction
which is useful for when precip and native grid differ.
Value | Description |
512 |
8th mesh polar stereo |
1024 |
16th mesh polar stereo |
(4096) |
(64th mesh polar stereo reserved for future use) |
(1440) |
(1/4 degree latlon reserved for future use {emdash} note this is grid centered) |
specifies the SSMI/S grid dimension y direction
which is useful for when precip and native grid different
Value | Description |
512 |
8th mesh polar stereo |
1024 |
16th mesh polar stereo |
(4096) |
(64th mesh polar stereo reserved fro future use) |
(720) |
(1/4 degree latlon reserved for future use {emdash} note this is grid centered) |
AGRMET sfcalc cntm file:
specifies the name of the files with
the spreading radii used for the barnes analysis on the GFS and
surface obs.
AGRMET precip climatology:
specifies the path to the precip
climatology data.
AGRMET nogaps wind weight:
specifies the weighting factor for the
first guess winds.
AGRMET minimum wind speed:
specifies the minimum allowable wind
speed on the AGRMET grid.
AGRMET use present/past weather estimate:
specifies whether to
use present/past weather estimates.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use estimates |
1 |
use estimates |
AGRMET use precip observations:
specifies whether to use
precip observations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use observations |
1 |
use observations |
AGRMET use SSMI data:
specifies whether to use SSM/I data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use SSM/I data |
1 |
use SSM/I data |
AGRMET use CDFSII-based estimate:
specifies whether to use
a CDFS-II based estimate.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use estimate |
1 |
use estimate |
AGRMET use GEOPRECIP estimate:
specifies whether to use
a GEOPRECIP based estimate.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use the estimate, do not use the rank {emdash} assumes that rank of GEOPRECIP is 1; i.e., uses it when it is available |
2 |
use the estimate and use the rank |
AGRMET CDFSII time interval:
specifies the CDFS-II time interval
to look for cloud amount. Current value is 6.
AGRMET use precip climatology:
specifies whether to use
precip climatology.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use precip climatology |
1 |
use precip climatology |
AGRMET SSMI zero use switch:
specifies whether to use
SSM/I zeros.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use zeros |
1 |
use zeros |
AGRMET snow distribution shape parameter:
specifies the snow
distribution shape parameter. (A typical value is 2.6.)
AGRMET alternate monthly weighting factor:
the alternate monthly weighting factor used in the precip processing.
AGRMET minimum 3hr climo value:
specifies a minimum 3 hour
precip climo value required to generate a non-zero CDFSII total
cloud-based precip estimate. A typical value is 0.025.
AGRMET maximum 3hr climo value:
specifies a maximum 3 hour
precip climo value required to generate a non-zero CDFSII total
cloud-based precip estimate. A typical value is 0.375.
AGRMET minimum precip-per-precip day multiplier:
specifies a
minimum precip-per-precip day multiplier used to generate a non-zero
CDFSII total cloud based precip estimate. A typical value is 0.0.
AGRMET maximum precip-per-precip day multiplier:
specifies a
maximum precip-per-precip day multiplier used to generate a non-zero
CDFSII total cloud based precip estimate. A typical value is 1.1.
AGRMET cloud threshold to generate CDFSII estimate:
specifies the cloud threshold to generate a CDFSII-based estimate. A
typical value is 85.0.
AGRMET median cloud cover percentage1:
specifies the median
cloud cover percentage to move to for the CDFSII based precip estimate.
A typical value is 15.0.
AGRMET median cloud cover percentage2:
specifies the median
cloud cover percentage to move to for the CDFSII based precip
estimate. A typical value is 0.60.
AGRMET overcast percentage:
specifies the overcast percentage
to move to for CDFSII based precipitation estimate. A typical value
is 0.30.
AGRMET 3hr maximum precip ceiling:
specifies the 3 hour
maximum precip ceiling value. A typical value is 200.0.
AGRMET security classification:
E.g., C for confidential,
S for secret, T for top secret, U for unclassified.
See AFWAMAN_15-3.doc.
AGRMET distribution classification:
E.g., A for approved
for public release. See AFWAMAN_15-3.doc.
AGRMET data category:
E.g., ANLYS for analysis.
See AFWAMAN_15-3.doc.
AGRMET area of data:
Domain descriptor. E.g., GLOBAL
for global theater.
AGRMET maximum surface obs:
specifies the maximum surface obs.
Defaults to 25000.
AGRMET maximum precip obs:
specifies the maximum precip obs.
Defaults to 50000.
AGRMET retrospective root filename:
specifies the retrospective
root filename.
specifies whether to use
the CMORPH data.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use CMORPH |
1 |
use CMORPH |
AGRMET CMORPH minimum temperature threshold:
specifies the
CMORPH minimum temperature threshold.
AGRMET CMORPH maximum temperature threshold:
specifies the
CMORPH maximum temperature threshold.
AGRMET GEO_PRECIP minimum temperature threshold:
specifies the
GEO_PRECIP minimum temperature threshold.
AGRMET GEO_PRECIP maximum temperature threshold:
specifies the
GEO_PRECIP maximum temperature threshold.
AGRMET CMORPH data directory:
specifies the location of the
CMORPH data.
specifies the CMORPH grid dimension
x direction which is useful for when precip and native grid differ.
specifies the CMORPH grid dimension
y direction which is useful for when precip and native grid differ.
specifies the minimum latitude of
the CMORPH data.
specifies the maximum latitude of
the CMORPH data.
specifies the minimum longitude of
the CMORPH data.
specifies the maximum longitude of
the CMORPH data.
specifies the resolution of the CMORPH data
along the east-west direction.
specifies the resolution of the CMORPH data
along the north-south direction.
AGRMET use GFS precip:
specifies whether to use
the GFS precipitation. (Defaults to 0.)
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use GFS precip |
1 |
use GFS precip |
AGRMET use GALWEM precip:
specifies whether to use
the GALWEM precipitation. (Defaults to 0.)
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use GALWEM precip |
1 |
use GALWEM precip |
Note that you may not specify both “AGRMET use GFS precip” and “AGRMET use GALWEM precip” for a given nest.
Note that if you wish to use the first guess precip, then it must match the first guess source.
AGRMET radiation derived from:
specifies how to compute
shortwave and longwave radiation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“cloud types” |
use cloud types |
“cod properties” |
use cloud optical depth properties |
use radiation fields from GALWEM |
AGRMET GALWEM radiation data directory:
specifies the location of the GALWEM
radiation data files.
AGRMET number of gauge networks to use:
specifies nonnegative number
of gauge networks to use, to be identified in separate config entry.
AGRMET gauge networks to use::
specifies list of names of gauge
networks to be used. (One line of names per domain.)
AGRMET GALWEM Precip correlation function type:
specifies function for modeling precipitation error correlations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use Gaussian function |
2 |
use inverse exponential function |
AGRMET GALWEM T2M correlation function type:
specifies function for modeling 2m temperature error correlations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use Gaussian function |
2 |
use inverse exponential function |
AGRMET GALWEM RH2M correlation function type:
specifies function for modeling 2m relative humidity error correlations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use Gaussian function |
2 |
use inverse exponential function |
AGRMET GALWEM SPD10M correlation function type:
specifies function for modeling 10m wind speed error correlations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use Gaussian function |
2 |
use inverse exponential function |
AGRMET GFS Precip correlation function type:
specifies function for modeling precipitation error correlations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use Gaussian function |
2 |
use inverse exponential function |
AGRMET GFS T2M correlation function type:
specifies function for modeling 2m temperature error correlations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use Gaussian function |
2 |
use inverse exponential function |
AGRMET GFS RH2M correlation function type:
specifies function for modeling 2m relative humidity error correlations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use Gaussian function |
2 |
use inverse exponential function |
AGRMET GFS SPD10M correlation function type:
specifies function for modeling 10m wind speed error correlations.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use Gaussian function |
2 |
use inverse exponential function |
AGRMET precip obs file format:
specifies preobs file format.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use legacy files |
2 |
use WIGOS supported files |
AGRMET sfc obs file format:
specifies sfcobs file format.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
use legacy files |
2 |
use WIGOS supported files |
AGRMET GALWEM Precip background error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GALWEM precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip background error variance:
specifies GALWEM precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip Gauge observation error variance:
specifies rain gauge observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip GEOPRECIP observation error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GEOPRECIP precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip GEOPRECIP observation error variance:
specifies GEOPRECIP observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip SSMI observation error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for SSMI precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip SSMI observation error variance:
specifies SSMI observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip CMORPH observation error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for CMORPH precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip CMORPH observation error variance:
specifies CMORPH observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip IMERG observation error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for IMERG precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GALWEM Precip IMERG observation error variance:
specifies IMERG observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM T2M background error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GALWEM 2m temperature error correlation.
AGRMET GALWEM T2M background error variance:
specifies GALWEM 2m temperature error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM T2M station observation error variance:
specifies station observation 2m temperature error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM RH2M background error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GALWEM 2m relative humidity error correlation.
AGRMET GALWEM RH2M background error variance:
specifies GALWEM 2m relative humidity error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM RH2M station observation error variance:
specifies station observation 2m relative humidity error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM SPD10M background error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GALWEM 10m wind speed error correlation.
AGRMET GALWEM SPD10M background error variance:
specifies GALWEM 10m wind speed error variance.
AGRMET GALWEM SPD10M station observation error variance:
specifies station observation 10 wind speed error variance.
AGRMET GFS Precip background error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GFS precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GFS Precip background error variance:
specifies GFS precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GFS Precip Gauge observation error variance:
specifies rain gauge observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GFS Precip GEOPRECIP observation error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GEOPRECIP precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GFS Precip GEOPRECIP observation error variance:
specifies GEOPRECIP observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GFS Precip SSMI observation error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for SSMI precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GFS Precip SSMI observation error variance:
specifies SSMI observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GFS Precip CMORPH observation error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for CMORPH precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GFS Precip CMORPH observation error variance:
specifies CMORPH observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GFS Precip IMERG observation error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for IMERG precipitation error correlation.
AGRMET GFS Precip IMERG observation error variance:
specifies IMERG observation precipitation error variance.
AGRMET GFS T2M background error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GFS 2m temperature error correlation.
AGRMET GFS T2M background error variance:
specifies GFS 2m temperature error variance.
AGRMET GFS T2M station observation error variance:
specifies station observation 2m temperature error variance.
AGRMET GFS RH2M background error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GFS 2m relative humidity error correlation.
AGRMET GFS RH2M background error variance:
specifies GFS 2m relative humidity error variance.
AGRMET GFS RH2M station observation error variance:
specifies station observation 2m relative humidity error variance.
AGRMET GFS SPD10M background error scale length (m):
specifies scale length for GFS 10m wind speed error correlation.
AGRMET GFS SPD10M background error variance:
specifies GFS 10m wind speed error variance.
AGRMET GFS SPD10M station observation error variance:
specifies station observation 10 wind speed error variance.
AGRMET forcing map projection:
specifies map projection type.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
latlon |
use latitude/longitude projection |
AGRMET forcing domain lower left lat:
specifies southwest latitude corner.
AGRMET forcing domain lower left lon:
specifies southwest longitude corner.
AGRMET forcing domain upper right lat:
specifies northeast latitude corner.
AGRMET forcing domain upper right lon:
specifies northeast longitude corner.
AGRMET forcing domain resolution (dx):
specifies east-west grid resolution in degrees longitude.
AGRMET forcing domain resolution (dy):
specifies north-south grid resolution in degrees latitude.
AGRMET use IMERG data:
specifies whether to use 30-min IMERG data
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not assimilate IMERG |
1 |
Assimilate IMERG |
AGRMET IMERG temperature threshold:
temperature threshold (K) below which to reject IMERG retrievals.
AGRMET IMERG data directory:
top directory to find IMERG files.
identifies which IMERG run to assimilate.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
3B-HHR-E |
30-min Early Run |
3B-HHR-L |
30-min Late Run |
3B-HHR |
30-min Final Run |
text string identifying IMERG version to assimilate. Used to construct file names. V06x and V07x are supported.
Acceptable values include:
Value | Description |
V06B |
Version 06B |
V06C |
Version 06C |
V06D |
Version 06D |
V07B |
Version 07B |
AGRMET IMERG Probability Liquid Precip Threshold:
threshold to reject IMERG if liquid precip likelihood is too low.
AGRMET output OBA data:
option for writing OBA (observation, background, analysis) files from Bratseth.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not write OBA files |
1 |
Write OBA files |
2 |
Write OBA files w/o actually running Bratseth scheme |
AGRMET skip backQC:
option to disable backQC step.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not skip backQC step |
1 |
Skip backQC step |
AGRMET skip superstatQC:
option to disable superstatQC step.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not skip superstatQC step |
1 |
Skip superstatQC step |
AGRMET 3hr maximum precip ceiling:
set threshold (mm) above which to reject precipitation.
AGRMET mask file:
path to legacy AGRMET landmask file.
AGRMET terrain file:
path to legacy AGRMET terrain file.
AGRMET forcing directory: ./FORCING/ AGRMET first guess source: GFS AGRMET analysis directory: ./Analysis AGRMET surface fields directory: SFCALC AGRMET merged precip directory: PRECIP AGRMET cloud data directory: WWMCA AGRMET WWMCA GRIB1 read option: 0 AGRMET GFS data directory: GFS AGRMET GALWEM data directory: GALWEM AGRMET SSMI data directory: SSMI AGRMET JMOBS data directory: CDMS AGRMET use timestamp on directories: 1 AGRMET use timestamp on gfs: 0 AGRMET latlon mask file: /data/parameters/global_0p25/mask_25KM.1gd4r AGRMET 8th polar mask file: /data/parameters/pst_8/point_switches AGRMET 8th polar terrain file: /data/parameters/pst_8/terrain AGRMET 16th polar mask file: /data/parameters/pst_16/point_switches AGRMET 16th polar terrain file: /data/parameters/pst_16/terrain AGRMET 64th polar mask file: /data/parameters/pst_16/point_switches AGRMET 64th polar terrain file: /data/parameters/pst_16/terrain AGRMET native imax: 512 #512 - 8th polar; 1024 - 16th polar; 4096 - 64th polar (not yet available) AGRMET native jmax: 512 #512 - 8th polar; 1024 - 16th polar; 4096 - 64th polar (not yet available) AGRMET GEOPRECIP imax: 512 #512 - 8th polar; 1024 - 16th polar; 4096 - 64th polar (not yet available) AGRMET GEOPRECIP jmax: 512 #512 - 8th polar; 1024 - 16th polar; 4096 - 64th polar (not yet available) AGRMET SSMI imax: 512 #512 - 8th polar; 1024 - 16th polar; 4096 - 64th polar (not yet available) AGRMET SSMI jmax: 512 #512 - 8th polar; 1024 - 16th polar; 4096 - 64th polar (not yet available) AGRMET sfcalc cntm file: ./STATIC/sfcalc-cntm AGRMET precip climatology: ./STATIC/pcp_clim/ AGRMET nogaps wind weight: 0.75 AGRMET minimum wind speed: 0.25 AGRMET use present/past weather estimate: 1 AGRMET use precip observations: 1 AGRMET use SSMI data: 1 AGRMET use CDFSII-based estimate: 1 AGRMET use GEOPRECIP estimate: 2 AGRMET CDFSII time interval: 6 AGRMET use precip climatology: 1 AGRMET SSMI zero use switch: 1 AGRMET snow distribution shape parameter: 2.6 AGRMET alternate monthly weighting factor: 1.0 AGRMET minimum 3hr climo value: 0.025 AGRMET maximum 3hr climo value: 0.375 AGRMET minimum precip-per-precip day multiplier: 0.0 AGRMET maximum precip-per-precip day multiplier: 1.1 AGRMET cloud threshold to generate CDFSII estimate: 85.0 AGRMET median cloud cover percentage1: 15.0 AGRMET median cloud cover percentage2: 0.60 AGRMET overcast percentage: 0.30 AGRMET 3hr maximum precip ceiling: 200.0 AGRMET security classification: U AGRMET distribution classification: C AGRMET data category: ANLYS AGRMET area of data: GLOBAL AGRMET use CMORPH data: AGRMET CMORPH minimum temperature threshold: AGRMET CMORPH maximum temperature threshold: AGRMET GEO_PRECIP minimum temperature threshold: AGRMET GEO_PRECIP maximum temperature threshold: AGRMET CMORPH data directory: AGRMET CMORPH imax: AGRMET CMORPH jmax: AGRMET CMORPH min lat: AGRMET CMORPH max lat: AGRMET CMORPH min lon: AGRMET CMORPH max lon: AGRMET CMORPH dx: AGRMET CMORPH dy: AGRMET use GFS precip: 1 AGRMET use GALWEM precip: 0 AGRMET radiation derived from: GALWEM_RAD AGRMET GALWEM radiation data directory: GALWEM_Rad AGRMET number of gauge networks to use: 7 AGRMET gauge networks to use:: AMIL CANA FAA ICAO WMO HADS NWSLI :: AGRMET GALWEM Precip correlation function type: 1 AGRMET GALWEM T2M correlation function type: 1 AGRMET GALWEM RH2M correlation function type: 1 AGRMET GALWEM SPD10M correlation function type: 1 AGRMET GFS Precip correlation function type: 1 AGRMET GFS T2M correlation function type: 1 AGRMET GFS RH2M correlation function type: 1 AGRMET GFS SPD10M correlation function type: 1 AGRMET precip obs file format: 1 AGRMET sfc obs file format: 1 AGRMET GALWEM Precip background error scale length (m): 102000. AGRMET GALWEM Precip background error variance: 0.83 AGRMET GALWEM Precip Gauge observation error variance: 0.86 AGRMET GALWEM Precip GEOPRECIP observation error scale length (m): 132000. AGRMET GALWEM Precip GEOPRECIP observation error variance: 1.24 AGRMET GALWEM Precip SSMI observation error scale length (m): 133000. AGRMET GALWEM Precip SSMI observation error variance: 2.58 AGRMET GALWEM Precip CMORPH observation error scale length (m): 89000. AGRMET GALWEM Precip CMORPH observation error variance: 1.15 AGRMET GALWEM Precip IMERG observation error scale length (m): 101000. AGRMET GALWEM Precip IMERG observation error variance: 1.93 AGRMET GALWEM T2M background error scale length (m): 110000. AGRMET GALWEM T2M background error variance: 1.48 AGRMET GALWEM T2M station observation error variance: 2.30 AGRMET GALWEM RH2M background error scale length (m): 119000. AGRMET GALWEM RH2M background error variance: 30.7 AGRMET GALWEM RH2M station observation error variance: 65.8 AGRMET GALWEM SPD10M background error scale length (m): 53000. AGRMET GALWEM SPD10M background error variance: 0.62 AGRMET GALWEM SPD10M station observation error variance: 2.37 AGRMET GFS Precip background error scale length (m): 93000. AGRMET GFS Precip background error variance: 0.47 AGRMET GFS Precip Gauge observation error variance: 0.70 AGRMET GFS Precip GEOPRECIP observation error scale length (m): 131000. AGRMET GFS Precip GEOPRECIP observation error variance: 1.06 AGRMET GFS Precip SSMI observation error scale length (m): 131000. AGRMET GFS Precip SSMI observation error variance: 2.10 AGRMET GFS Precip CMORPH observation error scale length (m): 91000. AGRMET GFS Precip CMORPH observation error variance: 0.92 AGRMET GFS Precip IMERG observation error scale length (m): 100000. AGRMET GFS Precip IMERG observation error variance: 1.62 AGRMET GFS T2M background error scale length (m): 125000. AGRMET GFS T2M background error variance: 1.36 AGRMET GFS T2M station observation error variance: 2.38 AGRMET GFS RH2M background error scale length (m): 197000. AGRMET GFS RH2M background error variance: 51.3 AGRMET GFS RH2M station observation error variance: 66.8 AGRMET GFS SPD10M background error scale length (m): 86000. AGRMET GFS SPD10M background error variance: 0.57 AGRMET GFS SPD10M station observation error variance: 2.48 AGRMET forcing map projection: latlon AGRMET forcing domain lower left lat: -89.9531250 AGRMET forcing domain lower left lon: -179.9296875 AGRMET forcing domain upper right lat: 89.9531250 AGRMET forcing domain upper right lon: 179.9296875 AGRMET forcing domain resolution (dx): 0.1406250 AGRMET forcing domain resolution (dy): 0.0937500 AGRMET use IMERG data: 1 AGRMET IMERG temperature threshold: 278 AGRMET IMERG data directory: ./input/IMERG/Early_V07B AGRMET IMERG product: 3B-HHR-E # Early Run AGRMET IMERG version: V07B # Jun 2024 AGRMET IMERG Probability Liquid Precip Threshold: 100 AGRMET output OBA data: 0 AGRMET skip backQC: 0 AGRMET skip superstatQC: 0 AGRMET 3hr maximum precip ceiling: 200.0 AGRMET mask file: ./input/legacy/all_16/point_switches AGRMET terrain file: ./input/legacy/pst_16/terrain
PRINCETON forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
PRINCETON forcing files.
PRINCETON forcing version:
specifies the
processed version level of the Princeton forcing dataset.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
2 |
Version 2.0 |
2.2 |
Version 2.2 |
PRINCETON forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/PRINCETON PRINCETON forcing version: 2.2
GSWP2 landmask file:
specifies the GSWP2 landmask file.
GSWP2 2m air temperature map:
specifies the GSWP2 2 meter
air temperature data.
GSWP2 2m specific humidity map:
specifies the GSWP2 2 meter
specific humidity data.
GSWP2 wind map:
specifies the GSWP2 wind data.
GSWP2 surface pressure map:
specifies the GSWP2 surface
pressure data.
