LEAP: Differentiable forward and backward projectors for AI/ML-driven computed tomography applications
LivermorE AI Projector (LEAP) is a python package library to enable differentiable forward and back projection operations for machine learning-based computed tomography (CT) applications. This package enables the integration of the forward projection into the neural network training pipeline. LEAP currently supports three CT projection geometries: parallel beam, cone beam, and modular beam. This library is provided as both native python APIs and PyTorch classes.
LEAP's core forward and back projections are written in C++ and CUDA. To compile and install LEAP, you should have a proper GCC compiler (7.3 or higher). To perform projections on GPU, make sure to install a proper CUDA driver and toolkit (10.2 or higher) as well as a CUDA compiler (nvcc). LEAP also requires PyTorch (1.10 or higher). If you have a GPU and would like to use GPU-based projection, overwrite setup.py using setup_gpu.py. Otherwise, use setup_cpu.py To install LEAP, use pip install: $ cd leap $ pip install .
The main PyTorch module class is found in leaptorch. Projector is the main class defined in leaptorch. It defines a CT projection associated with a specific projection geometry and parameters. The following example instantiates a Projector class for an image dimension of 256^3. This code uses a parallel beam geometry with 180 projection views.
import torch
from leaptorch import Projector
proj = Projector(use_gpu=False) # CPU mode
The constructor of the Projector class takes several arguments to specify the GPU device and other options. To use the GPU projector,
device_name = "cuda:0"
device = torch.device(device_name)
proj = Projector(use_gpu=True, gpu_device=device)
The image dimension can be specified using "set_volume" function:
proj.set_volume(256, 256, 256, 0.8, 0.8, 0, 0, 0)
Three functions to specify projection parameters are provided for parallel, cone, and modular beam projections. To use the parallel beam projection, use "set_parallel_beam" function:
proj.set_parallel_beam(180, 256, 256, 0.8, 0.8, 127.5, 127.5, 180, phis)
"print_param" function summarizes all projection parameters specified in the current projector: proj.print_param() The projector class can also read a configuration file to specify all projection parameters as well as image dimensions without calling "set_volume" and "set_parallel_beam" functions (if the projection uses a parallel beam):
Since the projector class is derived from torch.nn.Module
, it can be integrated into any existing PyTorch-based neural network models. Below is an example of how the projector object can be used to compute the forward projection loss function. Assume that "network" is a neural network model defined as a torch.nn.Module
from torch.optim import Adagrad
optimizer = Adagrad(self.nn.parameters(), lr=float(self.learning_rate)) # setup an optimizer
N_iter = 1000 # number of iterations
network.train() # a neural network model derived from torch.nn.Module
proj.train() # CT projector class instance
for i in range(N_iter):
# a neural network that takes an input image to predict a noiseless/artifactless image
img_pred = network(img_init)
# forward-project the predicted image to sinogram projection data
sino_pred = proj(img_pred)
# user-specified loss function, e.g., torch.nn.MSE()
loss = loss_func(sino_pred.float(), sino_gt.float())
specify image volume dimension to be reconstructed
- dimx, dimy, dimz: image dimension in x, y and z axis
- width, height: pixel width and height
- offsetx, offsety, offsetz: offset in x, y, and z-axis
leaptorch.Projector.set_parallel_beam(nangles, nrows, ncols, pheight, pwidth, crow, ccol, arange, phis)
set up parallel beam projection parameters
- nangles: number of projections
- nrows, ncols: detector rows and columns
- pheight, pwidth: pixel height and width
- crow, ccol: row and column centers
- arange: angular range of the projections (in degree)
- phis: all projection angles as a PyTorch tensor array (in degree)
leaptorch.Projector.set_cone_beam(nangles, nrows, ncols, pheight, pwidth, crow, ccol, arange, phis, sod, sdd)
set up cone beam projection parameters
- nangles: number of projections
- nrows, ncols: detector rows and columns
- pheight, pwidth: pixel height and width
- crow, ccol: row and column centers
- arange: angular range of the projections (in degree)
- phis: all projection angles as a PyTorch tensor array (in degree)
- sod, sdd: source to object distance (SOD), and source to detector distance (SDD)
leaptorch.Projector.set_modular_beam(nangles, nrows, ncols, pheight, pwidth, srcpos, modcenter, rowvec, colvec)
set up modular beam projection parameters
get the dimension of image data. It return dimz, dimy, and dimx.
get the dimension of projection data (sinogram). It returns projection views, detector rows, and detector columns.
load all image and projection parameters from a configuration file
- param_fn: path to a file storing all parameters
save all image and projection parameters into a file
- param_fn: path to a file storing all parameters
print all image and projection parameter specifications
The parameter configuration file is an ASCII text format. Below is an example of a parameter file content:
img_dimx = 512 # image x dimension
img_dimy = 512 # image y dimension
img_dimz = 1 # image z dimension
img_pwidth = 0.8 # image pixel width
img_pheight = 0.8 # image pixel height
img_offsetx = 0 # image x offset
img_offsety = 0 # image y offset
img_offsetz = 0 # image z offset
proj_geometry = parallel # projection geometry type, parallel, cone, or modular
proj_arange = 180 # angular range in degree
proj_nangles = 720 # number of projections
proj_nrows = 1 # detector row size
proj_ncols = 512 # detector column size
proj_pwidth = 0.8 # detector pixel width
proj_pheight = 0.8 # detector pixel height
proj_crow = 0 # detector row center
proj_ccol = 255.5 # detector column center
proj_phis = # array of projection angles (size is the same as number of projections), seperated by comma (,)
proj_sod = 0 # source-to-object distance
proj_sdd = 0 # source-to-detector distance