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All rights reserved."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [210.0, 624.0, 1291.0, 624.0, 1291.0, 654.0, 210.0, 654.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "aSchool of Forest and Ecosystem Studies,University of Melbourne,P.O.Box 137,Heidelberg,Victoria 3084,Australia"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [460.0, 647.0, 1040.0, 649.0, 1039.0, 679.0, 460.0, 677.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "bCSIRODivision of Land andWater,Canberra,ACT,Australia"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [369.0, 679.0, 1130.0, 679.0, 1130.0, 710.0, 369.0, 710.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "cCooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Canberra,ACT, Australia"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [299.0, 701.0, 1203.0, 703.0, 1203.0, 740.0, 299.0, 737.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "dDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [389.0, 750.0, 1108.0, 750.0, 1108.0, 780.0, 389.0, 780.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Received 1 October 2003; revised 22 December 2004; accepted 3 January 2005"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [554.0, 340.0, 945.0, 337.0, 945.0, 374.0, 554.0, 376.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [247.0, 477.0, 1252.0, 477.0, 1252.0, 520.0, 247.0, 520.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "The response of flow duration curves to afforestation"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1165.0, 212.0, 1285.0, 218.0, 1283.0, 256.0, 1164.0, 251.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Journal"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1171.0, 260.0, 1207.0, 260.0, 1207.0, 290.0, 1171.0, 290.0], "score": 0.84, "text": "of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1157.0, 290.0, 1379.0, 297.0, 1378.0, 351.0, 1155.0, 343.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Hydrology"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1164.0, 374.0, 1368.0, 374.0, 1368.0, 389.0, 1164.0, 389.0], "score": 0.73, "text": "nuriarnom/laonta/ihrdr"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1572.0, 868.0, 1572.0, 868.0, 1600.0, 116.0, 1600.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Keywords: Afforestation; Flow duration curves; Flow reduction; Paired catchments"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 862.0, 213.0, 862.0, 213.0, 894.0, 116.0, 894.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Abstract"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [238.0, 557.0, 1254.0, 557.0, 1254.0, 600.0, 238.0, 600.0], "score": 0.94, "text": "Patrick N.J. Lanea,c,*, Alice E. Bestb,c,d, Klaus Hickelb;c, Lu Zhangbc"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1681.0, 1381.0, 1683.0, 1381.0, 1720.0, 127.0, 1718.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "* Corresponding author. Address: Forest Science Centre, Department of Sustainability and Environment, P.O. Box 137, Heidelberg, Vic."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1711.0, 314.0, 1714.0, 314.0, 1744.0, 114.0, 1741.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "3084,Australia.Tel.:"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [480.0, 1711.0, 702.0, 1714.0, 702.0, 1744.0, 480.0, 1741.0], "score": 0.93, "text": ";fax: +61 3 9450 8644."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [167.0, 1744.0, 368.0, 1744.0, 368.0, 1772.0, 167.0, 1772.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "mailaddress:patrickl"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [388.0, 1744.0, 657.0, 1744.0, 657.0, 1772.0, 388.0, 1772.0], "score": 1.0, "text": " (P.N.J. 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A key objective was to remove the variability in the rainfall"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1041.0, 1381.0, 1041.0, 1381.0, 1071.0, 116.0, 1071.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "signal, leaving changes in streamflow solely attributable to the evapotranspiration of the plantation. A method was developed to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1073.0, 1381.0, 1073.0, 1381.0, 1103.0, 116.0, 1103.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "(1) fit a model to the observed annual time series of FDC percentiles; i.e. 1oth percentile for each year of record with annual"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1101.0, 1381.0, 1103.0, 1381.0, 1133.0, 114.0, 1131.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "rainfall and plantation age as parameters, (2) replace the annual rainfall variation with the long term mean to obtain climate"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [118.0, 1135.0, 1383.0, 1135.0, 1383.0, 1165.0, 118.0, 1165.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "adjusted FDCs, and (3) quantify changes in FDC percentiles as plantations age. Data from 10 catchments from Australia, South"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [118.0, 1165.0, 1381.0, 1165.0, 1381.0, 1195.0, 118.0, 1195.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Africa and New Zealand were used. The model was able to represent flow variation for the majority of percentiles at eight of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1191.0, 1383.0, 1193.0, 1383.0, 1230.0, 114.0, 1228.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "10 catchments, particularly for the 10-50th percentiles. The adjusted FDCs revealed variable patterns in flow reductions with"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1230.0, 1379.0, 1230.0, 1379.0, 1260.0, 116.0, 1260.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "two types of responses (groups) being identified. Group 1 catchments show a substantial increase in the number of zero fow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1258.0, 1381.0, 1260.0, 1381.0, 1290.0, 114.0, 1288.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "days, with low flows being more affected than high flows. Group 2 catchments show a more uniform reduction in flows across"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1292.0, 1383.0, 1292.0, 1383.0, 1322.0, 116.0, 1322.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "all percentiles. The differences may be partly explained by storage characteristics. The modelled fow reductions were in accord"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1322.0, 1381.0, 1322.0, 1381.0, 1352.0, 116.0, 1352.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "with published results of paired catchment experiments. An additional analysis was performed to characterise the impact of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1417.0, 1381.0, 1417.0, 1381.0, 1447.0, 116.0, 1447.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "in the occurrence of any given flow in response to afforestation. The methods used in this study proved satisfactory in removing"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1449.0, 1383.0, 1449.0, 1383.0, 1479.0, 116.0, 1479.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "the rainfall variability, and have added useful insight into the hydrologic impacts of plantation establishment. This approach"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1479.0, 1379.0, 1479.0, 1379.0, 1509.0, 116.0, 1509.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "provides a methodology for understanding catchment response to afforestation, where paired catchment data is not available."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1382.0, 713.0, 1387.0, 713.0, 1417.0, 114.0, 1413.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "when adjusted for climate, indicated a significant increase in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [768.0, 1382.0, 1381.0, 1387.0, 1381.0, 1417.0, 768.0, 1413.0], "score": 0.98, "text": ".The zero flow day method could be used to determine change"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1354.0, 570.0, 1354.0, 570.0, 1385.0, 116.0, 1385.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "afforestation on the number of zero flow days"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [637.0, 1354.0, 1383.0, 1354.0, 1383.0, 1385.0, 637.0, 1385.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "for the catchments in group 1. 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All rights reserved."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1080.0, 368.0, 1383.0, 365.0, 1383.0, 402.0, 1080.0, 404.0], "score": 0.99, "text": ""}], "page_info": {"page_no": 0, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 0, "poly": [130.931640625, 251.82516479492188, 312.8154296875, 251.82516479492188, 312.8154296875, 283.4620056152344, 130.931640625, 283.4620056152344], "score": 0.9999987483024597}, {"category_id": 4, "poly": [794.2171020507812, 763.5051879882812, 1396.4493408203125, 763.5051879882812, 1396.4493408203125, 818.8292236328125, 794.2171020507812, 818.8292236328125], "score": 0.9999982714653015}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [130.19113159179688, 1017.6807861328125, 732.7059326171875, 1017.6807861328125, 732.7059326171875, 1849.8070068359375, 130.19113159179688, 1849.8070068359375], "score": 0.9999954104423523}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [793.3727416992188, 1280.632568359375, 1397.07080078125, 1280.632568359375, 1397.07080078125, 1849.0452880859375, 793.3727416992188, 1849.0452880859375], "score": 0.9999947547912598}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [793.5277099609375, 849.8186645507812, 1397.0140380859375, 849.8186645507812, 1397.0140380859375, 1280.6221923828125, 793.5277099609375, 1280.6221923828125], "score": 0.999994158744812}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [130.5381317138672, 317.5604248046875, 731.9227905273438, 317.5604248046875, 731.9227905273438, 1015.91748046875, 130.5381317138672, 1015.91748046875], "score": 0.9999940395355225}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [130.44467163085938, 194.42764282226562, 166.39125061035156, 194.42764282226562, 166.39125061035156, 215.1434783935547, 130.44467163085938, 215.1434783935547], "score": 0.999992847442627}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [479.5857849121094, 195.1154022216797, 1045.4803466796875, 195.1154022216797, 1045.4803466796875, 218.7963104248047, 479.5857849121094, 218.7963104248047], "score": 0.99998939037323}, {"category_id": 3, "poly": [799.3821411132812, 256.1320495605469, 1390.73681640625, 256.1320495605469, 1390.73681640625, 742.4434204101562, 799.3821411132812, 742.4434204101562], "score": 0.9999882578849792}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [984, 1180, 1065, 1180, 1065, 1211, 984, 1211], "score": 0.88, "latex": "<20\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [128, 1415, 183, 1415, 183, 1445, 128, 1445], "score": 0.86, "latex": "95\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [573, 618, 723, 618, 723, 649, 573, 649], "score": 0.67, "latex": "400\u2013500\\;\\mathrm{mm}"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 249.0, 316.0, 254.0, 315.0, 291.0, 126.0, 286.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "1. Introduction"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 765.0, 1394.0, 765.0, 1394.0, 793.0, 793.0, 793.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Fig. 1. Annual flow duration curves of daily flows from Pine Creek,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 793.0, 999.0, 793.0, 999.0, 821.0, 793.0, 821.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Australia, 1989-2000."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [161.0, 1017.0, 735.0, 1017.0, 735.0, 1054.0, 161.0, 1054.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Zhang et al. (1999, 2001) developed simple and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1051.0, 735.0, 1051.0, 735.0, 1088.0, 127.0, 1088.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "easily parameterised models to predict changes in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1086.0, 730.0, 1086.0, 730.0, 1116.0, 129.0, 1116.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "mean annual fows following afforestation. However,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1120.0, 732.0, 1120.0, 732.0, 1150.0, 129.0, 1150.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "there is a need to consider the annual flow regime as the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1152.0, 732.0, 1152.0, 732.0, 1182.0, 129.0, 1182.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "relative changes in high and low flows may have"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1187.0, 730.0, 1187.0, 730.0, 1217.0, 129.0, 1217.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "considerable site specific and downstream impacts.."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1219.0, 732.0, 1219.0, 732.0, 1249.0, 129.0, 1249.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Sikka et al. 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The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1385.0, 732.0, 1385.0, 732.0, 1415.0, 129.0, 1415.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "index was defined as the 10 day average flow exceeded"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1447.0, 735.0, 1449.0, 734.0, 1486.0, 125.0, 1483.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "duration curves. Scott and Smith (1997) reported"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1486.0, 732.0, 1486.0, 732.0, 1516.0, 129.0, 1516.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "proportionally greater reductions in low fows"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1511.0, 737.0, 1514.0, 737.0, 1550.0, 125.0, 1548.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "(75-100th percentiles) than annual flows from South"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1548.0, 735.0, 1550.0, 734.0, 1580.0, 127.0, 1578.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "African research catchments under conversions from"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1582.0, 737.0, 1580.0, 737.0, 1617.0, 125.0, 1619.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " grass to pine and eucalypt plantations, while Bosch"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1619.0, 732.0, 1619.0, 732.0, 1649.0, 129.0, 1649.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "(1979) found the greatest reduction in seasonal flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1651.0, 732.0, 1651.0, 732.0, 1681.0, 129.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "from the summer wet season. Fahey and Jackson"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1679.0, 735.0, 1681.0, 734.0, 1718.0, 125.0, 1716.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "(1997) reported the reduction in peak flows was twice"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1718.0, 732.0, 1718.0, 732.0, 1748.0, 129.0, 1748.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "that of total flow and low flows for pine afforestation in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1746.0, 732.0, 1748.0, 732.0, 1785.0, 125.0, 1782.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " New Zealand. The generalisations that can be drawn"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1784.0, 728.0, 1784.0, 728.0, 1815.0, 129.0, 1815.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "from annual analyses, where processes and hydrologic"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1819.0, 732.0, 1817.0, 732.0, 1847.0, 127.0, 1849.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "responses are to a certain extent integrated may not"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [184.0, 1415.0, 732.0, 1417.0, 732.0, 1447.0, 184.0, 1445.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of the time, obtained from analysis of 10-day flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [823.0, 1277.0, 1400.0, 1279.0, 1400.0, 1316.0, 823.0, 1314.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " This paper presents the results of a project aimed at"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1316.0, 1398.0, 1316.0, 1398.0, 1346.0, 793.0, 1346.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "quantifying changes in annual fow regime of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1350.0, 1398.0, 1350.0, 1398.0, 1380.0, 793.0, 1380.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchments following plantation establishment. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1385.0, 1398.0, 1385.0, 1398.0, 1415.0, 793.0, 1415.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "flow regime is represented by the flow duration curve"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1417.0, 1398.0, 1417.0, 1398.0, 1447.0, 793.0, 1447.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "(FDC). The key assumption was that rainfall and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1451.0, 1396.0, 1451.0, 1396.0, 1481.0, 793.0, 1481.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "forest age are the principal drivers of evapotranspira-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1481.0, 1400.0, 1481.0, 1400.0, 1518.0, 788.0, 1518.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "tion. For any generalisation of response of the FDC to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1518.0, 1398.0, 1518.0, 1398.0, 1548.0, 793.0, 1548.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "vegetation change, the variation in the annual climate"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1550.0, 1398.0, 1550.0, 1398.0, 1580.0, 790.0, 1580.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "signal must be removed. The time-tested solution to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1585.0, 1398.0, 1585.0, 1398.0, 1615.0, 790.0, 1615.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "this problem is the paired-catchment (control versus"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1617.0, 1398.0, 1617.0, 1398.0, 1647.0, 790.0, 1647.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "treatment) experiment. The benefits in such studies"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1651.0, 1396.0, 1651.0, 1396.0, 1681.0, 793.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "are manifold: unambiguous measures of trends,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1686.0, 1392.0, 1686.0, 1392.0, 1716.0, 790.0, 1716.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "insights into the processes driving those trends,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1716.0, 1400.0, 1716.0, 1400.0, 1752.0, 793.0, 1752.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "excellent opportunities for model parameterisation"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1750.0, 1394.0, 1750.0, 1394.0, 1780.0, 793.0, 1780.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "and validation. However these data are not readily"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1784.0, 1390.0, 1784.0, 1390.0, 1815.0, 790.0, 1815.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "available for the range of treamtments and environ-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1817.0, 1396.0, 1817.0, 1396.0, 1847.0, 790.0, 1847.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " ments required. Consequently, the aims of this project"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 851.0, 1398.0, 851.0, 1398.0, 882.0, 793.0, 882.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "apply on a seasonal or shorter scale. Further, the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 879.0, 1398.0, 882.0, 1398.0, 918.0, 788.0, 916.0], "score": 1.0, "text": " observed impacts of any land use change on flows may"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 916.0, 1400.0, 916.0, 1400.0, 952.0, 788.0, 952.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "be exaggerated or understated depending on the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 948.0, 1400.0, 948.0, 1400.0, 985.0, 788.0, 985.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "prevailing climate. Observations of fow during"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 985.0, 1398.0, 985.0, 1398.0, 1015.0, 793.0, 1015.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "extended wet or dry spells, or with high annual"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1017.0, 1398.0, 1017.0, 1398.0, 1047.0, 793.0, 1047.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "variability can obscure the real impacts. Fig. 1 plots"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1051.0, 1398.0, 1051.0, 1398.0, 1081.0, 790.0, 1081.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " annual FDCs over 12 years of plantation growth for one"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1084.0, 1398.0, 1084.0, 1398.0, 1114.0, 793.0, 1114.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of the catchments used in this study, Pine Creek. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [786.0, 1114.0, 1400.0, 1116.0, 1400.0, 1152.0, 786.0, 1150.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " net change in flow is obscured by rainfall variability;"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1148.0, 1400.0, 1146.0, 1400.0, 1182.0, 788.0, 1185.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "e.g. the greatest change in the FDC is in 1996, with the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [786.0, 1215.0, 1398.0, 1213.0, 1398.0, 1249.0, 786.0, 1251.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " compared with 2000, where there is substantially"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1249.0, 941.0, 1249.0, 941.0, 1279.0, 788.0, 1279.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "higher flows."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1180.0, 983.0, 1180.0, 983.0, 1217.0, 788.0, 1217.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "stream flowing"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1066.0, 1180.0, 1400.0, 1180.0, 1400.0, 1217.0, 1066.0, 1217.0], "score": 0.96, "text": " of the time. This may be"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [161.0, 318.0, 728.0, 318.0, 728.0, 355.0, 161.0, 355.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Widespread afforestation through plantation estab-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 348.0, 732.0, 350.0, 732.0, 387.0, 125.0, 385.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "lishment on non-forested land represents a potentially"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 389.0, 732.0, 389.0, 732.0, 417.0, 129.0, 417.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "significant alteration of catchment evapotranspiration"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 421.0, 730.0, 421.0, 730.0, 452.0, 129.0, 452.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "(ET). Using data collated from multiple catchment"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 456.0, 732.0, 456.0, 732.0, 484.0, 129.0, 484.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "studies, researchers have demonstrated a consistent"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 482.0, 737.0, 484.0, 737.0, 520.0, 125.0, 518.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " difference in ET between forests and grass or short "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [122.0, 518.0, 734.0, 516.0, 735.0, 553.0, 123.0, 555.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " crops, and the relationship between ET and rainfall on"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 553.0, 732.0, 553.0, 732.0, 583.0, 127.0, 583.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "a mean annual basis (Holmes and Sinclair, 1986;"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 585.0, 732.0, 585.0, 732.0, 621.0, 127.0, 621.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Vertessy and Bessard, 1999; Zhang et al., 1999,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 654.0, 732.0, 654.0, 732.0, 684.0, 129.0, 684.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "there is an increasing divergence between forest and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 684.0, 734.0, 682.0, 735.0, 718.0, 125.0, 720.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "grassland ET (Zhang et al., 2001). Research from"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 718.0, 732.0, 718.0, 732.0, 755.0, 127.0, 755.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "South Africa in particular has demonstrated flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 755.0, 730.0, 755.0, 730.0, 785.0, 129.0, 785.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "reduction following afforestation with both pine and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 783.0, 732.0, 780.0, 732.0, 817.0, 125.0, 819.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "eucalypt species (Bosch, 1979; Van Lill et al., 1980;"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [131.0, 819.0, 732.0, 819.0, 732.0, 849.0, 131.0, 849.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Van Wyk, 1987; Bosch and Von Gadow, 1990; Scott"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 854.0, 730.0, 854.0, 730.0, 884.0, 129.0, 884.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "and Smith, 1997; Scott et al., 2000). In regions, where"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 888.0, 732.0, 888.0, 732.0, 918.0, 129.0, 918.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "water is an increasingly valuable resource, prediction"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 914.0, 735.0, 916.0, 734.0, 952.0, 125.0, 950.0], "score": 1.0, "text": " of the long-term hydrologic impact of afforestation is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 952.0, 732.0, 952.0, 732.0, 983.0, 127.0, 983.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "a prerequisite for the optimal planning of catchment"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [126.0, 982.0, 232.0, 987.0, 231.0, 1017.0, 124.0, 1012.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "land use."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 619.0, 572.0, 619.0, 572.0, 649.0, 129.0, 649.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "2001). Once annual rainfall exceeds "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 189.0, 172.0, 189.0, 172.0, 234.0, 127.0, 234.0], "score": 0.86, "text": "254"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [481.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 224.0, 481.0, 224.