GSWP2 convective rainfall rate map:
specifies the GSWP2
convective rainfall rate data.
GSWP2 rainfall rate map:
specifies the GSWP2
rainfall rate data.
GSWP2 snowfall rate map:
specifies the GSWP2
snowfall rate data.
GSWP2 incident shortwave radiation map:
specifies the GSWP2
incident shortwave radiation data.
GSWP2 incident longwave radiation map:
specifies the GSWP2
incident longwave radiation data.
GSWP2 landmask file: ./input/gswp2data/Fixed/ GSWP2 2m air temperature map: ./input/gswp2data/Tair_cru/Tair_cru GSWP2 2m specific humidity map: ./input/gswp2data/Qair_cru/Qair_cru GSWP2 wind map: ./input/gswp2data/Wind_ncep/Wind_ncep GSWP2 surface pressure map: ./input/gswp2data/PSurf_ecor/PSurf_ecor GSWP2 convective rainfall rate map: ./input/gswp2data/Rainf_C_gswp/Rainf_C_gswp GSWP2 rainfall rate map: ./input/gswp2data/Rainf_gswp/Rainf_gswp GSWP2 snowfall rate map: ./input/gswp2data/Snowf_gswp/Snowf_gswp GSWP2 incident shortwave radiation map: ./input/gswp2data/SWdown_srb/SWdown_srb GSWP2 incident longwave radiation map: ./input/gswp2data/LWdown_srb/LWdown_srb
GLDAS forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
GMAO GLDAS forcing files.
GLDAS forcing directory: ../FORCING/GLDAS_GMAO/
GFS forcing directory:
specifies the location of the GFS
forcing files.
GFS domain x-dimension size:
specifies the number of
columns of the native domain parameters of the GFS forcing data.
The map projection is specified in the driver modules defined for
the GFS routines.
GFS domain y-dimension size:
specifies the number of
rows of the native domain parameters of the GFS forcing data.
The map projection is specified in the driver modules defined for
the GFS routines.
GFS number of forcing variables:
specifies the number of
forcing variables provided by GFS at the model initialization step.
GFS forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/GFS/ GFS domain x-dimension size: 512 GFS domain y-dimension size: 256 GFS number of forcing variables: 10
MERRA2 forcing directory:
specifies the location of
the MERRA2 forcing files.
Please note that MERRA2 forcing data are available via NASA’s Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC; Also, topographic or elevation correction option is now supported with the latest LIS MERRA-2 reader. Please also see the latest LDT notes for updates on how to use this option.
MERRA2 use lowest model level forcing:
specifies whether
to use the lowest model level forcing.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use the lowest model level forcing. |
1 |
Use the lowest model level forcing. |
MERRA2 use 2m wind fields:
specifies whether to use the
2m diagnosed wind fields. This option will only work if the
lowest model level forcing option is turned off.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use the 2m diagnosed wind speed fields. |
1 |
Use the 2m diagnosed wind speed fields. |
MERRA2 use corrected total precipitation:
specifies whether
to use the bias corrected total precipitation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use the bias corrected total precipitation. |
1 |
Use the bias corrected total precipitation. |
MERRA2 forcing directory: ./MERRA2/ MERRA2 use lowest model level forcing: 1 MERRA2 use 2m wind fields: 0 MERRA2 use corrected total precipitation: 1
GEOS-IT forcing directory:
specifies the location of
the GEOS-IT forcing files.
Please note that GEOS-IT is currently in production and is not complete for all calendar years. Also, it is not yet available outside of NASA’s NCCS computing platforms. Also, the topographic or elevation correction option is supported through the MERRA-2 geopotential terrain height file. Please also see the latest LDT notes for updates on how to use this option.
GEOS-IT use lowest model level forcing:
specifies whether
to use the lowest model level forcing.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use the lowest model level forcing. |
1 |
Use the lowest model level forcing. |
GEOS-IT use 2m wind fields:
specifies whether to use the
2m diagnosed wind fields. This option will only work if
the lowest model level forcing option is turned off.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use the 2m diagnosed wind speed fields. |
1 |
Use the 2m diagnosed wind speed fields. |
GEOS-IT forcing directory: ./GEOS-IT GEOS-IT use lowest model level forcing: 1 GEOS-IT use 2m wind fields: 0
ERA5 forcing directory:
specifies the location of
the ERA5 forcing files.
ERA5 forcing tile to grid mapping file:
specifies the file
that maps the 1-d forcing to a 2-d format
ERA5 forcing directory: ./ERA5/ ERA5 forcing tile to grid mapping file: ../ERA5/
AGRRADPS forcing directory:
specifies the directory containing
AGRMET polar stereographic radiation data.
AGRRADPS forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/AGRRADPS
CMAP forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
CMAP forcing files.
CMAP forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/CMAP
SCAN forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
SCAN forcing files.
SCAN metadata file:
specifies the file containing
SCAN metadata.
SCAN forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/SCAN SCAN metadata file: ./input/FORCING/SCAN/msu_scan.mdata
NLDAS2 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the NLDAS-2
GRIB-1 forcing files.
NLDAS2 data center source:
specifies the center that produced the
NLDAS-2 GRIB-1 files. (This is specified to distinguish the filenames.)
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“NCEP” |
NLDAS2 use model level data:
specifies whether or not to
read in the model level data (instead of 2/10m fields) from the
NLDAS-2 forcing dataset (will open up and read “B” files).
This data is at the height of the NARR lowest model level.
Note that this will read in “Height of Atmospheric Forcing” and “Surface Exchange Coefficient for Heat”. You must make sure that they are included in your forcing variables list file. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
NLDAS2 use model based swdown:
specifies whether or not to
read in the un-bias corrected model downward shortwave radiation
data (in leiu of the bias corrected data) from the NLDAS-2 forcing
dataset (will open up and read “B” files). The data source is
the NARR shortwave.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
NLDAS2 use model based precip:
specifies whether or not
to read in the model based precipitation data (instead of the
observation based precipitation) from the NLDAS-2 forcing
dataset (will open up and read “B” files). The data source
is the NARR precipitation.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
NLDAS2 use model based pressure:
specifies whether or not
to read in the model base pressure data from the NLDAS-2 forcing
dataset (will open up and read “B” files). The data source is
the pressure at the NARR lowest model level.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
NLDAS2 forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/NLDAS2 NLDAS2 data center source: "GES-DISC" NLDAS2 use model level data: 0 NLDAS2 use model based swdown: 0 NLDAS2 use model based precip: 0 NLDAS2 use model based pressure: 0
NLDAS-2.0 FORA forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
NLDAS-2.0 v020 “FORA” netCDF-4 forcing files.
NLDAS-2.0 FORB forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
NLDAS-2.0 v020 “FORB” netCDF-4 forcing files. This config entry
is not required unless one of the following FORB data use flags is
set to “1”.
NLDAS-2.0 use FORB model level data:
specifies whether or not to
read in and use the model level data (instead of 2/10-m fields) from
the NLDAS-2 “FORB” forcing dataset. This data is at the height
of the NARR lowest model level. The fields that are used are air
temperature, air humidity, winds, height of the lowest model level,
and the aerodynamic conductance. This config entry is not required,
and the default will be to not use this FORB data. However, if the
FORB model level data is chosen, you must specify the directory of
the FORB data using the “NLDAS-2.0 FORB forcing directory:” config.
Note that this will read in “Height of Atmospheric Forcing” and “Surface Exchange Coefficient for Heat” (aka, aerodynamic conductance). You must make sure that “Forc_Hgt:” and “Ch:” (respectively) are included in your forcing variables list file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
NLDAS-2.0 use FORB model-based SWdown:
specifies whether or not
to read in and use the un-bias-corrected model downward shortwave
radiation data (in leiu of the bias-corrected data) from the NLDAS-2
“FORB” forcing dataset. The data source is the NARR shortwave.
This config entry is not required, and the default will be to not
use this FORB data. However, if the FORB model-based SWdown is
chosen, you must specify the directory of the FORB data using the
“NLDAS-2.0 FORB forcing directory:” config.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
NLDAS-2.0 use FORB model-based precip:
specifies whether or not
to read in and use the model-based precipitation data (instead of
the observation-based precipitation) from the NLDAS-2 “FORB”
forcing dataset. The data source is the NARR precipitation.
This config entry is not required, and the default will be to not
use this FORB data. However, if the FORB model-based precip is
chosen, you must specify the directory of the FORB data using the
“NLDAS-2.0 FORB forcing directory:” config.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
NLDAS-2.0 use FORB model-based pressure:
specifies whether or
not to read in and use the pressure data from the NLDAS-2 “FORB”
forcing dataset. This data is at the height of the NARR lowest
model level. This config entry is not required, and the default
will be to not use this FORB data. However, if the FORB model-based
pressure is chosen, you must specify the directory of the FORB data
using the “NLDAS-2.0 FORB forcing directory:” config.
Acceptable values are:
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
NLDAS-2.0 FORA forcing directory: ./input/NLDAS2/FORA NLDAS-2.0 FORB forcing directory: ./input/NLDAS2/FORB NLDAS-2.0 use FORB model level data: 0 NLDAS-2.0 use FORB model-based SWdown: 0 NLDAS-2.0 use FORB model-based precip: 0 NLDAS-2.0 use FORB model-based pressure: 0
COAMPS output forcing directory:
specifies the location of
the COAMPS forcing files.
COAMPS nest id:
specifies the nest id
COAMPS forcing usually provides forcing for 2 nests. The first nest
is 15km resolution and the second nest is a smaller sub-domain with
a resolution of 5km. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
COAMPS output forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/COAMPS COAMPS nest id: 1
TRMM 3B42RT forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
TRMM 3B42RT forcing files.
TRMM 3B42RT forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/3B42RT/
TRMM 3B42RTV7 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
TRMM 3B42RT Version 7 forcing files.
TRMM 3B42RTV7 forcing directory: ../MET_FORCING/3B42RT-V7/
TRMM 3B42V6 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
TRMM 3B42V6 forcing files.
TRMM 3B42V6 forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/3B42V6/
TRMM 3B42V7 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
TRMM 3B42V7 forcing files.
TRMM 3B42V7 forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/3B42V7/
CMORPH forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
CMORPH precipitation forcing files.
CMORPH forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/CMORPH/
IMERG forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
GPM IMERG precipitation forcing files.
IMERG product:
specifies the product of the GPM IMERG
precipitation forcing files. The valid options are: early,
late, and final. If no version is specified, the reader will
default to the “final” product of GPM IMERG.
IMERG version:
specifies the version of the GPM IMERG
precipitation forcing files. If no version is specified,
the reader will default to “V06B”.
The supported versions of GPM IMERG are:
Version | Product |
V06B |
early, late, final |
V06C |
early, late, final |
V06D |
early, late, final |
V07A |
preliminary support for final |
IMERG forcing directory: ./FORCING/IMERG IMERG product: 'final' IMERG version: 'V06B'
STAGE2 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
STAGE2 forcing files.
STAGE2 forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/STII
STAGE4 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
STAGE4 forcing files.
STAGE4 forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/STIV
NARR forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
NARR forcing files.
NARR domain x-dimension size:
specifies the number of
columns of the native domain parameters of the NARR forcing data.
NARR domain y-dimension size:
specifies the number of
rows of the native domain parameters of the NARR forcing data.
NARR domain y-dimension size:
specifies the number of
rows of the native domain parameters of the NARR forcing data.
NARR domain z-dimension size:
specifies the number of
atmospheric profiles in the NARR forcing data.
NARR forcing directory: ./input/Code/NARR/ NARR domain x-dimension size: 768 NARR domain y-dimension size: 386 NARR domain z-dimension size: 30
RFE2Daily forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
RFE2Daily forcing files.
RFE2Daily time offset:
specifies the time offset for the
RFE2Daily forcing data, in hours. This adjusts when LIS will
read the RFE2Daily precipitation data. For general use, the data
should be read at hour 6z, but for use by GeoWRSI, the data should be
read at hour 0z.
RFE2Daily forcing directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/RFE2.0_CPC/Africa/ RFE2Daily time offset: 0 # for use by GeoWRSI
CHIRPS2.0 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
UCSB CHIRPS v2.0 precipitation forcing file directory. User
must specify first part of CHIRPS filename, which allows the
user to either run with the CHIRPS- or the CHIRP-based (without
station data) datasets.
CHIRPS2.0 forcing resolution:
specifies the spatial resolution
of CHIRPS v2.0 forcing dataset. Two options include 0.05 or 0.25 (deg).
CHIRPS2.0 forcing directory: ./CHIRPSv2/daily_p05/chirps-v2.0 CHIRPS2.0 forcing resolution: 0.05
USGS PET forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
PET USGS forcing files.
USGS PET forcing type:
specifies the choice for PET forcing
data type.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
current |
Retrospective or current time-based PET files |
climatology |
Climatology-based PET files |
USGS PET forcing directory: ./PET_USGS
RFE2gdas forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
RFE2gdas forcing files.
RFE2gdas forcing directory:
NAM242 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
“NAM 242 AWIPS Grid -- Over Alaska” forcing files
NAM242 forcing directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/NAM242
WRF output forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
WRF output data files.
WRF nest id:
specifies the nest id of the WRF output data files.
WRF output forcing directory: ./input/wrfout/ WRF nest id: 1
WRF output v2 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
“NCAR-WRF 4km metforcing output” forcing files
WRF output v2 forcing directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/conus_wrf
WRF AK forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
“NCAR-WRF Alaska domain 4km metforcing output” files
WRF AK forcing directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/AK_wrf
GEOS5 forecast forcing directory:
specifies the location
of the GEOS5 forecast forcing files.
GEOS5 forecast forcing number of ensemble members:
specifies the number of
ensemble members desired for the GEOS-5 forecast dataset.
GEOS5 forecast forcing directory: ./MET_FORCING/GEOS5/ GEOS5 forecast forcing number of ensemble members: 11
GEFS forecast directory:
specifies the location
of the GEFS forecast forcing files.
GEFS forecast type:
specifies the GEFS forecast
product type, which can either be Reforecast2 or Operational.
GEFS forecast run mode:
specifies the run mode related
to the GEFS dataset, which can either be forecast or analysis
run mode. Currently, only the forecast mode is supported.
GEFS forecast grid projection:
specifies the GEFS forecast
product grid projection, which can either be latlon or gaussian.
Currently only latlon is supported.
GEFS pressure level field:
specifies the GEFS pressure
level field, which can either be surface (default setting in LIS)
or mean sea level (msl) can be selected (which is not supported yet).
GEFS forecast number of ensemble members:
specifies the number
of GEFS ensemble members being read in. Reforecast2 currently
supports up to a 11 members.
GEFS forecast grid resolution:
specifies the grid resolution in degrees
of the GEFS forecast data. The current resolutions supported are:
GEFS forecast type | Resolutions |
GEFS forecast directory: ./MET_FORCING/GEFS/Reforecast/ GEFS forecast type: Reforecast2 # Reforecast2 | Operational GEFS forecast run mode: forecast # forecast | analysis GEFS forecast grid projection: latlon # latlon | gaussian GEFS pressure level field: surface # surface | msl GEFS forecast number of ensemble members: 11 GEFS forecast grid resolution: 0.25
Generic ensemble forecast directory:
specifies the location
of the user-generated ensemble forecast forcing files.
Generic ensemble forecast number of ensemble members:
specifies the number of
ensemble members desired for the user-generated ensemble forecast dataset.
Name of base forecast model:
specifies the base forecast model used in
the generated ensemble-based forecast forcing files being read in.
Default setting is GEOS5, but options include GEOS5 and CFSv2.
Generic ensemble forecast initial date:
specifies the initial forecast
date, such as YYYYMMDD. This option enables the user to be able to
run from restart conditions if a forecast run stops or times out
during runtime. This is an optional entry.
Generic ensemble forecast directory: ./GEOS5_BiasCorrected/ Generic ensemble forecast number of ensemble members: 11 Name of base forecast model: GEOS5 Generic ensemble forecast initial date: 20200501
Precipitation ensemble forecast directory:
specifies the location
of the user-generated ensemble precipitation forecast forcing files.
Precipitation ensemble forecast number of ensemble members:
specifies the number of
ensemble members desired for the user-generated precipitation ensemble forecast dataset.
Name of base forecast model:
specifies the base forecast model used in
the generated ensemble-based forecast forcing files being read in.
Default setting is GEOS5, but options include GEOS5 and CFSv2.
Precipitation ensemble forecast initial date:
specifies the initial forecast
date, such as YYYYMMDD. This option enables the user to be able to
run from restart conditions if a forecast run stops or times out
during runtime. This is an optional entry.
Precipitation ensemble forecast directory: ./GEOS5_BiasCorrected/ Precipitation ensemble forecast number of ensemble members: 11 Name of base forecast model: GEOS5 Precipitation ensemble forecast initial date: 20200501
Bondville forcing file:
specifies the location of the
Bondville forcing file.
Bondville Noah-MP-4.0.1 forcing:
specifies the version
of the Bondville forcing to be used. This option sets the
formatting read statements for the ASCII forcing file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Use the Noah-3.X version of the Bondville forcing |
1 |
Use the Noah-MP-4.0.1 version of the Bondville forcing from HRLDAS |
Bondville forcing file: ./bondville.dat Bondville Noah-MP-4.0.1 forcing: 1
SNOTEL forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
SNOTEL forcing files.
SNOTEL metadata file:
specifies the location of the SNOTEL
metadata file.
SNOTEL coord file:
specifies the location of the SNOTEL
coordinates file.
SNOTEL forcing directory: SNOTEL metadata file: SNOTEL coord file:
This is used by the LIS development team to support debugging VIC within LIS. One must first run stand-alone VIC, configured to output its forcing data. Then one must grid the output forcing data into a format understood by LIS.
VIC forcing directory:
specifies the location of the VIC
processed forcing files.
VIC forcing interval:
specifies the frequency of the VIC
processed forcing data, in seconds.
VIC forcing domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left
latitude of the VIC processed forcing data.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
VIC forcing domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left
longitude of the VIC processed forcing data.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
VIC forcing domain upper right lat:
specifies the upper
right latitude of the VIC processed forcing data.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
VIC forcing domain upper right lon:
specifies the upper
right longitude of the VIC processed forcing data.
(cylindrical latitude/longitude projection)
VIC forcing domain resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution
of the of the VIC processed forcing data along the east-west direction.
VIC forcing domain resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution
of the of the VIC processed forcing data along the north-south
specifies the number of columns of the VIC
processed forcing data.
specifies the number of rows of the VIC processed
forcing data.
VIC forcing directory: VIC forcing interval: VIC forcing domain lower left lat: VIC forcing domain lower left lon: VIC forcing domain upper right lat: VIC forcing domain upper right lon: VIC forcing domain resolution (dx): VIC forcing domain resolution (dy): VIC NC: VIC NR:
PALS met forcing directory:
specifies the location of the
PALS station forcing files.
PALS met forcing station name:
specifies the name of the
PALS station.
PALS met forcing data start year:
specifies the starting
year of the PALS station data.
PALS met forcing data start month:
specifies the starting
month of the PALS station data.
PALS met forcing data start day:
specifies the starting
day of the PALS station data.
PALS met forcing data start hour:
specifies the starting
hour of the PALS station data.
PALS met forcing data start minute:
specifies the starting
minute of the PALS station data.
PALS met forcing data start second:
specifies the starting
second of the PALS station data.
PALS met forcing directory: PALS met forcing station name: PALS met forcing data start year: PALS met forcing data start month: PALS met forcing data start day: PALS met forcing data start hour: PALS met forcing data start minute: PALS met forcing data start second:
Generated metforcing directory:
specifies the location of the
LDT generated meteorological forcing files. Files generated in LDT
are in netCDF format, and they are automatically loaded and handled
by the LIS reader.
Generated metforcing directory: ./LDT_OUTPUT/
Metforcing climatology directory:
specifies the location of the
LDT generated forcing climatologies files. Files generated in LDT
are in netCDF format, and they are automatically loaded and handled
by this selected reader in LIS.
Metforcing climatology directory: ./Forcing_Climatology/MERRA2Clim/
Generic ensemble forecast directory:
specifies the location of the
generic ensemble forecast data.
Generic ensemble forecast number of ensemble members:
specifies the
number of ensemble members.
Generic ensemble forecast directory: Generic ensemble forecast number of ensemble members:
AWAP forcing directory:
specifies the location of the AWAP precipitation
forcing data.
AWAP forcing directory:
GDAS T1534 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the GDAS T1534 metforcing data.
`GDAS T1534 forcing directory:`
MRMS forcing directory:
specifies the location of the MRMS metforcing data.
MRMS masking:
specifies whether to use a monthly-varying mask for where MRMS
data are considered acceptable to the user. (1=Yes 0=No)
MRMS mask threshold:
specifies Radar Quality Index value (on scale of 0-100)
above which to use MRMS data and below which to use a different forcing.
MRMS mask directory:
specifies the location of the MRMS mask files.
MRMS forcing directory: MRMS masking: 1 MRMS mask threshold: 60.0 MRMS mask directory: ./input/MASKS/
AWRAL forcing directory:
specifies the location of the AWRA-L metforcing data.
AWRAL domain x-dimension size:
specifies the number of columns of the native domain parameters of the AWRA-L forcing data.
AWRAL domain y-dimension size:
specifies the number of rows of the native domain parameters of the AWRA-L forcing data.
AWRAL forcing directory: ./INPUT/AWRAL.FORCING AWRAL domain x-dimension size: 841 AWRAL domain y-dimension size: 681
PLUMBER2 forcing file:
specifies the location of the PLUMBER2 forcing file.
PLUMBER2 Station ID:
specifies the station ID of the PLUMBER2 forcing file.
PLUMBER2 Time Delta:
specifies the PLUMBER2 site-specific forcing time step (in seconds).
