<<<<<<< Updated upstream
- 2h Fury same as Furry and FuryProt (there is no PVP coding) =======
- 2h Fury same as Furry and FuryProt and simple Leveling rota
Stashed changes
- IF you wanna know what good settings are go to https://guybrushgit.github.io/WarriorSim/ and sim it
- install details addon for rage calc of incoming dmg
- There is a DMWC fork in my repo pls use it until merge to main git
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
Stashed changes
- DiamondFlask
- Earthstrike
- JomGabbar
- BadgeoftheSwarmguard
- BadgeoftheSwarmguard
- MightyRagePotion
- GreatRagePotion
- SapperCharges
- Nates and Dynamite (not all and this part need work)
added simple leveling rota (not every option does something in this, pls try yourself)
fixed Settings for First Global Sunder
fixed Settings for lifesaver
fixed whatisqued
added toogle for HS toggling (was auto on before)
exposed armor check for sunder armor
restructure of the code
merged experimental into master branch
still a bug with stancedance.. stuck in battlest. some time
- First Global Sunder
- battleshout monitoring to prevent overriding
- toggle to ignore rageloose when stancedancing
- changed most spellcast on smartcast to ensure stance is correct
- removed seperate lifesaver rotation will switch to furry prot instead
- added weapon switching in defferent forms
- removed equip shild for kick cause was not working
- added more settings for differen things like shildwall if you want to use it as lifesaver
- added different seetings for lifesaver as trigger (allways, bossaggro, aggro of a target lvl+ or its maxHP)
Stashed changes
- fixed a bug in ragecalc (was not working without a reload)
- added toogle to switch of ragecalc
- added Heroic Strike and Cleave and Execute Main toggles
- fixed execute functions
- remover MS over execute cause it was bullshit(only BT is better when AP >=2000)
- finished rage calculation function (install details Addon if you whant to have incoming dmg inclunded)
- added calculation of armor and armor mitigation value
- added the possibility to print target armor in chat (information for you)
- added calculation for minimum ragegain Mainhand and Offhand (incl.% dmg Worldbuffs)
- changed dump function from cd of mainspell dependend to ragecalc
- removed dump with HS from Hud and added a toogle instead
- moved some of the functions to a other position in the code (that everything can be called)
- added trinket and seperated cooldown toggles (cds, racials...)
- repositioned slam in the code (from dump to main rotation)
- added toogle to use slam over BT when AP is lower than 1500
- added checks that the rage dump spells dont delay BT caused by global
- added a section to the dump function for slam rotation
- reformated the rotation
- added slam into dump function
- added settings for slam
- changed fix spellcost to functions to get values from talents and spellbook
- fix for utility section (was breaking the rotation)
- added hamstring Only HString MHSwing >= GCD
- added toogle for HS during EX Phase (when we have rage above execute cost)
- small fixes to new code
- removed auto reduce cd times when there is no DiamondFlask equipped
- press your cd Key according to settings
- added FurryProt Rotation (FurryProt untested)
- added shild swap mechanic in FurryProt rota for kicks
- added engineering items (sapper charge, nades, dynamite) !!! will work with my DMWC fork or after merge!!!
- pls be aware that intercept or thunderclap or Execute will swap you out of defstance
- it will not swap back until revenge procs and Conditions of ragelost setting is met
- small fix to execute variant 4 (thx immy)
- added BadgeoftheSwarmguard and uncommented all other trinkets (will work with my DMWC fork or after merge)
- fixed rage dump
- fixed cd usage
- if you press your cooldown key it will fire each CD according to your settings.
- if your dont have DiamondFlask please Change settings accordingly.(to something like this 0,0,5,20,15,10 seconds)
- the setting "Change CDs Timing K.Mode" is only visible if you have a DiamondFlask equiped or in you inventory.
- with DiamondFlask and "Change CDs Timing K.Mode" not checked push your button around when the last 60secs of the fight are starting.
- with DiamondFlask cause of whatever in your inventory and "Change CDs Timing K.Mode" checked and you press your key
- it will fire CDs in order directly after you press the button. (~last 30secs of the fight)
- if you hit the 60seconds(with diamond flask) left to die mark with your CD Keypress, standard setting work well!
- added Hamstring dump above configured rage setting (was a fixed value before)
- added many settings for cooldown usage for auto and keypress mode
- removed auto use of diamond flask in keypress mode (will now be used on keypress)
- in keypress mode: the times after keypress when each cooldown is triggerd can be configured under settings
- if are 0 Cds left the function and the display in the hud will auto swap to disabled
- reworkt CD trigger by button press (it will change the original cooldown HUD-UI toogle.....needs testing)
- interrupt HUD-UI can now be used (please check the spells it shall use under settings)
- in keypress mode diamond flask will be auto used or forced with the rest of the CDs by the button
- added 4th option for execute which is a combination of all other more or less^^
- added cooldown section into settings
- added button pressed forcing of cds (needs testing)
- fixed execute 360 (thanks immy)
- added MS with a checks if you have BT or MS
- added MS also in execute phase when over 2000Ap (incl. buffs, only working with execute on target setting)
- changed position of cooldowns function to work in execute phase
- reformat and deletion of useless stuff
- some spellchecks if these are known or on cd
- NOT TESTED (no lua errors on load)
- added BT in execute phase when over 2000Ap (incl. buffs, only working with execute on target setting)
- changed rage dump (beginns to dump when the value of the setting is reached)
- dumpes with HS or cleave over 30 rage and if there is rage left or over 65 rage it uses Hamstring
- added auto trinked use for Earthstrike and JomGabbar
- removed tank setting and rotation(out commented)
- fixed lifesaver
- If unitdebuff returns something else for sunder armor than 0-5 stacks sunder armor will be ignored
- New settings Tabs for better overview
- added Hamstring for PVP
- added HS and Cleave canceling if low on Rage
- added lifesaver feature (if aggro swap to first 1h and shield it finds in your bag goes deff and cast wall if low HP
- if you dont have no aggro anymore it will swap back to the normal rotation)
- added my buff sniper (it only logs you out when the slected buff is droped, pls only select one at a time)
- if cooldows are activated in the Hud it will use flask if equiped
- for the last 60 seconds and the rest of your CDs about 30s Time to Die
- pls dont tank a raid with this rotation play fury or 2h fury thx
- fixed sunder armor stacks
- DMWC-Warrior fury 2h with hamstring dump or tank (for dungeons tank shall work)
- working with uploaded DMWC
- all not working thing are commented out