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This repository contains official code for the paper JAFPro: Joint Appearance Fusion and Propagation for Human Video Motion Transfer from Multiple Reference Images.

You can find detailed usage instructions for training from scratch and testing pre-trained model below.

If you find our code or paper useful, please consider citing

author = {Yu, Xianggang and Liu, Haolin and Han, Xiaoguang and Li, Zhen and Xiong, Zixiang and Cui, Shuguang},
title = {JAFPro: Joint Appearance Fusion and Propagation for Human Video Motion Transfer from Multiple Reference Images},
year = {2020},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},


First you have to make sure that you have all dependencies in place. The simplest way to do so, is to use anaconda.

You can create an anaconda environment called JAFPro using

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate JAFPro

DanceVideo Dataset

Our DanceVideo dataset consists of 1651 dance videos in the wild with static background. Each video has a length of two seconds with 15FPS (30 frames in total). The resolution of all videos is 256x256. You can download the whole dataset through


Once you have installed all dependencies and downloaded the dataset, you are ready to test our pre-trained model or train a model from scratch.

File structure

Except code directories, the scripts assume the following file structure.

├── checkpoints                # opt['model_save_dir'], where checkpoints placed
└── test_results               # opt["test_save_dir"], path to save test results

Testing pretrained model

At first, download the pretrained model from, and unzip it into checkpoints directory.

├── checkpoints 
	├── $model_name             # e.g. appearance_propagation_interval
		├── Accu_iter_xx.pth
		├── bg_iter_xx.pth
		├── inpaint_iter_xx.pth
		├── pro_iter_xx.pth
		├── refine_iter_xx.pth

Then, you have to setup the data root in

opt['smpl_root'] = '/your/path/to/DanceVideo/smpls'
opt['mask_root'] = '/your/path/to/DanceVideo/masks'
opt['data_root'] = '/your/path/to/DanceVideo/images'

To test the pretrained model, run

cd test/
python --gpu 0 -e appearance_propagation_interval -n 4

arguments explanation:

--gpu: specify gpu device
-e: experiment name (model_name). The program will load checkpoints from JAFPro/checkpoints/$model_name
-n: number of frames

And the results will be saved to test_results/$model_name

Calculate metrics

After testing a pretrained model, you can calculate metrics by running

python --pred /path/to/test/results/dir  --gt /path/to/DanceVideo/images/test --gpu 0 --type densepose

such that the metric for each video and for whole test set will be printed to terminal.

Train a model from scratch

First, setup data root path in

opt['smpl_root'] = '/your/path/to/DanceVideo/smpls'
opt['mask_root'] = '/your/path/to/DanceVideo/masks'
opt['data_root'] = '/your/path/to/DanceVideo/images'

Then, train the texture accumulation model by running the for 5000 iterations.
Next, load the pretrained weight for texture accumulation, and run for 20000 iterations.
Next, load the pretrained weight in the previous training, and run for 20000 iterations.
Finally, load the pretrained weight in the previous training, and run for 42000 iterations.

You can monitor on http://localhost:6006 the training process using tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir ./monitoring --port 6006