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 1, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 0, "poly": [117.54735565185547, 651.1103515625, 250.780029296875, 651.1103515625, 250.780029296875, 683.0104370117188, 117.54735565185547, 683.0104370117188], "score": 0.9999984502792358}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [118.68109130859375, 719.37060546875, 523.2320556640625, 719.37060546875, 523.2320556640625, 748.71435546875, 118.68109130859375, 748.71435546875], "score": 0.9999982714653015}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [782.3466796875, 254.3662872314453, 1379.406005859375, 254.3662872314453, 1379.406005859375, 382.8451843261719, 782.3466796875, 382.8451843261719], "score": 0.9999969005584717}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [466.16595458984375, 194.14617919921875, 1030.9322509765625, 194.14617919921875, 1030.9322509765625, 218.86849975585938, 466.16595458984375, 218.86849975585938], "score": 0.9999963641166687}, {"category_id": 9, "poly": 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0.9999905824661255}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [118.1343994140625, 788.8043212890625, 716.4190673828125, 788.8043212890625, 716.4190673828125, 1282.203125, 118.1343994140625, 1282.203125], "score": 0.9999904632568359}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [1346.32177734375, 194.7462615966797, 1381.36328125, 194.7462615966797, 1381.36328125, 216.9466552734375, 1346.32177734375, 216.9466552734375], "score": 0.9999903440475464}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [117.631591796875, 1283.8558349609375, 716.6098022460938, 1283.8558349609375, 716.6098022460938, 1847.49853515625, 117.631591796875, 1847.49853515625], "score": 0.9999891519546509}, {"category_id": 8, "poly": [778.0137939453125, 1156.5975341796875, 1201.7086181640625, 1156.5975341796875, 1201.7086181640625, 1238.48828125, 778.0137939453125, 1238.48828125], "score": 0.9998936653137207}, {"category_id": 8, "poly": [779.0469360351562, 433.1261901855469, 996.4776000976562, 433.1261901855469, 996.4776000976562, 470.7110595703125, 779.0469360351562, 470.7110595703125], "score": 0.979882001876831}, {"category_id": 14, "poly": [777, 1156, 1200, 1156, 1200, 1237, 777, 1237], "score": 0.92, "latex": "Q_{\\mathcal{U}}=a+b(\\Delta P)+\\frac{Y}{1+\\exp\\!\\left(\\frac{T-T_{\\mathrm{half}}}{S}\\right)}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1150, 520, 1201, 520, 1201, 551, 1150, 551], "score": 0.9, "latex": "f(P)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1210, 1384, 1262, 1384, 1262, 1414, 1210, 1414], "score": 0.9, "latex": "T_{\\mathrm{half}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [856, 520, 897, 520, 897, 550, 856, 550], "score": 0.9, "latex": "Q_{\\mathcal{k}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [930, 552, 982, 552, 982, 584, 930, 584], "score": 0.89, "latex": "g(T)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [857, 1285, 898, 1285, 898, 1315, 857, 1315], "score": 0.89, "latex": "Q_{\\mathcal{k}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1196, 1649, 1278, 1649, 1278, 1678, 1196, 1678], "score": 0.89, "latex": "\\Delta P\\!=\\!0"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1270, 1483, 1311, 1483, 1311, 1515, 1270, 1515], "score": 0.89, "latex": "Q_{\\mathrm{\\small{\\mathscr{k}}}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1259, 1418, 1301, 1418, 1301, 1449, 1259, 1449], "score": 0.89, "latex": "Q_{\\mathbb{X}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1075, 1682, 1140, 1682, 1140, 1711, 1075, 1711], "score": 0.88, "latex": "a+Y."}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [895, 1483, 976, 1483, 976, 1512, 895, 1512], "score": 0.88, "latex": "\\Delta P\\!=\\!0"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1206, 1285, 1252, 1285, 1252, 1315, 1206, 1315], "score": 0.88, "latex": "Q_{50}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [779, 1682, 821, 1682, 821, 1714, 779, 1714], "score": 0.88, "latex": "Q_{\\mathrm{\\%}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1313, 1649, 1374, 1649, 1374, 1678, 1313, 1678], "score": 0.87, "latex": "T{=}0"}, {"category_id": 14, "poly": [777, 432, 997, 432, 997, 470, 777, 470], "score": 0.83, "latex": "\\begin{array}{r}{Q_{\\%}=f(P)+g(T)}\\end{array}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [963, 1350, 1002, 1350, 1002, 1378, 963, 1378], "score": 0.8, "latex": "\\Delta P"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [989, 1318, 1012, 1318, 1012, 1345, 989, 1345], "score": 0.64, "latex": "Y"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1077, 1318, 1098, 1318, 1098, 1345, 1077, 1345], "score": 0.64, "latex": "S"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1239, 1583, 1262, 1583, 1262, 1611, 1239, 1611], "score": 0.51, "latex": "S"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [989, 1488, 1008, 1488, 1008, 1511, 989, 1511], "score": 0.3, "latex": "a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 651.0, 256.0, 651.0, 256.0, 688.0, 112.0, 688.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "2. Methods"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 716.0, 526.0, 720.0, 526.0, 757.0, 112.0, 752.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "2.1. Characterisation of fow regime"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 249.0, 1383.0, 252.0, 1383.0, 288.0, 777.0, 286.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " closure, a time term is required to represent plantation"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 288.0, 1385.0, 284.0, 1385.0, 320.0, 778.0, 325.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "growth. A simple model relating the time series of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 318.0, 1383.0, 323.0, 1383.0, 357.0, 777.0, 353.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "each decile with rainfall and vegetation characteristics"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 357.0, 1018.0, 357.0, 1018.0, 387.0, 782.0, 387.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "can be expressed as:"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [466.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 224.0, 466.0, 224.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 249.0, 722.0, 252.0, 722.0, 288.0, 112.0, 286.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "were to (1) fit a model to the observed annual time"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 290.0, 719.0, 290.0, 719.0, 320.0, 116.0, 320.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "series of FDC percentiles; i.e. 10th percentile for each"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 320.0, 722.0, 320.0, 722.0, 357.0, 112.0, 357.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " year of record with annual rainfall and plantation age"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 355.0, 719.0, 355.0, 719.0, 385.0, 116.0, 385.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "as parameters, (2) replace the annual rainfall variation"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 389.0, 722.0, 389.0, 722.0, 419.0, 116.0, 419.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "with the long term mean to obtain climate adjusted"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 421.0, 719.0, 421.0, 719.0, 452.0, 116.0, 452.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "FDCs, and (3) quantify changes in FDC percentiles as"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 456.0, 717.0, 456.0, 717.0, 486.0, 116.0, 486.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "plantations age. If the climate signal, represented by"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 482.0, 722.0, 486.0, 721.0, 523.0, 112.0, 518.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "rainfall, could be successfully removed, the resulting"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 522.0, 719.0, 522.0, 719.0, 553.0, 116.0, 553.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "changes in the FDC would be solely attributable to the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 557.0, 243.0, 557.0, 243.0, 587.0, 114.0, 587.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "vegetation."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 587.0, 1385.0, 587.0, 1385.0, 617.0, 780.0, 617.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "plantation. Annual rainfall was chosen as the rainfall"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 621.0, 1385.0, 621.0, 1385.0, 649.0, 780.0, 649.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "statistic as it proved to be the most robust predictor of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 654.0, 1385.0, 654.0, 1385.0, 684.0, 780.0, 684.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "flow over the whole range of flow percentiles, as"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 686.0, 1383.0, 686.0, 1383.0, 722.0, 777.0, 722.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " compared with rainfall percentiles; e.g. median rain-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 718.0, 1385.0, 718.0, 1385.0, 755.0, 777.0, 755.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "fall versus 10th flow percentile. The use of annual"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 748.0, 1385.0, 750.0, 1385.0, 787.0, 775.0, 785.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "rainfall also minimises parameter complexity. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 787.0, 1383.0, 787.0, 1383.0, 817.0, 782.0, 817.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "choice of model form is dependent on selecting a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 821.0, 1383.0, 821.0, 1383.0, 849.0, 780.0, 849.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "function that describes the relationship between forest"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 854.0, 1383.0, 851.0, 1383.0, 881.0, 778.0, 884.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "age and ET. Scott and Smith (1997\uff09 demonstrated"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 886.0, 1383.0, 886.0, 1383.0, 916.0, 780.0, 916.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "cumulative reductions in annual and low flows"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 920.0, 1383.0, 920.0, 1383.0, 950.0, 780.0, 950.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "resulting from afforestation fitted a sigmoidal"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 952.0, 1379.0, 952.0, 1379.0, 983.0, 777.0, 983.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "function, similar to forest growth functions. Conse-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 985.0, 1385.0, 983.0, 1385.0, 1019.0, 775.0, 1021.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " quently, we used a sigmoidal function to characterise"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1019.0, 1381.0, 1019.0, 1381.0, 1049.0, 780.0, 1049.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "the impact of plantation growth on each fow decile."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1054.0, 1383.0, 1054.0, 1383.0, 1084.0, 780.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Fig. 2a is a schematic of the change in the FDC over"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1086.0, 1143.0, 1086.0, 1143.0, 1116.0, 777.0, 1116.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "time. The model took the form:"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1202.0, 522.0, 1385.0, 522.0, 1385.0, 550.0, 1202.0, 550.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "is a function of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 522.0, 855.0, 522.0, 855.0, 550.0, 782.0, 550.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "where"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [898.0, 522.0, 1149.0, 522.0, 1149.0, 550.0, 898.0, 550.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "is the percentile flow,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 555.0, 929.0, 555.0, 929.0, 585.0, 780.0, 585.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "rainfall and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [983.0, 555.0, 1383.0, 555.0, 1383.0, 585.0, 983.0, 585.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " is a function of the age of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1453.0, 1385.0, 1453.0, 1385.0, 1484.0, 780.0, 1484.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "afforestation has taken place. For the average climate"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1516.0, 1383.0, 1516.0, 1383.0, 1546.0, 775.0, 1546.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the new equilibrium plantation water use under"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1552.0, 1385.0, 1552.0, 1385.0, 1582.0, 777.0, 1582.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " afforestation is reached. Y then gives the magnitude"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1619.0, 1385.0, 1619.0, 1385.0, 1649.0, 780.0, 1649.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "the shape of the response as shown in Fig. 2b. For"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1718.0, 1383.0, 1718.0, 1383.0, 1748.0, 780.0, 1748.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "afforestation condition would not require the time"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1752.0, 1383.0, 1752.0, 1383.0, 1782.0, 780.0, 1782.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "term. Details of the optimisation scheme and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1784.0, 1383.0, 1784.0, 1383.0, 1815.0, 780.0, 1815.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "sensitivity tests on initial parameter values are given"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1817.0, 1020.0, 1817.0, 1020.0, 1847.0, 780.0, 1847.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "in Lane et al. (2003)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1382.0, 1209.0, 1382.0, 1209.0, 1419.0, 777.0, 1419.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "from the period of record average, and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1263.0, 1382.0, 1385.0, 1382.0, 1385.0, 1419.0, 1263.0, 1419.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "is the time"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1286.0, 856.0, 1286.0, 856.0, 1316.0, 782.0, 1316.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "where"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1649.0, 1195.0, 1649.0, 1195.0, 1686.0, 777.0, 1686.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "the average pre-treatment condition"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1312.0, 1486.0, 1385.0, 1486.0, 1385.0, 1516.0, 1312.0, 1516.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "when"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1419.0, 1258.0, 1419.0, 1258.0, 1449.0, 780.0, 1449.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "in years at which half of the reduction in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1302.0, 1419.0, 1385.0, 1419.0, 1385.0, 1449.0, 1302.0, 1449.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "due to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1141.0, 1686.0, 1379.0, 1686.0, 1379.0, 1716.0, 1141.0, 1716.0], "score": 0.95, "text": " Estimation of a pre-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1486.0, 894.0, 1486.0, 894.0, 1516.0, 780.0, 1516.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "condition"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [899.0, 1286.0, 1205.0, 1286.0, 1205.0, 1316.0, 899.0, 1316.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "is the percentile flow (i.e."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1253.0, 1286.0, 1383.0, 1286.0, 1383.0, 1316.0, 1253.0, 1316.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "is the 50th"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [822.0, 1686.0, 1074.0, 1686.0, 1074.0, 1716.0, 822.0, 1716.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " approximately equals"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1279.0, 1649.0, 1312.0, 1649.0, 1312.0, 1686.0, 1279.0, 1686.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "at"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1352.0, 962.0, 1350.0, 962.0, 1380.0, 778.0, 1382.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "sigmoidal term,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1003.0, 1352.0, 1385.0, 1350.0, 1385.0, 1380.0, 1003.0, 1382.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "is the deviation of annual rainfall"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1316.0, 988.0, 1314.0, 988.0, 1350.0, 775.0, 1352.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "percentile flow),"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1013.0, 1316.0, 1076.0, 1314.0, 1076.0, 1350.0, 1013.0, 1352.0], "score": 0.9, "text": " and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1099.0, 1316.0, 1385.0, 1314.0, 1385.0, 1350.0, 1099.0, 1352.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " are coefficients of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1587.0, 1238.0, 1587.0, 1238.0, 1617.0, 780.0, 1617.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of change due to afforestation, and "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1263.0, 1587.0, 1385.0, 1587.0, 1385.0, 1617.0, 1263.0, 1617.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " describes"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1009.0, 1486.0, 1269.0, 1486.0, 1269.0, 1516.0, 1009.0, 1516.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "becomes the value of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [144.0, 783.0, 720.0, 785.0, 719.0, 821.0, 144.0, 819.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Flow duration curves display the relationship"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 821.0, 719.0, 821.0, 719.0, 851.0, 116.0, 851.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "between streamflow and the percentage of time"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 854.0, 717.0, 854.0, 717.0, 884.0, 116.0, 884.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the streamflow is exceeded as a cumulative density"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 888.0, 719.0, 888.0, 719.0, 918.0, 116.0, 918.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "function They can be constructed for any time period"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 920.0, 715.0, 920.0, 715.0, 950.0, 116.0, 950.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "(daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and provide a graphical"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 952.0, 717.0, 955.0, 717.0, 985.0, 114.0, 983.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "and statistical view of historic streamflow variability"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 987.0, 717.0, 987.0, 717.0, 1017.0, 114.0, 1017.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "in a single catchment or a comparison of inter-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1017.0, 722.0, 1017.0, 722.0, 1054.0, 112.0, 1054.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchment flow regimes. Vogel and Fennessey (1994)"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [110.0, 1047.0, 722.0, 1049.0, 722.0, 1086.0, 109.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "and Smakhtin (1999, 2001) demonstrate the utility"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1088.0, 719.0, 1088.0, 719.0, 1118.0, 114.0, 1118.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "(and caveats) of FDCs in characterising, comparing"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1120.0, 722.0, 1120.0, 722.0, 1150.0, 114.0, 1150.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "and predicting flow regimes at varying temporal"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1150.0, 724.0, 1150.0, 724.0, 1187.0, 112.0, 1187.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "scales. Fig. 1 is an example of annual FDCs"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1187.0, 722.0, 1187.0, 722.0, 1217.0, 114.0, 1217.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "constructed from daily flows. For the consideration"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [110.0, 1215.0, 722.0, 1217.0, 722.0, 1253.0, 109.0, 1251.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " of annual flow regime, daily fows are an appropriate"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1253.0, 477.0, 1253.0, 477.0, 1284.0, 114.0, 1284.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "time step for FDC construction."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1342.0, 189.0, 1387.0, 189.0, 1387.0, 234.0, 1342.0, 234.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "255"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [148.0, 1284.0, 715.0, 1284.0, 715.0, 1314.0, 148.0, 1314.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "FDCs were computed from the distribution of daily"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1316.0, 720.0, 1320.0, 719.0, 1350.0, 112.0, 1346.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "flows for each year of record based on the appropriate"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1352.0, 719.0, 1352.0, 719.0, 1382.0, 116.0, 1382.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "water years (May-April or November-October) for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1380.0, 722.0, 1382.0, 722.0, 1419.0, 112.0, 1417.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "10 Southern Hemisphere catchments. Each 10th"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1419.0, 719.0, 1417.0, 720.0, 1447.0, 114.0, 1449.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "percentile (decile\uff09 was extracted from the annual"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1449.0, 720.0, 1451.0, 719.0, 1481.0, 112.0, 1479.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "FDCs of each catchment to form the data sets for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1486.0, 719.0, 1486.0, 719.0, 1516.0, 114.0, 1516.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "analysis. For the purpose of characterising changes in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1518.0, 719.0, 1518.0, 719.0, 1546.0, 114.0, 1546.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "each of the deciles, it is assumed that the time series is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1550.0, 719.0, 1550.0, 719.0, 1580.0, 114.0, 1580.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "principally a function of climate and vegetation"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1585.0, 722.0, 1585.0, 722.0, 1615.0, 114.0, 1615.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "characteristics. Given rainfall is generally the most"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1619.0, 722.0, 1619.0, 722.0, 1649.0, 114.0, 1649.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "important factor affecting streamflow and the most"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1651.0, 719.0, 1651.0, 719.0, 1681.0, 116.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "easily accessed data, it is chosen to represent the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1686.0, 719.0, 1686.0, 719.0, 1716.0, 116.0, 1716.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "climate. Catchment physical properties such as soil"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1716.0, 722.0, 1716.0, 722.0, 1752.0, 114.0, 1752.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "properties and topography are assumed to be time"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1752.0, 719.0, 1752.0, 719.0, 1782.0, 116.0, 1782.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "invariant and therefore their impact on runoff is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [118.0, 1784.0, 719.0, 1784.0, 719.0, 1815.0, 118.0, 1815.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "considered constant throughout the analysis. As trees"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1819.0, 715.0, 1819.0, 715.0, 1849.0, 116.0, 1849.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "intercept and transpire at increasing rates until canopy"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 2, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 4, "poly": [129.72743225097656, 1201.7288818359375, 731.863037109375, 1201.7288818359375, 731.863037109375, 1256.5126953125, 129.72743225097656, 1256.5126953125], "score": 0.9999990463256836}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [130.2001953125, 1783.3021240234375, 730.197509765625, 1783.3021240234375, 730.197509765625, 1846.7928466796875, 130.2001953125, 1846.7928466796875], "score": 0.9999982714653015}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [797.18896484375, 501.0386047363281, 1060.7071533203125, 501.0386047363281, 1060.7071533203125, 529.1184692382812, 797.18896484375, 529.1184692382812], "score": 0.9999982714653015}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [130.7757568359375, 195.0663299560547, 166.40858459472656, 195.0663299560547, 166.40858459472656, 215.67367553710938, 130.7757568359375, 215.67367553710938], "score": 0.9999974966049194}, {"category_id": 9, "poly": [1360.5223388671875, 807.8145751953125, 1393.251953125, 807.8145751953125, 1393.251953125, 835.9564819335938, 1360.5223388671875, 835.9564819335938], "score": 0.9999971389770508}, {"category_id": 3, "poly": [140.5875244140625, 256.1985778808594, 711.4976806640625, 256.1985778808594, 711.4976806640625, 1180.2288818359375, 140.5875244140625, 1180.2288818359375], "score": 0.999996542930603}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [795.8214721679688, 1244.741455078125, 1393.836181640625, 1244.741455078125, 1393.836181640625, 1508.3616943359375, 795.8214721679688, 1508.3616943359375], "score": 0.9999949932098389}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [480.60809326171875, 195.57171630859375, 1043.654296875, 195.57171630859375, 1043.654296875, 218.8836212158203, 480.60809326171875, 218.8836212158203], "score": 0.9999940395355225}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [794.92333984375, 878.8724365234375, 1394.78515625, 878.8724365234375, 1394.78515625, 1241.811279296875, 794.92333984375, 1241.811279296875], "score": 0.9999939799308777}, {"category_id": 8, "poly": [792.0145263671875, 779.4395751953125, 1107.5592041015625, 779.4395751953125, 1107.5592041015625, 865.4520263671875, 792.0145263671875, 865.4520263671875], "score": 0.9999935030937195}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [794.2274780273438, 567.8933715820312, 1393.5377197265625, 567.8933715820312, 1393.5377197265625, 762.2144775390625, 794.2274780273438, 762.2144775390625], "score": 0.9999918341636658}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [795.5938110351562, 1715.463134765625, 1394.151611328125, 1715.463134765625, 1394.151611328125, 1845.3857421875, 795.5938110351562, 1845.3857421875], "score": 0.999987781047821}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [794.4356689453125, 255.30477905273438, 1393.678466796875, 255.30477905273438, 1393.678466796875, 447.8646240234375, 794.4356689453125, 447.8646240234375], "score": 0.9999871253967285}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [130.53660583496094, 1355.89013671875, 730.9114379882812, 1355.89013671875, 730.9114379882812, 1652.1812744140625, 130.53660583496094, 1652.1812744140625], "score": 0.999987006187439}, {"category_id": 9, "poly": [696.6166381835938, 1699.391845703125, 728.77880859375, 1699.391845703125, 728.77880859375, 1727.2147216796875, 696.6166381835938, 1727.2147216796875], "score": 0.999981164932251}, {"category_id": 9, "poly": [1360.9091796875, 1667.6871337890625, 1393.8095703125, 1667.6871337890625, 1393.8095703125, 1699.094482421875, 1360.9091796875, 1699.094482421875], "score": 0.9999788999557495}, {"category_id": 8, "poly": [790.2078857421875, 1522.67236328125, 1111.4049072265625, 1522.67236328125, 1111.4049072265625, 1604.606689453125, 790.2078857421875, 1604.606689453125], "score": 0.9999706149101257}, {"category_id": 9, "poly": [1361.0799560546875, 1545.7677001953125, 1393.7020263671875, 1545.7677001953125, 1393.7020263671875, 1573.452392578125, 1361.0799560546875, 1573.452392578125], "score": 0.9998459815979004}, {"category_id": 8, "poly": [127.09381866455078, 1678.0965576171875, 565.4200439453125, 1678.0965576171875, 565.4200439453125, 1756.1007080078125, 127.09381866455078, 1756.1007080078125], "score": 0.9997967481613159}, {"category_id": 8, "poly": [794.1704711914062, 1666.248779296875, 974.3306274414062, 1666.248779296875, 974.3306274414062, 1700.88720703125, 794.1704711914062, 1700.88720703125], "score": 0.9997556209564209}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [131.9687042236328, 1288.984375, 435.8473205566406, 1288.984375, 435.8473205566406, 1316.791259765625, 131.9687042236328, 1316.791259765625], "score": 0.9995421767234802}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [794.0263671875, 1622.5870361328125, 839.6729125976562, 1622.5870361328125, 839.6729125976562, 1647.691650390625, 794.0263671875, 1647.691650390625], "score": 0.9984337687492371}, {"category_id": 14, "poly": [790, 777, 1108, 777, 1108, 863, 790, 863], "score": 0.94, "latex": "E=1.0-\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(O_{i}-P_{i})^{2}}{\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(O_{i}-\\bar{O})^{2}}"}, {"category_id": 14, "poly": [790, 1521, 1110, 1521, 1110, 1602, 790, 1602], "score": 0.94, "latex": "Q_{\\mathcal{Q}}=a+\\frac{Y}{1+\\exp\\left(\\frac{T-T_{\\mathrm{half}}}{S}\\right)}"}, {"category_id": 14, "poly": [125, 1674, 566, 1674, 566, 1756, 125, 1756], "score": 0.93, "latex": "N_{\\mathrm{zero}}=a+b(\\Delta P)+\\frac{Y}{1+\\exp\\left(\\frac{T-T_{\\mathrm{half}}}{S}\\right)}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1306, 319, 1388, 319, 1388, 349, 1306, 349], "score": 0.91, "latex": "\\Delta P\\!