PLUMBER2 forcing file: ./input/PLUMBER2/ PLUMBER2 Station ID: AU-Cow PLUMBER2 Time Delta: 1800
GDDP forcing file:
specifies the location of the GDDP metforcing data.
GDDP forcing scenario:
specifies the GDDP forcing scenario. Currently only historical
is supported.
GDDP reference daily climatology directory:
specifies the location of the GDDP reference daily climatology data.
GDDP reference hourly climatology directory:
specifies the location of the GDDP reference hourly climatology data.
GDDP forcing directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/NEX-GDDP-CMIP6/ GDDP forcing scenario: historical GDDP reference daily climatology directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/M2CLIMO/DAILY/ GDDP reference hourly climatology directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/M2CLIMO/HOURLY/
GALWEM forecast forcing directory:
specifies the location
of the GALWEM forecast forcing files.
GALWEM forecast resolution:
specifies the resolution of
the GALWEM forecast data. The current resolutions supported are:
17(=17km) or 25(=0.25deg)
GALWEM forecast run mode:
specifies the run mode related
to the GALWEM dataset, which can either be forecast or analysis
run mode. Currently, only the forecast mode is supported.
GALWEM forecast forcing directory: ./GALWEM_17km GALWEM forecast grid resolution: 17 # 17(=17km) or 25(=0.25 deg) GALWEM forecast run mode: forecast # forecast | analysis
GALWEM-GE forecast forcing directory:
specifies the location
of the GALWEM-GE forecast forcing files.
GALWEM-GE forecast run mode:
specifies the run mode related
to the GALWEM-GE dataset, which can either be forecast or analysis
run mode. Currently, only the forecast mode is supported.
GALWEM-GE forecast number of ensemble members:
specifies the number of ensembles
of the GALWEM-GE forecast forcing data.
GALWEM-GE forecast forcing directory: ./GALWEM_GE GALWEM-GE forecast run mode: forecast # forecast | analysis GALWEM-GE forecast number of ensemble members: 21
MOGREPS-G forecast forcing directory:
specifies the location
of the MOGREPS-G forecast forcing files.
MOGREPS-G forecast run mode:
specifies the run mode related
to the MOGREPS-G dataset, which can either be forecast or analysis
run mode. Currently, only the forecast mode is supported.
MOGREPS-G forecast number of ensemble members:
specifies the number of ensembles
of the MOGREPS-G forecast forcing data.
Apply MOGREPS-G precipitation bias correction:
specifies whether to enable the precipitation
bias correction. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not enable |
1 |
Enable |
MOGREPS-G model CDF file:
specifies the location of the MOGREPS-G model CDF file.
MOGREPS-G forecast forcing directory: ./MOGREPS-G MOGREPS-G forecast run mode: forecast # forecast | analysis MOGREPS-G forecast number of ensemble members: 18 Apply MOGREPS-G precipitation bias correction: 1 #enter 1 - use; or 0 MOGREPS-G model CDF file: ./input/cdf/
TEMPLATE model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
The template LSM is not a model;
rather, it is a placeholder for a model. It demonstrates the hooks
that are needed to add a land surface model into LIS. This “LSM”
is also used to run LIS with the purpose of only processing and writing
forcing data.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
TEMPLATE model timestep: 1hr
Noah.2.7.1 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
For a nested domain, the timesteps for each nest should be specified with white spaces as the delimiter. If two domains (one subnest) are employed, the first one using 900 seconds and the second one using 3600 seconds as the timestep, the model timesteps are specified as:
E.g.: Noah.2.7.1 model timestep: 15mn 60mn
Noah.2.7.1 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Noah-2.7.1. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah.2.7.1 restart file:
specifies the Noah-2.7.1 active
restart file.
Noah.2.7.1 vegetation parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-2.7.1 static vegetation parameter table file.
Noah.2.7.1 soil parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-2.7.1 soil parameter file.
Noah.2.7.1 use PTF for mapping soil properties:
specifies if
pedotransfer functions are to be used for mapping soil properties
(0-do not use, 1-use).
Noah.2.7.1 number of vegetation parameters:
specifies the number of static vegetation
parameters specified for each veg type.
Noah.2.7.1 soils scheme:
specifies the soil mapping scheme used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Zobler |
2 |
Noah.2.7.1 number of soil classes:
specifies the number of
soil classes in the above mapping scheme.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
9 |
Zobler |
19 |
Noah.2.7.1 number of soil layers:
specifies the number of
soil layers. The typical value used in Noah-2.7.1 is 4.
Noah.2.7.1 layer thicknesses:
specifies the thickness (in meters)
of each of the Noah-2.7.1 soil layers (top layer to bottom layer).
If the number of soil layers and thicknesses change from the typical
4 layers with thicknesses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 meters, users
should change the values of NROOT for each vegetation type to map
the number of layers with roots for transpiration in their own
custom noah.vegparms parameter file.
Noah.2.7.1 initial skin temperature:
specifies the initial skin temperature in Kelvin used in the
cold start runs.
Noah.2.7.1 initial soil temperatures:
specifies the initial soil temperature (for all layers,
top to bottom) in Kelvin used in the cold start runs.
Noah.2.7.1 initial total soil moistures:
specifies the
initial total volumetric soil moistures (for all layers,
top to bottom) used in the cold start runs.
(units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.2.7.1 initial liquid soil moistures:
specifies the
initial liquid volumetric soil moistures (for all layers,
top to bottom) used in the cold start runs.
(units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.2.7.1 initial canopy water:
specifies the initial
canopy water (m).
Noah.2.7.1 initial snow depth:
specifies the initial
snow depth (m).
Noah.2.7.1 initial snow equivalent:
specifies the initial
snow water equivalent (m).
Noah.2.7.1 reference height for forcing T and q:
specifies the
height in meters of air temperature and specific humidity forcings.
Noah.2.7.1 reference height for forcing u and v:
specifies the
height in meters of u and v wind forcings.
Noah.2.7.1 reinitialize parameters from OPTUE output:
whether to reinitialize parameters from OPTUE output.
Defaults to 0.
Noah.2.7.1 parameter restart file (from OPTUE):
specifies the
restart file to use to reinitialize parameters.
Only used when
Noah.2.7.1 reinitialize parameters from OPTUE output:
is set to 1.
Noah.2.7.1 model timestep: 15mn Noah.2.7.1 restart output interval: 1mo Noah.2.7.1 restart file: ./LIS.E111.200401210000.d01.Noah271rst Noah.2.7.1 vegetation parameter table: ../../noah271_parms/noah.vegparms_UMD.txt Noah.2.7.1 soil parameter table: ../../noah271_parms/noah.soilparms_STATSGO-FAO.txt Noah.2.7.1 use PTF for mapping soil properties: 0 Noah.2.7.1 number of vegetation parameters: 7 Noah.2.7.1 soils scheme: 2 # 1-Zobler; 2-STATSGO Noah.2.7.1 number of soil classes: 16 # 9 for Zobler Noah.2.7.1 number of soil layers: 4 Noah.2.7.1 layer thicknesses: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 Noah.2.7.1 initial skin temperature: 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.2.7.1 initial soil temperatures: 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.2.7.1 initial total soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.2.7.1 initial liquid soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.2.7.1 initial canopy water: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.2.7.1 initial snow depth: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.2.7.1 initial snow equivalent: 0.0 # SWE depth (m) Noah.2.7.1 reference height for forcing T and q: 20.0 Noah.2.7.1 reference height for forcing u and v: 20.0
Noah.3.2 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
For a nested domain, the timesteps for each nest should be specified with white spaces as the delimiter. If two domains (one subnest) are employed, the first one using 900 seconds and the second one using 3600 seconds as the timestep, the model timesteps are specified as:
E.g.: Noah.3.2 model timestep: 15mn 60mn
Noah.3.2 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Noah-3.2. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah.3.2 restart file:
specifies the Noah-3.2 active
restart file.
Noah.3.2 vegetation parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.2 static vegetation parameter table file.
Noah.3.2 soil parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.2 soil parameter file.
Noah.3.2 general parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.2 general parameter file.
Noah.3.2 use PTF for mapping soil properties:
specifies if
pedotransfer functions are to be used for mapping soil properties
(0-do not use, 1-use).
Noah.3.2 soils scheme:
specifies the soil mapping scheme used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Zobler |
2 |
Noah.3.2 number of soil layers:
specifies the number of
soil layers. The typical value used in Noah is 4.
Noah.3.2 layer thicknesses:
specifies the thickness (in meters)
of each of the Noah-3.2 soil layers (top layer to bottom layer).
If the number of soil layers and thicknesses change from the typical
4 layers with thicknesses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 meters, users
should change the values of NROOT for each vegetation type to map
the number of layers with roots for transpiration in their own
custom VEGPARM.TBL parameter file.
Noah.3.2 use distributed soil depth map:
specifies whether
to use a distributed soil depth map. Defaults to 0.
Noah.3.2 use distributed root depth map:
specifies whether
to use a distributed root depth map. Defaults to 0.
Noah.3.2 initial skin temperature:
specifies the initial skin temperature in Kelvin used in the
cold start runs.
Noah.3.2 initial soil temperatures:
specifies the initial soil temperature (for all layers,
top to bottom) in Kelvin used in the cold start runs.
Noah.3.2 initial total soil moistures:
specifies the
initial total volumetric soil moistures (for all layers,
top to bottom) used in the cold start runs.
(units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.3.2 initial liquid soil moistures:
specifies the
initial liquid volumetric soil moistures (for all layers,
top to bottom) used in the cold start runs.
(units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.3.2 initial canopy water:
specifies the initial
canopy water (m).
Noah.3.2 initial snow depth:
specifies the initial
snow depth (m).
Noah.3.2 initial snow equivalent:
specifies the initial
snow water equivalent (m).
Noah.3.2 fixed max snow albedo:
specifies a fixed maximum
snow albedo (fraction, 0.0 to 1.0) for all grid points. This
value will only be used if “fixed” is chosen for
Max snow albedo data source
Noah.3.2 fixed deep soil temperature:
specifies a fixed
deep soil temperature (Kelvin) for all grid points. Entering
a value of 0.0 will have the code use the deep soil temperature
from the LDT-generated LIS domain and parameter data file
Noah.3.2 fixed vegetation type:
specifies a fixed
vegetation type index for all grid points. Entering a value
of 0 will not fix the vegetation types, and the code will use
the Landcover data source
information instead.
Noah.3.2 fixed soil type:
specifies a fixed soil
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0
will not fix the soil types, and the code will use the
Soil texture data source
information instead.
Noah.3.2 fixed slope type:
specifies a fixed slope
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0 will
not fix the slope index types, and the code will use the
Slope data source
information instead.
Noah.3.2 sfcdif option:
specifies whether to use the updated
SFCDIF routine in Noah-3.2, or to use the previous SFCDIF routine.
The typical option is to use the updated SFCDIF routine (option = 1).
Noah.3.2 z0 veg-type dependence option:
specifies whether
to use the vegetation type dependent roughness height option
on the CZIL parameter in the SFCDIF routine. The typical option
in Noah-3.2 is not use this dependence (option = 0).
Noah.3.2 greenness fraction:
specifies a monthly (January
to December) greenness vegetation fraction for all grid points.
These values are used only if the Greenness data source
option is set to “none”.
Noah.3.2 background albedo:
specifies a monthly background
(snow-free) albedo for all grid points. These values are only
used for an initial condition calculation, and only if the
Albedo data source
option is set to “none”. After
the first timestep, these values are not used.
Noah.3.2 background roughness length:
specifies a monthly
background (snow-free) roughness length. These values are used
only for an initial condition calculation and are not used after
the first timestep.
Noah.3.2 reference height for forcing T and q:
specifies the
height in meters of air temperature and specific humidity forcings.
Noah.3.2 reference height for forcing u and v:
specifies the
height in meters of u and v wind forcings.
Noah.3.2 model timestep: 15mn Noah.3.2 restart output interval: 1mo Noah.3.2 restart file: LIS.E111.200805140000.d01.Noah32rst Noah.3.2 vegetation parameter table: ../../noah32_parms/VEGPARM.TBL Noah.3.2 soil parameter table: ../../noah32_parms/SOILPARM.TBL Noah.3.2 general parameter table: ../../noah32_parms/GENPARM.TBL Noah.3.2 use PTF for mapping soil properties: 0 Noah.3.2 soils scheme: 2 # 1-Zobler; 2-STATSGO Noah.3.2 number of soil layers: 4 Noah.3.2 layer thicknesses: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 Noah.3.2 use distributed soil depth map: 0 # 0 - do not use; 1 - use map Noah.3.2 use distributed root depth map: 0 # 0 - do not use; 1 - use map Noah.3.2 initial skin temperature: 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.3.2 initial soil temperatures: 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.3.2 initial total soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.3.2 initial liquid soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.3.2 initial canopy water: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.3.2 initial snow depth: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.3.2 initial snow equivalent: 0.0 # SWE depth (m) Noah.3.2 fixed max snow albedo: 0.0 # fraction; 0.0 - do not fix Noah.3.2 fixed deep soil temperature: 0.0 # Kelvin; 0.0 - do not fix Noah.3.2 fixed vegetation type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.2 fixed soil type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.2 fixed slope type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.2 sfcdif option: 1 # 0 - previous SFCDIF; 1 - updated SFCDIF Noah.3.2 z0 veg-type dependence option: 0 # 0 - off; 1 - on; dependence of CZIL in SFCDIF # Green vegetation fraction - by month # - used only if "Greenness data source" above is zero Noah.3.2 greenness fraction: 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.17 0.27 0.58 0.93 0.96 0.65 0.24 0.11 0.02 # Background (i.e., snow-free) albedo - by month # - used only for first timestep; subsequent timesteps use # the values as computed in the previous call to "SFLX" Noah.3.2 background albedo: 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.18 # Background (i.e., snow-free) roughness length (m) - by month # - used only for first timestep; subsequent timesteps use # the values as computed in the previous call to "SFLX" Noah.3.2 background roughness length: 0.020 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.036 0.035 0.030 0.027 0.025 0.020 0.020 Noah.3.2 reference height for forcing T and q: 20.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data Noah.3.2 reference height for forcing u and v: 20.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data
Noah.3.3 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
For a nested domain, the timesteps for each nest should be specified with white spaces as the delimiter. If two domains (one subnest) are employed, the first one using 900 seconds and the second one using 3600 seconds as the timestep, the model timesteps are specified as:
E.g.: Noah.3.3 model timestep: 15mn 60mn
Noah.3.3 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Noah-3.3. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah.3.3 restart file:
specifies the Noah-3.3 active
restart file.
Noah.3.3 vegetation parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.3 static vegetation parameter table file.
Noah.3.3 soil parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.3 soil parameter file.
Noah.3.3 general parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.3 general parameter file.
Noah.3.3 use PTF for mapping soil properties:
specifies if
pedotransfer functions are to be used for mapping soil properties
(0-do not use, 1-use).
Noah.3.3 soils scheme:
specifies the soil mapping scheme used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Zobler |
2 |
Noah.3.3 number of soil layers:
specifies the number of
soil layers. The typical value used in Noah is 4.
Noah.3.3 layer thicknesses:
specifies the thickness (in meters)
of each of the Noah-3.3 soil layers (top layer to bottom layer).
If the number of soil layers and thicknesses change from the typical
4 layers with thicknesses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 meters, users
should change the values of NROOT for each vegetation type to map
the number of layers with roots for transpiration in their own
custom VEGPARM.TBL parameter file.
Noah.3.3 use distributed soil depth map:
specifies whether
to use a distributed soil depth map. Defaults to 0.
Noah.3.3 use distributed root depth map:
specifies whether
to use a distributed root depth map. Defaults to 0.
Noah.3.3 initial skin temperature:
specifies the initial skin temperature in Kelvin used in the
cold start runs.
Noah.3.3 initial soil temperatures:
specifies the initial soil temperature (for all layers,
top to bottom) in Kelvin used in the cold start runs.
Noah.3.3 initial total soil moistures:
specifies the
initial total volumetric soil moistures (for all layers,
top to bottom) used in the cold start runs.
(units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.3.3 initial liquid soil moistures:
specifies the
initial liquid volumetric soil moistures (for all layers,
top to bottom) used in the cold start runs.
(units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.3.3 initial canopy water:
specifies the initial
canopy water (m).
Noah.3.3 initial snow depth:
specifies the initial
snow depth (m).
Noah.3.3 initial snow equivalent:
specifies the initial
snow water equivalent (m).
Noah.3.3 fixed max snow albedo:
specifies a fixed maximum
snow albedo (fraction, 0.0 to 1.0) for all grid points. This
value will only be used if “fixed” is chosen for
Max snow albedo data source
Noah.3.3 fixed deep soil temperature:
specifies a fixed
deep soil temperature (Kelvin) for all grid points. Entering
a value of 0.0 will have the code use the deep soil temperature
from the LDT-generated LIS domain and parameter data file
Noah.3.3 fixed vegetation type:
specifies a fixed
vegetation type index for all grid points. Entering a value
of 0 will not fix the vegetation types, and the code will use
the Landcover data source
information instead.
Noah.3.3 fixed soil type:
specifies a fixed soil
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0
will not fix the soil types, and the code will use the
Soil texture data source
information instead.
Noah.3.3 fixed slope type:
specifies a fixed slope
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0 will
not fix the slope index types, and the code will use the
Slope data source
information instead.
Noah.3.3 sfcdif option:
specifies whether to use the updated
SFCDIF routine in Noah-3.3, or to use the previous SFCDIF routine.
The typical option is to use the updated SFCDIF routine (option = 1).
Noah.3.3 z0 veg-type dependence option:
specifies whether
to use the vegetation type dependent roughness height option
on the CZIL parameter in the SFCDIF routine. The typical option
in Noah-3.3 is not use this dependence (option = 0).
Noah.3.3 greenness fraction:
specifies a monthly (January
to December) greenness vegetation fraction for all grid points.
These values are used only if the Greenness data source
option is set to “none”.
Noah.3.3 background albedo:
specifies a monthly background
(snow-free) albedo for all grid points. These values are only
used for an initial condition calculation, and only if the
Albedo data source
option is set to “none”. After
the first timestep, these values are not used.
Noah.3.3 background roughness length:
specifies a monthly
background (snow-free) roughness length. These values are used
only for an initial condition calculation and are not used after
the first timestep.
Noah.3.3 reference height for forcing T and q:
specifies the
height in meters of air temperature and specific humidity forcings.
Noah.3.3 reference height for forcing u and v:
specifies the
height in meters of u and v wind forcings.
Noah.3.3 soil moisture CDF file:
specifies the Noah 3.3 soil moisture
CDF file.
Noah.3.3 model timestep: 15mn Noah.3.3 restart output interval: 1mo Noah.3.3 restart file: LIS.E111.200805140000.d01.Noah33rst Noah.3.3 vegetation parameter table: ../../noah33_parms/VEGPARM.TBL Noah.3.3 soil parameter table: ../../noah33_parms/SOILPARM.TBL Noah.3.3 general parameter table: ../../noah33_parms/GENPARM.TBL Noah.3.3 use PTF for mapping soil properties: 0 Noah.3.3 soils scheme: 2 # 1-Zobler; 2-STATSGO Noah.3.3 number of soil layers: 4 Noah.3.3 layer thicknesses: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 Noah.3.3 use distributed soil depth map: 0 # 0 - do not use; 1 - use map Noah.3.3 use distributed root depth map: 0 # 0 - do not use; 1 - use map Noah.3.3 initial skin temperature: 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.3.3 initial soil temperatures: 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.3.3 initial total soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.3.3 initial liquid soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.3.3 initial canopy water: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.3.3 initial snow depth: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.3.3 initial snow equivalent: 0.0 # SWE depth (m) Noah.3.3 fixed max snow albedo: 0.0 # fraction; 0.0 - do not fix Noah.3.3 fixed deep soil temperature: 0.0 # Kelvin; 0.0 - do not fix Noah.3.3 fixed vegetation type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.3 fixed soil type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.3 fixed slope type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.3 sfcdif option: 1 # 0 - previous SFCDIF; 1 - updated SFCDIF Noah.3.3 z0 veg-type dependence option: 0 # 0 - off; 1 - on; dependence of CZIL in SFCDIF # Green vegetation fraction - by month # - used only if "Greenness data source" above is zero Noah.3.3 greenness fraction: 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.17 0.27 0.58 0.93 0.96 0.65 0.24 0.11 0.02 # Background (i.e., snow-free) albedo - by month # - used only for first timestep; subsequent timesteps use # the values as computed in the previous call to "SFLX" Noah.3.3 background albedo: 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.18 # Background (i.e., snow-free) roughness length (m) - by month # - used only for first timestep; subsequent timesteps use # the values as computed in the previous call to "SFLX" Noah.3.3 background roughness length: 0.020 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.036 0.035 0.030 0.027 0.025 0.020 0.020 Noah.3.3 reference height for forcing T and q: 2.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data Noah.3.3 reference height for forcing u and v: 10.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data Noah.3.3 soil moisture CDF file:
Noah.3.6 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
For a nested domain, the timesteps for each nest should be specified with white spaces as the delimiter. If two domains (one subnest) are employed, the first one using 900 seconds and the second one using 3600 seconds as the timestep, the model timesteps are specified as:
E.g.: Noah.3.6 model timestep: 15mn 60mn
Noah.3.6 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Noah-3.6. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah.3.6 restart file:
specifies the Noah-3.6 active
restart file.
Noah.3.6 vegetation parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.6 static vegetation parameter table file.
Noah.3.6 soil parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.6 soil parameter file.
Noah.3.6 general parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.6 general parameter file.
Noah.3.6 use PTF for mapping soil properties:
specifies if
pedotransfer functions are to be used for mapping soil properties
(0-do not use, 1-use).
