Timed tasks automatically query data and send it to the specified mailbox.
$ composer require lyignore/sendemail -vvv
// 引入composer中的组件
require __DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = [
'db' =>[
'DB_CONNECTION' => 'mysql',
'DB_HOST' => 'localhost',
'DB_PORT' => '33060',
'DB_DATABASE' => 'test',
'DB_USERNAME' => 'homestead',
'DB_PASSWORD' => '',
'email' => [
'EMAIL_USERNAME' => '[email protected]',
'EMAIL_PASSWORD' => 'Aikaka12',
'EMAIL_PORT' => '465',
'EMAIL_TYPE' => 'ssl',
$sendemail = new \Lyignore\Sendemail\SendEmail($config);
// 判断是查询从上次到这次期间生成的数据还是查询全部的数据,test.txt为临时文件名称,可自定义
// 查询的sql语句,预查询,可传入第二个参数,SQL语句用 ?代替变量
$datas = $sendemail->getData("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ? ", ['admin']);
// 按照配置自动发送邮件, 可直接配置邮箱,也可用别名
$receivers = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]' => 'test'];
$res = $sendemail->send($receivers);
// 也可以按照查询的数据生成Excel文件,SendEmail->send()会自动调用生成Excel方法,返回Excel的临时路径
$path = $sendemail->createExcel();
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