=\\!0"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [529, 1555, 589, 1555, 589, 1585, 529, 1585], "score": 0.9, "latex": "N_{\\mathrm{zero}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1281, 1176, 1365, 1176, 1365, 1205, 1281, 1205], "score": 0.9, "latex": "E\\!>\\!0.7"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [880, 1173, 931, 1173, 931, 1206, 880, 1206], "score": 0.89, "latex": "<\\!r^{2}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [873, 1409, 932, 1409, 932, 1438, 873, 1438], "score": 0.89, "latex": "b\\!=\\!0"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [597, 1522, 656, 1522, 656, 1552, 597, 1552], "score": 0.89, "latex": "N_{\\mathrm{zero}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [792, 353, 856, 353, 856, 382, 792, 382], "score": 0.88, "latex": "a+Y"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [649, 1782, 731, 1782, 731, 1810, 649, 1810], "score": 0.88, "latex": "\\Delta P\\!=\\!0"}, {"category_id": 14, "poly": [791, 1663, 976, 1663, 976, 1699, 791, 1699], "score": 0.88, "latex": "Q_{\\%}=a+b\\Delta P"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1199, 1409, 1259, 1409, 1259, 1438, 1199, 1438], "score": 0.87, "latex": "Y{=}\\,0"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [513, 1487, 585, 1487, 585, 1519, 513, 1519], "score": 0.85, "latex": "(N_{\\mathrm{zero}})"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1335, 1073, 1362, 1073, 1362, 1104, 1335, 1104], "score": 0.84, "latex": "r^{2}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [845, 908, 869, 908, 869, 938, 845, 938], "score": 0.81, "latex": "\\bar{O}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1123, 880, 1146, 880, 1146, 905, 1123, 905], "score": 0.79, "latex": "P"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1344, 1145, 1367, 1145, 1367, 1171, 1344, 1171], "score": 0.79, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [872, 879, 896, 879, 896, 905, 872, 905], "score": 0.77, "latex": "o"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [713, 1521, 731, 1521, 731, 1548, 713, 1548], "score": 0.76, "latex": "b"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1274, 912, 1298, 912, 1298, 938, 1274, 938], "score": 0.76, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1347, 699, 1369, 699, 1369, 726, 1347, 726], "score": 0.75, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [263, 1815, 326, 1815, 326, 1847, 263, 1847], "score": 0.74, "latex": "N_{\\mathrm{zero}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [185, 1814, 245, 1814, 245, 1845, 185, 1845], "score": 0.73, "latex": "T\\!\\!=\\!\\!0"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1010, 1819, 1023, 1819, 1023, 1842, 1010, 1842], "score": 0.7, "latex": "t"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1207, 565, 1246, 565, 1246, 596, 1207, 596], "score": 0.67, "latex": "(E)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1310, 979, 1364, 979, 1364, 1007, 1310, 1007], "score": 0.64, "latex": "-\\infty"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1031, 1754, 1044, 1754, 1044, 1776, 1031, 1776], "score": 0.57, "latex": "t\\cdot"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1313, 1818, 1326, 1818, 1326, 1842, 1313, 1842], "score": 0.57, "latex": "t\\cdot"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [960, 1073, 1001, 1073, 1001, 1108, 960, 1108], "score": 0.55, "latex": "(r^{2})"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [175, 1555, 194, 1555, 194, 1582, 175, 1582], "score": 0.47, "latex": "S"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1020, 287, 1043, 287, 1043, 315, 1020, 315], "score": 0.38, "latex": "S"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1016, 1076, 1040, 1076, 1040, 1105, 1016, 1105], "score": 0.36, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [599, 1815, 660, 1815, 660, 1845, 599, 1845], "score": 0.35, "latex": "a,~Y"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [637, 1816, 660, 1816, 660, 1843, 637, 1843], "score": 0.32, "latex": "Y"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [184, 1814, 324, 1814, 324, 1847, 184, 1847], "score": 0.27, "latex": "T\\!\\!=\\!0,\\ N_{\\mathrm{zero}}"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [131.0, 1204.0, 732.0, 1204.0, 732.0, 1232.0, 131.0, 1232.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Fig. 2. (a) Schematic of the change in the FDC over time, and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1227.0, 447.0, 1232.0, 446.0, 1260.0, 129.0, 1255.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "(b) definition of model parameters."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [159.0, 1778.0, 648.0, 1778.0, 648.0, 1821.0, 159.0, 1821.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "For the average pre-treatment condition "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [327.0, 1819.0, 598.0, 1819.0, 598.0, 1849.0, 327.0, 1849.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " approximately equals"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [661.0, 1819.0, 728.0, 1819.0, 728.0, 1849.0, 661.0, 1849.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "gives"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1819.0, 183.0, 1819.0, 183.0, 1849.0, 129.0, 1849.0], "score": 0.88, "text": "and "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 499.0, 1065.0, 499.0, 1065.0, 535.0, 793.0, 535.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "2.3. Statistical analyses"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 189.0, 172.0, 189.0, 172.0, 228.0, 127.0, 228.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "256"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1245.0, 1396.0, 1245.0, 1396.0, 1275.0, 825.0, 1275.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "It is important to assess the significance of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1279.0, 1396.0, 1279.0, 1396.0, 1309.0, 790.0, 1309.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "model parameters to check the model assumptions"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1307.0, 1400.0, 1309.0, 1400.0, 1346.0, 788.0, 1344.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "that rainfall and forest age are driving changes in the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1346.0, 1396.0, 1346.0, 1396.0, 1376.0, 790.0, 1376.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "FDC. The model (2) was split into simplified forms,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1378.0, 1396.0, 1378.0, 1396.0, 1408.0, 793.0, 1408.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "where only the rainfall or time terms were included by"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1445.0, 1398.0, 1445.0, 1398.0, 1475.0, 793.0, 1475.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Eq. (6). The component models (5) and (6) were then"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1477.0, 1233.0, 1477.0, 1233.0, 1507.0, 790.0, 1507.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "tested against the complete model, (2)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1408.0, 872.0, 1408.0, 872.0, 1445.0, 790.0, 1445.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "setting"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [933.0, 1408.0, 1198.0, 1408.0, 1198.0, 1445.0, 933.0, 1445.0], "score": 0.99, "text": ", as shown in Eq. (5), or"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1260.0, 1408.0, 1400.0, 1408.0, 1400.0, 1445.0, 1260.0, 1445.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "as shown in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [481.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 224.0, 481.0, 224.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 944.0, 1400.0, 944.0, 1400.0, 980.0, 790.0, 980.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "minus the ratio of the mean square error to the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1008.0, 1400.0, 1011.0, 1400.0, 1047.0, 790.0, 1045.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "1.0. Higher values indicate greater agreement between"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1041.0, 1403.0, 1043.0, 1402.0, 1079.0, 788.0, 1077.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " observed and predicted data as per the coefficient of "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1112.0, 1400.0, 1112.0, 1400.0, 1142.0, 793.0, 1142.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "evaluating hydrologic modelling because it is a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1213.0, 1121.0, 1213.0, 1121.0, 1241.0, 790.0, 1241.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "indicate adequate model fits."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1366.0, 1178.0, 1398.0, 1178.0, 1398.0, 1208.0, 1366.0, 1208.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1178.0, 879.0, 1178.0, 879.0, 1208.0, 793.0, 1208.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "always"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [932.0, 1178.0, 1280.0, 1178.0, 1280.0, 1208.0, 932.0, 1208.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "we have arbitrarily considered"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1363.0, 1075.0, 1402.0, 1075.0, 1402.0, 1112.0, 1363.0, 1112.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 909.0, 844.0, 909.0, 844.0, 946.0, 788.0, 946.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1147.0, 875.0, 1398.0, 877.0, 1398.0, 914.0, 1147.0, 912.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " are predicted values,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1146.0, 1343.0, 1146.0, 1343.0, 1176.0, 793.0, 1176.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "measure of the deviation from the 1:1 line. As"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1368.0, 1146.0, 1398.0, 1146.0, 1398.0, 1176.0, 1368.0, 1176.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 875.0, 871.0, 877.0, 871.0, 914.0, 788.0, 912.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "where"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [897.0, 875.0, 1122.0, 877.0, 1122.0, 914.0, 897.0, 912.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "are observed data,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [870.0, 909.0, 1273.0, 909.0, 1273.0, 946.0, 870.0, 946.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " is the mean for the entire period."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1299.0, 909.0, 1398.0, 909.0, 1398.0, 946.0, 1299.0, 946.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "is unity"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 980.0, 1309.0, 980.0, 1309.0, 1010.0, 793.0, 1010.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "variance in the observed data, and ranges from"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1365.0, 980.0, 1398.0, 980.0, 1398.0, 1010.0, 1365.0, 1010.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1075.0, 959.0, 1075.0, 959.0, 1112.0, 790.0, 1112.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "determination"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1041.0, 1075.0, 1334.0, 1075.0, 1334.0, 1112.0, 1041.0, 1112.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "is used in preference to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 596.0, 1398.0, 598.0, 1398.0, 634.0, 790.0, 632.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Sutcliffe, 1970; Chiew and McMahon, 1993; Legates"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 628.0, 1396.0, 632.0, 1396.0, 667.0, 788.0, 662.0], "score": 0.96, "text": " and McCabe, 1999) was used as the ^goodness of fit\u2019"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 669.0, 1398.0, 669.0, 1398.0, 697.0, 793.0, 697.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "measure to evaluate the fit between observed and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 736.0, 905.0, 731.0, 907.0, 763.0, 791.0, 768.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "given by:"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 701.0, 1346.0, 699.0, 1346.0, 729.0, 790.0, 731.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "predicted flow deciles (2) and zero flow days (3)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1370.0, 701.0, 1398.0, 699.0, 1398.0, 729.0, 1370.0, 731.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [827.0, 568.0, 1206.0, 568.0, 1206.0, 598.0, 827.0, 598.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "The coefficient of efficiency"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1247.0, 568.0, 1398.0, 568.0, 1398.0, 598.0, 1247.0, 598.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "(Nash and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1716.0, 1394.0, 1716.0, 1394.0, 1752.0, 825.0, 1752.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "For both the fow duration curve analysis and zero"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [795.0, 1784.0, 1392.0, 1784.0, 1392.0, 1815.0, 795.0, 1815.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "whether (5) and (6) were significantly different to (2)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1812.0, 1009.0, 1815.0, 1009.0, 1851.0, 790.0, 1849.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "A critical value of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1750.0, 1030.0, 1752.0, 1030.0, 1782.0, 790.0, 1780.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "flow days analysis, a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1045.0, 1750.0, 1394.0, 1752.0, 1394.0, 1782.0, 1045.0, 1780.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "-test was then performed to test"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1024.0, 1812.0, 1312.0, 1815.0, 1312.0, 1851.0, 1024.0, 1849.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "exceeding the calculated"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1327.0, 1812.0, 1396.0, 1815.0, 1396.0, 1851.0, 1327.0, 1849.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "value"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [795.0, 256.0, 1398.0, 256.0, 1398.0, 286.0, 795.0, 286.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "the magnitude of change in zero flow days due to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 389.0, 1398.0, 389.0, 1398.0, 419.0, 790.0, 419.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "new equilibrium condition under afforestation is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 421.0, 891.0, 421.0, 891.0, 452.0, 790.0, 452.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "reached."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 322.0, 1305.0, 322.0, 1305.0, 353.0, 793.0, 353.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "response. For the average climate condition"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [857.0, 355.0, 1398.0, 355.0, 1398.0, 385.0, 857.0, 385.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "becomes the number of zero flow days when the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 290.0, 1019.0, 290.0, 1019.0, 320.0, 793.0, 320.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "afforestation, and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1044.0, 290.0, 1398.0, 290.0, 1398.0, 320.0, 1044.0, 320.0], "score": 0.95, "text": " describes the shape of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [157.0, 1350.0, 732.0, 1352.0, 732.0, 1389.0, 157.0, 1387.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " A notable feature of Fig. 1 is the increase in the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1389.0, 735.0, 1389.0, 735.0, 1425.0, 127.0, 1425.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "number of zero fow days. A similar approach to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1423.0, 735.0, 1423.0, 735.0, 1453.0, 129.0, 1453.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Eq. (2), using an inverse sigmoidal function was"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1456.0, 732.0, 1456.0, 732.0, 1486.0, 129.0, 1486.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "employed to assess the impact of afforestation on the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1589.0, 735.0, 1589.0, 735.0, 1619.0, 129.0, 1619.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "rainfall increases, and increases with plantation"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [126.0, 1624.0, 220.0, 1618.0, 222.0, 1651.0, 128.0, 1656.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "growth:"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [590.0, 1557.0, 732.0, 1557.0, 732.0, 1587.0, 590.0, 1587.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "decreases as"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1524.0, 596.0, 1524.0, 596.0, 1554.0, 129.0, 1554.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the left hand side of Eq. (2) is replaced by"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1490.0, 512.0, 1490.0, 512.0, 1520.0, 129.0, 1520.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "number of zero flow days per year"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [586.0, 1490.0, 732.0, 1490.0, 732.0, 1520.0, 586.0, 1520.0], "score": 0.97, "text": ". In this case,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [657.0, 1524.0, 712.0, 1524.0, 712.0, 1554.0, 657.0, 1554.0], "score": 0.97, "text": ", and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1557.0, 174.0, 1557.0, 174.0, 1587.0, 129.0, 1587.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [195.0, 1557.0, 528.0, 1557.0, 528.0, 1587.0, 195.0, 1587.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "are constrained to negative as"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1288.0, 438.0, 1288.0, 438.0, 1324.0, 129.0, 1324.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "2.2. Zero fow day analysis"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1617.0, 844.0, 1617.0, 844.0, 1662.0, 788.0, 1662.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "and"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 3, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 1, "poly": [780.4981079101562, 951.0537109375, 1382.5201416015625, 951.0537109375, 1382.5201416015625, 1648.58154296875, 780.4981079101562, 1648.58154296875], "score": 0.9999959468841553}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [466.9576110839844, 194.6658935546875, 1030.6968994140625, 194.6658935546875, 1030.6968994140625, 219.20504760742188, 466.9576110839844, 219.20504760742188], "score": 0.9999955892562866}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [782.29931640625, 886.77197265625, 919.8917236328125, 886.77197265625, 919.8917236328125, 915.8782348632812, 782.29931640625, 915.8782348632812], "score": 0.9999911189079285}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [782.0343017578125, 253.53207397460938, 1382.2440185546875, 253.53207397460938, 1382.2440185546875, 350.4256896972656, 782.0343017578125, 350.4256896972656], "score": 0.9999889731407166}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [781.621826171875, 653.5359497070312, 1381.272705078125, 653.5359497070312, 1381.272705078125, 783.18798828125, 781.621826171875, 783.18798828125], "score": 0.9999889731407166}, {"category_id": 5, "poly": [182.05813598632812, 248.86912536621094, 650.3305053710938, 248.86912536621094, 650.3305053710938, 1845.613037109375, 182.05813598632812, 1845.613037109375], "score": 0.9999887347221375}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [781.0881958007812, 1650.3038330078125, 1382.088134765625, 1650.3038330078125, 1382.088134765625, 1848.214111328125, 781.0881958007812, 1848.214111328125], "score": 0.9999865293502808}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [1346.05322265625, 194.5203399658203, 1381.46875, 194.5203399658203, 1381.46875, 216.90557861328125, 1346.05322265625, 216.90557861328125], "score": 0.9999804496765137}, {"category_id": 8, "poly": [779.12451171875, 544.6279296875, 1165.58349609375, 544.6279296875, 1165.58349609375, 623.5341796875, 779.12451171875, 623.5341796875], "score": 0.9999717473983765}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [781.6971435546875, 352.1080017089844, 1382.5953369140625, 352.1080017089844, 1382.5953369140625, 515.912109375, 781.6971435546875, 515.912109375], "score": 0.999969482421875}, {"category_id": 9, "poly": [1347.20849609375, 571.1251831054688, 1380.7503662109375, 571.1251831054688, 1380.7503662109375, 601.0969848632812, 1347.20849609375, 601.0969848632812], "score": 0.9999024868011475}, {"category_id": 7, "poly": [659.8250732421875, 882.5633544921875, 686.8219604492188, 882.5633544921875, 686.8219604492188, 1842.583251953125, 659.8250732421875, 1842.583251953125], "score": 0.9764553904533386}, {"category_id": 6, "poly": [112.29073333740234, 1497.288330078125, 169.8206329345703, 1497.288330078125, 169.8206329345703, 1843.9019775390625, 112.29073333740234, 1843.9019775390625], "score": 0.8885180950164795}, {"category_id": 14, "poly": [776, 546, 1164, 546, 1164, 622, 776, 622], "score": 0.91, "latex": "F=\\frac{[(\\mathrm{SSE_{s}-S S E_{c}})/(\\mathrm{df_{c}-d f_{s}})]}{\\mathrm{SSE_{c}/d f_{c}}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1087, 415, 1135, 415, 1135, 447, 1087, 447], "score": 0.88, "latex": "F^{0.5}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1155, 1183, 1223, 1183, 1223, 1214, 1155, 1214], "score": 0.86, "latex": "100\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [779, 1781, 820, 1781, 820, 1812, 779, 1812], "score": 0.82, "latex": "6\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [831, 487, 852, 487, 852, 513, 831, 513], "score": 0.77, "latex": "F"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1120, 390, 1133, 390, 1133, 413, 1120, 413], "score": 0.72, "latex": "t\\cdot"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [780, 423, 792, 423, 792, 446, 780, 446], "score": 0.49, "latex": "t\\cdot"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1074, 1716, 1095, 1716, 1095, 1742, 1074, 1742], "score": 0.31, "latex": "P"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [814.0, 952.0, 1383.0, 952.0, 1383.0, 983.0, 814.0, 983.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Daily streamflow data were obtained from 10"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 987.0, 1383.0, 987.0, 1383.0, 1017.0, 782.0, 1017.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchment studies from southeastern Australia, New"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1019.0, 1383.0, 1019.0, 1383.0, 1049.0, 780.0, 1049.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Zealand and South Africa. The initial criteria for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1047.0, 1383.0, 1051.0, 1383.0, 1088.0, 775.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "selection of these catchments were a known veg-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1088.0, 1385.0, 1088.0, 1385.0, 1118.0, 780.0, 1118.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "etation history and streamflow records of good"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1120.0, 1381.0, 1120.0, 1381.0, 1150.0, 780.0, 1150.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "quality. The ideal data sets were those with a lengthy"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1155.0, 1385.0, 1152.0, 1385.0, 1182.0, 778.0, 1185.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "pre- and post-treatment (plantation establishment)"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1215.0, 1387.0, 1217.0, 1387.0, 1253.0, 775.0, 1251.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " ment converted from grassland or a crop equivalent to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1253.0, 1385.0, 1253.0, 1385.0, 1284.0, 780.0, 1284.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "plantation. In reality, all these criteria were not easy to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1286.0, 1383.0, 1286.0, 1383.0, 1316.0, 782.0, 1316.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "satisfy. For example in Victoria, Australia, the best"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1320.0, 1385.0, 1320.0, 1385.0, 1348.0, 780.0, 1348.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "data is from Stewarts Creek, a set of decommissioned"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1352.0, 1385.0, 1352.0, 1385.0, 1382.0, 780.0, 1382.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "research catchments with 9 years of pre-treatment"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1387.0, 1383.0, 1387.0, 1383.0, 1417.0, 780.0, 1417.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "data and 25 years of post-treatment. Here, though, the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 1417.0, 1383.0, 1419.0, 1383.0, 1449.0, 777.0, 1447.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "treatment was a conversion from native eucalypt"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1453.0, 1385.0, 1453.0, 1385.0, 1484.0, 780.0, 1484.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "forest to pine. The assumption made for this data set is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1486.0, 1383.0, 1486.0, 1383.0, 1516.0, 780.0, 1516.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "that the immediate post-treatment period may be"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1518.0, 1383.0, 1518.0, 1383.0, 1548.0, 780.0, 1548.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "viewed as a non-forested condition. This condition is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1552.0, 1385.0, 1552.0, 1385.0, 1582.0, 777.0, 1582.