Noah.3.6 soils scheme:
specifies the soil mapping scheme used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Zobler |
2 |
Noah.3.6 number of soil layers:
specifies the number of
soil layers. The typical value used in Noah is 4.
Noah.3.6 layer thicknesses:
specifies the thickness (in meters)
of each of the Noah-3.6 soil layers (top layer to bottom layer).
If the number of soil layers and thicknesses change from the typical
4 layers with thicknesses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 meters, users
should change the values of NROOT for each vegetation type to map
the number of layers with roots for transpiration in their own
custom VEGPARM.TBL parameter file.
Noah.3.6 use distributed soil depth map:
specifies whether
to use a distributed soil depth map. Defaults to 0.
Noah.3.6 use distributed root depth map:
specifies whether
to use a distributed root depth map. Defaults to 0.
Noah.3.6 initial skin temperature:
specifies the initial skin temperature in Kelvin used in the
cold start runs.
Noah.3.6 initial soil temperatures:
specifies the initial soil temperature (for all layers,
top to bottom) in Kelvin used in the cold start runs.
Noah.3.6 initial total soil moistures:
specifies the
initial total volumetric soil moistures (for all layers,
top to bottom) used in the cold start runs.
(units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.3.6 initial liquid soil moistures:
specifies the
initial liquid volumetric soil moistures (for all layers,
top to bottom) used in the cold start runs.
(units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.3.6 initial canopy water:
specifies the initial
canopy water (m).
Noah.3.6 initial snow depth:
specifies the initial
snow depth (m).
Noah.3.6 initial snow equivalent:
specifies the initial
snow water equivalent (m).
Noah.3.6 fixed max snow albedo:
specifies a fixed maximum
snow albedo (fraction, 0.0 to 1.0) for all grid points. This
value will only be used if “fixed” is chosen for
Max snow albedo data source
Noah.3.6 fixed deep soil temperature:
specifies a fixed
deep soil temperature (Kelvin) for all grid points. Entering
a value of 0.0 will have the code use the deep soil temperature
from the LDT-generated LIS domain and parameter data file
Noah.3.6 fixed vegetation type:
specifies a fixed
vegetation type index for all grid points. Entering a value
of 0 will not fix the vegetation types, and the code will use
the Landcover data source
information instead.
Noah.3.6 fixed soil type:
specifies a fixed soil
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0
will not fix the soil types, and the code will use the
Soil texture data source
information instead.
Noah.3.6 fixed slope type:
specifies a fixed slope
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0 will
not fix the slope index types, and the code will use the
Slope data source
information instead.
Noah.3.6 sfcdif option:
specifies whether to use the updated
SFCDIF routine in Noah-3.6, or to use the previous SFCDIF routine.
The typical option is to use the updated SFCDIF routine (option = 1).
Noah.3.6 z0 veg-type dependence option:
specifies whether
to use the vegetation type dependent roughness height option
on the CZIL parameter in the SFCDIF routine. The typical option
in Noah-3.6 is not use this dependence (option = 0).
Noah.3.6 Run UA snow-physics option:
specifies whether
to run the University of Arizona (UA) snow-physics option.
Either .true.
or .false.
should be selected. If
is given, then the UA snow-physics will be run.
If .false.
is given, then the standard Noah snow-physics
will be run instead.
Noah.3.6 greenness fraction:
specifies a monthly (January
to December) greenness vegetation fraction for all grid points.
These values are used only if the Greenness data source
option is set to “none”.
Noah.3.6 background albedo:
specifies a monthly background
(snow-free) albedo for all grid points. These values are only
used for an initial condition calculation, and only if the
Albedo data source
option is set to “none”. After
the first timestep, these values are not used.
Noah.3.6 background roughness length:
specifies a monthly
background (snow-free) roughness length. These values are used
only for an initial condition calculation and are not used after
the first timestep.
Noah.3.6 reference height for forcing T and q:
specifies the
height in meters of air temperature and specific humidity observations.
Noah.3.6 reference height for forcing u and v:
specifies the
height in meters of u and v wind forcings.
Noah.3.6 removal of residual snow fix:
specifies whether or not
a snow fix is used (1 - fix is active, 0 - inactive). The land-surface
model was found to keep very small amounts of snow in rare cases. This
fix zeros out snow values that are under a predetermined threshold.
Noah.3.6 model timestep: 15mn Noah.3.6 restart output interval: 1mo Noah.3.6 restart file: LIS.E111.200805140000.d01.Noah36rst Noah.3.6 vegetation parameter table: ../../noah36_parms/VEGPARM.TBL Noah.3.6 soil parameter table: ../../noah36_parms/SOILPARM.TBL Noah.3.6 general parameter table: ../../noah36_parms/GENPARM.TBL Noah.3.6 use PTF for mapping soil properties: 0 Noah.3.6 soils scheme: 2 # 1-Zobler; 2-STATSGO Noah.3.6 number of soil layers: 4 Noah.3.6 layer thicknesses: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 Noah.3.6 use distributed soil depth map: 0 # 0 - do not use; 1 - use map Noah.3.6 use distributed root depth map: 0 # 0 - do not use; 1 - use map Noah.3.6 initial skin temperature: 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.3.6 initial soil temperatures: 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.3.6 initial total soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.3.6 initial liquid soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.3.6 initial canopy water: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.3.6 initial snow depth: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.3.6 initial snow equivalent: 0.0 # SWE depth (m) Noah.3.6 fixed max snow albedo: 0.0 # fraction; 0.0 - do not fix Noah.3.6 fixed deep soil temperature: 0.0 # Kelvin; 0.0 - do not fix Noah.3.6 fixed vegetation type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.6 fixed soil type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.6 fixed slope type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.6 sfcdif option: 1 # 0 - previous SFCDIF; 1 - updated SFCDIF Noah.3.6 z0 veg-type dependence option: 0 # 0 - off; 1 - on; dependence of CZIL in SFCDIF Noah.3.6 Run UA snow-physics option: .false. # ".true." or ".false" # Green vegetation fraction - by month # - used only if "Greenness data source" above is zero Noah.3.6 greenness fraction: 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.17 0.27 0.58 0.93 0.96 0.65 0.24 0.11 0.02 # Background (i.e., snow-free) albedo - by month # - used only for first timestep; subsequent timesteps use # the values as computed in the previous call to "SFLX" Noah.3.6 background albedo: 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.18 # Background (i.e., snow-free) roughness length (m) - by month # - used only for first timestep; subsequent timesteps use # the values as computed in the previous call to "SFLX" Noah.3.6 background roughness length: 0.020 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.036 0.035 0.030 0.027 0.025 0.020 0.020 Noah.3.6 reference height for forcing T and q: 2.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data Noah.3.6 reference height for forcing u and v: 10.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data Noah.3.6 removal of residual snow fix: 0
Noah.3.9 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
Noah.3.9 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Noah-3.9. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah.3.9 restart file:
specifies the Noah-3.9 active
restart file.
Noah.3.9 restart file format:
specifies the Noah-3.9 active
restart file format (default = netcdf).
Noah.3.9 vegetation parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.9 static vegetation parameter table file.
Noah.3.9 soil parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.9 soil parameter file.
Noah.3.9 general parameter table:
specifies the
Noah-3.9 general parameter file.
Noah.3.9 use PTF for mapping soil properties:
specifies if
pedotransfer functions are to be used for mapping soil properties
(0-do not use, 1-use).
Noah.3.9 soils scheme:
specifies the soil mapping scheme used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Zobler |
2 |
Noah.3.9 number of soil layers:
specifies the number of
soil layers. The typical value used in Noah is 4.
Noah.3.9 layer thicknesses:
specifies the thickness (in meters)
of each of the Noah-3.9 soil layers (top layer to bottom layer).
If the number of soil layers and thicknesses change from the typical
4 layers with thicknesses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 meters, users
should change the values of NROOT for each vegetation type to map
the number of layers with roots for transpiration in their own
custom VEGPARM.TBL parameter file.
Noah.3.9 use distributed soil depth map:
specifies whether
to use a distributed soil depth map. Defaults to 0.
Noah.3.9 use distributed root depth map:
specifies whether
to use a distributed root depth map. Defaults to 0.
Noah.3.9 initial skin temperature:
specifies the initial
skin temperature in Kelvin used in the cold start runs.
Noah.3.9 initial soil temperatures:
specifies the initial
soil temperature (for all layers, top to bottom) in Kelvin
used in the cold start runs.
Noah.3.9 initial total soil moistures:
specifies the initial
total volumetric soil moistures (for all layers, top to bottom)
used in the cold start runs. (units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.3.9 initial liquid soil moistures:
specifies the initial
liquid volumetric soil moistures (for all layers, top to bottom)
used in the cold start runs. (units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
Noah.3.9 initial canopy water:
specifies the initial
canopy water (m).
Noah.3.9 initial snow depth:
specifies the initial
snow depth (m).
Noah.3.9 initial snow equivalent:
specifies the initial
snow water equivalent (m).
Noah.3.9 fixed max snow albedo:
specifies a fixed maximum
snow albedo (fraction, 0.0 to 1.0) for all grid points.
This value will only be used if “fixed” is chosen for
Max snow albedo data source
Noah.3.9 fixed deep soil temperature:
specifies a fixed
deep soil temperature (Kelvin) for all grid points. Entering
a value of 0.0 will have the code use the deep soil temperature
from the LDT-generated LIS domain and parameter data file
Noah.3.9 fixed vegetation type:
specifies a fixed
vegetation type index for all grid points. Entering a value
of 0 will not fix the vegetation types, and the code will use
the Landcover data source
information instead.
Noah.3.9 fixed soil type:
specifies a fixed soil
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0
will not fix the soil types, and the code will use the
Soil texture data source
information instead.
Noah.3.9 fixed slope type:
specifies a fixed slope
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0 will
not fix the slope index types, and the code will use the
Slope data source
information instead.
Noah.3.9 sfcdif option:
specifies whether to use the updated
SFCDIF routine in Noah-3.9, or to use the previous SFCDIF routine.
The typical option is to use the updated SFCDIF routine (option = 1).
Noah.3.9 z0 veg-type dependence option:
specifies whether
to use the vegetation type dependent roughness height option
on the CZIL parameter in the SFCDIF routine. The typical
option in Noah-3.9 is not use this dependence (option = 0).
Noah.3.9 Run UA snow-physics option:
specifies whether
to run the University of Arizona (UA) snow-physics option.
Either .true.
or .false.
should be selected. If
is given, then the UA snow-physics will be run.
If .false.
is given, then the standard Noah snow-physics
will be run instead.
Noah.3.9 greenness fraction:
specifies a monthly (January
to December) greenness vegetation fraction for all grid points.
These values are used only if the Greenness data source
option is set to “none”.
Noah.3.9 background albedo:
specifies a monthly background
(snow-free) albedo for all grid points. These values are
only used for an initial condition calculation, and only
if the Albedo data source
option is set to “none”.
After the first timestep, these values are not used.
Noah.3.9 background roughness length:
specifies a monthly
background (snow-free) roughness length. These values are
used only for an initial condition calculation and are not
used after the first timestep.
Noah.3.9 reference height for forcing T and q:
specifies the
height in meters of air temperature and specific humidity observations.
Noah.3.9 reference height for forcing u and v:
specifies the
height in meters of u and v wind forcings.
Noah.3.9 thermal conductivity option:
specifies the option
for the soil thermal conductivity calculation metho for soil
type 3 (sandy loam) and for soil type 4 (silt loam). This
option was added based on the results in Massey et al.
(2014, JAMC). 1 = original calculation; 2 = new calculation,
but only for soil texture classes 3 and 4; all other texture
classes still use the original calculation.
Noah.3.9 FASDAS option (0 or 1):
specifies the FASDAS
(Flux Adjusting Surface Data Assimilation System) option.
0 = do not use; 1 = use. Option 1 is not currently
supported in LIS.
Noah.3.9 model timestep: 15mn Noah.3.9 restart output interval: 1da Noah.3.9 restart file: none Noah.3.9 restart file format: netcdf Noah.3.9 vegetation parameter table: ./input/LS_PARAMETERS/noah36_parms/VEGPARM.TBL Noah.3.9 soil parameter table: ./input/LS_PARAMETERS/noah36_parms/SOILPARM.orig Noah.3.9 general parameter table: ./input/LS_PARAMETERS/noah36_parms/GENPARM.TBL Noah.3.9 use PTF for mapping soil properties: 0 Noah.3.9 soils scheme: 1 # 1-Zobler; 2-STATSGO Noah.3.9 number of soil layers: 4 Noah.3.9 layer thicknesses: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 Noah.3.9 use distributed soil depth map: 0 Noah.3.9 use distributed root depth map: 0 Noah.3.9 initial skin temperature: 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.3.9 initial soil temperatures: 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 290.0000 # Kelvin Noah.3.9 initial total soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.3.9 initial liquid soil moistures: 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 0.2000000 # volumetric (m3 m-3) Noah.3.9 initial canopy water: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.3.9 initial snow depth: 0.0 # depth (m) Noah.3.9 initial snow equivalent: 0.0 # also known swe - depth (m) Noah.3.9 fixed max snow albedo: 0.0 # fraction; 0.0 - do not fix Noah.3.9 fixed deep soil temperature: 0.0 # Kelvin; 0.0 - do not fix Noah.3.9 fixed vegetation type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.9 fixed soil type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.9 fixed slope type: 0 # 0 - do not fix Noah.3.9 sfcdif option: 1 # 0 - previous SFCDIF; 1 - updated SFCDIF Noah.3.9 z0 veg-type dependence option: 0 # 0 - off; 1 - on; dependence of CZIL in SFCDIF Noah.3.9 Run UA snow-physics option: .false. # ".true." or ".false" Noah.3.9 greenness fraction: 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.17 0.27 0.58 0.93 0.96 0.65 0.24 0.11 0.02 Noah.3.9 background albedo: 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.18 Noah.3.9 background roughness length: 0.020 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.036 0.035 0.030 0.027 0.025 0.020 0.020 Noah.3.9 reference height for forcing T and q: 20.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data Noah.3.9 reference height for forcing u and v: 20.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data Noah.3.9 thermal conductivity option: 1 Noah.3.9 FASDAS option (0 or 1): 0
Noah-MP.3.6 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah-MP.3.6 restart output interval:
specifies the restart output
interval for the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah-MP.3.6 restart file:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM restart file.
Noah-MP.3.6 restart file format:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 restart
file format (default = netcdf).
Noah-MP.3.6 landuse parameter table:
specifies the filename of the
Noah-MP-3.6 vegetation parameter table.
Noah-MP.3.6 soil parameter table:
specifies the filename of the
Noah-MP-3.6 soil parameter table.
Noah-MP.3.6 general parameter table:
specifies the filename of the
Noah-MP-3.6 general parameter table.
Noah-MP.3.6 MP parameter table:
specifies the filename of the
Noah-MP-3.6 multi-physics parameter table.
Noah-MP.3.6 number of soil layers:
specifies the number of soil layers
for Noah-MP-3.6 soil moisture/temperature.
Noah-MP.3.6 soil layer thickness:
specifies the thicknesses of the
individual Noah-MP-3.6 LSM layers. The first number is the thickness
of the top soil layer, and the following numbers are the thicknesses
of each soil layer going down.
If the number of soil layers and thicknesses change from the typical
4 layers with thicknesses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 meters, users
should change the values of NROOT for each vegetation type to map
the number of layers with roots for transpiration in their own
custom VEGPARM.TBL parameter file.
Noah-MP.3.6 number of snow layers:
specifies the maximum number of
snow layers for the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM snow physics.
Noah-MP.3.6 vegetation model option:
specifies the dynamic vegetation
model option for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
off (use table LAI; use FVEG = SHDFAC from input) |
2 |
on (dynamic vegetation) |
3 |
off (use table LAI; calculate FVEG) |
4 |
off (use table LAI; use maximum vegetation fraction) |
Noah-MP.3.6 canopy stomatal resistance option:
specifies the canopy
stomatal resistance option for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Ball-Berry |
2 |
Jarvis |
Noah-MP.3.6 soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance option:
specifies the soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance option
for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Noah (soil moisture) |
2 |
CLM (matric potential) |
3 |
SSiB (matric potential) |
Noah-MP.3.6 runoff and groundwater option:
specifies the runoff and
groundwater option for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
SIMGM: TOPMODEL with groundwater (Niu et al. 2007 JGR) |
2 |
SIMTOP: TOPMODEL with an equilibrium water table (Niu et al. 2005 JGR) |
3 |
Noah original surface and subsurface runoff (free drainage) (Schaake 1996) |
4 |
BATS surface and subsurface runoff (free drainage) |
Noah-MP.3.6 surface layer drag coefficient option:
specifies the
surface layer drag coefficient option for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable
values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Monin-Obukhov |
2 |
original Noah (Chen 1997) |
Noah-MP.3.6 supercooled liquid water option:
specifies the supercooled
liquid water option for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
no iteration (Niu and Yang, 2006 JHM) |
2 |
Koren’s iteration (1999) |
Noah-MP.3.6 frozen soil permeability option:
specifies the frozen soil
permeability option for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
linear effects, more permeable (Niu and Yang, 2006, JHM) |
2 |
nonlinear effects, less permeable (Koren 1999) |
Noah-MP.3.6 radiation transfer option:
specifies the radiation
transfer option for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
modified two-stream (gap = F(solar angle, 3D structure …)<1-FVEG) |
2 |
two-stream applied to grid-cell (gap = 0) |
3 |
two-stream applied to vegetated fraction (gap=1-FVEG) |
Noah-MP.3.6 snow surface albedo option:
specifies the snow surface
albedo option for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
2 |
Noah-MP.3.6 rainfall and snowfall option:
specifies the option
for partitioning precipitation into rainfall and snowfall for
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Jordan (1991) |
2 |
BATS: when SFCTMP<TFRZ+2.2 |
3 |
Noah: when SFCTMP<TFRZ |
Noah-MP.3.6 lower boundary of soil temperature option:
the lower boundary condition of soil temperature option for Noah-MP-3.6
LSM. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
zero heat flux from bottom (ZBOT and TBOT not used) |
2 |
TBOT at ZBOT (8m) read from a file (original Noah) |
Noah-MP.3.6 snow and soil temperature time scheme:
specifies the snow
and soil temperature time scheme for Noah-MP-3.6 LSM. Acceptable values
Value | Description |
1 |
semi-implicit |
2 |
fully implicit (original Noah) |
Noah-MP.3.6 soil color index:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM
soil color type, an integer index from 1 to 8. Defaults to 4.
Noah-MP.3.6 CZIL option (iz0tlnd):
specifies whether to use the
Chen adjustment of CZIL in the Noah-MP-LSM. Defaults to 0.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not use |
1 |
use |
Noah-MP.3.6 initial value of snow albedo at the last timestep:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial albold (albedo of previous
Noah-MP.3.6 initial value of snow mass at the last timestep:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial snow mass at the last
timestep (mm).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial soil temperatures:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6
LSM initial soil temperatures, one for each layer, with the first
value for the top soil layer, then going down.
Noah-MP.3.6 initial total soil moistures:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6
LSM initial total soil moistures, one for each layer, with the first
value for the top soil layer, then going down.
Noah-MP.3.6 initial liquid soil moistures:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6
LSM initial liquid soil moisture, one for each layer, with the first
value for the top soil layer, then going down.
Noah-MP.3.6 initial canopy air temperature:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6
LSM initial canopy air temperature (K).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial canopy air vapor pressure:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial canopy air vapor pressure (Pa).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial wetted or snowed fraction of canopy:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial wetted or snowed fraction of canopy.
Noah-MP.3.6 initial intercepted liquid water:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial intercepted liquid water (mm).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial intercepted ice mass:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM
initial intercepted ice mass (mm).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial vegetation temperature:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6
LSM initial vegetation temperature (K).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial ground temperature:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM
initial ground temperature (skin temperature) (K).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial snowfall on the ground:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6
LSM initial snowfall on the ground (mm/s).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial snow height:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial
snow depth (m).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial snow water equivalent:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6
LSM initial snow water equivalent (mm).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial depth to water table:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6
LSM initial depth to water table (m).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial water storage in aquifer:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial water storage in the aquifer (mm).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial water in aquifer and saturated soil:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial water in the aquifer and in the saturated soil
Noah-MP.3.6 initial lake water storage:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM
initial lake water storage (mm).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial leaf mass:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial
leaf mass (used only for dynamic vegetation) (g/m2).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial mass of fine roots:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM
initial mass of fine roots (used only for dynamic vegetation) (g/m2).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial stem mass:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial
stem mass (used only for dynamic vegetation) (g/m2).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial mass of wood including woody roots:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial mass of wood (including woody roots) (used only
for dynamic vegetation) (g/m2).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial stable carbon in deep soil:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial stable carbon in deep soil (used only for
dynamic vegetation) (g/m2).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial short-lived carbon in shallow soil:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial short-lived carbon in shallow soil (used only
for dynamic vegetation) (g/m2).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial LAI:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial
leaf area index.
Noah-MP.3.6 initial SAI:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial
stem area index.
Noah-MP.3.6 initial momentum drag coefficient:
specifies the
Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial momentum drag coefficient (s/m).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial sensible heat exchange coefficient:
the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial sensible heat exchange coefficient (s/m).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial snow aging term:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM
initial snow aging term.
Noah-MP.3.6 initial soil water content between bottom of the soil and water table:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial soil water content between the
bottom of the soil and water table (m3/m3).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial recharge to or from the water table when deep:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial recharge to or from the water
table when deep (m).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial recharge to or from the water table when shallow:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial recharge to or from the water
table when shallow (m).
