This is a boilerplate application which can be forked to start a new project for the Ledger Nano S/X.
Be sure to have your environment correctly set up (see Getting Started) and ledgerblue and installed.
If you want to benefit from vscode integration, it's recommended to move the toolchain in /opt
and set BOLOS_ENV
environment variable as follows
cd <your-preferred-dir>
mkdir bolos-devenv
cd bolos-devenv
tar xf gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_3-2016q1-20160330-linux.tar.bz2
sudo ln -s <your-preferred-dir>/bolos-devenv /opt/bolos-devenv
and do the same with BOLOS_SDK
environment variable
cd <your-preferred-dir>
git clone nanosplus-secure-sdk
sudo ln -s <your-preferred-dir>/nanosplus-secure-sdk /opt/nanosplus-secure-sdk
make DEBUG=1 # compile optionally with PRINTF
make load # load the app on the Nano using ledgerblue
High level documentation such as APDU, commands and transaction serialization are included in developer documentation which can be generated with doxygen
doxygen .doxygen/Doxyfile
the process outputs HTML and LaTeX documentations in doc/html
and doc/latex
The flow processed in GitHub Actions is the following:
- Code formatting with clang-format
- Compilation of the application for Ledger Nano S in ledger-app-builder
- Unit tests of C functions with cmocka (see unit-tests/)
- End-to-end tests with Speculos emulator (see tests/)
- Code coverage with gcov/lcov and upload to
- Documentation generation with doxygen
It outputs 4 artifacts:
within output files of the compilation process in debug modespeculos-log
within APDU command/response when executing end-to-end testscode-coverage
within HTML details of code coveragedocumentation
within HTML auto-generated documentation
If so, This boilerplate will help you get started.
For a smooth and quick integration:
- See the developers’ documentation on the Developer Portal, and
- Go on Discord to chat with developer support and the developer community. See you there! If you are new to Ledger OP3N Discord server click here, otherwise directly join the Nano App channel.