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "likely to approximate the ET conditions of pasture or"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1587.0, 1385.0, 1587.0, 1385.0, 1617.0, 780.0, 1617.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "short crops for up to 3 years. Catchment details and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1619.0, 1145.0, 1617.0, 1145.0, 1647.0, 775.0, 1649.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "treatments are given in Table 1."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1187.0, 1154.0, 1187.0, 1154.0, 1217.0, 780.0, 1217.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "flow record with approximately"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1224.0, 1187.0, 1381.0, 1187.0, 1381.0, 1217.0, 1224.0, 1217.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of the catch-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [466.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 224.0, 466.0, 224.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [776.0, 881.0, 924.0, 886.0, 923.0, 925.0, 775.0, 920.0], "score": 0.96, "text": " 3. Data sets"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 254.0, 1383.0, 254.0, 1383.0, 290.0, 782.0, 290.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "when comparing (5) and (2) would indicate the time"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 290.0, 1381.0, 290.0, 1381.0, 320.0, 782.0, 320.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "term in (6) was required to improve the complete"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 318.0, 1347.0, 320.0, 1347.0, 357.0, 777.0, 355.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "model and is therefore significant, and vice versa."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 656.0, 1385.0, 656.0, 1385.0, 686.0, 782.0, 686.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "where SSE is the residual sum of the squared errors, df"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 686.0, 1383.0, 686.0, 1383.0, 722.0, 780.0, 722.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "is degrees of freedom, and the subscripts s and c refer"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 720.0, 1379.0, 722.0, 1379.0, 753.0, 777.0, 750.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "to the simplified model and complete models,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 752.0, 926.0, 752.0, 926.0, 789.0, 777.0, 789.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "respectively."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [816.0, 1651.0, 1381.0, 1651.0, 1381.0, 1681.0, 816.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "All catchments, with the exception of Traralgon"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1686.0, 1379.0, 1686.0, 1379.0, 1716.0, 782.0, 1716.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Creek, were afforested with pine species, predomi-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1752.0, 1379.0, 1752.0, 1379.0, 1782.0, 782.0, 1782.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Cathedral Peak catchments. Traralgon Creek has only"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [776.0, 1812.0, 1147.0, 1817.0, 1147.0, 1851.0, 775.0, 1847.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of which is Eucalyptus regnans."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [821.0, 1784.0, 1381.0, 1784.0, 1381.0, 1815.0, 821.0, 1815.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " pine, with the remainder eucalypts species, most"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1718.0, 1073.0, 1718.0, 1073.0, 1748.0, 780.0, 1748.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "nantly Pinus radiata, with"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1096.0, 1718.0, 1381.0, 1718.0, 1381.0, 1748.0, 1096.0, 1748.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "patula planted at the two"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1340.0, 189.0, 1387.0, 189.0, 1387.0, 239.0, 1340.0, 239.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "257"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [814.0, 355.0, 1383.0, 355.0, 1383.0, 385.0, 814.0, 385.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Due to the constraint that the rainfall and time term"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 456.0, 1381.0, 456.0, 1381.0, 486.0, 780.0, 486.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "the critical value for significance at the 0.05 level."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1136.0, 415.0, 1383.0, 417.0, 1383.0, 454.0, 1136.0, 451.0], "score": 0.98, "text": ", and compared with"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 486.0, 830.0, 488.0, 830.0, 518.0, 780.0, 516.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [853.0, 486.0, 1160.0, 488.0, 1160.0, 518.0, 853.0, 516.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "-statistic was calculated as:"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 389.0, 1119.0, 389.0, 1119.0, 419.0, 782.0, 419.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "must be positive, a one tailed"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1134.0, 389.0, 1381.0, 389.0, 1381.0, 419.0, 1134.0, 419.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "-test was applied. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 415.0, 1086.0, 417.0, 1086.0, 454.0, 793.0, 451.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "-value was calculated as"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 4, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 1, "poly": [795.8170166015625, 1284.819091796875, 1393.7825927734375, 1284.819091796875, 1393.7825927734375, 1348.0101318359375, 795.8170166015625, 1348.0101318359375], "score": 0.999998927116394}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [796.8157348632812, 1217.8375244140625, 1043.37890625, 1217.8375244140625, 1043.37890625, 1247.9854736328125, 796.8157348632812, 1247.9854736328125], "score": 0.9999985694885254}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [129.85670471191406, 196.5391082763672, 165.74688720703125, 196.5391082763672, 165.74688720703125, 216.1761932373047, 129.85670471191406, 216.1761932373047], "score": 0.9999985098838806}, {"category_id": 6, "poly": [129.43519592285156, 1376.390380859375, 374.6851806640625, 1376.390380859375, 374.6851806640625, 1428.6553955078125, 129.43519592285156, 1428.6553955078125], "score": 0.9999979734420776}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [796.9744873046875, 1150.6444091796875, 911.8010864257812, 1150.6444091796875, 911.8010864257812, 1181.93017578125, 796.9744873046875, 1181.93017578125], "score": 0.9999944567680359}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [793.93212890625, 785.8515625, 1394.5316162109375, 785.8515625, 1394.5316162109375, 1081.7857666015625, 793.93212890625, 1081.7857666015625], "score": 0.9999939203262329}, {"category_id": 5, "poly": [123.9719009399414, 1433.21337890625, 1400.553466796875, 1433.21337890625, 1400.553466796875, 1814.204345703125, 123.9719009399414, 1814.204345703125], "score": 0.9999938011169434}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [130.5817108154297, 786.2269897460938, 730.632080078125, 786.2269897460938, 730.632080078125, 1349.01904296875, 130.5817108154297, 1349.01904296875], "score": 0.9999901652336121}, {"category_id": 6, "poly": [128.56288146972656, 253.8047637939453, 514.1275024414062, 253.8047637939453, 514.1275024414062, 308.0131530761719, 128.56288146972656, 308.0131530761719], "score": 0.9999885559082031}, {"category_id": 5, "poly": [126.36900329589844, 314.1026611328125, 1399.912109375, 314.1026611328125, 1399.912109375, 690.7048950195312, 126.36900329589844, 690.7048950195312], "score": 0.9999723434448242}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [479.1275939941406, 195.43199157714844, 1044.5283203125, 195.43199157714844, 1044.5283203125, 218.68853759765625, 479.1275939941406, 218.68853759765625], "score": 0.9999346733093262}, {"category_id": 7, "poly": [128.99925231933594, 698.5426635742188, 1394.448486328125, 698.5426635742188, 1394.448486328125, 749.8440551757812, 128.99925231933594, 749.8440551757812], "score": 0.9987799525260925}, {"category_id": 7, "poly": [127.37924194335938, 1819.0853271484375, 1038.7354736328125, 1819.0853271484375, 1038.7354736328125, 1844.94091796875, 127.37924194335938, 1844.94091796875], "score": 0.9987504482269287}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [626, 696, 660, 696, 660, 720, 626, 720], "score": 0.86, "latex": "5\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1190, 697, 1224, 697, 1224, 720, 1190, 720], "score": 0.86, "latex": "5\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [299, 724, 342, 724, 342, 748, 299, 748], "score": 0.85, "latex": "10\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [128, 698, 146, 698, 146, 719, 128, 719], "score": 0.69, "latex": "P"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [719, 697, 737, 697, 737, 719, 719, 719], "score": 0.44, "latex": "T"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [356, 1404, 375, 1404, 375, 1426, 356, 1426], "score": 0.33, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [827.0, 1286.0, 1396.0, 1286.0, 1396.0, 1316.0, 827.0, 1316.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "The fit of the complete model, Eq. (2), to the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [795.0, 1322.0, 1394.0, 1322.0, 1394.0, 1352.0, 795.0, 1352.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "observed data was generally good. Table 2 gives"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [795.0, 1221.0, 1046.0, 1221.0, 1046.0, 1251.0, 795.0, 1251.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "4.1. Model evaluation"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 189.0, 172.0, 189.0, 172.0, 228.0, 127.0, 228.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "258"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [131.0, 1378.0, 204.0, 1378.0, 204.0, 1402.0, 131.0, 1402.0], "score": 0.93, "text": "Table 3"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1397.0, 355.0, 1400.0, 355.0, 1436.0, 127.0, 1434.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Coefficient of efficiency,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1150.0, 915.0, 1150.0, 915.0, 1189.0, 790.0, 1189.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "4. Results"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 787.0, 1396.0, 787.0, 1396.0, 817.0, 793.0, 817.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "and Redhill the lower BFI is matched by the shallow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 821.0, 1398.0, 821.0, 1398.0, 849.0, 793.0, 849.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "soils. Pre-treatment data is not available for all"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 854.0, 1398.0, 854.0, 1398.0, 884.0, 793.0, 884.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "catchment in the data set, so it was decided for the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 886.0, 1396.0, 886.0, 1396.0, 916.0, 793.0, 916.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "sake of consistency in the analysis to start each of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [795.0, 920.0, 1396.0, 920.0, 1396.0, 950.0, 795.0, 950.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "data sets in the year of treatment. The FDCs were"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [795.0, 955.0, 1396.0, 955.0, 1396.0, 985.0, 795.0, 985.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "constructed for water years of May-April for eight"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 987.0, 1396.0, 987.0, 1396.0, 1017.0, 793.0, 1017.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "catchments. The 2 Cathedral Peak catchments were"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1019.0, 1398.0, 1019.0, 1398.0, 1049.0, 790.0, 1049.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "analysed for November-October because of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1054.0, 1192.0, 1054.0, 1192.0, 1084.0, 790.0, 1084.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "summer rainfall maxima (Table 2)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [163.0, 785.0, 732.0, 785.0, 732.0, 815.0, 163.0, 815.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Data on soil characteristics have been obtained"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 815.0, 735.0, 817.0, 734.0, 854.0, 125.0, 851.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "from published reports and personal communication"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 849.0, 732.0, 851.0, 732.0, 888.0, 125.0, 886.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "with researchers, but is far from uniform, particularly"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [124.0, 886.0, 734.0, 881.0, 735.0, 918.0, 125.0, 922.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "regarding porosity. Consequently only an indication"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 920.0, 732.0, 920.0, 732.0, 950.0, 129.0, 950.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of mean depth is reported here. However, this does"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 950.0, 732.0, 952.0, 732.0, 989.0, 125.0, 987.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " give some indication of the likely relative storage"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 987.0, 732.0, 987.0, 732.0, 1017.0, 129.0, 1017.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "capacities of the catchments. To obtain insights into"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1021.0, 732.0, 1021.0, 732.0, 1051.0, 129.0, 1051.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "the pre-afforestation hydrologic characteristics a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1054.0, 732.0, 1054.0, 732.0, 1084.0, 129.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "baseflow separation was performed on the daily"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1088.0, 732.0, 1088.0, 732.0, 1118.0, 129.0, 1118.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "fows for the first 3 years following disturbance,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1118.0, 730.0, 1118.0, 730.0, 1148.0, 129.0, 1148.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "using the digital filtering method of Lyne and Hollick"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1152.0, 732.0, 1152.0, 732.0, 1182.0, 129.0, 1182.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "(1979) with a filter coefficient of 0.925 and three"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1185.0, 734.0, 1182.0, 735.0, 1219.0, 125.0, 1221.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " passes. The resultant average basefow index (BFI),"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1221.0, 730.0, 1221.0, 730.0, 1249.0, 129.0, 1249.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the ratio of baseflow to total flow, is given in Table 1."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1251.0, 730.0, 1251.0, 730.0, 1281.0, 129.0, 1281.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "The Australian catchments display a notably"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1288.0, 732.0, 1288.0, 732.0, 1316.0, 129.0, 1316.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "lower BFI than the South African and New Zealand"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1320.0, 734.0, 1318.0, 735.0, 1348.0, 127.0, 1350.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "catchments. For Stewarts Creek, Pine Creek"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 252.0, 208.0, 252.0, 208.0, 282.0, 129.0, 282.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Table 2"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 282.0, 513.0, 282.0, 513.0, 312.0, 129.0, 312.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Significance of the rainfall and time terms"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [481.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 224.0, 481.0, 224.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1225.0, 697.0, 1396.0, 697.0, 1396.0, 727.0, 1225.0, 727.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "level, * represents"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 725.0, 298.0, 725.0, 298.0, 755.0, 129.0, 755.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "significance at the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [343.0, 725.0, 941.0, 725.0, 941.0, 755.0, 343.0, 755.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "level, and na denotes too few data points for meaningful analysis."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [147.0, 697.0, 625.0, 697.0, 625.0, 727.0, 147.0, 727.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " indicates that the rainfall term was significant at the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [661.0, 697.0, 718.0, 697.0, 718.0, 727.0, 661.0, 727.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "level,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [738.0, 697.0, 1189.0, 697.0, 1189.0, 727.0, 738.0, 727.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "indicates that the time term was significant at the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1821.0, 1037.0, 1821.0, 1037.0, 1849.0, 129.0, 1849.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "ns Indicates that no solution was found, and na denotes deciles with too few data points for analysis"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 5, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 2, "poly": [1345.084228515625, 193.99124145507812, 1383.04443359375, 193.99124145507812, 1383.04443359375, 217.28871154785156, 1345.084228515625, 217.28871154785156], "score": 0.9999984502792358}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [778.7415161132812, 875.8572387695312, 1385.70263671875, 875.8572387695312, 1385.70263671875, 1045.03857421875, 778.7415161132812, 1045.03857421875], "score": 0.9999930262565613}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [112.97018432617188, 850.864990234375, 721.0302124023438, 850.864990234375, 721.0302124023438, 1216.21875, 112.97018432617188, 1216.21875], "score": 0.9999922513961792}, {"category_id": 4, "poly": [777.7315673828125, 753.8668212890625, 1386.6640625, 753.8668212890625, 1386.6640625, 842.7579345703125, 777.7315673828125, 842.7579345703125], "score": 0.9999915957450867}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [777.9397583007812, 1045.28857421875, 1386.9669189453125, 1045.28857421875, 1386.9669189453125, 1678.6064453125, 777.9397583007812, 1678.6064453125], "score": 0.9999915957450867}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [112.64908599853516, 250.50961303710938, 720.302001953125, 250.50961303710938, 720.302001953125, 849.3114624023438, 112.64908599853516, 849.3114624023438], "score": 0.9999906420707703}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [112.41944122314453, 1315.5491943359375, 721.3580932617188, 1315.5491943359375, 721.3580932617188, 1851.324462890625, 112.41944122314453, 1851.324462890625], "score": 0.9999880790710449}, {"category_id": 3, "poly": [776.4273681640625, 253.75418090820312, 1388.254638671875, 253.75418090820312, 1388.254638671875, 736.9627685546875, 776.4273681640625, 736.9627685546875], "score": 0.9999828338623047}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [464.4588928222656, 193.45211791992188, 1032.725341796875, 193.45211791992188, 1032.725341796875, 219.19715881347656, 464.4588928222656, 219.19715881347656], "score": 0.9999587535858154}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [115.3223876953125, 1251.6119384765625, 695.34326171875, 1251.6119384765625, 695.34326171875, 1287.6334228515625, 115.3223876953125, 1287.6334228515625], "score": 0.9989659786224365}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [778.8644409179688, 1705.2630615234375, 1386.922119140625, 1705.2630615234375, 1386.922119140625, 1843.95654296875, 778.8644409179688, 1843.95654296875], "score": 0.99659264087677}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [601, 1814, 711, 1814, 711, 1847, 601, 1847], "score": 0.9, "latex": "T{=}\\,2T_{\\mathrm{half}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [878, 1079, 975, 1079, 975, 1110, 878, 1110], "score": 0.9, "latex": "Y/(Y+a)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [780, 880, 833, 880, 833, 911, 780, 911], "score": 0.89, "latex": "T_{\\mathrm{half}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [296, 319, 380, 319, 380, 349, 296, 349], "score": 0.89, "latex": "E\\!>\\!0.7"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [160, 1682, 231, 1682, 231, 1713, 160, 1713], "score": 0.88, "latex": "a+Y)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [116, 320, 188, 320, 188, 351, 116, 351], "score": 0.88, "latex": "(77\\%)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [268, 751, 324, 751, 324, 781, 268, 781], "score": 0.87, "latex": "80\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [628, 585, 684, 585, 684, 615, 628, 615], "score": 0.87, "latex": "75\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [602, 619, 644, 619, 644, 647, 602, 647], "score": 0.85, "latex": "9\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [533, 784, 577, 784, 577, 814, 533, 814], "score": 0.83, "latex": "9\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [323, 1384, 364, 1384, 364, 1412, 323, 1412], "score": 0.77, "latex": "\\Delta P"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [286, 852, 308, 852, 308, 879, 286, 879], "score": 0.75, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [409, 885, 432, 885, 432, 912, 409, 912], "score": 0.71, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [566, 1085, 590, 1085, 590, 1112, 566, 1112], "score": 0.7, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [484, 254, 524, 254, 524, 284, 484, 284], "score": 0.7, "latex": "(E)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [315, 919, 334, 919, 334, 946, 315, 946], "score": 0.66, "latex": "b"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [376, 587, 394, 587, 394, 614, 376, 614], "score": 0.62, "latex": "b"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [460, 1051, 478, 1051, 478, 1077, 460, 1077], "score": 0.59, "latex": "b"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [451, 319, 552, 319, 552, 350, 451, 350], "score": 0.46, "latex": "60\\%~0.8"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [498, 719, 522, 719, 522, 746, 498, 746], "score": 0.45, "latex": "Y"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1342.0, 191.0, 1387.0, 191.0, 1387.0, 236.0, 1342.0, 236.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "259"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 914.0, 1383.0, 914.0, 1383.0, 944.0, 780.0, 944.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "most deciles the adjusted FDCs are identical for 12"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 948.0, 1381.0, 948.0, 1381.0, 978.0, 780.0, 978.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "and 20 years after treatment. This figure clearly"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 983.0, 1381.0, 983.0, 1381.0, 1013.0, 782.0, 1013.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "demonstrates the necessity for FDC adjustment,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [773.0, 1013.0, 1168.0, 1010.0, 1168.0, 1047.0, 773.0, 1049.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " particularly for the 20 years FDC."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [834.0, 882.0, 1383.0, 882.0, 1383.0, 912.0, 834.0, 912.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "values are given in Table 4. Fig. 3 shows that for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 955.0, 719.0, 955.0, 719.0, 985.0, 116.0, 985.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "general the model fits the higher flows (lower deciles)"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 987.0, 719.0, 987.0, 719.0, 1017.0, 116.0, 1017.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "better, most of the poorer fits are in the 80-100"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1017.0, 722.0, 1015.0, 722.0, 1051.0, 112.0, 1054.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " percentile range. This can be expected given the results"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1120.0, 722.0, 1120.0, 722.0, 1150.0, 116.0, 1150.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Glendhu 2 and for 10th and 20th percentiles from"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1150.0, 724.0, 1150.0, 724.0, 1187.0, 114.0, 1187.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Cathedral Peak 3 may exaggerate the goodness of fit to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1187.0, 646.0, 1187.0, 646.0, 1215.0, 114.0, 1215.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the exact form of the model (Lane et al., 2003)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [150.0, 854.0, 285.0, 854.0, 285.0, 884.0, 150.0, 884.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "The poorest"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [309.0, 854.0, 715.0, 854.0, 715.0, 884.0, 309.0, 884.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "values were those from Lambrechts-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 886.0, 408.0, 886.0, 408.0, 916.0, 116.0, 916.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "bos A and B. The high"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [433.0, 886.0, 719.0, 886.0, 719.0, 916.0, 433.0, 916.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "for 50-100th deciles at"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1088.0, 565.0, 1088.0, 565.0, 1118.0, 114.0, 1118.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "sensitivity analysis suggested that the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [591.0, 1088.0, 722.0, 1088.0, 722.0, 1118.0, 591.0, 1118.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "values for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 920.0, 314.0, 920.0, 314.0, 950.0, 116.0, 950.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Biesievlei, where"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [335.0, 920.0, 719.0, 920.0, 719.0, 950.0, 335.0, 950.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "was not significant are notable. In"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1054.0, 459.0, 1054.0, 459.0, 1084.0, 114.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "of the significance tests for "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [479.0, 1054.0, 719.0, 1054.0, 719.0, 1084.0, 479.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.96, "text": ". The results of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 759.0, 1383.0, 759.0, 1383.0, 789.0, 780.0, 789.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Fig. 3. Examples of observed and fow duration curves adjusted for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 787.0, 1381.0, 787.0, 1381.0, 815.0, 782.0, 815.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "average rainfall following afforestation for Stewarts Creek 5,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [779.0, 810.0, 873.0, 815.0, 871.0, 845.0, 777.0, 840.