Noah-MP.3.6 initial reference height of temperature and humidity:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM initial reference height (in meters)
of the forcing temperature, humidity, and winds. If the reference
heights are different, best to choose the height of the winds.
Noah-MP.3.6 soil moisture CDF file:
specifies the Noah-MP-3.6 LSM
soil moisture CDF file.
Note that the below example include the default WRF configuration options (from the vegetation model to the snow and soil temperature time scheme).
Noah-MP.3.6 model timestep: 15mn Noah-MP.3.6 restart output interval: 1mo Noah-MP.3.6 restart file: ./OUTPUT/opt_dveg_4/SURFACEMODEL/201212/ Noah-MP.3.6 restart file format: netcdf Noah-MP.3.6 landuse parameter table: "./input/noahmp_params/VEGPARM.TBL" Noah-MP.3.6 soil parameter table: "./input/noahmp_params/SOILPARM.TBL" Noah-MP.3.6 general parameter table: "./input/noahmp_params/GENPARM.TBL" Noah-MP.3.6 MP parameter table: "./input/noahmp_params/MPTABLE.TBL" Noah-MP.3.6 number of soil layers: 4 Noah-MP.3.6 soil layer thickness: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 Noah-MP.3.6 number of snow layers: 3 Noah-MP.3.6 vegetation model option: 4 # 1=prescribed; 2=dynamic; 3=calculate; 4=maximum Noah-MP.3.6 canopy stomatal resistance option: 1 # 1=Ball-Berry; 2=Jarvis Noah-MP.3.6 soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance option: 1 # 1=Noah; 2=CLM; 3=SSiB Noah-MP.3.6 runoff and groundwater option: 1 # 1=SIMGM; 2=SIMTOP; 3=Schaake96; 4=BATS Noah-MP.3.6 surface layer drag coefficient option: 1 # 1=M-O; 2=Chen97 Noah-MP.3.6 supercooled liquid water option: 1 # 1=NY06; 2=Koren99 Noah-MP.3.6 frozen soil permeability option: 1 # 1=NY06; 2=Koren99 Noah-MP.3.6 radiation transfer option: 1 # 1=gap=F(3D;cosz); 2=gap=0; 3=gap=1-Fveg Noah-MP.3.6 snow surface albedo option: 2 # 1=BATS; 2=CLASS Noah-MP.3.6 rainfall and snowfall option: 1 # 1=Jordan91; 2=BATS; 3=Noah Noah-MP.3.6 lower boundary of soil temperature option: 2 # 1=zero-flux; 2=Noah Noah-MP.3.6 snow and soil temperature time scheme: 1 # 1=semi-implicit; 2=fully implicit Noah-MP.3.6 soil color index: 4 Noah-MP.3.6 CZIL option (iz0tlnd): 0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial value of snow albedo at the last timestep: 0.2 Noah-MP.3.6 initial value of snow mass at the last timestep: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial soil temperatures: 288.0 288.0 288.0 288.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial total soil moistures: 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Noah-MP.3.6 initial liquid soil moistures: 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Noah-MP.3.6 initial canopy air temperature: 288.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial canopy air vapor pressure: 261.68518 Noah-MP.3.6 initial wetted or snowed fraction of canopy: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial intercepted liquid water: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial intercepted ice mass: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial vegetation temperature: 288.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial ground temperature: 288.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial snowfall on the ground: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial snow height: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial snow water equivalent: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial depth to water table: 2.5 Noah-MP.3.6 initial water storage in aquifer: 4900.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial water in aquifer and saturated soil: 4900.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial lake water storage: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial leaf mass: 9.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial mass of fine roots: 500.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial stem mass: 3.33 Noah-MP.3.6 initial mass of wood including woody roots: 500.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial stable carbon in deep soil: 1000.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial short-lived carbon in shallow soil: 1000.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial LAI: 0.5 Noah-MP.3.6 initial SAI: 0.1 Noah-MP.3.6 initial momentum drag coefficient: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial sensible heat exchange coefficient: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial snow aging term: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial soil water content between bottom of the soil and water table: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial recharge to or from the water table when deep: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial recharge to or from the water table when shallow: 0.0 Noah-MP.3.6 initial reference height of temperature and humidity: 10.0 Noah-MP.3.6 soil moisture CDF file:
Noah-MP.4.0.1 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart output interval:
specifies the restart output
interval for the Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart file:
specifies the Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM restart file.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart file format:
specifies the Noah-MP-4.0.1 restart
file format (default = netcdf).
Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil parameter table:
specifies the filename of the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 soil parameter table.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 general parameter table:
specifies the filename of the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 general parameter table.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 MP parameter table:
specifies the filename of the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 multi-physics parameter table.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 number of soil layers:
specifies the number of soil layers
for Noah-MP-4.0.1 soil moisture/temperature.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 thickness of soil layers:
specifies the thicknesses of the
individual Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM layers. The first number is the thickness
of the top soil layer, and the following numbers are the thicknesses of
each soil layer going down. If the number of soil layers and thicknesses
change from the typical 4 layers with thicknesses of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and
1.0 meters, users should change the values of NROOT for each vegetation
type to map the number of layers with roots for transpiration in their
own custom MPTABLE.TBL parameter file.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 dynamic vegetation option:
specifies the dynamic vegetation
model option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended for use
by the model developers are indicated with [**]. Options not yet supported
in the LIS implementation are indicated with [NS]. Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
off (use table LAI/SAI; use input GVF) |
2 |
on (dynamic vegetation; GVF is a function of LAI/SAI) |
3 |
off (use table LAI/SAI; GVF is a function of LAI/SAI) |
4 |
** |
off (use table LAI/SAI; GVF is the maximum value) |
5 |
** |
on (dynamic vegetation; GVF is the maximum value) |
6 |
on (dynamic vegetation; use input GVF) |
7 |
off (use input LAI/SAI; use input GVF) |
8 |
off (use input LAI/SAI; GVF is a function of LAI/SAI) |
9 |
off (use input LAI/SAI; GVF is the maximum value) |
10 |
NS |
crop model on (use maximum vegetation fraction) |
When using options 1 through 6, users should set LAI data source:
“none”. For options 1, 3, or 4, the LAI value will be read from the
Noah-MP.4.0.1 MP parameter table:
file (typically, “MPTABLE.TBL”)
based on the vegetation class of the tile and the current month. For
options 2, 5, or 6, the LAI is a prognostic variable as a function of
the LeafMass calculated from the dynamic vegetation scheme. When using
options 7 through 9, users should set LAI data source:
to “LDT”,
after running LDT to include an LAI dataset as one of the parameters
in the LIS domain and parameter data file:
When using options 1 through 6, users should set SAI data source:
“none”. For options 1, 3, or 4, the SAI value will be read from the
Noah-MP.4.0.1 MP parameter table:
file (typically, “MPTABLE.TBL”)
based on the vegetation class of the tile and the current month. For
options 2, 5, or 6, the SAI is a prognostic variable as a function of
the StemMass calculated from the dynamic vegetation scheme. When using
options 7 through 9, users can set SAI data source:
to “LDT”, after
running LDT to include an SAI dataset as one of the parameters in the
LIS domain and parameter data file:
. Alternatively, for these options
(7, 8, or 9), users can choose to not use an input SAI dataset by setting
SAI data source:
to “none”, in which case the SAI value will be set
from the Noah-MP.4.0.1 MP parameter table:
When using options 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 9, users should set Greenness data
to “LDT”, after running LDT to include a greenness dataset as
one of the parameters in the LIS domain and parameter data file:
. The
greenness parameter variable name can be referred to as GVF (greenness
vegetation fraction), FVEG, or SHDFAC in the Noah-MP.4.0.1 physics code.
When using options 1, 6, or 7, the greenness value is set to the monthly
climatology value for each tile (unless “CONSTANT” was chosen when LDT
was run for the Greenness data source:
). When using options 4, 5, or 9,
the greenness value for each tile is set to the maximum value of all months
from the monthly climatology at that tile. When using options 2, 3, or 8,
the greenness is a function of LAI and SAI at each tile for each timestep.
Note that when using dynamic vegetation option 2, 5, or 6, the Ball-Berry canopy stomatal resistance option must be selected for the following config.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 canopy stomatal resistance option:
specifies the canopy
stomatal resistance option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally
recommended for use by the model developers are indicated with [**].
Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
Ball-Berry |
2 |
Jarvis |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance:
specifies the soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance option
for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended for use by the
model developers are indicated with [**]. Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
Noah (soil moisture) |
2 |
CLM (matric potential) |
3 |
SSiB (matric potential) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 runoff and groundwater option:
specifies the runoff and
groundwater option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended
for use by the model developers are indicated with [**]. Options not yet
supported in the LIS implementation are indicated with [NS]. Acceptable
values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
SIMGM: TOPMODEL with groundwater (Niu et al. 2007 JGR) |
2 |
SIMTOP: TOPMODEL with an equilibrium water table (Niu et al. 2005 JGR) |
3 |
Noah original surface and subsurface runoff (free drainage) (Schaake 1996) |
4 |
BATS surface and subsurface runoff (free drainage) |
5 |
NS |
Miguez-Macho&Fan groundwater scheme (Miguez-Macho et al. 2007 JGR; Fan et al. 2007 JGR) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 surface layer drag coefficient option:
specifies the
surface layer drag coefficient option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options
generally recommended for use by the model developers are indicated
with [**]. Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
Monin-Obukhov |
2 |
** |
original Noah (Chen 1997) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 supercooled liquid water option:
specifies the supercooled
liquid water option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended
for use by the model developers are indicated with [**]. Acceptable values
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
no iteration (Niu and Yang, 2006 JHM) |
2 |
Koren’s iteration (1999) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 frozen soil permeability option:
specifies the frozen soil
permeability option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended
for use by the model developers are indicated with [**]. Acceptable values
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
linear effects, more permeable (Niu and Yang, 2006, JHM) |
2 |
nonlinear effects, less permeable (Koren 1999) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 radiation transfer option:
specifies the radiation
transfer option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended
for use by the model developers are indicated with [**]. Acceptable
values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
modified two-stream (gap = F(solar angle, 3D structure …)<1-FVEG) |
2 |
two-stream applied to grid-cell (gap = 0) |
3 |
** |
two-stream applied to vegetated fraction (gap=1-FVEG) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 snow surface albedo option:
specifies the snow surface
albedo option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended
for use by the model developers are indicated with [**]. Acceptable
values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
2 |
** |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 rainfall & snowfall option:
specifies the option for
partitioning precipitation into rainfall and snowfall for Noah-MP-4.0.1
LSM. Options generally recommended for use by the model developers are
indicated with [**]. Options not yet supported in the LIS implementation
are indicated with [NS]. Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
Jordan (1991) |
2 |
BATS: when SFCTMP<TFRZ+2.2 |
3 |
Noah: when SFCTMP<TFRZ |
4 |
NS |
Use WRF microphysics output |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 lower boundary of soil temperature option:
the lower boundary condition of soil temperature option for Noah-MP-4.0.1
LSM. Options generally recommended for use by the model developers are
indicated with [**]. Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
zero heat flux from bottom (ZBOT and TBOT not used) |
2 |
** |
TBOT at ZBOT (8m) read from a file (original Noah) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 snow&soil temperature time scheme option:
the snow and soil temperature time scheme for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM.
Options generally recommended for use by the model developers are
indicated with [**]. Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
semi-implicit; flux top boundary condition |
2 |
fully implicit (original Noah); temperature top boundary condition |
3 |
same as 1, but FSNO for TS calculation (generally improves snow; v3.7) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 glacier option:
specifies the glacier model option
for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended for use by
the model developers are indicated with [**]. Acceptable values
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
include phase change of ice |
2 |
simple (ice treatment more like original Noah) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 surface resistance option:
specifies the surface
resistance option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally
recommended for use by the model developers are indicated with
[**]. Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
Sakaguchi and Zeng, 2009 |
2 |
Sellers (1992) |
3 |
adjusted Sellers to decrease RSURF for wet soil |
4 |
option 1 for non-snow; rsurf = rsurf_snow for snow (set in MPTABLE); AD v3.8 |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil configuration option:
specifies soil configuration
option for defining soil properties for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options
generally recommended for use by the model developers are indicated
with [**]. Options not yet supported in the LIS implementation are
indicated with [NS]. Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
input dominant soil texture |
2 |
NS |
input soil texture varies that varies with depth |
3 |
NS |
use soil composition (sand, clay, orgm) and pedotransfer functions (OPT_PEDO) |
4 |
NS |
use input soil properties (BEXP_3D, SMCMAX_3D, etc.) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil pedotransfer function option:
specifies the soil
pedotransfer function option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. This option is
only activated when the soil configuration option is set to 3.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Note | Description |
1 |
** |
Saxton and Rawls (2006) |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 crop model option:
specifies the crop model option
for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended for use by the
model developers are indicated with [**]. Options not yet supported
in the LIS implementation are indicated with [NS]. Accepted values
Value | Note | Description |
0 |
** |
No crop model |
1 |
NS |
Liu et al. 2016 |
2 |
NS |
Gecros crop model; Yin and van Laar, 2005 |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 urban physics option:
specifies the urban physics
option for Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM. Options generally recommended for use
by the model developers are indicated with [**]. Accepted values
Value | Note | Description |
0 |
** |
No urban scheme |
1 |
NS |
Single-layer |
2 |
NS |
Multi-layer BEP scheme |
3 |
NS |
Multi-layer BEM scheme |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 reference height of temperature and humidity:
specifies the Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM reference height (in meters)
of the forcing temperature, humidity, and winds. If the
reference heights are different, best to choose the height
of the winds.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial surface skin temperature:
the Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial surface skin temperature (K).
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial snow water equivalent:
specifies the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial snow water equivalent (mm).
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial snow depth:
specifies the Noah-MP-4.0.1
LSM initial snow depth (m).
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial total canopy surface water:
the Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial total canopy surface water (mm).
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial soil temperatures:
specifies the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial soil temperatures, one for each layer,
with the first value for the top soil layer, then going down.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial total soil moistures:
specifies the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial total soil moistures, one for each layer,
with the first value for the top soil layer, then going down.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial leaf area index:
specifies the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial leaf area index.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water table depth:
specifies the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial depth to water table (m).
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water in the aquifer:
specifies the
Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial water storage in the aquifer (mm).
Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water in aquifer and saturated soil:
specifies the Noah-MP-4.0.1 LSM initial water in the aquifer
and in the saturated soil (mm).
Noah-MP.4.0.1 snow depth glacier model option:
specifies the
maximum snow water equivalent that is used in the Noah-MP-4.0.1
glacier model (mm). This config entry is optional; if is not in
the lis.config file, the default value of 2000.0 mm is used.
This maximum only applies to tiles identified as glacier in the
landcover classification.
Noah-MP.4.0.1 model timestep: 15mn Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart output interval: 1mo Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart file: none Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart file format: netcdf Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil parameter table: ./WRF-4.0.1/run/SOILPARM.TBL Noah-MP.4.0.1 general parameter table: ./WRF-4.0.1/run/GENPARM.TBL Noah-MP.4.0.1 MP parameter table: ./WRF-4.0.1/run/MPTABLE.TBL Noah-MP.4.0.1 number of soil layers: 4 Noah-MP.4.0.1 thickness of soil layers: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 dynamic vegetation option: 4 # Up to 10 different options Noah-MP.4.0.1 canopy stomatal resistance option: 1 # 1=Ball-Berry; 2=Jarvis Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance: 1 # 1=Noah; 2=CLM; 3=SSiB Noah-MP.4.0.1 runoff and groundwater option: 3 # 1=SIMGM; 2=SIMTOP; 3=Schaake96; 4=BATS; 5=Miguez-Macho&Fan Noah-MP.4.0.1 surface layer drag coefficient option: 1 # 1=M-O; 2=Chen97 Noah-MP.4.0.1 supercooled liquid water option: 1 # 1=NY06; 2=Koren99 Noah-MP.4.0.1 frozen soil permeability option: 1 # 1=NY06; 2=Koren99 Noah-MP.4.0.1 radiation transfer option: 3 # 1=gap=F(3D;cosz); 2=gap=0; 3=gap=1-Fveg Noah-MP.4.0.1 snow surface albedo option: 2 # 1=BATS; 2=CLASS Noah-MP.4.0.1 rainfall & snowfall option: 1 # 1=Jordan91; 2=BATS; 3=Noah Noah-MP.4.0.1 lower boundary of soil temperature option: 2 # 1=zero-flux; 2=Noah Noah-MP.4.0.1 snow&soil temperature time scheme option: 1 # 1=semi-implicit; 2=fully implicit; 3=FSNO for TS Noah-MP.4.0.1 glacier option: 1 # 1=include phase change; 2=slab ice (Noah) Noah-MP.4.0.1 surface resistance option: 1 # 1=Sakaguchi and Zeng 2009; 2=Sellers (1992); 3=adjusted Sellers; 4=option1 for non-snow and rsurf_snow for snow Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil configuration option: 1 # 1=input dominant soil texture; 2=input soil texture varies that varies with depth; 3=soil composition and pedotransfer; 4=input soil properties Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil pedotransfer function option: 1 # 1=Saxton and Rawls (2006) (used when soil_opt=3) Noah-MP.4.0.1 crop model option: 0 # 0=No crop model; 1=Liu et al. 2016; 2=Gecros Noah-MP.4.0.1 urban physics option: 0 # 0=No; 1=Single-layer; 2=Multi-layer BEP scheme; 3=Multi-layer BEM scheme Noah-MP.4.0.1 reference height of temperature and humidity: 6.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial surface skin temperature: 263.7 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial snow water equivalent: 1.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial snow depth: 0.01 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial total canopy surface water: 0.01 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial soil temperatures: 266.1 274.0 276.9 279.9 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial total soil moistures: 0.298 0.294 0.271 0.307 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial leaf area index: 2.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water table depth: 2.5 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water in the aquifer: 4900.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water in aquifer and saturated soil: 4900.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 snow depth glacier model option: 2000
RUC37 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for RUC.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
RUC37 restart output interval:
specifies the restart output
interval for RUC.
RUC37 number of soil levels:
number of soil levels.
RUC37 soil level depth:
thicknesses of each soil level (m)
RUC37 zlvl:
reference height of temperature and humidity (m)
RUC37 zlvl_wind:
reference height of wind (m)
RUC37 use local parameters:
to use table values for
albbck, shdfac, and z0brd; .false.
to use values for albbck, shdfac,
and z0brd as set in this driver routine.
RUC37 use 2D LAI map:
if rdlai2d == .true.
, then the xlai value
that we pass to lsmruc will be used. if rdlai2d == .false.
, then xlai
will be computed within lsmruc, from table minimum and maximum values
in vegparm.tbl, and the current green vegetation fraction.
RUC37 use monthly albedo map:
if usemonalb == .true.
, then
the alb value passed to lsmruc will be used as the background
snow-free albedo term. if usemonalb == .false.
, then alb will be
computed within lsmruc from minimum and maximum values in vegparm.tbl,
and the current green vegetation fraction.
RUC37 option_iz0tlnd:
option to turn on (iz0tlnd=1) or
off (iz0tlnd=0) the vegetation-category-dependent calculation of
the zilitinkivich coefficient czil in the sfcdif subroutines.
RUC37 option_sfcdif:
option to use previous (sfcdif_option=0)
or updated (sfcdif_option=1) version of sfcdif subroutine.
RUC37 landuse_tbl_name:
noah model landuse parameter table
RUC37 soil_tbl_name:
noah model soil parameter table
RUC37 gen_tbl_name:
RUC37 landuse_scheme_name:
landuse classification scheme
RUC37 soil_scheme_name:
soil classification scheme
RUC37 water_class_num:
number of water category in landuse
RUC37 ice_class_num:
number of ice category in landuse
RUC37 urban_class_num:
number of urban category in landuse
RUC37 restart file:
restart file name
RUC37 restart file format:
format of restart file, netcdf or
RUC37 initial emiss:
surface emissivity (0.0 - 1.0).
RUC37 initial ch:
exchange coefficient for head and moisture (m s-1).
RUC37 initial cm:
exchange coefficient for momentum (m s-1).
RUC37 initial sneqv:
water equivalent of accumulated snow depth (m).
RUC37 initial snowh:
physical snow depth (m).
RUC37 initial canwat:
canopy moisture content (kg m-2)
RUC37 initial alb:
surface albedo including possible snow-cover
effect. This is set in lsmruc.
