Associate users with roles and permissions
Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes
A php swagger annotation and parsing library
PHP version of Google's phone number handling library
API and Admin Panel CRUD Generator for Laravel.
Phone number functionality for Laravel
OpenApi or Swagger integration to Laravel
Blazing fast macOS PHP development environment
Laravel plugin for processing payments through PayPal.
🚀 Supercharged Excel exports for Laravel Nova Resources
Laravel Starter App Using Vue ,Vuetify, and InertiaJS.
This package introduces the join magic for eloquent models and relations.
Validate Formatting Of World-Wide Postal Codes
This package allows you to override default nova views
A Laravel Nova CKEditor4 WYSIWYG Field
Allows you to define entirely customizable components for specific Nova Resources
A Laravel Nova CKEditor4 WYSIWYG Field using vue-ckeditor2
Laravel 5+ package to push Queued jobs to the log