The YATI runtime package allows for importing Tiled maps during (game) runtime.
To offer such a package was proposed by Jeff Brooks (see issue #16) as being of value for several users.
Like for the editor plugin there's a GDScript version and a CSharp version available.
- Download the package version you need and unzip it
- Move unzipped 'runtime' folder with its entire content somewhere to your Godot source files.
The folder name ('runtime') can be changed if you so wish.
- Call the import method in module 'Importer' with the path to the Tiled .tmx/.tmj as parameter.
- Since v1.6.0: Optional second file parameter for the Tiled Project File to make use of Custom Types
- The return value is a Godot 'Node2D' element.
Mini Example in GDScript:
extends Node2D
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
var importer_module = preload("res://src/runtime/").new()
var added_node = importer_module.import("res://test/desert.tmx")
# Since v1.6.0 also possible:
# var added_node = importer_module.import("res://test/desert.tmx", "res://test/desert.tiled-project")
Mini Example in C#:
using Godot;
using YATI;
public partial class BaseNode : Node2D
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
var addedNode = Importer.Import("res://test/desert.tmx");
// Since v1.6.0 also possible:
// var addedNode = Importer.Import("res://test/desert.tmx", "res://test/desert.tiled-project")
Note: the C# package has a namespace YATI thus the 'using YATI;' statement