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Australia."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [810.0, 1043.0, 1385.0, 1045.0, 1385.0, 1081.0, 810.0, 1079.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "The relative net flow change due to afforestation is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1109.0, 1387.0, 1112.0, 1387.0, 1148.0, 775.0, 1146.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " old equilibrium water use condition of pre-treatment"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1146.0, 1387.0, 1142.0, 1388.0, 1178.0, 778.0, 1183.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "vegetation to the new equilibrium condition at forest"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1178.0, 1385.0, 1176.0, 1385.0, 1213.0, 778.0, 1215.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "canopy closure. This quantity is plotted for all catchments"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1215.0, 1385.0, 1215.0, 1385.0, 1245.0, 780.0, 1245.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "in Fig. 4. Some deciles have been removed from the data"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1247.0, 1383.0, 1247.0, 1383.0, 1277.0, 782.0, 1277.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "set, the 10th and 50th percentile for Glendhu 2 and the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1281.0, 1383.0, 1281.0, 1383.0, 1312.0, 782.0, 1312.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "10th and 20th percentiles from Cathedral Peak 3. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1314.0, 1383.0, 1314.0, 1383.0, 1344.0, 780.0, 1344.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "optimised value of a was zero or near zero for these cases,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1348.0, 1383.0, 1348.0, 1383.0, 1378.0, 780.0, 1378.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "which is not consistent with the conceptual model. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1378.0, 1385.0, 1376.0, 1385.0, 1413.0, 775.0, 1415.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " changes shown in Fig. 4 are variable. However, there are"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1415.0, 1385.0, 1415.0, 1385.0, 1445.0, 780.0, 1445.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "some commonalities between catchment responses. Two"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1447.0, 1387.0, 1445.0, 1387.0, 1481.0, 775.0, 1484.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "types of responses (groups) were identified. Group 1"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1481.0, 1385.0, 1481.0, 1385.0, 1511.0, 780.0, 1511.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "catchments show a substantial increase in the number of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1514.0, 1387.0, 1514.0, 1387.0, 1550.0, 777.0, 1550.0], "score": 0.96, "text": " zero flow days, with a greater proportional reduction in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1548.0, 1385.0, 1548.0, 1385.0, 1578.0, 782.0, 1578.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "low flows than high fows. Group 2 catchments show a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1582.0, 1383.0, 1582.0, 1383.0, 1612.0, 780.0, 1612.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "more uniform proportional reduction in fows across all"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1617.0, 1383.0, 1615.0, 1383.0, 1645.0, 778.0, 1647.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "percentiles, albeit with some variability. The catchments"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [776.0, 1644.0, 980.0, 1649.0, 979.0, 1686.0, 775.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.95, "text": " in each group are:"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1079.0, 877.0, 1079.0, 877.0, 1116.0, 780.0, 1116.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "givenby"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [976.0, 1079.0, 1385.0, 1079.0, 1385.0, 1116.0, 976.0, 1116.0], "score": 0.98, "text": ", which represents the change from the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 288.0, 717.0, 288.0, 717.0, 318.0, 116.0, 318.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "percentile at all the catchments. The majority of fits"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 355.0, 719.0, 355.0, 719.0, 385.0, 116.0, 385.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "significance of the rainfall and time terms is given in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 387.0, 717.0, 387.0, 717.0, 417.0, 114.0, 417.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Table 3 for all deciles, where solutions were found."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 417.0, 720.0, 421.0, 719.0, 452.0, 112.0, 447.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "There were not enough data to fit the model in five"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 456.0, 717.0, 456.0, 717.0, 484.0, 116.0, 484.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "instances because of extended periods of zero flows."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 488.0, 719.0, 488.0, 719.0, 518.0, 116.0, 518.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "This problem is addressed to some extent in the zero"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 522.0, 719.0, 522.0, 719.0, 550.0, 116.0, 550.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "fow analysis. If the rainfall signal is to be separated"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 555.0, 719.0, 555.0, 719.0, 585.0, 114.0, 585.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "from the vegetation signal the rainfall terms must be"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [110.0, 649.0, 722.0, 651.0, 722.0, 688.0, 109.0, 686.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " 0.10 level. The incidence of significance was greatest"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 688.0, 719.0, 688.0, 719.0, 718.0, 116.0, 718.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "for the 10-50th percentiles at 45 of the 50 data sets at"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 817.0, 432.0, 815.0, 432.0, 851.0, 112.0, 854.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "significant at the 0.10 level."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [189.0, 320.0, 295.0, 320.0, 295.0, 350.0, 189.0, 350.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "returned"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 755.0, 267.0, 755.0, 267.0, 785.0, 116.0, 785.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "results, with"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [325.0, 755.0, 719.0, 755.0, 719.0, 785.0, 325.0, 785.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " of the deciles significant at 0.05"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [685.0, 589.0, 722.0, 589.0, 722.0, 619.0, 685.0, 619.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 621.0, 601.0, 621.0, 601.0, 649.0, 114.0, 649.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the deciles at the 0.05 level, and a further"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [645.0, 621.0, 719.0, 621.0, 719.0, 649.0, 645.0, 649.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "at the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 787.0, 532.0, 787.0, 532.0, 815.0, 116.0, 815.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "level. There were an additional"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [578.0, 787.0, 719.0, 787.0, 719.0, 815.0, 578.0, 815.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of deciles"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [110.0, 249.0, 483.0, 252.0, 483.0, 288.0, 109.0, 286.0], "score": 0.91, "text": "the coefficient of efficiency "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [525.0, 249.0, 720.0, 252.0, 719.0, 288.0, 525.0, 286.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "for each flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 589.0, 375.0, 589.0, 375.0, 619.0, 116.0, 619.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "significant. This term,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [395.0, 589.0, 627.0, 589.0, 627.0, 619.0, 395.0, 619.0], "score": 0.98, "text": ", was significant for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [381.0, 320.0, 450.0, 320.0, 450.0, 350.0, 381.0, 350.0], "score": 0.9, "text": "\uff0cwith"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [553.0, 320.0, 719.0, 320.0, 719.0, 350.0, 553.0, 350.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "or better. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 718.0, 497.0, 718.0, 497.0, 748.0, 116.0, 748.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "the 0.05 level. The time term,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [523.0, 718.0, 717.0, 718.0, 717.0, 748.0, 523.0, 748.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "returned similar"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [148.0, 1318.0, 719.0, 1318.0, 719.0, 1348.0, 148.0, 1348.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "Following the successful fitting of (2) to the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1352.0, 719.0, 1352.0, 719.0, 1382.0, 114.0, 1382.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "observed percentiles, the FDCs were adjusted for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1419.0, 719.0, 1419.0, 719.0, 1447.0, 114.0, 1447.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "average annual rainfall. The climate adjusted FDCs"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1453.0, 719.0, 1453.0, 719.0, 1481.0, 114.0, 1481.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "produce an estimation of the change in flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1486.0, 722.0, 1483.0, 722.0, 1514.0, 112.0, 1516.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "percentiles over time for each catchment due to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1518.0, 719.0, 1518.0, 719.0, 1548.0, 116.0, 1548.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "afforestation that may be viewed in two forms: new"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1552.0, 722.0, 1552.0, 722.0, 1580.0, 114.0, 1580.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "FDCs, adjusted for climate, as exemplified in Fig. 3"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1587.0, 721.0, 1582.0, 722.0, 1612.0, 112.0, 1617.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "for Stewarts Creek 5, and a comparison between all"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1619.0, 717.0, 1619.0, 717.0, 1649.0, 114.0, 1649.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchments of the maximum change in yield (given by"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [118.0, 1651.0, 722.0, 1651.0, 722.0, 1681.0, 118.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Y) for each flow percentile from baseline flows (given"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [118.0, 1718.0, 715.0, 1718.0, 715.0, 1748.0, 118.0, 1748.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "equilibrium of maximum water use is reached, the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1750.0, 719.0, 1750.0, 719.0, 1780.0, 116.0, 1780.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "adjusted FDCs for individual years should be identical"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1784.0, 719.0, 1784.0, 719.0, 1815.0, 114.0, 1815.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "if rainfall variability has been accounted for. The new"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [110.0, 1808.0, 600.0, 1813.0, 600.0, 1856.0, 109.0, 1851.0], "score": 0.96, "text": " equilibrium is approximately reached for "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1686.0, 159.0, 1686.0, 159.0, 1716.0, 116.0, 1716.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "by"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [232.0, 1686.0, 719.0, 1686.0, 719.0, 1716.0, 232.0, 1716.0], "score": 0.95, "text": " as shown in Fig. 4. Where the new"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1387.0, 322.0, 1387.0, 322.0, 1417.0, 116.0, 1417.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "climate by setting"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [365.0, 1387.0, 719.0, 1387.0, 719.0, 1417.0, 365.0, 1417.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "to zero, representing long term"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [466.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 224.0, 466.0, 224.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1249.0, 694.0, 1251.0, 694.0, 1288.0, 112.0, 1286.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "4.2. Adjusted FDCs\u2014magnitude of fow reductions"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1709.0, 1325.0, 1709.0, 1325.0, 1739.0, 782.0, 1739.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Group 1: Stewarts Creek, Pine Creek, and Redhill"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1744.0, 1381.0, 1744.0, 1381.0, 1774.0, 782.0, 1774.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Group 2: Cathedral Peak 2 and 3, Lambrechtsbos A,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [889.0, 1776.0, 1383.0, 1776.0, 1383.0, 1806.0, 889.0, 1806.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Lambrechtsbos B, Glendhu 2, Biesievlei and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [889.0, 1810.0, 1072.0, 1810.0, 1072.0, 1840.0, 889.0, 1840.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Traralgon Creek"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 6, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 6, "poly": [130.38211059570312, 1373.58056640625, 408.3111877441406, 1373.58056640625, 408.3111877441406, 1427.8253173828125, 130.38211059570312, 1427.8253173828125], "score": 0.9999985694885254}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [131.90994262695312, 195.1804962158203, 165.77700805664062, 195.1804962158203, 165.77700805664062, 215.41661071777344, 131.90994262695312, 215.41661071777344], "score": 0.9999985098838806}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [481.0845642089844, 195.8048095703125, 1043.9552001953125, 195.8048095703125, 1043.9552001953125, 218.32778930664062, 481.0845642089844, 218.32778930664062], "score": 0.9999977350234985}, {"category_id": 5, "poly": [124.61016845703125, 1434.242919921875, 1399.2454833984375, 1434.242919921875, 1399.2454833984375, 1811.951171875, 124.61016845703125, 1811.951171875], "score": 0.9999969005584717}, {"category_id": 4, "poly": [510.5360107421875, 734.0053100585938, 1013.9042358398438, 734.0053100585938, 1013.9042358398438, 758.7108154296875, 510.5360107421875, 758.7108154296875], "score": 0.9999968409538269}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [131.32168579101562, 838.9521484375, 730.0957641601562, 838.9521484375, 730.0957641601562, 1314.5084228515625, 131.32168579101562, 1314.5084228515625], "score": 0.9999938011169434}, {"category_id": 3, "poly": [306.1774597167969, 253.64524841308594, 1219.746337890625, 253.64524841308594, 1219.746337890625, 705.4325561523438, 306.1774597167969, 705.4325561523438], "score": 0.9999911785125732}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [794.51171875, 907.3822631835938, 1395.8782958984375, 907.3822631835938, 1395.8782958984375, 1313.7686767578125, 794.51171875, 1313.7686767578125], "score": 0.9999873042106628}, {"category_id": 7, "poly": [127.02899169921875, 1816.2164306640625, 940.5137939453125, 1816.2164306640625, 940.5137939453125, 1842.17822265625, 127.02899169921875, 1842.17822265625], "score": 0.999592661857605}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [794.436767578125, 838.79541015625, 1117.543701171875, 838.79541015625, 1117.543701171875, 867.4995727539062, 794.436767578125, 867.4995727539062], "score": 0.9990140795707703}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [759, 733, 840, 733, 840, 759, 759, 759], "score": 0.9, "latex": "Y/(Y+a)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [815, 1077, 867, 1077, 867, 1108, 815, 1108], "score": 0.89, "latex": "T_{\\mathrm{half}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1088, 1179, 1140, 1179, 1140, 1211, 1088, 1211], "score": 0.89, "latex": "T_{\\mathrm{half}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [130, 1247, 196, 1247, 196, 1277, 130, 1277], "score": 0.84, "latex": "100\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [209, 1042, 276, 1042, 276, 1072, 209, 1072], "score": 0.84, "latex": "100\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1174, 940, 1224, 940, 1224, 971, 1174, 971], "score": 0.84, "latex": "T_{\\mathrm{half}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [129, 1401, 172, 1401, 172, 1428, 129, 1428], "score": 0.7, "latex": "T_{\\mathrm{half}}"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1372.0, 208.0, 1372.0, 208.0, 1402.0, 129.0, 1402.0], "score": 0.93, "text": "Table 4"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [173.0, 1400.0, 408.0, 1397.0, 408.0, 1434.0, 173.0, 1436.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "(years) for all catchments"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 189.0, 172.0, 189.0, 172.0, 228.0, 127.0, 228.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "260"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [481.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 224.0, 481.0, 224.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [509.0, 733.0, 758.0, 733.0, 758.0, 763.0, 509.0, 763.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Fig. 4. Net flow reductions"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [841.0, 733.0, 1012.0, 733.0, 1012.0, 763.0, 841.0, 763.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "for all catchments."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [157.0, 836.0, 737.0, 834.0, 737.0, 871.0, 157.0, 873.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Group 1 exhibit both the highest reduction of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 871.0, 732.0, 871.0, 732.0, 907.0, 127.0, 907.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "flows overall, and show the largest proportional"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 909.0, 732.0, 909.0, 732.0, 940.0, 129.0, 940.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "reduction at lower flows, leading to a complete"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 944.0, 732.0, 944.0, 732.0, 974.0, 129.0, 974.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "cessation of fow. Comparison of flow reductions is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 972.0, 735.0, 974.0, 734.0, 1011.0, 125.0, 1008.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "hindered slightly by the range of afforestation at the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1010.0, 735.0, 1010.0, 735.0, 1041.0, 129.0, 1041.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchments (Table 1). These results could be scaled"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1079.0, 730.0, 1079.0, 730.0, 1109.0, 129.0, 1109.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "linear relationship between the area planted and flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1114.0, 732.0, 1114.0, 732.0, 1144.0, 129.0, 1144.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "reductions. As there is no evidence that this is the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1146.0, 728.0, 1146.0, 728.0, 1176.0, 129.0, 1176.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "case we have not presented scaled reductions here."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1178.0, 737.0, 1176.0, 737.0, 1213.0, 125.0, 1215.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "Linear scaling would shift the reduction curves"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1213.0, 737.0, 1210.0, 737.0, 1247.0, 125.0, 1249.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "upward for those catchments that are less than"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 1281.0, 492.0, 1286.0, 492.0, 1320.0, 124.0, 1316.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " of the curves or our groupings."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [197.0, 1245.0, 735.0, 1247.0, 734.0, 1284.0, 197.0, 1281.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " afforested, but would not change the shape"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1045.0, 208.0, 1045.0, 208.0, 1075.0, 129.0, 1075.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "upto"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [277.0, 1045.0, 735.0, 1045.0, 735.0, 1075.0, 277.0, 1075.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " afforested if it is assumed there is a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 903.0, 1398.0, 905.0, 1398.0, 942.0, 825.0, 940.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "The speed of fow responses to afforestation can be"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 976.0, 1398.0, 976.0, 1398.0, 1006.0, 793.0, 1006.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "is substantial variation in response times both over the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1008.0, 1402.0, 1004.0, 1403.0, 1041.0, 788.0, 1045.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " percentile spread in some individual catchments, and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1045.0, 1398.0, 1045.0, 1398.0, 1075.0, 790.0, 1075.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " between the catchments. The majority of responses have"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1114.0, 1398.0, 1114.0, 1398.0, 1142.0, 793.0, 1142.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Stewarts Creek, Redhill and Lambrechtsbos A exhibit the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1148.0, 1398.0, 1148.0, 1398.0, 1178.0, 793.0, 1178.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "fastest responses, with Biesievlei showing the most"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1215.0, 1398.0, 1215.0, 1398.0, 1245.0, 793.0, 1245.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchments display a good correspondence to published"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1249.0, 1394.0, 1249.0, 1394.0, 1279.0, 793.0, 1279.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "annual changes (Scott et al., 2000; Van Wyk, 1987),"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1284.0, 1398.0, 1284.0, 1398.0, 1314.0, 793.0, 1314.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "excepting the 10-20th deciles for both Cathedral Peak"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1079.0, 814.0, 1079.0, 814.0, 1109.0, 790.0, 1109.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [868.0, 1079.0, 1398.0, 1079.0, 1398.0, 1109.0, 868.0, 1109.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "value between 5 and 10 years. Pine Creek and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1178.0, 1087.0, 1176.0, 1087.0, 1213.0, 788.0, 1215.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "uniformly slow response."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1141.0, 1178.0, 1400.0, 1176.0, 1400.0, 1213.0, 1141.0, 1215.0], "score": 0.94, "text": "for the South African"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 942.0, 1173.0, 942.0, 1173.0, 972.0, 793.0, 972.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "evaluated by examining the value of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1225.0, 942.0, 1398.0, 942.0, 1398.0, 972.0, 1225.0, 972.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "(Table 4). There"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1815.0, 939.0, 1817.0, 939.0, 1847.0, 129.0, 1845.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Note that no solution could be found for the 50 percentile for Glendhu indicted by the ns."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 838.0, 1123.0, 838.0, 1123.0, 875.0, 793.0, 875.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "4.3. Timing of fow reductions"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 7, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 0, "poly": [781.8721923828125, 1618.0399169921875, 928.7534790039062, 1618.0399169921875, 928.7534790039062, 1646.409912109375, 781.8721923828125, 1646.409912109375], "score": 0.9999984502792358}, {"category_id": 6, "poly": [113.6822738647461, 253.5222625732422, 1383.692626953125, 253.5222625732422, 1383.692626953125, 334.94287109375, 113.6822738647461, 334.94287109375], "score": 0.9999982714653015}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [1345.8267822265625, 196.56283569335938, 1379.01416015625, 196.56283569335938, 1379.01416015625, 215.46395874023438, 1345.8267822265625, 215.46395874023438], "score": 0.999997615814209}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [467.5944519042969, 195.73922729492188, 1030.1298828125, 195.73922729492188, 1030.1298828125, 218.0099639892578, 467.5944519042969, 218.0099639892578], "score": 0.9999966621398926}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [117.23767852783203, 1243.1109619140625, 716.3004150390625, 1243.1109619140625, 716.3004150390625, 1847.4835205078125, 117.23767852783203, 1847.4835205078125], "score": 0.9999922513961792}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [118.47014617919922, 994.3162841796875, 713.6297607421875, 994.3162841796875, 713.6297607421875, 1122.2752685546875, 118.47014617919922, 1122.2752685546875], "score": 0.9999918937683105}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [119.10287475585938, 1178.6876220703125, 627.3995971679688, 1178.6876220703125, 627.3995971679688, 1206.4453125, 119.10287475585938, 1206.4453125], "score": 0.9999906420707703}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [782.2766723632812, 1682.373291015625, 1380.46728515625, 1682.373291015625, 1380.46728515625, 1845.99609375, 782.2766723632812, 1845.99609375], "score": 0.9999901652336121}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [781.3034057617188, 1060.36083984375, 1379.3385009765625, 1060.36083984375, 1379.3385009765625, 1521.511962890625, 781.3034057617188, 1521.511962890625], "score": 0.9999886751174927}, {"category_id": 5, "poly": [113.5753402709961, 341.08380126953125, 1386.5994873046875, 341.08380126953125, 1386.5994873046875, 689.2748413085938, 113.5753402709961, 689.2748413085938], "score": 0.9999498128890991}, {"category_id": 7, "poly": [118.46651458740234, 696.7362670898438, 1380.3681640625, 696.7362670898438, 1380.3681640625, 861.0716552734375, 118.46651458740234, 861.0716552734375], "score": 0.9997767210006714}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [782.720458984375, 993.1400146484375, 988.5659790039062, 993.1400146484375, 988.5659790039062, 1020.3793334960938, 782.720458984375, 1020.3793334960938], "score": 0.9996650218963623}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [458, 778, 601, 778, 601, 806, 458, 806], "score": 0.91, "latex": "\\sum Y/\\sum(a+Y)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [169, 1025, 221, 1025, 221, 1056, 169, 1056], "score": 0.91, "latex": "T_{\\mathrm{half}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [464, 750, 607, 750, 607, 778, 464, 778], "score": 0.88, "latex": "\\sum Y/\\sum(a+Y)"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1201, 1191, 1277, 1191, 1277, 1221, 1201, 1221], "score": 0.88, "latex": "\\Delta N_{\\mathrm{zero}}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1296, 1323, 1350, 1323, 1350, 1353, 1296, 1353], "score": 0.86, "latex": "50\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1078, 1159, 1101, 1159, 1101, 1185, 1078, 1185], "score": 0.77, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1113, 1192, 1133, 1192, 1133, 1219, 1113, 1219], "score": 0.69, "latex": "b"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [375, 811, 390, 811, 390, 830, 375, 830], "score": 0.67, "latex": "a"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [990, 1196, 1003, 1196, 1003, 1218, 990, 1218], "score": 0.61, "latex": "t\\cdot"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1066, 812, 1080, 812, 1080, 830, 1066, 830], "score": 0.58, "latex": "a"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [431, 808, 448, 808, 448, 830, 431, 830], "score": 0.46, "latex": "Y"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1246, 1357, 1283, 1357, 1283, 1386, 1246, 1386], "score": 0.43, "latex": "\\mathrm{Ck}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [773, 779, 827, 779, 827, 804, 773, 804], "score": 0.42, "latex": "100\\mathrm{th}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1107, 1357, 1144, 1357, 1144, 1386, 1107, 1386], "score": 0.41, "latex": "\\mathrm{Ck}"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [640, 807, 684, 807, 684, 831, 640, 831], "score": 0.29, "latex": "20\\mathrm{th}"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [776.0, 1612.0, 935.0, 1617.0, 933.0, 1656.0, 775.0, 1651.