An advanced crypto trading bot written in Python
Strategies to Gekko trading bot with backtests results and some useful tools.
jQuery Plugin to draw animated circular progress bars
Cross-platform application for BLHeli firmware flashing and configuration
Genetic Algorithm for solving optimization of trading strategies using Gekko
An app to keep a watch on big volume trades of cryptocurrecies on different exchanges by sending alerts via a Telegram Bot.
A flask app that leverages Facebook Prophet to provide people with the ability to build simple baseline forecasts from within a guided user interface
📈 Imports your commits from a repository into git-stats history.
A general purpose twitch bot that will work with multiple channels. (Work in Progress...)
Crypto News allows you to convert cryptocurrencies, view latest news and exchange rates for each ICO – all the data from the world of cryptocurrencies in one place.
A simple SignalR client which can be used to demonstrate the capabilities of SignalR in the field of real-time applications. This particular SignalR client was deployed to an AzureWebsite and utili…