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File metadata and controls

211 lines (176 loc) · 9.82 KB


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Static mode

No dynamic routing, no handshake server.
Similar to original wireguard , all configs are static.
Include the route table, you have to configure it in NextHopTable section in the config file.

In this mode, there are no any Control Message, no connectivity check.
Please maintains the predefined topology, otherwise if the relay node offline, part of this network will broken,

Quick Start

First, edit the genstatic.yaml

Config output dir: /tmp/eg_gen_static    # Profile output location
Enable generated config overwrite: false # Allow overwrite while output the config
Add NodeID to the interface name: false  # Add NodeID to the interface name in generated edge config
ConfigTemplate for edge node: ""         # Profile Template
Network name: "EgNet"
Edge Node:
  MacAddress prefix: ""                 # Leave blank to generate randomly
  IPv4 range:           # By the way, the IP part can be omitted.
  IPv6 range: fd95:71cb:a3df:e586::/64  # The only purpose of this field is to call the ip command after startup to add an ip to the tap interface
  IPv6 LL range: fe80::a3df:0/112       # 
Edge Nodes:                             # Node related settings
Distance matrix for all nodes: |-       # The left is the starting point, and the upper is the ending point. Inf represents that the two nodes are not connected, and the value represents connected. The size of the value represents the cost of the route (usually latency)
  X 1   2   3   4   5   6
  1 0   1.0 Inf Inf Inf Inf
  2 1.0 0   1.0 1.0 Inf Inf
  3 Inf 1.0 0   1   1.0 Inf
  4 Inf 1.0 1.0 0   Inf 1.0
  5 Inf Inf 1.0 Inf 1.0 Inf
  6 Inf Inf Inf 1.0 Inf 1.0

Run this, it will generate the required configuration file

./etherguard-go -mode gencfg -cfgmode static -config example_config/static_mode/genstatic.yaml

Deploy these configuration files to the corresponding nodes, and then execute

./etherguard-go -config [config path] -mode edge

you can turn off unnecessary logs to increase performance after it works.


The topology of this example_config:

Before sending packet, We will set the SrcID to my NodeID. And the DstID will be found from l2fib table. If lookup failed or it's a Broadcast address, It will be set to Broadcast(65535)

While receiving packet, if the DstID==NodeID, or DstID==65535, it will receive the packet, and send to correspond tap device. And meanwhile, add the NodeID->SrcMacAddress to l2fib.
If not, it will lookup from the Next hop table, to determine who will be sent of this packet.

Here is an example of the Next hop table in this example topology. A yaml formatted nested dictionary. NhTable[SrcID][DstID]= Next hop ID

    2: 2
    3: 2
    1: 1
    3: 3

    1: 2
    2: 2


Broadcast is a special case.

Today I am Node 4, and I received a Src=1, dst=Broadcast.
I should send to Node 6 ONLY without sending it to Node 3.
Cuz Node 3 should receive it from Node 2 Instead of me.

So if dst=Broadcast, I will check src to all my neighbors whether I am a required route of this packet.
1 -> 6 : [1 2 4 6] , I am a required route
1 -> 3 : [1 2 3] , I am not a required route
1 -> 3 : Skip check, packet is coming from it
So I knows I should send this packet to Node 6 only.

Next Hop Table calculator

This tool can also calculate Next Hop Table for you.

Prepare a path.txt first, mark all single way latency in it like this:

X 1   2   3   4   5   6
1 0   0.5 Inf Inf Inf Inf
2 0.5 0   0.5 0.5 Inf Inf
3 Inf 0.5 0   0.5 0.5 Inf
4 Inf 0.5 0.5 0   Inf 0.5
5 Inf Inf 0.5 Inf 0   Inf
6 Inf Inf Inf 0.5 Inf 0

Inf means unreachable.

Then use this command to calculate it.