RUC37 initial smc:
total soil moisture content (m3 m-3)
RUC37 initial sho:
liquid soil moisture content (m3 m-3)
RUC37 initial stc:
soil temperature (k)
RUC37 initial tskin:
skin temperature (k)
RUC37 initial qvg:
effective mixing ratio
at the surface ( kg kg{-1} )
RUC37 initial qcg:
effective cloud water mixing ratio
at the surface ( kg kg{-1} )
RUC37 initial qsg:
surface water vapor mixing ratio
at saturation (kg/kg)
RUC37 initial snt75cm:
snow temperature at 7.5 cm depth (k)
RUC37 initial tsnav:
average snow temperature in k
RUC37 initial soilm:
total soil column moisture content, frozen
and unfrozen ( m )
RUC37 initial smroot:
available soil moisture in the root zone
( fraction [smcwlt-smcmax] )
RUC37 initial smfr:
soil ice content
RUC37 initial keepfr:
frozen soil glag
RUC37 initial qsfc:
effective mixing ratio at the surface ( kg kg{-1} )
RUC37 model timestep: 15mn RUC37 restart output interval: 1mo RUC37 number of soil levels: 9 # nsoil: number of soil levels. RUC37 soil level depth: 0. 0.01 0.04 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.6 3.0 # soil_layer_thickness: thicknesses of each soil level (m) RUC37 zlvl: 3 # reference height of temperature and humidity (m) RUC37 zlvl_wind: 6 # reference height of wind (m) RUC37 use local parameters: .true. # use_local_param: .true. to use table values for albbck, shdfac, and z0brd; .false. to use values for albbck, shdfac, and z0brd as set in this driver routine RUC37 use 2D LAI map: .false. # use_2d_lai_map: if rdlai2d == .true., then the xlai value that we pass to lsmruc will be used. if rdlai2d == .false., then xlai will be computed within lsmruc, from table minimum and maximum values in vegparm.tbl, and the current green vegetation fraction. RUC37 use monthly albedo map: .false. # use_monthly_albedo_map: if usemonalb == .true., then the alb value passed to lsmruc will be used as the background snow-free albedo term. if usemonalb == .false., then alb will be computed within lsmruc from minimum and maximum values in vegparm.tbl, and the current green vegetation fraction. RUC37 option_iz0tlnd: 0 # option_iz0tlnd: option to turn on (iz0tlnd=1) or off (iz0tlnd=0) the vegetation-category-dependent calculation of the zilitinkivich coefficient czil in the sfcdif subroutines. RUC37 option_sfcdif: 1 # option_sfcdif: option to use previous (sfcdif_option=0) or updated (sfcdif_option=1) version of sfcdif subroutine. RUC37 landuse_tbl_name: "./input/VEGPARM.TBL" # landuse_tbl_name: noah model landuse parameter table RUC37 soil_tbl_name: "./input/SOILPARM.TBL" # soil_tbl_name: noah model soil parameter table RUC37 gen_tbl_name: "./input/GENPARM.TBL" RUC37 landuse_scheme_name: "USGS-RUC" # landuse_scheme_name: landuse classification scheme RUC37 soil_scheme_name: "STAS-RUC" # soil_scheme_name: soil classification scheme RUC37 water_class_num: 16 # water_class_num: number of water category in landuse classification RUC37 ice_class_num: 24 # ice_class_num: number of ice category in landuse classification RUC37 urban_class_num: 1 RUC37 restart file: RUC37 restart file format: "netcdf" RUC37 initial emiss: 0.96 # emiss: surface emissivity (0.0 - 1.0). RUC37 initial ch: 1.E-4 # ch: exchange coefficient for head and moisture (m s-1). RUC37 initial cm: 1.E-4 # cm: exchange coefficient for momentum (m s-1). RUC37 initial sneqv: 0.0 # sneqv: water equivalent of accumulated snow depth (m). RUC37 initial snowh: 0.0 # snowh: physical snow depth (m). RUC37 initial canwat: 0.0 # canwat: canopy moisture content (kg m-2) RUC37 initial alb: 0.18 # alb: surface albedo including possible snow-cover effect. this is set in lsmruc, RUC37 initial smc: 0.30505 0.30367 0.29954 0.29747 0.29471 0.28456 0.27310 0.29457 0.34467 # smc: total soil moisture content (m3 m-3) RUC37 initial sho: 0.16489 0.16398 0.16175 0.26640 0.26524 0.28456 0.27310 0.29457 0.34467 # sho: liquid soil moisture content (m3 m-3) RUC37 initial stc: 263.6909 264.1726 265.6178 267.4237 272.7203 275.2323 277.0464 278.8583 285.0 # stc: soil temperature (k) RUC37 initial tskin: 263.6909 # tskin: skin temperature (k) RUC37 initial qvg: 0.0016286864 # qvg: effective mixing ratio at the surface ( kg kg{-1} ) RUC37 initial qcg: 0.0 # qcg: effective cloud water mixing ratio at the surface ( kg kg{-1} ) RUC37 initial qsg: 0.0 # qsg: surface water vapor mixing ratio at satration (kg/kg) RUC37 initial snt75cm: 263.69089 # snt75cm: snow temperature at 7.5 cm depth (k) RUC37 initial tsnav: 263.85 # tsnav: average snow temperature in k RUC37 initial soilm: -9.9999996e+35 # soilm: total soil column moisture content, frozen and unfrozen ( m ) RUC37 initial smroot: -9.9999996e+35 # smroot: available soil moisture in the root zone ( fraction [smcwlt-smcmax] RUC37 initial smfr: 0.1557333 0.1552111 0.1531000 0.034522217 0.032744441 0. 0. 0. 0. # smfr: soil ice content RUC37 initial keepfr: 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # keepfr: frozen soil glag RUC37 initial qsfc: 1.6260381E-03 # qsfc: effective mixing ratio at the surface ( kg kg{-1} )
CLM model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
CLM restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for CLM. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
CLM restart file:
specifies the CLM active restart file.
CLM vegetation parameter table:
specifies vegetation type
parameters look-up table.
CLM canopy height table:
specifies the canopy top and
bottom heights (for each vegetation type) look-up table.
CLM initial soil moisture:
specifies the initial volumetric
soil moisture wetness used in the cold start runs.
CLM initial soil temperature:
specifies the initial soil
temperature in Kelvin used in the cold start runs.
CLM initial snow mass:
specifies the initial snow mass used
in the cold start runs.
CLM model timestep: 15mn CLM restart output interval: 1da CLM restart file: ./clm.rst CLM vegetation parameter table: ./input/clm_parms/umdvegparam.txt CLM canopy height table: ./input/clm_parms/clm2_ptcanhts.txt CLM initial soil moisture: 0.45 CLM initial soil temperature: 290.0 CLM initial snow mass: 0.0
VIC411 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
VIC411 model step interval:
defines the model step interval
for VIC, in seconds.
VIC uses two timestep variables to control its execution.
VIC411 model step interval:
corresponds to VIC’s
variable. VIC’s VIC411 model timestep:
corresponds to VIC’s SNOW_STEP
For water balance mode, VIC411 model step interval:
must be set to 86400.
For energy balance mode, VIC411 model step interval:
must be set to VIC’s VIC411 model timestep:
Note that for both energy balance mode and water balance mode,
VIC’s VIC411 model timestep:
, in seconds, must be both a
multiple of 3600 and a factor of 86400.
Simply stated VIC’s VIC411 model timestep:
correspond to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, or 24 hours.
VIC411 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for VIC. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
VIC411 veg tiling scheme:
specifies whether VIC or LIS
will perform vegetation-based sub-grid tiling.
For LIS sub-grid tiling, tiling is based on vegetation fractions
from the landcover file:
For VIC sub-grid tiling, tiling is based on vegetation fractions
from the VEGPARAM
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
VIC tiling |
1 |
LIS tiling |
VIC411 global parameter file:
This is VIC’s
configuration file. Please see VIC’s documentation at:
for more information.
VIC411 total number of veg types:
specifies the
number of vegetation classes in VIC’s landcover dataset
VIC411 convert units:
Used for testing; set this to 1.
VIC411 model timestep: 1hr VIC411 model step interval: 3600 VIC411 restart output interval: 1da VIC411 veg tiling scheme: 1 VIC411 global parameter file: ./input/vic411_global_file_nldas2_testcase VIC411 total number of veg types: 13 VIC411 convert units: 1
VIC412 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
VIC412 model step interval:
defines the model step
interval for VIC, in seconds.
VIC uses two timestep variables to control its execution.
VIC412 model step interval:
corresponds to VIC’s
variable. VIC’s VIC412 model timestep:
corresponds to VIC’s SNOW_STEP
For water balance mode, VIC412 model step interval:
must be set to 86400.
For energy balance mode, VIC412 model step interval:
must be set to VIC’s VIC412 model timestep:
Note that for both energy balance mode and water balance mode,
VIC’s VIC412 model timestep:
, in seconds, must be both a
multiple of 3600 and a factor of 86400.
Simply stated VIC’s VIC412 model timestep:
correspond to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, or 24 hours.
VIC412 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for VIC. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
VIC412 restart file:
specifies the VIC 4.1.2 active
restart file.
VIC412 restart file format:
specifies the format for the
VIC 4.1.2 restart file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
binary |
binary format |
netcdf |
netCDF format |
VIC412 veg tiling scheme:
specifies whether VIC or LIS
will perform vegetation-based sub-grid tiling.
For LIS sub-grid tiling, tiling is based on vegetation fractions
from the landcover file:
For VIC sub-grid tiling, tiling is based on vegetation fractions
from the VEGPARAM
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
VIC tiling |
1 |
LIS tiling |
VIC412 total number of veg types:
specifies the
number of vegetation classes in VIC’s landcover dataset
VIC412 convert units:
Used for testing; set this to 1.
The VIC global parameter file is no longer needed. All configuration settings are in lis.config for VIC. Specifications are the same as the global parameter file of standalone VIC except option names come with a prefix “VIC412_”, in which 412 is the version number of the VIC model. For example, the number of VIC soil layers is specified as the following:
See VIC’s documentation at: for more information about configuring VIC.
VIC412 model timestep: 1hr VIC412 model step interval: 3600 VIC412 restart file: ./vic412.rst VIC412 restart file format: "binary" VIC412 restart output interval: 1da VIC412 veg tiling scheme: 1 VIC412 total number of veg types: 13 VIC412 convert units: 1
JULES.5.0 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
JULES.5.0 restart file:
specifies the JULES.5.0 active restart file.
JULES.5.0 namelist directory:
directory containing JULES.5.0 configuration name lists
JULES.5.0 restart output interval:
JULES.5.0 restart time interval
JULES.5.0 reference height for forcing T and q:
reference height for air temperature and humidity
JULES.5.0 reference height for forcing u and v:
reference height for wind speed
JULES.5.0 model timestep: 15mn JULES.5.0 restart file: JULES.5.0 namelist directory: ./ JULES.5.0 restart output interval: 1mo JULES.5.0 reference height for forcing T and q: 2 JULES.5.0 reference height for forcing u and v: 10
Mosaic model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Mosaic restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Mosaic. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Mosaic restart file:
specifies the Mosaic active restart file.
Mosaic vegetation parameter table:
specifies the vegetation
parameters look-up table.
Mosaic monthly vegetation parameter table:
specifies the
monthly vegetation parameters look-up table.
Mosaic soil parameter table:
specifies the soil
parameters look-up table.
Mosaic number of soil classes:
specifies the number of soil
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
11 |
Mosaic Depth of Layer 1 (m):
specifies the depth in meters
of layer 1.
Mosaic Depth of Layer 2 (m):
specifies the depth in meters
of layer 2.
Mosaic Depth of Layer 3 (m):
specifies the depth in meters
of layer 3.
Mosaic initial soil moisture:
specifies the initial soil
Mosaic initial soil temperature:
specifies the initial soil
temperature in Kelvin.
Mosaic use forcing data observation height:
specifies whether
to use observation height from the forcing dataset.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use observation height from forcing |
1 |
Use observation height from forcing |
Mosaic use forcing data aerodynamic conductance:
whether to use aerodynamic conductance field from the forcing
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use aerodynamic conductance from forcing data |
1 |
Use aerodynamic conductance from forcing dataset |
Mosaic use distributed soil depth map:
whether to use a distributed soil depth map.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use distributed soil depth map |
1 |
Use distributed soil depth map |
Mosaic model timestep: 15mn Mosaic restart output interval: 1da Mosaic restart file: ./mosaic.rst Mosaic vegetation parameter table: ./input/mos_parms/mosaic_vegparms_umd.txt Mosaic monthly vegetation parameter table: ./input/mos_parms/mosaic_monthlyvegparms_umd.txt Mosaic soil parameter table: ./input/mos_parms/mosaic_soilparms_fao.txt Mosaic number of soil classes: 11 Mosaic Depth of Layer 1 (m): 0.02 Mosaic Depth of Layer 2 (m): 1.48 Mosaic Depth of Layer 3 (m): 2.00 Mosaic initial soil moisture: 0.3 Mosaic initial soil temperature: 290 Mosaic use forcing data observation height: 0 Mosaic use forcing data aerodynamic conductance: 0 Mosaic use distributed soil depth map: 0
HYSSIB model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
HYSSIB restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Hy-SSiB. The typical value used in the
LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
HYSSIB restart file:
specifies the Hy-SSiB active restart file.
HYSSIB vegetation parameter table:
specifies the Hy-SSiB static
vegetation parameter table file.
HYSSIB albedo parameter table:
specifies the Hy-SSiB static
albedo parameter table file.
HYSSIB topography stand dev file:
specifies the Hy-SSiB topography
standard deviation file.
HYSSIB number of vegetation parameters:
specifies the
number of vegetation parameters.
HYSSIB number of monthly veg parameters:
specifies the
number of monthly vegetation parameters.
HYSSIB reference height for forcing T and q:
specifies the
height of the forcing T and q variables used from the forcing;
specifying a negative value will use the height from the forcing
data, provided it is available.
HYSSIB reference height for forcing u and v:
specifies the
height of the forcing u and v variables used from the forcing;
specifying a negative value will use the height from the forcing
data, provided it is available.
HYSSIB initial soil moisture:
specifies the
initial soil moisture.
HYSSIB initial soil temperature:
specifies the
initial soil temperature in Kelvin.
HYSSIB model timestep: 15mn HYSSIB restart output interval: 1mo HYSSIB restart file: ./hyssib.rst HYSSIB vegetation parameter table: ./input/hyssib_parms/hyssib_vegparms.bin HYSSIB albedo parameter table: ./input/hyssib_parms/hyssib_albedo.bin HYSSIB topography stand dev file: ./input/UMD-25KM/topo_std.1gd4r HYSSIB number of vegetation parameters: 20 HYSSIB number of monthly veg parameters: 11 HYSSIB reference height for forcing T and q: -1.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data HYSSIB reference height for forcing u and v: -1.0 # (m) - negative=use height from forcing data HYSSIB initial soil moisture: 0.30 HYSSIB initial soil temperature: 290.0
CLSM F2.5 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
CLSM F2.5 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Catchment Fortuna-2_5. The typical
value used in the LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
CLSM F2.5 restart file:
specifies the Catchment active
restart file.
CLSM F2.5 top soil layer depth:
specifies the top soil
layer depth.
CLSM F2.5 initial soil moisture:
specifies the
initial volumetric soil moisture. (units \$\frac{m^3}{m^3}\$)
CLSM F2.5 initial soil temperature:
specifies the
initial soil temperature in Kelvin.
CLSM F2.5 fixed reference height:
specifies the fixed
reference height. The default value used for this height by
the GMAO is 10.0 meters. This fixed value will only be used
if a forcing height field is not used in LIS. If a forcing
height field is not used, and the height at which the wind
is observed is known, then the wind height should be used
for this value. There is not a separate term available
for the height of the temperature or humidity forcing.
CLSM F2.5 turbulence scheme:
specifies the
turbulence scheme.
CLSM F2.5 use MODIS albedo flag:
whether to use the MODIS scale factor albedo.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use the MODIS albedo |
1 |
Use the MODIS albedo |
CLSM F2.5 model timestep: 30mn CLSM F2.5 restart output interval: 1da CLSM F2.5 restart file: ./clmsf25.rst CLSM F2.5 top soil layer depth: 0.02 CLSM F2.5 initial soil moisture: 0.30 CLSM F2.5 initial soil temperature: 290.0 CLSM F2.5 fixed reference height: 10.0 CLSM F2.5 turbulence scheme: 0 CLSM F2.5 use MODIS albedo flag: 1
WRSI CalcSOS model run mode:
specifies which model run
mode to run the model in, either “SOS” or “WRSI”.
WRSI user input settings file:
specifies the path for the
WRSI model file to select user-specific WRSI and SOS settings.
WRSI crop parameter directory:
specifies the path for the
crop-type parameter files.
WRSI initial dekad of season:
The crop growing season
initial timestep (in dekads).
WRSI final dekad of season:
The crop growing season final
timestep (in dekads).
WRSI initial growing season year:
Initial year of the first
growing season for the LIS-GeoWRSI model run. For now, should
match the first year in the lis.config file Starting year:
WRSI final growing season year:
Final year of the last
growing season for the LIS-GeoWRSI model run. For now, should
match the final year in the lis.config file Ending year:
WRSI number of growing seasons:
Set the number of growing
seasons to have GeoWRSI run over (default value is 1).
WRSI model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
WRSI restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for WRSI. The typical value used in the
LIS-WRSI runs is 10-day, or 1-dekad.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
WRSI restart file:
specifies the WRSI active restart file.
WRSI CalcSOS model run mode: SOS WRSI user input settings file: ./wrsi_inputs/EA_Oct2Feb/GeoWRSI_userSettings.txt WRSI crop parameter directory: ./wrsi_inputs/crops WRSI initial dekad of season: 25 WRSI final dekad of season: 6 WRSI initial growing season year: 2009 WRSI final growing season year: 2010 WRSI number of growing seasons: 1 WRSI model timestep: "1da" WRSI restart output interval: "1da" WRSI restart file: "none"
CABLE model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
CABLE restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for CABLE-1.4b. The typical value used
in the LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
CABLE restart file:
specifies the CABLE-1.4b restart file.
CABLE vegetation parameter table:
specifies the
CABLE-1.4b vegetation parameter file.
CABLE canopy structure flag:
specifies the CABLE-1.4b
flag to select which canopy structure will be used; options
are default, hawkesbury, and canopy_vh.
CABLE photosynthesis structure flag:
specifies the
CABLE-1.4b flag to select which photosynthesis structure
will be used; options are default and hawkesbury.
CABLE soil structure flag:
specifies the CABLE-1.4b
flag to select which soil structure will be used; options
are soilsnow and sli.
CABLE sli soils litter structure flag:
specifies the
CABLE-1.4b flag to select which litter structure will be used
when using the sli soil structure; options are default, on,
off, and resistance.
CABLE sli soils isotope structure flag:
specifies the
CABLE-1.4b flag to select which isotope structure will be used
when using the sli soil structure; options are default, off,
HDO, H2180, and spatial.
CABLE sli soils coupled structure flag:
specifies the
CABLE-1.4b flag to select which coupled structure will be used
when using the sli soil structure; options are coupled and
CABLE soil parameter table:
specifies the CABLE-1.4b
soil parameter file.
CABLE fixed vegetation type:
specifies a fixed vegetation
type index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0 will not
fix the vegetation types, and the code will use the
Landcover data source
information instead.
CABLE fixed soil type:
specifies a fixed soil type
index for all grid points. Entering a value of 0 will
not fix the soil types, and the code will use the
Soil texture data source
information instead.
CABLE fixed snow-free soil albedo:
specifies the
snow-free soil albedo for all grid points.
CABLE fixed CO2 concentration:
specifies the CO2
concentration of the near-surface air for all grid points,
in ppmv.
CABLE reference height:
specifies the height in meters
of the forcing variables.
CABLE maximum verbosity:
set to .true.
to print to
the log details of variables during calculation of the tile.
CABLE tile to print:
specifies the tile number to print to
the log; setting this value to 0 will print details of all tiles.
CABLE model timestep: 30mn CABLE restart output interval: 1da CABLE restart file: cable.rst CABLE vegetation parameter table: ./inpul/cable_parms/def_veg_params_igbp.txt CABLE canopy structure flag: default # default; hawkesbury; canopy_vh CABLE photosynthesis structure flag: default # default; hawkesbury CABLE soil structure flag: soilsnow # soilsnow; sli CABLE sli soils litter structure flag: resistance # default; on; off; resistance CABLE sli soils isotope structure flag: off # default; off; HDO; H218O; spatial CABLE sli soils coupled structure flag: coupled # coupled; uncoupled CABLE soil parameter table: ./inpul/cable_parms/def_soil_params.txt CABLE fixed vegetation type: 0 CABLE fixed soil type: 0 CABLE fixed snow-free soil albedo: 0.1 CABLE fixed CO2 concentration: 350.0 # in ppmv CABLE reference height: 40.0 # in meters CABLE maximum verbosity: .true. # write detail of every grid cell init and params to log? CABLE tile to print: 26784 # tile number to print (0 = print all tiles)
RDHM356 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
RDHM356 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for RDHM356.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
RDHM356 TempHeight:
specifies the observation height of
the temperature and humidity fields, in meters.
RDHM356 WindHeight:
specifies the observation height of
the wind field, in meters.
specifies the timestep
of SAC-HTET and SNOW-17 in seconds.
This must be RDHM356 model timestep:
specified in seconds.
specifies the timestep of the frozen
soil model, in seconds.
specifies the version number of
the frozen soil model.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Old version |
2 |
New version |
Note, if set to 1, zero snow depth causes problems.
SNOW-17 option.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Use Snow-17 |
else |
Do not use Snow-17 |
SAC-HTET option.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Use Sac-HTET |
else |
Do not use Sac-HTET |
specifies the number of soil types.
specifies the number of vegetation types.
specifies the number of desired soil
layers for total and liquid soil moisture.
specifies the number of desired soil
layers for soil temperature.
specifies whether to normalize total
and liquid soil moisture output.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not normalize |
1 |
Normalize |
specifies the thickness of the desired
soil layers for liquid and total soil moisture.
specifies the thickness of the desired
soil layers for soil temperature.
specifies the adjustment of
potential evapotranspiration for 12 months.
specifies the Zilitinkevich parameter,
range: [0.0, 1.0].
specifies the bare soil evaporation
exponential non-linear parameter.
specifies the maximum stomatal
resistance, in s/m.
specifies the plant coefficient.
specifies the potential
evapotranspiration scheme.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
\$<0\$ |
Use energy-based Penman |
\$0\$ |
Use non-Penman-based ETP |
\$>0\$ |
Use empirical Penman equation |
specifies the optimum air temperature,
in Kelvin.
specifies the tension water redistribution
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Use OHD version of SRT (uses reference gradient instead of actual) |
1 |
Use Noah version of SRT |
RDHM356 thresholdRCMIN:
constant for alternating
RCMIN (0.5) (s/m).
specifies the reference wind speed
for potential evapotranspiration adjustment, in m/s.
specifies the Ek-Chen evaporation
threshold switch.
specifies liquid water freezing
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Victor’s version |
1 |
Eric’s version |
RDHM356 restart file:
specifies the RDHM 3.5.6 active
restart file.
