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Set Up Environment Variable

Before start the server, you ought to set up environment variables as the following table.

Variable Value
MONGO_URI { Your Mongo URI, we recommend to use 'mlab' for free MongoDB server }
REDIS_PORT { Your Redis Port, we recommend to use 'RedisLabs' for free Redis service }
REDIS_PWD { Your Redis Password }
REDIS_URI { Your Redis URI }
EMAIL { Email account that support SMTP protocol, for the usage of send validation email }
EMAIL_PWD { Email password }


Recommend REST API Testing Tools: Postman or Restlet.

Or use built-in tool: Swagger

Using Swagger

Swagger API document: http://localhost:5000/swagger/

How to use Swagger UI: How to Use Swagger UI for API Testing

When access some private route, you may need to add JWT to header.


http://localhost:5000/api/users/register register

Confirm account

After register a new user, the user have to activate his account via activation link in email. Or you can activate account thought the Api in the following.

http://localhost:5000/api/users/active/{activeToken} Activate Account

Then you can login successfully.


http://localhost:5000/api/users/login login


This project uses ESLint to detect suspicious code in JavaScript files. Visit for details.


This project uses Jest and SuperTest for testing.
Visit and for details.

To execute tests:

npm run test

Book Recommendation

The Book Recommendation Engine bases on k-nearest neighbors algorithm.

Basically it depends on the star of book review provided by other users.

Related Code can be referred to Lovely-AIP/server/recommendation/.

Related API document can be referred to http://localhost:5000/swagger/#/Recommendation.

You can test API by the following link:



We implement some advance features base on Redis.

Related Code can be referred to Lovely-AIP/server/config/cache.js.

Caching Data

Redis Lab provides free Redis database with AWS region endpoint of 'ap-southeast-2', which is located in Sydney.

Rate Limit

Provide ability to limit the rate of API request in a period of time.
In this project, APIs of 'Create User' and 'Send Validation Email' are under limitation of two requests each minute.
If reach the limitation, server will respond a status code of 429 which stands for 'Too Many Request'.

Related Code can be referred to Lovely-AIP/server/middlewares/rateLimit.js.


Set environment valuables inside of Dockerfile.


cd server/
docker build -t server .


docker run -p 5000:5000 -d --restart=always server