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " 5. Discussion"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 252.0, 195.0, 252.0, 195.0, 282.0, 112.0, 282.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Table5"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 279.0, 1383.0, 282.0, 1383.0, 312.0, 112.0, 310.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " Published fow reductions from paired catchment analyses, after Scott et al. (2000), Hickel (2001), Nandakumar and Mein (1993) and Fahey and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 307.0, 681.0, 310.0, 681.0, 340.0, 112.0, 338.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Jackson (1997) compared to estimated reductions in this study"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1330.0, 202.0, 1368.0, 177.0, 1393.0, 215.0, 1355.0, 240.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "261"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [466.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 224.0, 466.0, 224.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [148.0, 1243.0, 720.0, 1245.0, 719.0, 1275.0, 148.0, 1273.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "A further check on the overall model performance is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1279.0, 719.0, 1277.0, 720.0, 1307.0, 112.0, 1309.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " a comparison with published results of paired catchment"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1312.0, 719.0, 1312.0, 719.0, 1342.0, 114.0, 1342.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "studies. The data that can be compared with our results"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1346.0, 719.0, 1346.0, 719.0, 1376.0, 114.0, 1376.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "are presented in Table 5 and can be broadly compared"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1380.0, 719.0, 1380.0, 719.0, 1410.0, 114.0, 1410.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "with Fig. 4. These data are reductions in years with near"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1415.0, 722.0, 1415.0, 722.0, 1445.0, 114.0, 1445.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "average annual rainfall, and at a time after treatment "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1445.0, 717.0, 1445.0, 717.0, 1475.0, 114.0, 1475.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "when maximum changes in streamflow have occurred."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1481.0, 719.0, 1481.0, 719.0, 1509.0, 114.0, 1509.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Table 5 also includes estimates on the total and low flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1511.0, 719.0, 1511.0, 719.0, 1542.0, 114.0, 1542.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "reductions calculated from this study. Results from Pine"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1548.0, 719.0, 1548.0, 719.0, 1578.0, 114.0, 1578.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Creek and Traralgon Creek are not included in Table 5"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1582.0, 722.0, 1582.0, 722.0, 1612.0, 114.0, 1612.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "as these catchments are not paired. Exact comparisons"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1615.0, 719.0, 1615.0, 719.0, 1645.0, 116.0, 1645.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "are impossible because of the rainfall variability, and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1649.0, 717.0, 1649.0, 717.0, 1679.0, 116.0, 1679.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "lack of calibration period for Redhill. Despite this,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1681.0, 719.0, 1681.0, 719.0, 1711.0, 116.0, 1711.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "Table 5 shows that total and low flow reductions"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1716.0, 719.0, 1716.0, 719.0, 1746.0, 116.0, 1746.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "estimated from our study are comparable to the results"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1750.0, 719.0, 1750.0, 719.0, 1780.0, 116.0, 1780.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "from paired catchment studies, indicating that our"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1782.0, 719.0, 1782.0, 719.0, 1812.0, 116.0, 1812.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "simple model has successfully removed the rainfall"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [111.0, 1820.0, 190.0, 1814.0, 192.0, 1846.0, 113.0, 1852.0], "score": 0.94, "text": "signal."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 989.0, 717.0, 987.0, 717.0, 1023.0, 112.0, 1026.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "catchments and the lower deciles at Lambrechtsbos B."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1062.0, 715.0, 1062.0, 715.0, 1092.0, 116.0, 1092.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "lower than other published data (Fahey and Jackson,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1092.0, 189.0, 1092.0, 189.0, 1124.0, 116.0, 1124.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "1997)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1028.0, 168.0, 1028.0, 168.0, 1058.0, 116.0, 1058.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [222.0, 1028.0, 715.0, 1028.0, 715.0, 1058.0, 222.0, 1058.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "from Glendhu 2 appears to be substantially"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1176.0, 631.0, 1176.0, 631.0, 1213.0, 114.0, 1213.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "4.4. Comparison with paired catchment studies"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [816.0, 1686.0, 1381.0, 1686.0, 1381.0, 1716.0, 816.0, 1716.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "The aims of the project have largely been met. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1720.0, 1383.0, 1720.0, 1383.0, 1750.0, 782.0, 1750.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "general characterisation of FDCs and adjustment for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1750.0, 1385.0, 1750.0, 1385.0, 1787.0, 782.0, 1787.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "climate has been very encouraging given the task of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1784.0, 1381.0, 1784.0, 1381.0, 1815.0, 782.0, 1815.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "fitting our model to 10 flow percentiles, for 10 different"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 1812.0, 1383.0, 1815.0, 1383.0, 1851.0, 777.0, 1849.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "catchments (resulting in 100 model fits\uff09 with"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [816.0, 1060.0, 1381.0, 1060.0, 1381.0, 1090.0, 816.0, 1090.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "As this analysis could only be applied, where there"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1094.0, 1383.0, 1094.0, 1383.0, 1124.0, 782.0, 1124.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "was consistent drying up of streams, it was confined to"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1127.0, 1381.0, 1127.0, 1381.0, 1157.0, 782.0, 1157.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Stewarts Creek, Pine Creek and Redhill catchments. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1228.0, 1383.0, 1228.0, 1383.0, 1256.0, 780.0, 1256.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "significant results at the 0.05 level for both parameters at"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1260.0, 1383.0, 1260.0, 1383.0, 1290.0, 780.0, 1290.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "all three catchments. The climate adjusted zero flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1292.0, 1383.0, 1292.0, 1383.0, 1322.0, 780.0, 1322.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "days are shown in Fig. 5. The increases in zero flow days"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 1387.0, 1387.0, 1389.0, 1387.0, 1425.0, 777.0, 1423.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "11 at Redhill. The latter has changed from an almost "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1423.0, 1385.0, 1421.0, 1385.0, 1458.0, 775.0, 1460.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " permanent to a highly intermittent stream. The curves"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1453.0, 1385.0, 1456.0, 1385.0, 1492.0, 775.0, 1490.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " are also in sensible agreement with the flow reductions"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1492.0, 885.0, 1492.0, 885.0, 1522.0, 777.0, 1522.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "in Fig. 4."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1278.0, 1193.0, 1383.0, 1193.0, 1383.0, 1223.0, 1278.0, 1223.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " returned"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1327.0, 1295.0, 1327.0, 1295.0, 1357.0, 777.0, 1357.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " are substantial with flows confined to less than"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1351.0, 1327.0, 1385.0, 1327.0, 1385.0, 1357.0, 1351.0, 1357.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1161.0, 1077.0, 1161.0, 1077.0, 1189.0, 780.0, 1189.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "model returned values of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1102.0, 1161.0, 1381.0, 1161.0, 1381.0, 1189.0, 1102.0, 1189.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "of 0.95, 0.99 and 0.99,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1134.0, 1193.0, 1200.0, 1193.0, 1200.0, 1223.0, 1134.0, 1223.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1193.0, 989.0, 1193.0, 989.0, 1223.0, 780.0, 1223.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "respectively. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1004.0, 1193.0, 1112.0, 1193.0, 1112.0, 1223.0, 1004.0, 1223.0], "score": 0.89, "text": "-testson"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1284.0, 1354.0, 1385.0, 1357.0, 1385.0, 1393.0, 1284.0, 1391.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "and year"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1354.0, 1106.0, 1357.0, 1106.0, 1393.0, 775.0, 1391.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " the time by year 8 at Stewarts"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1145.0, 1354.0, 1245.0, 1357.0, 1245.0, 1393.0, 1145.0, 1391.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "and Pine"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 690.0, 1385.0, 694.0, 1385.0, 731.0, 125.0, 727.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "a Rainfall refers to the rainfall in the year used for comparison of results. The value in brackets refers to the deviation from the mean anual"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 722.0, 408.0, 725.0, 408.0, 755.0, 114.0, 752.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "rainfall for the period of record."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 832.0, 312.0, 834.0, 311.0, 864.0, 112.0, 862.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " 30-100th percentiles."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [125.0, 776.0, 457.0, 780.0, 457.0, 811.0, 125.0, 806.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "c Low flow reduction calculated by"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [122.0, 748.0, 463.0, 750.0, 463.0, 780.0, 122.0, 778.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "b Total flow reduction calculated by"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [608.0, 748.0, 743.0, 750.0, 743.0, 780.0, 608.0, 778.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "for all deciles."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [123.0, 800.0, 374.0, 806.0, 374.0, 843.0, 122.0, 836.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "d For Cathedral Peak 3 the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1081.0, 800.0, 1385.0, 806.0, 1385.0, 843.0, 1081.0, 836.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "were lower then the values of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [391.0, 800.0, 430.0, 806.0, 430.0, 843.0, 391.0, 836.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [602.0, 776.0, 772.0, 780.0, 772.0, 811.0, 602.0, 806.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "for 70, 80, 90 and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [828.0, 776.0, 934.0, 780.0, 934.0, 811.0, 828.0, 806.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "percentiles."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [449.0, 800.0, 639.0, 806.0, 639.0, 843.0, 449.0, 836.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "values for the 10 and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [685.0, 800.0, 1065.0, 806.0, 1065.0, 843.0, 685.0, 836.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "percentiles were excluded as the values of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 987.0, 993.0, 991.0, 992.0, 1030.0, 777.0, 1025.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "4.5. Zero fow days"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 8, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 4, "poly": [130.26629638671875, 1337.3250732421875, 732.2774047851562, 1337.3250732421875, 732.2774047851562, 1418.7119140625, 130.26629638671875, 1418.7119140625], "score": 0.9999995231628418}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [131.43930053710938, 195.23593139648438, 165.80084228515625, 195.23593139648438, 165.80084228515625, 215.28358459472656, 131.43930053710938, 215.28358459472656], "score": 0.999997615814209}, {"category_id": 3, "poly": [131.99615478515625, 262.13848876953125, 732.1187744140625, 262.13848876953125, 732.1187744140625, 1316.8990478515625, 131.99615478515625, 1316.8990478515625], "score": 0.9999966621398926}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [480.581787109375, 195.6566162109375, 1043.8951416015625, 195.6566162109375, 1043.8951416015625, 218.63613891601562, 480.581787109375, 218.63613891601562], "score": 0.9999943971633911}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [794.3954467773438, 1085.8665771484375, 1394.706298828125, 1085.8665771484375, 1394.706298828125, 1847.09423828125, 794.3954467773438, 1847.09423828125], "score": 0.9999863505363464}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [795.3126831054688, 256.7186279296875, 1395.0584716796875, 256.7186279296875, 1395.0584716796875, 1079.958251953125, 795.3126831054688, 1079.958251953125], "score": 0.9999836683273315}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [130.74447631835938, 1445.3975830078125, 731.3636474609375, 1445.3975830078125, 731.3636474609375, 1846.5950927734375, 130.74447631835938, 1846.5950927734375], "score": 0.9999815225601196}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1045, 452, 1098, 452, 1098, 482, 1045, 482], "score": 0.87, "latex": "27\\%"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1339.0, 732.0, 1339.0, 732.0, 1367.0, 129.0, 1367.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Fig. 5. Number of zero fow days for average rainfall following"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [131.0, 1365.0, 730.0, 1365.0, 730.0, 1393.0, 131.0, 1393.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "afforestation for Stewarts Creek 5, Redhill and Pine Creek,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [133.0, 1398.0, 219.0, 1398.0, 219.0, 1421.0, 133.0, 1421.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Australia."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 189.0, 172.0, 189.0, 172.0, 228.0, 127.0, 228.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "262"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [481.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 224.0, 481.0, 224.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [827.0, 1086.0, 1398.0, 1086.0, 1398.0, 1116.0, 827.0, 1116.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "The model fits show we have quantified the net"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1120.0, 1396.0, 1120.0, 1396.0, 1150.0, 793.0, 1150.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "impact of afforestation for the majority of the flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [786.0, 1150.0, 1398.0, 1146.0, 1398.0, 1182.0, 786.0, 1187.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " percentiles in the 10 catchments. Results for the 10-50th"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1185.0, 1400.0, 1180.0, 1400.0, 1217.0, 788.0, 1221.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " percentiles were particularly encouraging. It is not"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1219.0, 1396.0, 1219.0, 1396.0, 1249.0, 793.0, 1249.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "surprising that the relationship between rainfall and flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1251.0, 1396.0, 1251.0, 1396.0, 1281.0, 793.0, 1281.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "diminishes at lower fows (60-100th percentile), where"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1286.0, 1396.0, 1286.0, 1396.0, 1316.0, 793.0, 1316.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "seasonal storage effects and rainfall distribution become"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1318.0, 1396.0, 1318.0, 1396.0, 1348.0, 788.0, 1348.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " more important drivers for runoff generation. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1352.0, 1398.0, 1352.0, 1398.0, 1382.0, 790.0, 1382.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "poorest model fits were gained for Lambrechtsbos A"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1382.0, 1396.0, 1382.0, 1396.0, 1413.0, 788.0, 1413.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " and B. The likely reason at Lambrechtsbos A is an"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1419.0, 1398.0, 1419.0, 1398.0, 1447.0, 793.0, 1447.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "observed annual decrease in stand water use after 12"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1451.0, 1398.0, 1451.0, 1398.0, 1481.0, 793.0, 1481.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "years (Scott et al., 2000) which does not conform to the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1486.0, 1398.0, 1486.0, 1398.0, 1516.0, 793.0, 1516.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "sigmoidal form of our model over the full 19 years of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1518.0, 1398.0, 1518.0, 1398.0, 1548.0, 793.0, 1548.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "record. The failure of the model to fit the lower flows at"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [786.0, 1546.0, 1400.0, 1548.0, 1400.0, 1585.0, 786.0, 1582.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " Lambrechtsbos B is not as explicable. A decrease in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1587.0, 1398.0, 1587.0, 1398.0, 1615.0, 790.0, 1615.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "stand water use in this catchment is observed as the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1619.0, 1400.0, 1619.0, 1400.0, 1649.0, 793.0, 1649.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "plantation ages, but does not occur during the first 20"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1651.0, 1398.0, 1651.0, 1398.0, 1681.0, 793.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "years after treatment (Scott et al., 2000). Other data from"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1679.0, 1398.0, 1681.0, 1398.0, 1718.0, 788.0, 1716.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " South Africa (Scott et al., 2000) indicate there are"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [791.0, 1711.0, 1398.0, 1716.0, 1398.0, 1752.0, 790.0, 1748.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " diminished flow reductions as plantations age, but again,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [795.0, 1752.0, 1396.0, 1752.0, 1396.0, 1782.0, 795.0, 1782.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "generally after 20 years. Our use of an asymptotic curve"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1785.0, 1398.0, 1782.0, 1398.0, 1812.0, 790.0, 1815.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "assumes a new equilibrium of stand water use is"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1815.0, 1394.0, 1817.0, 1394.0, 1847.0, 790.0, 1845.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "reached. The results of the model fitting generally justify"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 249.0, 1398.0, 252.0, 1398.0, 288.0, 788.0, 286.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " Lambrechtsbos B appear to be over-estimated by our"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 284.0, 1398.0, 288.0, 1398.0, 325.0, 788.0, 320.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " model, which is unsurprising as the model fit was poor."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 322.0, 1398.0, 322.0, 1398.0, 353.0, 793.0, 353.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "The remaining four South African catchments, and also"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 355.0, 1398.0, 355.0, 1398.0, 385.0, 793.0, 385.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Redhill and Stewarts Creek are in good agreement with"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 389.0, 1400.0, 389.0, 1400.0, 417.0, 793.0, 417.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "the published values, particularly when the deviation of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 421.0, 1398.0, 421.0, 1398.0, 452.0, 793.0, 452.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "average rainfall is considered. Glendhu 2 reductions are"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 488.0, 1396.0, 488.0, 1396.0, 518.0, 788.0, 518.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " a heavier impact on the lower flows. Overall, it appears"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 518.0, 1400.0, 518.0, 1400.0, 555.0, 788.0, 555.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " there are no significant discrepancies with the published"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 555.0, 1398.0, 555.0, 1398.0, 585.0, 793.0, 585.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "paired catchment analyses. We suggest our technique"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 589.0, 1398.0, 589.0, 1398.0, 619.0, 790.0, 619.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " represents an alternative to the paired-catchment method"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 617.0, 1398.0, 619.0, 1398.0, 656.0, 788.0, 654.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "for assessing hydrologic response to vegetation treat-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 651.0, 1400.0, 649.0, 1400.0, 686.0, 788.0, 688.0], "score": 1.0, "text": " ment, where paired data are unavailable. The method"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 688.0, 1396.0, 688.0, 1396.0, 718.0, 793.0, 718.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "has not yet resulted in a predictive model, but has"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [795.0, 722.0, 1394.0, 722.0, 1394.0, 752.0, 795.0, 752.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "increased our knowledge of afforestation impacts. This"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 755.0, 1398.0, 755.0, 1398.0, 785.0, 793.0, 785.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "is a valuable outcome given the contentious issue of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 787.0, 1398.0, 787.0, 1398.0, 817.0, 793.0, 817.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "afforestation in Australia and other countries, and a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [792.0, 821.0, 1398.0, 819.0, 1398.0, 849.0, 793.0, 851.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "current paucity of data on inter-annual flows. It should"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 849.0, 1396.0, 851.0, 1396.0, 888.0, 788.0, 886.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " be noted that nine of the 10 catchment were pine species."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 888.0, 1398.0, 888.0, 1398.0, 918.0, 793.0, 918.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "More data is required to compare the impact of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 920.0, 1390.0, 920.0, 1390.0, 950.0, 790.0, 950.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "hardwood species, particularly eucalypts, on the FDC."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 950.0, 1396.0, 955.0, 1396.0, 985.0, 792.0, 980.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Unfortunately these data are currently scarce. There are"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [791.0, 980.0, 1398.0, 985.0, 1398.0, 1021.0, 790.0, 1017.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "substantial data on the physiological controls of eucalypt"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1019.0, 1396.0, 1019.0, 1396.0, 1049.0, 793.0, 1049.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "water use (see Whitehead and Beadle, 2004), but not at"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1054.0, 1016.0, 1054.0, 1016.0, 1084.0, 790.