RDHM356 restart file format:
specifies the format of
the RDHM 3.5.6 restart file.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
binary |
read/write binary restart files |
netcdf |
read/write netCDF restart files |
RDHM356 tmxmn directory:
specifies the directory containing the NetCDF file
of daily maximum and minimum temperature (F).
RDHM356 initial UZTWC (ratio):
specifies the initial
upper zone tension water storage content.
RDHM356 initial UZFWC (ratio):
specifies the initial
upper zone free water storage content.
RDHM356 initial LZTWC (ratio):
specifies the initial
lower zone tension water storage content.
RDHM356 initial LZFSC (ratio):
specifies the initial
lower zone supplemental free water storage content.
RDHM356 initial LZFPC (ratio):
specifies the initial
lower zone primary free water storage content.
RDHM356 initial ADIMC (ratio):
specifies the initial
additional impervious area content.
RDHM356 initial TS0:
specifies the initial first soil
layer temperature, in Celsius.
RDHM356 initial UZTWH (ratio):
specifies the initial
unfrozen upper zone tension water.
RDHM356 initial UZFWH (ratio):
specifies the initial
unfrozen upper zone free water.
RDHM356 initial LZTWH (ratio):
specifies the initial
unfrozen lower zone tension water.
RDHM356 initial LZFSH (ratio):
specifies the initial
unfrozen lower zone supplemental free water.
RDHM356 initial LZFPH (ratio):
specifies the initial
unfrozen lower zone primary free water.
RDHM356 initial SMC:
specifies the initial volumetric
content of total soil moisture for each layer.
RDHM356 initial SH2O:
specifies the initial volumetric
content of liquid soil moisture for each layer.
RDHM356 initial WE:
specifies the initial snow water
equivalent without liquid water, in mm.
RDHM356 initial LIQW:
specifies the initial liquid water
in snow.
RDHM356 initial NEGHS:
specifies the initial negative
snow heat, in mm.
RDHM356 initial TINDEX:
specifies the initial antecedent
temperature index.
RDHM356 initial ACCMAX:
specifies the initial accumulated
snow water temperature, including liquid, in Celsius.
RDHM356 initial SNDPT:
specifies the initial snow depth,
in cm.
RDHM356 initial SNTMP:
specifies the initial average
snow temperature.
RDHM356 initial SB:
specifies the last highest snow
water equivalent before any snow fall, in mm.
RDHM356 initial SBAESC:
specifies the initial extent
of snow cover during melt and new snow fall.
RDHM356 initial SBWS:
specifies the initial snow water
storage during melt and new snow fall, in mm.
RDHM356 initial STORAGE:
specifies the initial snow
liquid water attenuation storage, in mm.
RDHM356 initial AEADJ:
specifies the initial adjusted
areal snow cover fraction [0, 1].
RDHM356 initial EXLAG:
specifies the initial array of
lagged liquid water values.
RDHM356 initial NEXLAG:
specifies the number of
coordinates in the lagged liquid water array.
RDHM356 initial TA_PREV:
specifies the air temperature
of previous timestep, in Celsius.
RDHM356 model timestep: "1hr" RDHM356 restart output interval: "1hr" RDHM356 TempHeight: 2.0 RDHM356 WindHeight: 10.0 RDHM356 DT_SAC_SNOW17: 3600 RDHM356 DT_FRZ: 1800 RDHM356 FRZ_VER_OPT: 1 RDHM356 SNOW17_OPT: 1 RDHM356 SACHTET_OPT: 1 RDHM356 NSTYP: 12 RDHM356 NVTYP: 14 RDHM356 NDINTW: 5 RDHM356 NDSINT: 5 RDHM356 NORMALIZE: 1 RDHM356 DSINTW: 0.05 0.25 0.60 0.75 1.00 RDHM356 DSINT: 0.05 0.25 0.60 0.75 1.00 RDHM356 PETADJ_MON: 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 RDHM356 CZIL: 0.12 RDHM356 FXEXP: 2.0 RDHM356 vegRCMAX: 5000 RDHM356 PC: -1 RDHM356 PET_OPT: -1 RDHM356 TOPT: 298 RDHM356 RDST: 1 RDHM356 thresholdRCMIN: 0.5 RDHM356 SFCREF: 4.0 RDHM356 BAREADJ: 0.230000004 RDHM356 SNOW17_SWITCH: 1 RDHM356 restart file: "none" RDHM356 restart file format: "netcdf" RDHM356 tmxmn directory: "none" RDHM356 initial UZTWC (ratio): 0.55 RDHM356 initial UZFWC (ratio): 0.14 RDHM356 initial LZTWC (ratio): 0.56 RDHM356 initial LZFSC (ratio): 0.11 RDHM356 initial LZFPC (ratio): 0.46 RDHM356 initial ADIMC (ratio): 1.0 RDHM356 initial TS0: 4.0 RDHM356 initial UZTWH (ratio): 0.1 RDHM356 initial UZFWH (ratio): 0.1 RDHM356 initial LZTWH (ratio): 0.1 RDHM356 initial LZFSH (ratio): 0.1 RDHM356 initial LZFPH (ratio): 0.1 RDHM356 initial SMC: 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 RDHM356 initial SH2O: 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 RDHM356 initial WE: 0 RDHM356 initial LIQW: 0 RDHM356 initial NEGHS: 0 RDHM356 initial TINDEX: 0 RDHM356 initial ACCMAX: 0 RDHM356 initial SNDPT: 0 RDHM356 initial SNTMP: 0 RDHM356 initial SB: 0 RDHM356 initial SBAESC: 0 RDHM356 initial SBWS: 0 RDHM356 initial STORAGE: 0 RDHM356 initial AEADJ: 0 RDHM356 initial EXLAG: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RDHM356 initial NEXLAG: 7 RDHM356 initial TA_PREV: 0
AWRAL600 model timestep:
specifies the model timestep for the AWRA-L 6.0.0 LSM.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
AWRAL600 restart output interval:
specifies the model timestep for the AWRA-L 6.0.0 LSM.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
AWRAL600 restart file:
specifies the AWRA-L 6.0.0 restart file.
AWRAL600 restart file format:
specifies the AWRA-L 6.0.0 restart file format, netcdf or binary (default=netcdf).
AWRAL600 nhru:
specifies the number of hydrological response units (HRUs).
AWRAL600 nhypsbins:
specifies the number of hypsometric curve distribution percentile bins.
AWRAL600 slope_coeff:
specifies the scaling factor for slope.
AWRAL600 pair:
specifies the air pressure.
AWRAL600 kr_coeff:
specifies the scaling factor for ratio of saturated hydraulic conductivity.
AWRAL600 hypsperc:
specifies the hypsometric curve distribution percentile bins.
The following constant parameter options accept values for each HRU specified in AWRAL600 nhru
above, from shallow to deep.
AWRAL600 alb_dry:
specifies the dry soil albedo for each HRU.
AWRAL600 alb_wet:
specifies the wet soil albedo for each HRU.
AWRAL600 cgsmax:
specifies the coefficient relating vegetation photosynthetic capacity to maximum stomatal conductance for each HRU.
AWRAL600 er_frac_ref:
specifies the specific ratio of the mean evaporation rate and the mean rainfall intensity during storms for each HRU.
AWRAL600 fsoilemax:
specifies the soil evaporation scaling factor corresponding to unlimited soil water supply for each HRU.
AWRAL600 lairef:
specifies the reference leaf area index (at which fv = 0.63) for each HRU.
AWRAL600 rd:
specifies the rooting depth for each HRU.
AWRAL600 s_sls:
specifies the specific canopy rainfall storage per unit leaf area for each HRU.
AWRAL600 sla:
specifies the specific leaf area for each HRU.
AWRAL600 tgrow:
specifies the characteristic time scale for vegetation growth towards equilibrium for each HRU.
AWRAL600 tsenc:
specifies the characteristic time scale for vegetation senescence towards equilibrium for each HRU.
AWRAL600 ud0:
specifies the maximum possible root water uptake from the deep soil store for each HRU.
AWRAL600 us0:
specifies the maximum possible root water uptake from the shallow soil store for each HRU.
AWRAL600 vc:
specifies the vegetation photosynthetic capacity index per unit canopy cover for each HRU.
AWRAL600 w0lime:
specifies the limiting the value of the relative soil moisture content of the top soil layer at which evaporation is reduced for each HRU.
AWRAL600 w0ref_alb:
specifies the reference value of w0 that determines the rate of albedo decrease with wetness for each HRU.
AWRAL600 wdlimu:
specifies the water-limiting relative water content of the deep soil store for each HRU.
AWRAL600 wslimu:
specifies the water-limiting relative water content of the shallow soil store for each HRU.
AWRAL600 timesteps:
specifies the number of daily timesteps.
AWRAL600 initial sr:
specifies the volume of water in the surface water store.
AWRAL600 initial sg:
specifies the groundwater storage in the unconfined aquifer.
AWRAL600 initial s0:
specifies the water storage in the surface soil layer for each HRU.
AWRAL600 initial ss:
specifies the water content of the shallow soil store for each HRU.
AWRAL600 initial sd:
specifies the water content of the deep soil store for each HRU.
AWRAL600 initial mleaf:
specifies the leaf biomass.
AWRAL600 model timestep: 1da AWRAL600 restart output interval: 1mo AWRAL600 restart file: none AWRAL600 restart file format: "netcdf" AWRAL600 nhru: 2 AWRAL600 nhypsbins: 20 AWRAL600 slope_coeff: 0.43879647 AWRAL600 pair: 97500.0 AWRAL600 kr_coeff: 0.66159026 AWRAL600 hypsperc: 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.0 # hru params (1st = shallow, 2nd = deep) AWRAL600 alb_dry: 0.26 0.26 AWRAL600 alb_wet: 0.16 0.16 AWRAL600 cgsmax: 0.03209419 0.02124781 AWRAL600 er_frac_ref: 0.032129 0.06425805 AWRAL600 fsoilemax: 0.58500527 0.99960822 AWRAL600 lairef: 1.4 2.5 AWRAL600 rd: 1.0 6.0 AWRAL600 s_sls: 0.29277 0.067438 AWRAL600 sla: 10.0 3.0 AWRAL600 tgrow: 150.0 1000.0 AWRAL600 tsenc: 10.0 60.0 AWRAL600 ud0: 0.0 11.56989 AWRAL600 us0: 6.0 6.0 AWRAL600 vc: 0.65 0.35 AWRAL600 w0lime: 0.85 0.85 AWRAL600 w0ref_alb: 0.3 0.3 AWRAL600 wdlimu: 0.3 0.3 AWRAL600 wslimu: 0.3 0.3 AWRAL600 timesteps: 1 # hru params (1st = shallow, 2nd = deep) AWRAL600 initial sr: 0.0 AWRAL600 initial sg: 100.0 AWRAL600 initial s0: 0.5 0.5 AWRAL600 initial ss: 0.5 0.5 AWRAL600 initial sd: 0.5 0.5 ### 2/sla AWRAL600 initial mleaf: 0.67 0.2
SnowModel model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
SnowModel restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Glen Liston’s SnowModel model. The typical
value used in the LIS runs is 24 hours (1da).
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
SnowModel restart file:
specifies the SnowModel active
restart file.
SnowModel restart file format:
specifies the restart file
format for SnowModel.
SnowModel parameter file:
specifies the main SnowModel-specific
input and option parameter configuration file, which is needed
to run SnowModel.
SnowModel parameters source option:
specifies if SnowModel will
read in its native binary parameter files from within the SnowModel
code or what is preprocessed in LDT. LDT option supports parallel runs
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
SnowModel |
Use SnowModel built-in routines to read in |
Use the LIS SnowModel main driver to load parameters from LDT. |
SnowModel MicroMet input source:
specifies if SnowModel will
read in its own specifically formatted binary or ASCII table forcing
files, or if LIS meteorological forcing fields will be passed in,
with the option to turn on MicroMet topographic-downscaling options
on the LIS metforcing layer side. To turn on "micromet" option in LIS,
set Topographic correction method (met forcing) to micromet.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
SnowModel |
Readin specific SnowModel forcing files |
LIS-based meteorological forcing fields |
SnowModel preprocess code option:
specifies the turning on
of the SnowModel built-in preprocess code module, which performs
initial preprocessing of gridded data for running the model.
Currently, only option supported is 1 (on).
Write out SnowModel forcing file fields:
specifies if you
want to write out SnowModel forcing fields generated by reading
in SnowModel-specific forcing files. This option is mainly
used when SnowModel MicroMet input source is set to SnowModel
and you run SnowModel in offline subLSM mode (no other LSMs or models
run with this submodel). Selecting 1 activates this option, and
0 indicates off.
SnowModel number of snow layers:
specifies the number of snow
layers that would be allowed to build within the SnowModel runtime.
This option is currently set to 1 within LIS, and must also be
activated and increased by setting the multiple layer snow model
scheme in the SnowModel option parameter file (snowmodel.par).
SnowModel initial snow water equivalent:
specifies the initial
snow water equivalent (SWE) value. This is currently set to
default values found in the coldstart mode for model restart reads,
based on a SnowModel initialization approach.
SnowModel model timestep: 1hr SnowModel restart file: ./none SnowModel restart output interval: 1mo SnowModel restart file format: "netcdf" SnowModel parameter file: ./snowmodel.par SnowModel parameters source option: LDT SnowModel MicroMet input source: LIS Write out SnowModel forcing file fields: 1 SnowModel preprocess code option: 1 SnowModel number of snow layers: 1 SnowModel initial snow water equivalent: 0.0
FLAKE1 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for FLAKE1.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
FLAKE1 restart interval:
specifies the restart output
interval for FLAKE1.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
FLAKE1 height where wind speed is measured:
specifies the height
where wind speed is measured. [m]
FLAKE1 height where temperature and humidity are measured:
specifies the height where temperature and humidity are measured. [m]
FLAKE1 restart file:
specifies the FLAKE1 active restart file.
FLAKE1 initial temperature at the air-snow interface:
the initial temperature at the air-snow interface. [K]
FLAKE1 initial temperature at the snow-ice interface:
the initial temperature at the snow-ice interface. [K]
FLAKE1 initial mean temperature of the water column:
the initial mean temperature of the water column. [K]
FLAKE1 initial temperature of mixed layer:
specifies the
initial temperature of the mixed layer. [K]
FLAKE1 initial temperature at the water-bottom sediment interface:
specifies the initial temperature at the water-bottom sediment
interface. [K]
FLAKE1 initial temperature at the bottom of the upper layer of the sediments:
specifies the initial temperature at the bottom of the upper layer
of the sediments. [K]
FLAKE1 initial thermocline shape factor:
specifies the
initial thermocline shape factor. [fraction]
FLAKE1 initial snow thickness:
specifies the
initial snow thickness. [m]
FLAKE1 initial ice thickness:
specifies the
initial ice thickness. [m]
FLAKE1 initial thickness of mixed layer:
specifies the
initial thickness of the mixed layer. [m]
FLAKE1 initial thickness of the upper layer of bottom sediments:
specifies the initial thickness of the upper layer of bottom sediments.
FLAKE1 initial surface temperature:
specifies the
initial surface temperature. [K]
FLAKE1 initial water surface albedo with respect to solar radiation:
specifies the initial water surface albedo with respect to solar
radiation. [fraction]
FLAKE1 initial ice surface albedo with respect to the solar radiation:
specifies the initial ice surface albedo with respect to the solar
radiation. [fraction]
FLAKE1 initial snow surface albedo with respect to the solar radiation:
specifies the initial snow surface albedo with respect to the solar
radiation. [fraction]
FLAKE1 model timestep: FLAKE1 restart interval: FLAKE1 height where wind speed is measured: FLAKE1 height where temperature and humidity are measured: FLAKE1 restart file: FLAKE1 initial temperature at the air-snow interface: FLAKE1 initial temperature at the snow-ice interface: FLAKE1 initial mean temperature of the water column: FLAKE1 initial temperature of mixed layer: FLAKE1 initial temperature at the water-bottom sediment interface: FLAKE1 initial temperature at the bottom of the upper layer of the sediments: FLAKE1 initial thermocline shape factor: FLAKE1 initial snow thickness: FLAKE1 initial ice thickness: FLAKE1 initial thickness of mixed layer: FLAKE1 initial thickness of the upper layer of bottom sediments: FLAKE1 initial surface temperature: FLAKE1 initial water surface albedo with respect to solar radiation: FLAKE1 initial ice surface albedo with respect to the solar radiation: FLAKE1 initial snow surface albedo with respect to the solar radiation:
Template open water timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Template open water timestep:
GLS susceptibility index map:
specifies what?
GLS susceptibility index threshold:
specifies what?
GLS slope value:
specifies what?
GLS y-intercept value:
specifies what?
GLS rainfall accumulation interval1:
specifies what?
GLS rainfall accumulation interval2:
specifies what?
GLS rainfall accumulation interval3:
specifies what?
GLS rainfall threshold for interval1:
specifies what?
GLS rainfall threshold for interval2:
specifies what?
GLS rainfall threshold for interval3:
specifies what?
GLS model timestep:
specifies what?
GLS output format:
specifies what?
GLS output interval:
specifies what?
GLS susceptibility index map: GLS susceptibility index threshold: GLS slope value: GLS y-intercept value: GLS rainfall accumulation interval1: GLS rainfall accumulation interval2: GLS rainfall accumulation interval3: GLS rainfall threshold for interval1: GLS rainfall threshold for interval2: GLS rainfall threshold for interval3: GLS model timestep: GLS output format: GLS output interval:
Irrigation scheme:
specifies the name of the irrigation
scheme to use.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
No irrigation scheme |
Sprinkler |
Demand sprinkler scheme |
Flood |
Demand flood scheme |
Irrigation output interval:
defines the output writing
interval for irrigation.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
Irrigation threshold:
defines the irrigation trigger
threshold for the flood and sprinkler irrigation schemes.
Irrigation max soil layer depth:
specifies the maximum soil layer depth. Defaults to 1 layer.
Sprinkler irrigation max root depth file:
specifies the
location of the max root depth file for sprinkler irrigation.
Flood irrigation max root depth file:
specifies the
location of the max root depth file for flood irrigation.
Drip irrigation max root depth file:
specifies the
location of the max root depth file for drip irrigation.
Irrigation GVF parameter 1:
specifies growing season for
irrigation in Noah-MP [set to 0.40 for Ozdogan et al. (2010)
Irrigation GVF parameter 2:
specifies growing season for
irrigation in Noah-MP [set to 0.00 for Ozdogan et al. (2010)
In the original GVF threshold in the sprinkler irrigation scheme by Ozdogan et al. (2010), a fraction of 0.4 was applied as part of the max-min seasonality in GVF. Nie et al. (2018) added a dyanmic option. These two parameters and the GVF range allow the user to adjust the percentage of the irrigation cut-off so that areas of greater GVF range will have a higher percentage cut-off and areas of lower GVF range will have a lower cut-off. In the code, the irrigation threhold contains the term (GVFparam1 + GVFparam2*(shdmax-shdmin)) instead of a static value of 0.4. By using this equation, the user may adjust the cut-off percentage as a function of GVF range (shdmax-shdmin).
Irrigation scheduling based on dynamic vegetation:
specifies whether to schedule irrigation based on GVF simulated by the DVEG module in Noah-MP. This option works together with Noah-MP.4.0.1 dynamic vegetation option
= 2.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
Defaults to 0.
Groundwater abstraction for irrigation:
specifies whether to withdraw water used for irrigation from the groundwater in Noah-MP.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
Defaults to 0.
Irrigation source water partition:
specifies whether to withdraw water used for irrigation from groundwater based on the groundwater irrigation ratio dataset. This option works only when the irrigation groundwater ratio is set up in the LIS domain and parameter data file
. Now only supports the CONUS domain.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
No |
1 |
Yes |
Defaults to 0.
Irrigation scheme: "none" Irrigation output interval: "1da" Irrigation threshold: 0.50 Irrigation max soil layer depth: 1 Sprinkler irrigation max root depth file: Flood irrigation max root depth file: Drip irrigation max root depth file: Irrigation GVF parameter 1: 0.40 Irrigation GVF parameter 2: 0.00 Irrigation scheduling based on dynamic vegetation: 0 Groundwater abstraction for irrigation: 0 Irrigation source water partition: 0
HYMAP routing model time step:
specifies the timestep for
the HyMAP router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
HYMAP routing model output interval:
defines the output
writing interval for the HyMAP router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
HYMAP run in ensemble mode:
specifies whether to run the
HyMAP router in ensemble mode.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not run in ensemble mode |
1 |
Run in ensemble mode |
HYMAP routing method:
specifies the HyMAP routing method
to use.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
kinematic |
use kinematic method |
diffusive |
use diffusive method |
HYMAP routing model linear reservoir flag:
specifies whether to
use linear reservoirs in the HyMAP router.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Use |
2 |
Do not use |
HYMAP routing model evaporation option:
specifies whether
to compute evaporation in flood plains in the HyMAP router.
Note that the ability to calculate this evaporation is
currently disabled in the HyMAP router code.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Compute evaporation in flood plains |
2 |
Do not compute evaporation in flood plains |
HYMAP routing model start mode:
specifies the restart mode
to be used for the HyMAP router.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
A restart mode is being used; read a HyMAP restart file |
coldstart |
A cold start mode is being used; no restart file read |
HYMAP routing model restart interval:
defines the restart writing
interval for the HyMAP router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
HYMAP routing model restart file:
specifies the HyMAP router
active restart file.
