- Toolkit by theAIGuysCode
Python is required.
Clone this respository
git clone git clone https://github.com/EscVM/OIDv4_ToolKit.git
Install required packages with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download 1800 images of Person with the following command.
python main.py downloader --classes Person --type_csv validation --limit 1800
- --classes: Indicates the classes needed to be download
- --type_cvs: Indicates the dataset type
- --limit: Limit the number of dataset to be downloaded
The algorithm will take care to download all the necessary files and build the directory structure like this:
main_folder │ main.py │ └───OID │ file011.txt │ file012.txt │ └───csv_folder | │ class-descriptions-boxable.csv | │ validation-annotations-bbox.csv | └───Dataset | └─── train | └───Person | |000b65a36ad46f9e.jpg |000e1dd786c8e433.jpg |... └───Label | |000b65a36ad46f9e.txt |000e1dd786c8e433.txt |...
Run convert_annotations.py. This will generate .txt annotation files in proper format for custom object detection with YOLOv4. The text files are generated in folder with images.
python convert.annotations.py
Download the file and place in the OIDv4_toolKit parent directory
Link: oid_to_pascal_voc_xml.py
Run the following command
python oid_to_pascal_voc_xml.py
The script will create directory called To_PASCAL_XML in the Dataset Subdirectories. These directories contain the XML files.