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the catchment scale."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 452.0, 1044.0, 452.0, 1044.0, 488.0, 788.0, 488.0], "score": 0.91, "text": " close to the reported "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1099.0, 452.0, 1398.0, 452.0, 1398.0, 488.0, 1099.0, 488.0], "score": 0.97, "text": ", but our model produces"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1443.0, 732.0, 1443.0, 732.0, 1479.0, 129.0, 1479.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "substantially varying spatial scales, soils and geology,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1479.0, 732.0, 1479.0, 732.0, 1509.0, 129.0, 1509.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "species planted and climatic environments. Although"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1511.0, 735.0, 1511.0, 735.0, 1548.0, 127.0, 1548.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "there were poor results for individual deciles, the FDCs "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1548.0, 732.0, 1548.0, 732.0, 1578.0, 129.0, 1578.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "at eight of the 10 catchments were adequately described"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1580.0, 730.0, 1578.0, 730.0, 1608.0, 127.0, 1610.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "by Eq. (2). The results of the statistical tests in which the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1612.0, 726.0, 1612.0, 726.0, 1643.0, 129.0, 1643.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "rainfall term was significant for most deciles demon-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1647.0, 735.0, 1647.0, 735.0, 1683.0, 127.0, 1683.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "strated the model structure was appropriate for adjusting"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1683.0, 730.0, 1683.0, 730.0, 1711.0, 129.0, 1711.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "the FDCs for climatic (rainfall) variability. The"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1716.0, 732.0, 1716.0, 732.0, 1746.0, 129.0, 1746.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "comparisons of our results with published paired"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1750.0, 732.0, 1750.0, 732.0, 1780.0, 129.0, 1780.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "catchment analyses are satisfactory, although the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1784.0, 735.0, 1784.0, 735.0, 1812.0, 129.0, 1812.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "different methodologies make direct comparisons of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1815.0, 737.0, 1817.0, 737.0, 1847.0, 127.0, 1845.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "deciles with total fow uncertain. Low flows at"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 9, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 2, "poly": [466.4325256347656, 194.8888397216797, 1031.1922607421875, 194.8888397216797, 1031.1922607421875, 219.64439392089844, 466.4325256347656, 219.64439392089844], "score": 0.9999977350234985}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [781.4110107421875, 1350.9322509765625, 1112.086181640625, 1350.9322509765625, 1112.086181640625, 1380.4071044921875, 781.4110107421875, 1380.4071044921875], "score": 0.9999973773956299}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [118.7479248046875, 587.0300903320312, 715.7766723632812, 587.0300903320312, 715.7766723632812, 883.0694580078125, 118.7479248046875, 883.0694580078125], "score": 0.9999968409538269}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [118.48811340332031, 252.823486328125, 715.749267578125, 252.823486328125, 715.749267578125, 583.28515625, 118.48811340332031, 583.28515625], "score": 0.9999964237213135}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [117.62772369384766, 885.8139038085938, 717.3323974609375, 885.8139038085938, 717.3323974609375, 1415.2767333984375, 117.62772369384766, 1415.2767333984375], "score": 0.9999961853027344}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [782.490234375, 254.01434326171875, 1380.5517578125, 254.01434326171875, 1380.5517578125, 748.8712768554688, 782.490234375, 748.8712768554688], "score": 0.9999944567680359}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [117.28860473632812, 1415.5831298828125, 716.8341064453125, 1415.5831298828125, 716.8341064453125, 1847.5146484375, 117.28860473632812, 1847.5146484375], "score": 0.9999933242797852}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [781.5156860351562, 752.15576171875, 1380.3497314453125, 752.15576171875, 1380.3497314453125, 1279.9158935546875, 781.5156860351562, 1279.9158935546875], "score": 0.9999922513961792}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [781.4845581054688, 1417.2979736328125, 1380.813232421875, 1417.2979736328125, 1380.813232421875, 1845.5704345703125, 781.4845581054688, 1845.5704345703125], "score": 0.9999920725822449}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [1346.2413330078125, 196.15005493164062, 1380.82568359375, 196.15005493164062, 1380.82568359375, 216.4473876953125, 1346.2413330078125, 216.4473876953125], "score": 0.9999884366989136}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [510, 1017, 563, 1017, 563, 1047, 510, 1047], "score": 0.89, "latex": "85\\%"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1121, 321, 1143, 321, 1143, 347, 1121, 347], "score": 0.55, "latex": "E"}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [433, 354, 456, 354, 456, 380, 433, 380], "score": 0.47, "latex": "E."}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [578, 1018, 683, 1018, 683, 1048, 578, 1048], "score": 0.39, "latex": "1260\\,\\mathrm{mm}"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [466.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 224.0, 466.0, 224.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1350.0, 1117.0, 1350.0, 1117.0, 1387.0, 780.0, 1387.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "6. Summary and conclusions"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [150.0, 585.0, 717.0, 585.0, 717.0, 615.0, 150.0, 615.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "The small Australian catchments converted to pine in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [109.0, 619.0, 724.0, 617.0, 724.0, 654.0, 110.0, 656.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "response group 1 (Stewarts Creek 5, Pine Creek and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 649.0, 722.0, 651.0, 722.0, 688.0, 112.0, 686.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Redhill) have similar shallow soils, potential evapo-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 688.0, 717.0, 688.0, 717.0, 718.0, 116.0, 718.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "transpiration and rainfall distribution (relatively uni-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 722.0, 717.0, 722.0, 717.0, 752.0, 116.0, 752.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "form) although Stewarts Creek is significantly wetter."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 755.0, 719.0, 755.0, 719.0, 785.0, 116.0, 785.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "The combination of small catchment area and the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 787.0, 717.0, 787.0, 717.0, 817.0, 116.0, 817.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "increased transpirative demand that exceeds summer"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 819.0, 720.0, 821.0, 719.0, 851.0, 114.0, 849.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "and autumn rainfall and stored water results in the large"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 856.0, 638.0, 856.0, 638.0, 884.0, 116.0, 884.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "impact on lower flows, compared to high flows."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 252.0, 722.0, 252.0, 722.0, 288.0, 114.0, 288.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "this assumption for the length of commercial plantation"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 286.0, 719.0, 286.0, 719.0, 322.0, 114.0, 322.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "growth (up to 20 years) considered here. The physio-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 322.0, 719.0, 322.0, 719.0, 353.0, 116.0, 353.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "logical relationship between stand age and water use for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 385.0, 719.0, 385.0, 719.0, 421.0, 114.0, 421.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "thoroughly investigated, although Cornish and Vertessy"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 417.0, 722.0, 419.0, 722.0, 456.0, 112.0, 454.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "(2001) and Roberts et al. (2001) have shown young"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 456.0, 719.0, 456.0, 719.0, 486.0, 116.0, 486.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "mixed species eucalypt forests may use more water than"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 484.0, 722.0, 486.0, 722.0, 522.0, 112.0, 520.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " mature stands, and Putahena and Cordery (2000) suggest "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 522.0, 719.0, 522.0, 719.0, 553.0, 116.0, 553.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "maximum Pinus radiata water use may have been"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 553.0, 655.0, 553.0, 655.0, 583.0, 114.0, 583.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "reached after 12 years, with a subsequent decline."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 355.0, 432.0, 355.0, 432.0, 385.0, 116.0, 385.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "plantation species other than"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [457.0, 355.0, 719.0, 355.0, 719.0, 385.0, 457.0, 385.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "regnans have not been"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [146.0, 881.0, 720.0, 884.0, 719.0, 920.0, 146.0, 918.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " The magnitude of the response within Group 2 varies"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 920.0, 717.0, 920.0, 717.0, 950.0, 116.0, 950.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "considerably, with greater reduction in flows in the two"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 952.0, 717.0, 952.0, 717.0, 983.0, 116.0, 983.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Cathedral Peak catchments, and Lambrechtsbos B."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 987.0, 719.0, 987.0, 719.0, 1017.0, 114.0, 1017.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Potential evaporation is in phase with rainfall at the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1054.0, 722.0, 1054.0, 722.0, 1084.0, 114.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "average) of their rainfall in summer. The conjunction of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1088.0, 722.0, 1088.0, 722.0, 1118.0, 116.0, 1118.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "peak demand and plant water availability may explain"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1118.0, 722.0, 1120.0, 722.0, 1150.0, 114.0, 1148.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the high reductions relative to the remaining catchments "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1155.0, 722.0, 1155.0, 722.0, 1185.0, 116.0, 1185.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "in Group 2. In addition, the stocking density was"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1187.0, 717.0, 1187.0, 717.0, 1215.0, 116.0, 1215.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "described as \u2018abnormally dense\u2019 by Scott et al. (2000)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1219.0, 719.0, 1219.0, 719.0, 1249.0, 116.0, 1249.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Growth at Glendhu 2 was notably slow (Fahey and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1247.0, 722.0, 1249.0, 722.0, 1286.0, 112.0, 1284.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " Jackson, 1997) and Lambrechtsbos A and Biesievlei are"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1286.0, 719.0, 1286.0, 719.0, 1316.0, 116.0, 1316.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "described as being within sub optimal growth zones"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1318.0, 719.0, 1318.0, 719.0, 1348.0, 116.0, 1348.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "(Scott and Smith, 1997) characterised by these authors"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1352.0, 719.0, 1352.0, 719.0, 1382.0, 114.0, 1382.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "as having relatively slow response times and lesser"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [109.0, 1383.0, 586.0, 1380.0, 586.0, 1417.0, 110.0, 1419.0], "score": 0.96, "text": " reductions that those at more optimal sites."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [112.0, 1017.0, 509.0, 1017.0, 509.0, 1054.0, 112.0, 1054.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " Cathedral Peak sites as they receive"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [684.0, 1017.0, 719.0, 1017.0, 719.0, 1054.0, 684.0, 1054.0], "score": 0.93, "text": "on"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [810.0, 249.0, 1383.0, 252.0, 1383.0, 288.0, 810.0, 286.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Traralgon Creek would be expected to have both the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 286.0, 1385.0, 286.0, 1385.0, 322.0, 780.0, 322.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "most subdued flow reductions and longer response time"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 355.0, 1385.0, 355.0, 1385.0, 385.0, 780.0, 385.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "uncertain vegetation record. Peak stand water use of a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 389.0, 1381.0, 389.0, 1381.0, 419.0, 777.0, 419.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "natural stand of this species is around 30 years."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 421.0, 1383.0, 421.0, 1383.0, 452.0, 782.0, 452.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Additionally in this large, \u2018real world\u2019 catchment,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 456.0, 1385.0, 456.0, 1385.0, 486.0, 780.0, 486.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "there is a continuous cycle of forest management"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 488.0, 1385.0, 488.0, 1385.0, 518.0, 782.0, 518.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "which includes harvesting. A mixture of pasture and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [784.0, 522.0, 1383.0, 522.0, 1383.0, 553.0, 784.0, 553.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "'scrub', which could represent significant understorey"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 555.0, 1381.0, 555.0, 1381.0, 585.0, 780.0, 585.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "stands, were replaced by plantation species. Conse-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 589.0, 1385.0, 589.0, 1385.0, 619.0, 780.0, 619.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "quently the difference between pre and post treatment"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 619.0, 1383.0, 619.0, 1383.0, 649.0, 777.0, 649.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "ET may be less than at other catchments. Reductions of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 651.0, 1385.0, 651.0, 1385.0, 688.0, 777.0, 688.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "this magnitude could be more readily expected in larger,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 688.0, 1383.0, 688.0, 1383.0, 718.0, 780.0, 718.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "multi land use catchments than the very high impacts"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 720.0, 1293.0, 720.0, 1293.0, 750.0, 782.0, 750.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "estimated at the smaller Australian catchments."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 322.0, 1120.0, 322.0, 1120.0, 353.0, 780.0, 353.0], "score": 0.93, "text": "because of the large area of "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1144.0, 322.0, 1385.0, 322.0, 1385.0, 353.0, 1144.0, 353.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "regnans forest, and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [146.0, 1412.0, 720.0, 1415.0, 719.0, 1451.0, 146.0, 1449.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " The response groups may be in part explained by the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [109.0, 1449.0, 722.0, 1447.0, 722.0, 1483.0, 110.0, 1486.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "storage characteristics of the catchments. Accurate"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1486.0, 717.0, 1486.0, 717.0, 1516.0, 114.0, 1516.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "measures of storage are not available from the literature,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1518.0, 719.0, 1518.0, 719.0, 1546.0, 114.0, 1546.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "but the soil depths and the baseflow index (Table 1) both"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1552.0, 722.0, 1552.0, 722.0, 1580.0, 114.0, 1580.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "show the three south eastern Australian catchments with"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 1587.0, 722.0, 1587.0, 722.0, 1617.0, 114.0, 1617.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the greatest reduction are likely to have the lowest"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [109.0, 1617.0, 722.0, 1615.0, 722.0, 1651.0, 110.0, 1653.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " storage capacity. The greater flow reductions, particu-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1651.0, 717.0, 1651.0, 717.0, 1681.0, 116.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "larly for low flows, could be expected under these"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1686.0, 719.0, 1686.0, 719.0, 1716.0, 116.0, 1716.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "conditions. Inclusion of a storage term in the model is an"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1718.0, 719.0, 1718.0, 719.0, 1748.0, 116.0, 1748.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "obvious option for improving the analysis. However the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1752.0, 719.0, 1752.0, 719.0, 1782.0, 116.0, 1782.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "addition of extra parameters would be at the cost of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1784.0, 717.0, 1784.0, 717.0, 1815.0, 116.0, 1815.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "maintaining model simplicity, particularly as character-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [116.0, 1817.0, 518.0, 1817.0, 518.0, 1847.0, 116.0, 1847.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "ising a transient storage is not trivial."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [816.0, 755.0, 1381.0, 755.0, 1381.0, 785.0, 816.0, 785.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "The analysis of zero flow days was successful,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 787.0, 1383.0, 787.0, 1383.0, 817.0, 782.0, 817.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "demonstrating that the impact on flow intermittence can"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 819.0, 1383.0, 819.0, 1383.0, 849.0, 780.0, 849.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "be evaluated without of the entire FDC. This was helpful"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 854.0, 1381.0, 854.0, 1381.0, 884.0, 777.0, 884.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " as the change in the higher percentiles (low flows) could"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 886.0, 1381.0, 886.0, 1381.0, 916.0, 782.0, 916.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "not always be modelled. The results for the three"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 920.0, 1381.0, 920.0, 1381.0, 950.0, 782.0, 950.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "catchments analysed are a rather stark indication of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 955.0, 1383.0, 955.0, 1383.0, 985.0, 782.0, 985.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "potential for highly increased zero flow periods in small"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 987.0, 1381.0, 987.0, 1381.0, 1017.0, 782.0, 1017.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchments, at least in south-eastern Australia. However,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 1015.0, 1383.0, 1019.0, 1383.0, 1054.0, 777.0, 1049.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "it should be noted these curves probably represent a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1054.0, 1383.0, 1054.0, 1383.0, 1084.0, 777.0, 1084.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " maximum response as they are all derived from small"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1088.0, 1381.0, 1088.0, 1381.0, 1118.0, 777.0, 1118.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "catchments with small storage capacities and large"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1120.0, 1385.0, 1120.0, 1385.0, 1150.0, 780.0, 1150.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "percentages of afforestation. This method could be used"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1150.0, 1381.0, 1150.0, 1381.0, 1180.0, 777.0, 1180.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "to determine change in the occurrence of any given flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1187.0, 1383.0, 1187.0, 1383.0, 1217.0, 780.0, 1217.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "in response to afforestation; e.g. to determine the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1215.0, 1387.0, 1217.0, 1387.0, 1253.0, 775.0, 1251.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "likelihood of maintaining a reservoir storage or an"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [782.0, 1253.0, 1381.0, 1253.0, 1381.0, 1284.0, 782.0, 1284.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "environmental fow that requires an average critical flow."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [810.0, 1412.0, 1385.0, 1417.0, 1385.0, 1453.0, 810.0, 1449.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "This project sought to (i) develop a method to remove"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1453.0, 1383.0, 1453.0, 1383.0, 1481.0, 780.0, 1481.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "the climate signal from streamflow records to identify"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1486.0, 1383.0, 1486.0, 1383.0, 1516.0, 780.0, 1516.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "the impact of vegetation on flow from afforested"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1518.0, 1385.0, 1518.0, 1385.0, 1548.0, 780.0, 1548.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "catchments, and (ii) quantify this impact on the flow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1550.0, 1383.0, 1550.0, 1383.0, 1580.0, 777.0, 1580.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "duration curve. A simple model was proposed that"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [775.0, 1582.0, 1387.0, 1582.0, 1387.0, 1619.0, 775.0, 1619.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " considered the age of plantation and the annual rainfall"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1619.0, 1385.0, 1619.0, 1385.0, 1649.0, 777.0, 1649.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "to be the principal drivers for evapotranspiration. This"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1651.0, 1385.0, 1651.0, 1385.0, 1679.0, 780.0, 1679.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "model was fitted to the observed deciles of the FDC, and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 1681.0, 1381.0, 1686.0, 1381.0, 1716.0, 777.0, 1711.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "the climate signal was then removed from the stream-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 1716.0, 1387.0, 1716.0, 1387.0, 1752.0, 780.0, 1752.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "flow records by adjusting the FDC for average rainfall"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1748.0, 1385.0, 1746.0, 1385.0, 1782.0, 778.0, 1785.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "over the period of record. The model was tested and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 1780.0, 1381.0, 1780.0, 1381.0, 1817.0, 777.0, 1817.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "applied to 10 afforested catchments. We successfully"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [778.0, 1810.0, 1385.0, 1815.0, 1385.0, 1851.0, 777.0, 1847.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "fitted our model to catchments with varying spatial"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1342.0, 189.0, 1387.0, 189.0, 1387.0, 234.0, 1342.0, 234.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "263"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 10, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 0, "poly": [132.2023162841797, 944.2422485351562, 352.39361572265625, 944.2422485351562, 352.39361572265625, 973.2088623046875, 132.2023162841797, 973.2088623046875], "score": 0.9999986886978149}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [480.25787353515625, 196.37384033203125, 1044.1737060546875, 196.37384033203125, 1044.1737060546875, 218.59146118164062, 480.25787353515625, 218.59146118164062], "score": 0.9999973177909851}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [131.0494842529297, 255.921875, 730.36865234375, 255.921875, 730.36865234375, 848.8026123046875, 131.0494842529297, 848.8026123046875], "score": 0.9999949336051941}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [130.6344757080078, 1010.9166870117188, 730.247314453125, 1010.9166870117188, 730.247314453125, 1437.8150634765625, 130.6344757080078, 1437.8150634765625], "score": 0.9999939203262329}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [130.68336486816406, 196.22927856445312, 164.99691772460938, 196.22927856445312, 164.99691772460938, 215.17306518554688, 130.68336486816406, 215.17306518554688], "score": 0.9999921321868896}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [131.60971069335938, 1597.386962890625, 732.5863647460938, 1597.386962890625, 732.5863647460938, 1846.581787109375, 131.60971069335938, 1846.581787109375], "score": 0.9999908208847046}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [791.6022338867188, 251.6699676513672, 1397.9674072265625, 251.6699676513672, 1397.9674072265625, 1848.8499755859375, 791.6022338867188, 1848.8499755859375], "score": 0.9999874830245972}, {"category_id": 0, "poly": [131.00613403320312, 1534.647705078125, 256.1180725097656, 1534.647705078125, 256.1180725097656, 1561.1875, 131.00613403320312, 1561.1875], "score": 0.9999844431877136}, {"category_id": 13, "poly": [1067, 1022, 1120, 1022, 1120, 1049, 1067, 1049], "score": 0.57, "latex": "219{\\mathrm{~p~}}"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 939.0, 357.0, 944.0, 356.0, 983.0, 129.0, 978.