This is a package for handling Vue 2 JSX, you can use it with your favourite toolchain like SWC, TSC, Vite* to handle Vue 2 JSX.
The official Vue 2 JSX support uses Babel to convert JSX to Vue render function, so your workflow would be like:
JSX -> Babel -> Vite (ESBuild) / TSC / SWC -> JS
The Babel just slows down the whole process, and we all know that these compilers actually support JSX transforming out of box. So if we have a Vue 2 JSX transformer for these compilers, we can just get rid of Babel.
Fortunately, TSC and SWC support using jsxImportSource
to decide which JSX factory module we gonna use. So if you use this package, you will be able to use Vue 2 JSX without Babel.
First please make sure Vue@2
has been installed in your project, then
npm install @lancercomet/vue2-jsx-runtime --save
Update your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react-jsx", // Please set to "react-jsx".
"jsxImportSource": "@lancercomet/vue2-jsx-runtime" // Please set to package name.
The reason why "jsx" should be set to "react-jsx" is this plugin has to meet the new JSX transform.
In tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "preserve" // Please set to "preserve".
And in .swcrc
"jsc": {
"transform": {
"react": {
"runtime": "automatic", // Please set to "automatic" to enable new JSX transform.
"importSource": "@lancercomet/vue2-jsx-runtime", // Please set to package name.
"throwIfNamespace": false
Please read the section below.
// In setup.
<button disabled={isDisabledRef.value}>Wow such a button</button>
// In render function.
<button disabled={this.isDisable}>Very button</button>
<button onClick={onClick}>Click me</button>
<MyComponent onTrigger={onTrigger} />
// Using "on" to assign multiple events for once.
<div on={{
click: onClick,
focus: onFocus,
blur: onBlur
<MyComponent onClick:native={onClick} />
Native is only available for Vue components.
<div innerHTML={'<h1>Title</h1>'}></div>
import { ComponentPublicInstance, defineComponent, onMounted } from '@vue/composition-api'
const Example = defineComponent({
setup () {
return () => (
<div>Example goes here</div>
const Wrapper = defineComponent({
setup (_, { refs }) {
onMounted(() => {
const div = refs.doge as HTMLElement
const example = refs.example as ComponentPublicInstance<any>
return () => (
<div ref='doge'>Wow very doge</div>
<Example ref='example'/>
Due to limitations, using ref is a little different from to Vue 3.
You can check this out for more information.
const Container = defineComponent({
setup (_, { slots }) {
return () => (
{ slots.default?.() }
{ slots.slot1?.() }
{ slots.slot2?.() }
const Example = defineComponent({
name: 'Example',
setup (_, { slots }) {
return () => (
<div>{ slots.default?.() }</div>
<Example slot='slot1'>Slot1</Example>
<Example slot='slot2'>Slot2</Example>
const MyComponent = defineComponent({
props: {
name: String as PropType<string>,
age: Number as PropType<number>
setup (props, { slots }) {
return () => (
{ slots.default?.() }
{ slots.nameSlot?.( }
{ slots.ageSlot?.(props.age) }
name='John Smith'
default: () => <div>Default</div>,
nameSlot: (name: string) => <div>Name: {name}</div>,
ageSlot: (age: number) => {
return <div>Age: {age}</div>
<div>Name: John Smith</div>
<div>Age: 100</div>
It only supports using v-model
on HTML elements, for now you cannot use v-model on Vue component. So please use value
and onUpdate
import ref from '@vue/composition-api'
import Vue from 'vue'
// In composition API
const Example = defineComponent({
setup (_, { refs }) {
const nameRef = ref('')
return () => (
<input v-model={nameRef}/>
// In render function.
const Example = Vue.extend({
data: () => ({
name: ''
render: () => <input v-model='name'/>
const Example = Vue.extend({
data: () => ({
name: '',
age: 0
render: () => (
<input v-model={['name', ['lazy']]}/>
<input v-model={['age', ['number']]}/>
const Example = defineComponent({
setup () {
const nameRef = ref('')
const ageRef = ref(0)
return () => (
<input v-model={[nameRef, ['lazy']]}/>
<input v-model={[agRef, ['number']]}/>
const Example = defineComponent({
setup () {
const nameRef = ref('')
const ageRef = ref(0)
return () => (
<input v-model={[nameRef, 'value', ['lazy']]}/>
<input v-model={[agRef, 'value', ['number']]}/>
By default, v-model
will only assign what you have selected from IME. If you were typing in IME, v-model
would do nothing.
If you want to disable this behavior, add direct
{/* It will sync everything you have typed in IME. */}
<input v-model={[userInputRef, ['direct']]}>
{/* By default, it will only assign what you have selected from IME. */}
<input v-model={userInputRef} >
These format below are also available, but they are NOT recommended, just for compatibility.
<div v-on:click={onClick}></div>
<div vOn:click={onClick}></div>
<input vModel={userInpuptRef.value} />
For Vite users, it's better to use TSC or SWC instead of built-in ESBuild. Because ESBuild is very finicky at handling JSX for now, and it gives you no room to change its behavior.
For faster compilation, SWC is recommended. You can use unplugin-swc to make Vite uses SWC.
Once you have switched to SWC (TSC) from ESBuild, you will not only be able to use this package, but also get more features like emitDecoratorMetadata
which is not supported by ESBuild, and the whole process is still darn fast.
After you have configured SWC (see Setup section above):
- Install unplugin-swc.
npm install unplugin-swc --save-dev
- Update
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import swc from 'unplugin-swc'
import { createVuePlugin } from 'vite-plugin-vue2'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
If you have to use JSX
and SFC
together in Vite, you need to update your Vite config:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import swc from 'unplugin-swc'
import { createVuePlugin } from 'vite-plugin-vue2'
const swcPlugin = swc.vite()
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
transform (code, id, ...args) {
if (
id.endsWith('.tsx') || id.endsWith('.ts') ||
(id.includes('.vue') && id.includes('lang.ts'))
) {
return, code, id, ...args)
This will make SWC to skip compiling Non-Typescript codes in Vue SFC.