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A comprehensive summary of open-source teams and projects from various "big companies".


  • Help everyone understand the participation of major companies in the open-source community and provide an integration of good projects.
  • Promote more investment from domestic "big companies" in open source, contributing more projects that can become "mainstream" and "international".


A total of 48666 projects, 62 companies, and 206 teams.


You can click on the company name to view project details.

Company Number of Teams Number of Projects Number of Active Projects in the Last Six Months Total Stars Top 3 Languages
Google 60 10467 3279 5128867 Python, Java, JavaScript
Microsoft 29 16263 5472 4629348 C#, Python, TypeScript
The Apache Software Foundation 1 2728 1523 1186724 Java, HTML, JavaScript
阿里巴巴 8 1358 381 1137659 Java, Python, JavaScript
Meta 1 146 115 1012859 C++, JavaScript, Rust
腾讯 12 1083 362 685267 Python, JavaScript, Java
Kubernetes 1 158 144 581336 Go, Shell, HTML
OpenAI 1 190 35 556380 Python, TypeScript, Jupyter Notebook
Hugging Face 1 298 137 509308 Python, Jupyter Notebook, Rust
Vercel 1 166 61 439781 TypeScript, JavaScript, Shell
百度 5 712 67 401398 JavaScript, Python, C++
Apple 6 895 341 370436 C, C++, Python
深度求索 1 25 17 322037 Python, Cuda, C++
HashiCorp 1 922 384 312812 Go, HCL, Shell
Netflix 1 231 62 234247 Java, JavaScript, Python
Amazon 1 482 328 226861 Python, Go, Java
JetBrains 1 724 271 205271 Java, Kotlin, C#
X 1 101 8 204650 Scala, Java, Python
Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) 4 384 233 199247 Go, Shell, HTML
Grafana Labs 1 826 382 184888 Go, TypeScript, JavaScript
Docker 1 142 59 180840 Go, TypeScript, JavaScript
Uber 2 192 53 176392 Go, JavaScript, Python
字节跳动 4 383 149 174758 Python, Go, C
Cloudflare 1 487 460 168403 Go, JavaScript, TypeScript
Shopify 1 1089 250 164486 Ruby, JavaScript, Go
清华大学 2 167 53 163060 Python, HTML, C++
Datawhale 1 144 62 148554 Jupyter Notebook, Python, HTML
饿了么 2 94 1 125267 JavaScript, Vue, Python
滴滴 2 104 15 110172 JavaScript, Java, Go
IBM 1 3514 838 100804 Python, JavaScript, Java
哔哩哔哩 1 77 10 91848 C++, C, Java
美团 3 137 4 91503 Java, JavaScript, Python
Jina AI 1 241 18 64739 Python, TypeScript, Jupyter Notebook
Canonical 5 2153 1254 57950 Python, Shell, Go
小米 1 80 13 49203 Java, Python, Go
360 2 93 7 45218 C++, JavaScript, C
LLVM Foundation 1 39 23 36223 Python, HTML, C++
京东 1 93 18 26142 Java, TypeScript, Go
网易 1 93 1 21747 JavaScript, Java, TypeScript
知乎 1 34 2 20993 Java, C++, Go
爱奇艺 1 19 2 20498 Java, C, Python
Buf 1 60 50 17941 Go, TypeScript, Makefile
Sony 1 100 48 16400 Python, JavaScript, Jupyter Notebook
七牛 1 152 22 16341 Go, Java, JavaScript
豆瓣 1 69 7 15238 Python, Go, C
极光开发者 1 96 19 13739 Objective-C, Java, JavaScript
唯品会 1 16 1 12724 C, Java, Objective-C
开放原子开源基金会 1 9 3 12656 C++, Go, HTML
蚂蚁集团 1 95 21 12353 Python, Java, C
携程 1 49 8 11569 Java, JavaScript, C
58同城 1 32 3 10574 TypeScript, Java, Dart
新浪微博 1 21 6 9542 Java, Go, C
去哪儿 1 47 0 8179 JavaScript, Objective-C, Java
陌陌 1 15 1 7496 Java, Python, PHP
当当 1 8 0 5466 Java, Lua
斗鱼 1 10 2 5095 Go, JavaScript, Shell
快手 1 4 0 3882 C++, Dart, Java
环信 1 159 43 3485 Java, Objective-C, Erlang
华为 1 109 7 2035 Python, Java, Go
YY 1 40 0 1139 JavaScript, Objective-C, CSS
搜狐 1 3 0 770 C, C++
Boeing 1 38 12 448 C++, Python, C