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Acknowledgements"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [481.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 194.0, 1046.0, 224.0, 481.0, 224.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 252.0, 734.0, 249.0, 735.0, 286.0, 127.0, 288.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "scales, species and environments, and have shown that it"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 290.0, 732.0, 290.0, 732.0, 320.0, 129.0, 320.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "provides a means of separating the influence of climate"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 322.0, 732.0, 322.0, 732.0, 353.0, 129.0, 353.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "and vegetation on the FDCs. The modelled results"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 353.0, 730.0, 353.0, 730.0, 383.0, 129.0, 383.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "showed the greatest proportional impacts were for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 387.0, 732.0, 387.0, 732.0, 417.0, 129.0, 417.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "median and lower flows. The flow reductions from the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 421.0, 732.0, 421.0, 732.0, 449.0, 129.0, 449.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "three small catchments SE Australian were the highest"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 456.0, 735.0, 456.0, 735.0, 486.0, 129.0, 486.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "and may reflect lower storages. The characterisation of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 488.0, 732.0, 488.0, 732.0, 518.0, 129.0, 518.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "the number of zero flow days was also successful for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 522.0, 735.0, 522.0, 735.0, 553.0, 129.0, 553.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "these catchments in indicating a significant increase in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 555.0, 730.0, 555.0, 730.0, 585.0, 129.0, 585.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "zero flows. The flow reductions identified here probably"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 589.0, 732.0, 589.0, 732.0, 619.0, 127.0, 619.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "represent a maximum effect given the size of the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 619.0, 728.0, 619.0, 728.0, 649.0, 129.0, 649.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchments, level of afforestation and the shallow soils."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 654.0, 732.0, 654.0, 732.0, 684.0, 129.0, 684.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "These results have yielded useful new insights on the"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 688.0, 735.0, 688.0, 735.0, 718.0, 129.0, 718.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "contentious issue of the hydrological impact of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 720.0, 732.0, 720.0, 732.0, 750.0, 129.0, 750.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "afforestation. This research has led to the development"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 755.0, 732.0, 755.0, 732.0, 785.0, 129.0, 785.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of a method to assess the net impact of afforestation on"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 787.0, 730.0, 787.0, 730.0, 817.0, 129.0, 817.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "the fow duration curve which does not require paired-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 819.0, 591.0, 821.0, 591.0, 851.0, 127.0, 849.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "catchments to remove climatic variability."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [163.0, 1010.0, 730.0, 1010.0, 730.0, 1041.0, 163.0, 1041.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "The authors would like to thank Rory Nathan,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1041.0, 735.0, 1041.0, 735.0, 1077.0, 127.0, 1077.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Narendra Tuteja, Tom McMahon, Geoff Podger, Rob"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [131.0, 1077.0, 728.0, 1077.0, 728.0, 1107.0, 131.0, 1107.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Vertessy, Glen Walker and Peter Hairsine for particu-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1109.0, 732.0, 1109.0, 732.0, 1140.0, 129.0, 1140.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "larly helpful discussions on methodologies and reviews,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1142.0, 732.0, 1144.0, 732.0, 1174.0, 127.0, 1172.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Richard Morton for valuable statistical advice, Dave"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1178.0, 730.0, 1178.0, 730.0, 1208.0, 129.0, 1208.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Scott for supplying the South African data, Barry Fahey"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1208.0, 732.0, 1210.0, 732.0, 1241.0, 127.0, 1238.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "for the New Zealand data, and Hancocks Victorian"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1241.0, 730.0, 1243.0, 730.0, 1273.0, 127.0, 1271.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Plantations for vegetation data. The study was funded by"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1277.0, 735.0, 1277.0, 735.0, 1307.0, 129.0, 1307.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1312.0, 732.0, 1312.0, 732.0, 1339.0, 129.0, 1339.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Environment Private Forestry Unit, the CRC for"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [129.0, 1344.0, 735.0, 1344.0, 735.0, 1374.0, 129.0, 1374.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Catchment Hydrology, and the MDBC funded project"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1372.0, 735.0, 1374.0, 734.0, 1410.0, 127.0, 1408.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "\u201cIntegrated assessment of the effects of land use changes"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1410.0, 558.0, 1408.0, 558.0, 1438.0, 127.0, 1441.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "on water yield and salt loads\u2019 (D2013)."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 189.0, 170.0, 189.0, 170.0, 228.0, 127.0, 228.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "264"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1593.0, 732.0, 1598.0, 732.0, 1632.0, 127.0, 1627.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Bosch, J.M., 1979. Treatment effects on annual and dry period"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [157.0, 1625.0, 732.0, 1623.0, 732.0, 1653.0, 157.0, 1656.0], "score": 0.99, "text": " streamflow at Cathedral Peak. South African Forestry Journal 108,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [161.0, 1651.0, 230.0, 1651.0, 230.0, 1681.0, 161.0, 1681.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "29-37."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1681.0, 732.0, 1681.0, 732.0, 1709.0, 127.0, 1709.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Bosch, J.M., Von Gadow, K., 1990. Regulating afforestation for water"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [159.0, 1709.0, 730.0, 1707.0, 730.0, 1737.0, 159.0, 1739.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " conservation in South Africa. Suid-Afrikaanse Bosboutydskrif 153,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [163.0, 1739.0, 228.0, 1739.0, 228.0, 1763.0, 163.0, 1763.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "41-54."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [127.0, 1763.0, 735.0, 1765.0, 734.0, 1795.0, 127.0, 1793.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Chiew, F.H.S., McMahon, T.A., 1993. Assessing the adequacy of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [161.0, 1793.0, 735.0, 1793.0, 735.0, 1821.0, 161.0, 1821.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "catchment streamflow yield estimates. Australian Journal of Soil"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [163.0, 1819.0, 365.0, 1819.0, 365.0, 1847.0, 163.0, 1847.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Research 31, 665-680."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [791.0, 251.0, 1398.0, 256.0, 1398.0, 286.0, 790.0, 282.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Cornish, P.M., Vertessy, R.A., 2001. Forest age-induced changes in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [823.0, 284.0, 1398.0, 282.0, 1398.0, 312.0, 823.0, 314.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " evapotranspiration and water yield in a eucalypt forest. Journal of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 312.0, 1033.0, 312.0, 1033.0, 342.0, 825.0, 342.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Hydrology 242, 43-63."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 338.0, 1398.0, 340.0, 1398.0, 370.0, 788.0, 368.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Fahey, B., Jackson, R., 1997. Hydrological impacts of converting"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [820.0, 366.0, 1398.0, 363.0, 1398.0, 400.0, 821.0, 402.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "native forests and grasslands to pine plantations, South"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [821.0, 393.0, 1396.0, 396.0, 1396.0, 428.0, 820.0, 426.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " Island, New Zealand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 84,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 424.0, 889.0, 424.0, 889.0, 454.0, 825.0, 454.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "69-82."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 451.0, 1396.0, 454.0, 1396.0, 484.0, 788.0, 482.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Hickel, K., 2001. The effect of pine afforestation on flow regime in"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [823.0, 479.0, 1398.0, 484.0, 1398.0, 512.0, 822.0, 507.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "small upland catchments. Masters Thesis, University of Stuttgart,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [820.0, 510.0, 889.0, 505.0, 892.0, 537.0, 822.0, 543.0], "score": 0.94, "text": "p. 134."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 540.0, 1396.0, 540.0, 1396.0, 568.0, 790.0, 568.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Holmes, J.W., Sinclair, J.A., 1986. Water yield from some afforested"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 570.0, 1398.0, 570.0, 1398.0, 598.0, 825.0, 598.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "catchments in Victoria. In Hydrology and Water Resources"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 596.0, 1398.0, 596.0, 1398.0, 626.0, 825.0, 626.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Symposium, Griffth University, Brisbane 25-27 November 1986,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [820.0, 626.0, 939.0, 619.0, 941.0, 649.0, 822.0, 656.0], "score": 0.95, "text": "pp. 214-218."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 654.0, 1398.0, 654.0, 1398.0, 682.0, 790.0, 682.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Lane, P.N.J., Best, A.E., Hickel, K., Zhang, L., 2003. The effect"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 682.0, 1398.0, 682.0, 1398.0, 710.0, 825.0, 710.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "of afforestation on flow duration curves. Cooperative Research"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 710.0, 1396.0, 710.0, 1396.0, 740.0, 825.0, 740.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Centre for Catchment Hydrology Technical Report O3/13,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [820.0, 745.0, 884.0, 739.0, 886.0, 763.0, 822.0, 768.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "p.25."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 768.0, 1396.0, 768.0, 1396.0, 798.0, 790.0, 798.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Legates, D.R., McCabe, G.J., 1999. Evaluating the use of 'goodness-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 796.0, 1396.0, 796.0, 1396.0, 823.0, 825.0, 823.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "of-fit\u2019 measures in hydrologic and hydroclimatic model validation."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 823.0, 1181.0, 823.0, 1181.0, 851.0, 825.0, 851.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Water Resources Research 35, 233-241."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 851.0, 1398.0, 851.0, 1398.0, 882.0, 790.0, 882.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Lyne, V.D., Hollick, M., 1979. Stochastic time-varying rainfall-runoff"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 882.0, 1398.0, 882.0, 1398.0, 912.0, 825.0, 912.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "modelling. Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Perth."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 909.0, 1224.0, 909.0, 1224.0, 940.0, 825.0, 940.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Institution of Engineers, Australia, pp. 89-92."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 935.0, 1398.0, 937.0, 1398.0, 968.0, 788.0, 965.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Nandakumar, N., Mein, R.G., 1993. Analysis of paired catchment data"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 965.0, 1398.0, 965.0, 1398.0, 995.0, 825.0, 995.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "to determine the hydrologic effects of changes in vegetative cover"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [827.0, 995.0, 1396.0, 995.0, 1396.0, 1026.0, 827.0, 1026.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "on yield. Technical Report for Project UM010, Monash University"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1049.0, 1398.0, 1051.0, 1398.0, 1081.0, 788.0, 1079.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Nash, J.E., Sutcliffe, J.V., 1970. River fow forecasting through"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1079.0, 1400.0, 1079.0, 1400.0, 1109.0, 825.0, 1109.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "conceptual models, I, A discussion of principals. Journal of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1109.0, 1042.0, 1109.0, 1042.0, 1137.0, 825.0, 1137.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Hydrology 10, 282-290."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1137.0, 1398.0, 1137.0, 1398.0, 1165.0, 790.0, 1165.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Putahena, W.M., Cordery, I., 2000. Some hydrological effects of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [827.0, 1165.0, 1398.0, 1165.0, 1398.0, 1195.0, 827.0, 1195.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "changing forest cover from eucalyptus to Pinus radiata. Agricul-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1193.0, 1192.0, 1193.0, 1192.0, 1223.0, 825.0, 1223.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "tural and Forest Meteorology 100, 59-72."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1223.0, 1398.0, 1223.0, 1398.0, 1253.0, 790.0, 1253.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Roberts, S., Vertessy, R.A., Grayson, R.G., 2001. Transpiration from"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1251.0, 1400.0, 1251.0, 1400.0, 1281.0, 825.0, 1281.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Eucalyptus sieberi (L. Johnson) forests of different age. Forest "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1279.0, 1183.0, 1279.0, 1183.0, 1309.0, 825.0, 1309.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Ecology and Management 143, 153-161."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [788.0, 1305.0, 1398.0, 1307.0, 1398.0, 1337.0, 788.0, 1335.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Scott, D.F., Smith, R.E., 1997. Preliminary empirical models to predict"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [823.0, 1333.0, 1398.0, 1335.0, 1398.0, 1365.0, 823.0, 1363.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "reductions in total and low flows resulting from afforestation."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1363.0, 1046.0, 1363.0, 1046.0, 1393.0, 825.0, 1393.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Water S.A. 23, 135-140."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1393.0, 1398.0, 1393.0, 1398.0, 1421.0, 790.0, 1421.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Scott, D.F., Prinsloo, F.W., Moses, G., Mehlomakulu, M.,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1421.0, 1398.0, 1421.0, 1398.0, 1449.0, 825.0, 1449.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Simmers, A.D.A., 2000. Area-analysis of the South African"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1449.0, 1398.0, 1449.0, 1398.0, 1479.0, 825.0, 1479.0], "score": 0.96, "text": "catchment afforestation experimental data. WRC Report"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1481.0, 954.0, 1481.0, 954.0, 1505.0, 825.0, 1505.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "No. 810/1/00."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1507.0, 1396.0, 1507.0, 1396.0, 1535.0, 790.0, 1535.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Sikka, A.K., Samra, JS., Sharda, V.N., Samraj, P., Lakshmanan, V.,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1535.0, 1400.0, 1535.0, 1400.0, 1565.0, 825.0, 1565.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "2003. Low fow and high responses to converting natural grassland"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [827.0, 1561.0, 1400.0, 1561.0, 1400.0, 1591.0, 827.0, 1591.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "into bluegum (Eucalyptus globulus) in Ningiris watersheds of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1591.0, 1235.0, 1591.0, 1235.0, 1621.0, 825.0, 1621.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "South India. Journal of Hydrology 270, 12-26."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1621.0, 1398.0, 1621.0, 1398.0, 1651.0, 790.0, 1651.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " Smakhtin, V.U., 1999. A concept of pragmatic hydrological time series "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1649.0, 1398.0, 1649.0, 1398.0, 1679.0, 825.0, 1679.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "modelling and its application in South African context. In Ninth"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [823.0, 1675.0, 1398.0, 1677.0, 1398.0, 1707.0, 823.0, 1705.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " South African National Hydrology Symposium, 29-30 November"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1703.0, 971.0, 1703.0, 971.0, 1739.0, 825.0, 1739.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "1999, pp. 1-11."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [790.0, 1735.0, 1398.0, 1735.0, 1398.0, 1765.0, 790.0, 1765.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " Smakhtin, V.U., 2001. Low flow hydrology: a review. Journal of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [825.0, 1763.0, 1052.0, 1763.0, 1052.0, 1793.0, 825.0, 1793.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "Hydrology 240, 147-186."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [793.0, 1791.0, 1398.0, 1791.0, 1398.0, 1821.0, 793.0, 1821.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Van Lill, W.S., Kruger, F.J., Van Wyk, D.B., 1980. The effect of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [827.0, 1819.0, 1398.0, 1819.0, 1398.0, 1849.0, 827.0, 1849.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "afforestation with Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden and Pinus"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [823.0, 1021.0, 1066.0, 1023.0, 1066.0, 1054.0, 822.0, 1051.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " Dept. of Civil Engineering,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [126.0, 1528.0, 260.0, 1533.0, 259.0, 1572.0, 124.0, 1567.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "References"}], "page_info": {"page_no": 11, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}, {"layout_dets": [{"category_id": 2, "poly": [465.48040771484375, 195.6739959716797, 1032.2401123046875, 195.6739959716797, 1032.2401123046875, 218.9838104248047, 465.48040771484375, 218.9838104248047], "score": 0.9999986886978149}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [776.9209594726562, 255.59912109375, 1385.6478271484375, 255.59912109375, 1385.6478271484375, 614.4959716796875, 776.9209594726562, 614.4959716796875], "score": 0.9999933242797852}, {"category_id": 2, "poly": [1346.0157470703125, 195.03271484375, 1382.0159912109375, 195.03271484375, 1382.0159912109375, 217.2877960205078, 1346.0157470703125, 217.2877960205078], "score": 0.9999925494194031}, {"category_id": 1, "poly": [116.54571533203125, 257.5740966796875, 716.8768920898438, 257.5740966796875, 716.8768920898438, 615.0397338867188, 116.54571533203125, 615.0397338867188], "score": 0.9999920725822449}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [466.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 194.0, 1033.0, 224.0, 466.0, 224.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "P.N.J. Lane et al. / Journal of Hydrology 310 (2005) 253-265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 254.0, 1383.0, 254.0, 1383.0, 284.0, 780.0, 284.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Vogel, R.M., Fennessey, N.M., 1994. Flow duration curves. 1. New"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [810.0, 279.0, 1385.0, 282.0, 1385.0, 312.0, 810.0, 310.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " interpretation and confidence intervals. Journal of Water Planning"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [814.0, 310.0, 1128.0, 310.0, 1128.0, 340.0, 814.0, 340.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "and Management 120 (4), 485-504."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [780.0, 338.0, 1387.0, 338.0, 1387.0, 366.0, 780.0, 366.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Whitehead, D., Beadle C.L., 2004. Physiological regulation of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [808.0, 361.0, 1387.0, 363.0, 1387.0, 400.0, 807.0, 398.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " productivity and water use in Eucalyptus: a review. Forest Ecology"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [812.0, 393.0, 1104.0, 393.0, 1104.0, 424.0, 812.0, 424.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "and Management, 193, 113-140."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 421.0, 1385.0, 421.0, 1385.0, 449.0, 777.0, 449.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Zhang, L., Dawes, W.R., Walker, G.R., 1999. Predicting the effect of"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [814.0, 449.0, 1383.0, 449.0, 1383.0, 479.0, 814.0, 479.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "vegetation changes on catchment average water balance. Coop-"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [812.0, 475.0, 1385.0, 475.0, 1385.0, 505.0, 812.0, 505.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "erative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology Technical"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [810.0, 503.0, 994.0, 503.0, 994.0, 533.0, 810.0, 533.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Report 99/12, p. 35."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [777.0, 531.0, 1385.0, 531.0, 1385.0, 561.0, 777.0, 561.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Zhang, L., Dawes, W.R., Walker, G.R., 2001. Response of mean"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [810.0, 557.0, 1385.0, 559.0, 1385.0, 589.0, 810.0, 587.0], "score": 0.98, "text": " annual evapotranspiration to vegetation changes at catchment"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [812.0, 587.0, 1222.0, 587.0, 1222.0, 615.0, 812.0, 615.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "scale. Water Resources Research 37, 701-708."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [1342.0, 189.0, 1387.0, 189.0, 1387.0, 234.0, 1342.0, 234.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "265"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [148.0, 254.0, 719.0, 254.0, 719.0, 284.0, 148.0, 284.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "patula Schlect. et Cham. on streamflow from experimental"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [146.0, 279.0, 720.0, 282.0, 719.0, 312.0, 146.0, 310.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "catchments at Mokubulaan, Transval. Journal of Hydrology 48,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [150.0, 312.0, 234.0, 312.0, 234.0, 335.0, 150.0, 335.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "107-118."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 338.0, 719.0, 338.0, 719.0, 366.0, 114.0, 366.0], "score": 0.97, "text": "Van Wyk, D.B., 1987. Some effects of afforestation on streamflow"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [144.0, 366.0, 719.0, 366.0, 719.0, 396.0, 144.0, 396.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Water S.A. 13,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [148.0, 396.0, 210.0, 396.0, 210.0, 419.0, 148.0, 419.0], "score": 1.0, "text": "31-36."}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [114.0, 421.0, 719.0, 421.0, 719.0, 452.0, 114.0, 452.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "Vertessy, R.A., Bessard, Y., 1999. Anticipating the negative"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [146.0, 449.0, 722.0, 449.0, 722.0, 479.0, 146.0, 479.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "hydrologic effects of plantation expansion: results from a"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [148.0, 475.0, 717.0, 475.0, 717.0, 503.0, 148.0, 503.0], "score": 0.98, "text": "GIS-based analysis on the Murrumbidgee Basin, in: Croke, J.,"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [146.0, 503.0, 722.0, 503.0, 722.0, 533.0, 146.0, 533.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Lane, P.N.J. (Eds.), Forest Management for Water Quality and"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [144.0, 527.0, 722.0, 529.0, 722.0, 565.0, 144.0, 563.0], "score": 0.99, "text": "Quantity: Proceedings of the 2nd Erosion in Forests Meeting"}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [146.0, 557.0, 722.0, 559.0, 722.0, 589.0, 146.0, 587.0], "score": 0.97, "text": " Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Report "}, {"category_id": 15, "poly": [146.0, 587.0, 301.0, 587.0, 301.0, 617.0, 146.0, 617.0], "score": 0.93, "text": "99/6, Pp. 69-73."}], "page_info": {"page_no": 12, "height": 2064, "width": 1512}}]