EdgeNode Config Parameter

EdgeConfig Description
Interface Interface related config
NodeID NodeID. Must be unique in the whole Etherguard network.
NodeName Node Name.
PostScript Script that will run after initialized
DefaultTTL TTL(etherguard layer. not affect ethernet layer)
L2FIBTimeout The timeout of the L2FIB table(Similar to ARP table)
PrivKey Private key. Same spec as wireguard.
ListenPort UDP lesten port
LogLevel Log related settings
DynamicRoute Dynamic Route related settings. Not work at static mode.
NextHopTable NextHopTable, Next hop = NhTable[start][destnation]
ResetConnInterval Reset the endpoint for peers. You may need this if that peer use DDNS.
Peers Peer info.
Interface Description
IType Interface type.
Name Device name
VPPIFaceID VPP Interface ID. Muse be unique in same VPP runtime
VPPBridgeID VPP Bridge ID. Fill 0 if you don't use it.
MacAddrPrefix Mac address Prefix. Real Mac address=[Prefix]:[NodeID].
IPv4CIDR After starting, call the ip command to add an ip to the tap interface.
IPv4CIDR After starting, call the ip command to add an ip to the tap interface.
IPv6LLPrefix After starting, call the ip command to add an ip to the tap interface.
MTU Interface MTU,only valid on tap, vpp mode
RecvAddr Listen address for *sock mode(server mode)
SendAddr Packet send address for *sock mode(client mode)
L2HeaderMode For stdio mode only for debugging
IType Description
dummy Dymmy interface, drop any packet received. You need this if you want to setup it as a relay node.
stdio Wrtie to stdout,read from stdin.
Required parameter: MacAddrPrefix && L2HeaderMode
udpsock Read/Write the raw packet to an udp socket.
Required parameter: RecvAddr && SendAddr
tcpsock Read/Write the raw packet to a tcp socket.
Required parameter: RecvAddr || SendAddr
unixsock Read/Write the raw packet to an unix socket(SOCK_STREAM mode).
Required parameter: RecvAddr || SendAddr
unixgramsock Read/Write the raw packet to an unix socket(SOCK_DGRAM mode)
Required parameter: RecvAddr || SendAddr
unixpacketsock Read/Write the raw packet to an unix socket(SOCK_SEQPACKET mode).
Required parameter: RecvAddr || SendAddr
fd Read/Write the raw packet to specific file descriptor.
Required parameter: None. But require environment variable EG_FD_RX && EG_FD_TX
vpp Integrate to VPP by libmemif.
Required parameter: Name && VPPIFaceID && VPPBridgeID && MacAddrPrefix && MTU
tap Read/Write to tap device from linux.
Required parameter: Name && MacAddrPrefix && MTU
Optional Parameter:IPv4CIDR , IPv6CIDR , IPv6LLPrefix
L2HeaderMode Description
nochg Do not change anything.
kbdbg The first 12 bytes will be used for routing selection.
But in stdio mode, it is not convenient to use the keyboard to input an Ethernet frame.
This mode allows me to quickly generate an Ethernet frame, and debug is more convenient.
b is converted to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
2 is converted to AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:02
Enter b2aaaaa and it will become b"0xffffffffffffaabbccddee02aaaaa"
noL2 Remove Ethernet frame while reading
Use FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF while writing
LogLevel Description
LogLevel debug,error,slient for wirefuard logger.
LogTransit Log packets that neither the source or destination is self.
LogNormal Log packets that either the source or destination is self.
LogControl Log for all Control Message.
LogInternal Log for some internal event
LogNTP NTP related logs.
Peers Description
NodeID Node ID.
PubKey Public key.
PSKey Pre shared key.
EndPoint Peer EndPoint.
PersistentKeepalive PersistentKeepalive, same as wireguard
Static Do not overwrite by roaming and reset the connection every ResetConnInterval seconds.

Run example config

Execute following command in Different Terminal

./etherguard-go -config example_config/super_mode/EgNet_edge1.yaml -mode edge
./etherguard-go -config example_config/super_mode/EgNet_edge2.yaml -mode edge
./etherguard-go -config example_config/super_mode/EgNet_edge3.yaml -mode edge
./etherguard-go -config example_config/super_mode/EgNet_edge4.yaml -mode edge
./etherguard-go -config example_config/super_mode/EgNet_edge5.yaml -mode edge
./etherguard-go -config example_config/super_mode/EgNet_edge6.yaml -mode edge

The IType of this example config is stdio (keyboard debug), so it will read data from stdin.
Then input following text in the terminal


The L2HeaderMode is kbdbg, means Keyboard debug. So that the first two byte will be convert to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, and AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:01. And the message is the real payload.

With other debug message, you should be able to see the message in other terminal.