megcc depend on llvm-project and megbrain, now llvm-project and megbrain are integrated by submodule, and static linked into megcc
update third-party submodule
$ cd megcc $ ./third_party/
build megcc
$ cd megcc/compiler $ mkdir build $ cmake .. -G Ninja $ ninja
after build the compiler tools is stored in build/tools/...
Ninja is recommend(make is not tested ...) X86 test
$ mkdir -p build_x86
$ cd build_x86
$ cmake ../test/kernel -G Ninja
$ ./megcc_test_run
ARM Android test
$ mkdir -p build_arm
$ cd build_arm
$ cmake ../test/kernel -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$NDK_ROOT/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake" -DANDROID_NDK="$NDK_ROOT" -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a -DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=21 -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
$ copy2phone megcc_test_run
$ run_phone ./megcc_test_run
set environment export extra_gtest_args="--gtest_filter=AARCH64.ConvBiasNCHWNCHW44"
will build specific kernel to save time.
ninja megcc-test
or make megcc-test
ensure lit
was already installed:
$ pip3 install --user lit
and add option -DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=/path/to/lit
when cmake build
if you are vimer, you can use ycm, you just need
- cd compiler
- mkdir build
- building the whole compiler