HYMAP routing model time step: "30mn" HYMAP routing model output interval: "1da" HYMAP run in ensemble mode: 0 HYMAP routing method: "kinematic" HYMAP routing model linear reservoir flag: 1 HYMAP routing model evaporation option: 2 HYMAP routing model start mode: "coldstart" HYMAP routing model restart interval: "1mo" HYMAP routing model restart file: "./OL/ROUTING/200001/LIS_RST_HYMAP_router_200001312345.d01.bin"
HYMAP2 routing model time step:
specifies the timestep for
the HyMAP2 router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
HYMAP2 routing model output interval:
defines the output
writing interval for the HyMAP2 router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
HYMAP2 run in ensemble mode:
specifies whether to run the
HyMAP2 router in ensemble mode.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not run in ensemble mode |
1 |
Run in ensemble mode |
HYMAP2 routing method:
specifies the HyMAP2 routing method
to use.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
kinematic |
use kinematic method |
diffusive |
use diffusive method |
“local inertia” |
use local inertia method |
hybrid |
use hybrid method (requires a river flow map from LDT) |
HYMAP2 routing model time step method:
specifies the HyMAP2
routing model time step method to use.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
constant |
use constant timestep |
adaptive |
use adaptive (time-varying) timesteps (must provide an alfa coefficient value) |
HYMAP2 routing model adaptive time step alfa coefficient:
specifies the adaptive time step alfa coefficent (a real number)
for the HyMAP2 router. This coefficient is not needed if using
the constant
time step method.
HYMAP2 floodplain dynamics:
specifies whether simulate
floodplain dynamics in the HyMAP2 router.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use |
1 |
Use |
HYMAP2 reservoir operation option:
specifies whether to use
reservoir operations in the HyMAP2 router. This option is still
in development in the HyMAP2 router within LIS.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use |
1 |
Use (additional lis.config entries required) |
HYMAP2 number of reservoirs:
specifies the number of reservoirs
to use with the HyMAP2 router. This config entry is only used
when HYMAP2 reservoir operation option:
is set to 1. The number
of reservoirs should be an integer.
HYMAP2 reservoir operation input time series size:
specifies the
time series length (or number of time steps in the inputs files)
when using reservoir operations with the HyMAP2 router. This config
entry is only used when HYMAP2 reservoir operation option:
is set
to 1. The time series size should be an integer.
HYMAP2 reservoir operation input directory:
specifies the input
directory for the reservoir operation files to be used when using
reservoir operations with the HyMAP2 router. This config entry is
only used when HYMAP2 reservoir operation option:
is set to 1.
HYMAP2 reservoir operation header filename:
specifies the filename
header for the reservoir operation files to be used when using
reservoir operations with the HyMAP2 router. This config entry is
only used when HYMAP2 reservoir operation option:
is set to 1.
HYMAP2 reservoir operation input data type:
specifies the input
data type for the reservoir operation files to be used when using
reservoir operations with the HyMAP2 router. This config entry is
only used when HYMAP2 reservoir operation option:
is set to 1.
Value | Description |
“water level” |
Use water level data |
streamflow |
Use streamflow data |
HYMAP2 routing model linear reservoir flag:
specifies whether to
use linear reservoirs in the HyMAP2 router.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use |
1 |
Use |
HYMAP2 routing model evaporation option:
specifies whether
to compute evaporation in flood plains in the HyMAP2 router.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not compute evaporation in flood plains |
penman |
Compute evaporation in flood plains using Penman method |
HYMAP2 routing model dwi flag:
specifies whether
to use DWI maps from LDT in the HyMAP2 router.
Acceptable values are:
Value |
Description |
0 |
Do not use DWI maps |
1 |
Use DWI maps (requires two DWI fields from LDT) |
HYMAP2 routing model start mode:
specifies the restart mode
to be used for the HyMAP2 router.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
A restart mode is being used; read a HyMAP2 restart file |
coldstart |
A cold start mode is being used; no restart file read |
HYMAP2 routing model restart interval:
defines the restart writing
interval for the HyMAP2 router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
HYMAP2 routing model restart file:
specifies the HyMAP2 router
active restart file.
HYMAP2 enable 2-way coupling:
specifies whether to enable 2-way coupling.
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not use |
1 |
Use |
HYMAP2 2-way coupling flooded fraction threshold:
specifies the flooded fraction
threshold used in the 2-way coupling mode.
HYMAP2 routing model time step: "30mn" HYMAP2 routing model output interval: "1da" HYMAP2 run in ensemble mode: 0 HYMAP2 routing method: "kinematic" HYMAP2 routing model time step method: "constant" HYMAP2 routing model adaptive time step alfa coefficient: 0.7 HYMAP2 floodplain dynamics: 1 HYMAP2 reservoir operation option: 0 HYMAP2 number of reservoirs: 0 HYMAP2 reservoir operation input time series size: 1 HYMAP2 reservoir operation input directory: "./reservoir_data" HYMAP2 reservoir operation header filename: "RESDATA" HYMAP2 reservoir operation input data type: "streamflow" HYMAP2 routing model linear reservoir flag: 1 HYMAP2 routing model evaporation option: "none" HYMAP2 routing model dwi flag: 0 HYMAP2 routing model start mode: "coldstart" HYMAP2 routing model restart interval: "1mo" HYMAP2 routing model restart file: "./OL/ROUTING/197901/ HYMAP2 enable 2-way coupling: 0 HYMAP2 2-way coupling flooded fraction threshold: 2.0
NLDAS routing model output interval:
defines the output
writing interval for the NLDAS router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
NLDAS routing model restart interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for the NLDAS router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
NLDAS routing internal unit hydrograph file:
specifies the
internal unit hydrograph file.
NLDAS routing transport unit hydrograph file:
the transport unit hydrograph file.
NLDAS routing coordinates order file:
specifies the
coordinates order file.
NLDAS routing initial condition for runoff:
specifies the
initial condition for runoff file.
NLDAS routing initial condition for transport:
the initial condition for transport file.
NLDAS routing model start mode:
specifies if a restart mode is
being used.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
A restart mode is being used |
coldstart |
A cold start mode is being used, no restart file read |
NLDAS routing model restart file:
specifies the NLDAS router
active restart file.
NLDAS routing model output interval: NLDAS routing model restart interval: NLDAS routing internal unit hydrograph file: NLDAS routing transport unit hydrograph file: NLDAS routing coordinates order file: NLDAS routing initial condition for runoff: NLDAS routing initial condition for transport: NLDAS routing model start mode: NLDAS routing model restart file:
RAPID routing model time step:
specifies the timestep for
the RAPID router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
RAPID river routing time step:
specifies the timestep for
RAPID river routing precedure.
RAPID routing model output interval:
defines the output
writing interval for the RAPID router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
RAPID routing model restart interval:
defines the restart output
writing interval for the RAPID router.
See Section Defining a time interval for a description of how to specify a time interval.
RAPID routing model start mode:
specifies the restart mode
to be used for the RAPID router.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
restart |
A restart mode is being used; read a RAPID restart file |
coldstart |
A cold start mode is being used; no restart file read |
RAPID run in ensemble mode:
specifies whether to run the
RAPID router in ensemble mode.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not run in ensemble mode |
1 |
Run in ensemble mean mode |
2 |
Run in ensemble mode (not support) |
RAPID run option:
is set to 1 for a regular run. The other options are not
supported yet.
RAPID routing option:
is set to 1 for applying matrix-based
Mukingum algorithm. The other options are not supported yet.
RAPID cost function phi option:
is set to 1 for phi1. The other options
are not supported yet.
RAPID initial flow:
use initial instantaneous flow file. This option
is not supported. Set to .false.
RAPID write final flow:
save final instantaneous flow file. This option
is not supported. Set to .false.
RAPID compute volume:
compute flow volume. This option
is not supported. Set to .false.
RAPID human-induced flow:
apply human-induced flow. This option
is not supported. Set to .false.
RAPID upstream forcing:
use upstrem forcing. This option
is not supported. Set to .false.
RAPID dam model used:
use dam model. This option
is not supported. Set to .false.
RAPID output influence:
use output influence. This option
is not supported. Set to .false.
RAPID uncertainty quantification:
use uncertainty quantification. This option
is not supported. Set to .false.
RAPID river connectivity file:
specifies river connectivity file.
RAPID max number of upstream reaches:
specifies maximum number of upstream
RAPID river weight table:
specifies river weight table file.
RAPID river basin ID file:
specifies river basin ID file.
RAPID Muskingum parameter k file:
specifies Muskingum parameter k file.
RAPID Muskingum parameter x file:
specifies Muskingum parameter x file.
RAPID namelist file:
specifies namelist file.
RAPID routing model time step: "1da" RAPID river routing time step: "15mn" RAPID routing model output interval: "1da" RAPID routing model restart interval: "1mo" RAPID routing model start mode: restart RAPID routing model restart file: ./output/ol/ROUTING/200801/ RAPID run in ensemble mode: 0 RAPID run option: 1 RAPID routing option: 1 RAPID cost function phi option: 1 RAPID initial flow: .false. RAPID write final flow: .false. RAPID compute volume: .false. RAPID human-induced flow: .false. RAPID upstream forcing: .false. RAPID dam model used: .false. RAPID output influence: .false. RAPID uncertainty quantification: .false. RAPID river connectivity file: ./rapid_params/rapid_connect.csv RAPID max number of upstream reaches: 3 RAPID river weight table: ./rapid_params/weight_lis.csv RAPID river basin ID file: ./rapid_params/riv_bas_id.csv RAPID Muskingum parameter k file: ./rapid_params/k.csv RAPID Muskingum parameter x file: ./rapid_params/x.csv RAPID namelist file: ./rapid_params/rapid_namelist
CROCUS81 model timestep:
specifies the timestep for the run.
CROCUS81 restart output interval:
defines the restart
writing interval for Crocus8.1. The typical value is 1 month (1mo).
CROCUS81 nsnow:
specifies the total number of snow layers.
CROCUS81 nimpur:
specifies the number of impurity types Note: this option is not activated in the current version.
specifies the turbulant exchange option.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
Default: Louis (ISBA: Noilhan and Mahfouf 1996) |
Limit Richarson number under very stable conditions (currently testing) |
M98 |
Martin et Lejeune 1998: older computation for turbulent fluxes coefficents in Crocus |
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.true. |
Coupled to MEB. This means surface fluxes ae IMPOSED as an upper boundary condition to the explicit snow schemes. |
.false. |
Then energy budget and fluxes are computed herein. |
specifies the wind implicitation option.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
direct |
Taylor series, order 1 |
must set to 900s because it has been used to compute the amount of snowfall to triger the CALL_MODEL.
specifies the reference height of the wind.
specifies the reference height of the first atmospheric level.
specifies the grid box average roughness length.
specifies the roughness length for momentum.
specifies the grid box average roughness length for heat.
specifies the assumed first soil layer thickness (m).
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
No snowdrift scheme |
falling snow falls as purely dendritic |
GA01 |
Gallee et al 2001 |
VI13 |
Vionnet et al 2013 |
activate sublimation during drift.
activate parametrization of solar absorption for polar regions.
specifies the metamorphism scheme.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
B92 |
Brun et al 1992 |
C13 |
Carmagnola et al 2014 |
T07 |
Taillandier et al 2007 |
F06 |
Flanner et al 2006 |
specifies the radiative transfer scheme.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
B92 |
Brun et al 1992 |
T17 |
(Tuzet et al. 2017) (Libois et al. 2013) |
with impurities content scheme (Currently not available) |
activate atmotartes scheme.
specifies the wet deposit impurity coefficient.
specifies the dry deposit impurity coefficient.
specifies the falling snow scheme.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
V12 |
Vionnet et al. 2012 from Brun et al. 1989 |
A76 |
Anderson et al. 1976 |
S02 |
Lehning el al. 2002 |
P75 |
Pahaut 1975 |
Constant density 200 kg/m3 (who knows ?) |
specifies the thermal conductivity scheme.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
Y81 |
default Crocus from Yen et al. 1981 |
I02 |
ISBA_ES snow conductivity parametrization (Boone et al. 2002) |
C11 |
Calonne et al. 2011 snow conductivity parametrization |
specifies the liquid water content scheme.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
B92 |
default Crocus from Brun et al. 1992 or Vionnet et al. 2012 |
B02 |
ISBA_ES parametrization (Boone et al. 2002) |
O04 |
CLM parametrization (Oleson et al 2004) |
S02 |
SNOWPACK aprametrization (Lehning et al 2002) |
specifies the compaction option.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
B92 |
snow compaction basis version |
B93 |
for slightly different parameters |
specifies the reference height is constant or variable from the snow surface.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
constant reference height from the snow surface |
variable reference height from the snow surface (i.e. constant from the ground) |
activate snow comapction.
activate snowmaking.
activate Tilling.
snow management option.
Additionnal boolean to use modified properties of machine made snow (MMS) or not.
activate snowmaking daytime.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.true. |
Over permanent snow and ice, initialise WGI=WSAT, Hsnow>=10m and allow 0.8<SNOALB<0.85 |
.false. |
No specific treatment |
specifies the surface soil temperature (effective temperature the of layer lying below snow).
CROCUS81 use monthly albedo map:
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.true. |
use monthly climatology albedo |
.false. |
use constant value of 0.2 |
CROCUS81 boolean option to partition total precip:
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.true. |
forcing only provides total precip |
.false. |
forcing contains snowfall and rainfall |
CROCUS81 restart file:
specifies the Crocus restart file.
CROCUS81 restart file format:
specifies the format for the Crocus8.1 restart file.
specifies the initial snow SWE (kg/m2).
specifies the initial snow layer(s) density (kg/m3).
specifies the initial snow layer(s) heat content (J/m2).
specifies the initial surface albedo.
specifies the initial Snow layer(s) grain parameter 1.
specifies the initial Snow layer(s) grain parameter 1.
specifies the initial Snow layer(s) Historical parameter (-) in [0-5].
specifies the initial Snow layer(s) liquid water content (m).
`ROCUS81 initial SNOWTEMP: specifies the initial Snow layer(s) temperature (K).
CROCUS81 initial SNOWDZ:
specifies the initial Snow layer(s) thickness (m).
specifies the initial Soil/snow interface heat flux (W/m2).
specifies the initial Blowing snow sublimation (kg/m2/s). Note: Snow compaction and metamorphism due to drift, Mass is unchanged.
CROCUS81 initial RI_n:
specifies the initial Richardson number.
ROCUS81 initial CDSNOW:
specifies the initial drag coefficient for momentum over snow.
specifies the initial Friction velocity over snow (m/s).
CROCUS81 initial CHSNOW:
specifies the initial Drag coefficient for heat over snow (-).
CROCUS81 initial SNOWMAK_dz:
specifies the initial depth from snow making process.
CROCUS81 model timestep: 15mn CROCUS81 restart output interval: 1mo CROCUS81 nsnow: 50 CROCUS81 nimpur: 2 CROCUS81 SNOWRES_opt: "DEF" CROCUS81 OMEB_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 HIMPLICIT_WIND_opt: "NEW" CROCUS81 PTSTEP: 900 CROCUS81 UREF: 10 CROCUS81 ZREF: 1.5 CROCUS81 Z0NAT: 0.005 CROCUS81 Z0EFF: 0.001 CROCUS81 Z0HNAT: 0.0005 CROCUS81 D_G: 0.01 CROCUS81 SNOWDRIFT_opt: "NONE" CROCUS81 SNOWDRIFT_SUBLIM_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 SNOW_ABS_ZENITH_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 SNOWMETAMO_opt: "C13" CROCUS81 SNOWRAD_opt: "B92" CROCUS81 ATMORAD_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 IMPWET: 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 IMPDRY: 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 SNOWFALL_opt: "V12" CROCUS81 SNOWCOND_opt: "Y81" CROCUS81 SNOWHOLD_opt: "B92" CROCUS81 SNOWCOMP_opt: "B92" CROCUS81 SNOWZREF_opt: "CST" CROCUS81 SNOWCOMPACT_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 SNOWMAK_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 SNOWTILLER_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 SELF_PROD_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 SNOWMAK_PROP_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 PRODSNOWMAK_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 GLACIER_BOOL: .FALSE. CROCUS81 TG: 273.15 CROCUS81 use monthly albedo map: .TRUE. CROCUS81 boolean option to partition total precip: CROCUS81 restart file: output/SURFACEMODEL/201708/ CROCUS81 restart file format: netcdf CROCUS81 initial SNOWSWE: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWRHO: 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 10000000000 CROCUS81 initial SNOWHEAT: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWALB: 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWGRAN1: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWGRAN2: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWHIST: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWAGE: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWLIQ: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWTEMP: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWDZ: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CROCUS81 initial GRNDFLUX: 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNDRIFT: 0.0 CROCUS81 initial RI_n: 0.0 CROCUS81 initial CDSNOW: 0.0 CROCUS81 initial USTARSNOW: 0.0 CROCUS81 initial CHSNOW: 0.0 CROCUS81 initial SNOWMAK_dz: 0.0
ERA interim land runoff data output directory:
specifies directory
where ERA interim outputs are located.
ERA interim land runoff data output interval:
ERA interim output time step
ERA interim land runoff data output directory: ./ERAI_OUTPUT/ ERA interim land runoff data output interval: "1da"
GLDAS1 runoff data output directory:
specifies directory
where GLDAS1 outputs are located.
GLDAS1 runoff data model name:
specifies GLDAS1 land surface model name.
GLDAS1 runoff data spatial resolution (degree):
specifies GLDAS1
output spatial resolution
GLDAS1 runoff data output interval:
GLDAS1 output time step
GLDAS1 runoff data output directory: ./GLDAS1_OUTPUT/ GLDAS1 runoff data model name: VIC GLDAS1 runoff data spatial resolution (degree): 0.25 GLDAS1 runoff data output interval: "1da"
GLDAS2 runoff data output directory:
specifies directory
where GLDAS2 outputs are located.
GLDAS2 runoff data model name:
specifies GLDAS2 land surface model name.
GLDAS2 runoff data spatial resolution (degree):
specifies GLDAS2
output spatial resolution
GLDAS2 runoff data output interval:
GLDAS2 output time step
GLDAS2 runoff data output directory: ./GLDAS2_OUTPUT/ GLDAS2 runoff data model name: VIC GLDAS2 runoff data spatial resolution (degree): 0.25 GLDAS2 runoff data output interval: "1da"
GWBMIP runoff data output directory:
specifies directory
where GWBMIP outputs are located.
GWBMIP runoff data model name prefix:
GWBMIP land surface model used.
GWBMIP runoff data output interval:
GWBMIP output time step
GWBMIP runoff data output directory: ./GWBMIP_OUTPUT/ GWBMIP runoff data model name prefix: NOAH33 GWBMIP runoff data output interval: "1da"
LIS runoff output directory:
specifies directory
where LIS outputs are located.
LIS runoff output interval:
LIS output time step
LIS runoff output domain file:
specifies location of the LIS runoff output
domain file.
LIS runoff output directory: ./LIS_OUTPUT/ LIS runoff output interval: "1da" LIS runoff output domain file: ./LIS_OUTPUT/
MERRA2 runoff data output directory:
specifies directory
where MERRA2 outputs are located.
MERRA2 runoff data output interval:
MERRA2 output time step
MERRA2 runoff data output directory: ./MERRA2_OUTPUT/ MERRA2 runoff data output interval: "1da"
NLDAS2 runoff data output directory:
specifies directory
where NLDAS2 outputs are located.
NLDAS2 runoff data model name:
NLDAS2 land surface model used.
NLDAS2 runoff data output interval:
NLDAS2 output time step
NLDAS2 runoff data output directory: ./NLDAS2_OUTPUT/ NLDAS2 runoff data model name: NOAH NLDAS2 runoff data output interval: "1da"
The output start time is used to define when to begin writing model output. Any value not defined will default to the corresponding LIS start time. The output start time does not affect restart writing. Restart files are written according to the LIS start time and the model restart output interval value.
The output start time is specified in the following format:
Variable | Value | Description |
integer 2001 {endash} present |
specifying output start year |
integer 1 {endash} 12 |
specifying output start month |
integer 1 {endash} 31 |
specifying output start day |
integer 0 {endash} 23 |
specifying output start hour |
integer 0 {endash} 59 |
specifying output start minute |
integer 0 {endash} 59 |
specifying output start second |
Writing output may be restricted to a specified time with
respect to any year. To restrict output to a specified time,
you must set
Output at specific time only:
to 1, and then you must specify the
specific output writing time. If you choose not to restrict output
writing to a specified time, then you do not have to set the
specific output writing time variables.
Output at specific time only:
specifies whether to write
output only at a specified time. Defaults to 0.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not restrict output to a specified time |
1 |
Restrict output to a specified time |
The specific output writing time is specified in the following format:
Variable | Value | Description |
integer 1 {endash} 12 |
specifying output month |
integer 1 {endash} 31 |
specifying output day |
integer 0 {endash} 23 |
specifying output hour |
integer 0 {endash} 59 |
specifying output minute |
integer 0 {endash} 59 |
specifying output second |
Output start year: Output start month: Output start day: Output start hour: Output start minutes: Output start seconds: Output at specific time only: Specific output writing time (month): Specific output writing time (day): Specific output writing time (hour): Specific output writing time (minute): Specific output writing time (second):
Model output attributes file:
specifies the attributes to be
used for a customizable model output. Please refer to the
sample MODEL_OUTPUT_LIST.TBL file for the complete specification.
Model output attributes file: './MODEL_OUTPUT_LIST.TBL'
Time interval values must be entered in a format where the timestep value is followed by 2 character string indicating the time units.
Examples include: 60ss, 30mn, 2hr, 0.5da
Acceptable values for the timestep units are:
Value | Description |
ss |
seconds |
mn |
minutes |
hr |
hours |
da |
days |
mo |
months |
yr |
years |
Units of months assumes a 30-day month.
Units of years assumes a 365-day year.