Statistics Date: 2025-03-11 08:08:32


Team Company
75team 360
Qihoo360 360
wuba 58同城
aws Amazon
ResearchKit Apple
WebKit Apple
apple Apple
apple-oss-distributions Apple
carekit-apple Apple
swiftlang Apple
boeing Boeing
bufbuild Buf
CanonicalLtd Canonical
canonical Canonical
canonical-web-and-design Canonical
charmed-kubernetes Canonical
ubuntu Canonical
cncf Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
knative Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
kubernetes Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
kubernetes-client Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
kubernetes-sigs Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
cloudflare Cloudflare
datawhalechina Datawhale
docker Docker
GerritCodeReview Google
Google-Autofuzz Google
Google-Developers-Sohag Google
Google-Health Google
GoogleChrome Google
GoogleChromeLabs Google
GoogleCloudBuild Google
GoogleCloudDataproc Google
GoogleCloudPlatform Google
GoogleCloudPlatformTraining Google
GoogleCodeExporter Google
GoogleContainerTools Google
GoogleTrends Google
GoogleWebComponents Google
Googlers-Repo Google
actions-on-google Google
android Google
angular Google
bazelbuild Google
chromium Google
dart-lang Google
firebase Google
flutter Google
gerrit-review Google
golang Google
google Google
google-admin Google
google-ai-edge Google
google-ar Google
google-coral Google
google-deepmind Google
google-developer-training Google
google-gemini Google
google-github-actions Google
google-home Google
google-marketing-solutions Google
google-pay Google
google-research Google
google-research-datasets Google
google-wallet Google
googleads Google
googleanalytics Google
googleapis Google
googleapis-publisher Google
googlearchive Google
googlebaba Google
googlebot Google
googlecast Google
googlecodelabs Google
googlecolab Google
googlecreativelab Google
googledatastudio Google
googlefonts Google
googleforgames Google
googlegenomics Google
googleinterns Google
googlemaps Google
googlemaps-samples Google
googleprojectzero Google
googlers Google
googlesamples Google
googlevr Google
googleworkspace Google
istio Google
k8s-at-home Google
tensorflow Google
grafana Grafana Labs
hashicorp HashiCorp
huggingface Hugging Face
ibm IBM
JetBrains JetBrains
jina-ai Jina AI
kubernetes Kubernetes
llvm LLVM Foundation
facebook Meta
Azure Microsoft
Azure-Samples Microsoft
Azure-Terraform Microsoft
AzureAD Microsoft
AzureCosmosDB Microsoft
Microsoft-OpenSource-Labs Microsoft
MicrosoftCopilot Microsoft
MicrosoftDocs Microsoft
MicrosoftEdge Microsoft
MicrosoftLearning Microsoft
MicrosoftResearch Microsoft
MicrosoftTranslator Microsoft
NuGet Microsoft
OfficeDev Microsoft
PowerShell Microsoft
SharePoint Microsoft
SignalR Microsoft
aspnet Microsoft
azure-sdk Microsoft
bitstadium Microsoft
calabash Microsoft
dotnet Microsoft
github Microsoft
microsoft Microsoft
microsoft-search Microsoft
microsoftarchive Microsoft
microsoftgraph Microsoft
ms-iot Microsoft
msintuneappsdk Microsoft
projectkudu Microsoft
winjs Microsoft
netflix Netflix
openai OpenAI
shopify Shopify
sony Sony
apache The Apache Software Foundation
uber Uber
uber-go Uber
vercel Vercel
twitter X
yyued YY
iqiyi 爱奇艺
AlibabaResearch 阿里巴巴
AliyunContainerService 阿里巴巴
QwenLM 阿里巴巴
alibaba 阿里巴巴
alibaba-oss 阿里巴巴
aliyun 阿里巴巴
amfe 阿里巴巴
ant-design 阿里巴巴
thx 阿里巴巴
BaiduFE 百度
PaddlePaddle 百度
baidu 百度
baidu-research 百度
ecomfe 百度
fex-team 百度
Bilibili 哔哩哔哩
dangdangdotcom 当当
didi 滴滴
douban 豆瓣
douyu 斗鱼
ElemeFE 饿了么
eleme 饿了么
easemob 环信
Huawei 华为
jpush 极光开发者
jd-opensource 京东
OpenAtomFoundation 开放原子开源基金会
KwaiAppTeam 快手
alipay 蚂蚁集团
Meituan 美团
Meituan-Dianping 美团
dianping 美团
momosecurity 陌陌
thu-cs-lab 清华大学
thudm 清华大学
qiniu 七牛
qunarcorp 去哪儿
deepseek-ai 深度求索
AlloyTeam 腾讯
TencentARC 腾讯
TencentBlueKing 腾讯
TencentCloud 腾讯
TencentCloudBase 腾讯
TencentOpen 腾讯
TencentYoutuResearch 腾讯
WechatFE 腾讯
frozenui 腾讯
tencent 腾讯
tencent-ailab 腾讯
tencent-wechat 腾讯
tencentyun 腾讯
netease 网易
vipshop 唯品会
xiaomi 小米
ctripcorp 携程
weibocom 新浪微博
zhihu 知乎
DouyinFE 字节跳动
arco-design 字节跳动
bytedance 字节跳动
cloudwego 字节跳动


  • Collect team accounts from major companies at home and abroad, pull their repos, and display them through markdown, etc.
  • Create a frontend website with search and other functions
  • Provide user feedback function, automate the inclusion of new companies/teams/projects
  • Add leaderboard function to display new/trending projects
  • Add data statistics function to analyze the technology stacks of various companies and compare them across companies


If you know more corresponding companies and open-source teams, feel free to add them under this issue.


Project inspiration from: niezhiyang/open_source_team