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OpenChatKit Training

This directory contains code for training a chat model using OpenChatKit. The main training script is

To customize training, make a copy of the script and modify the arguments.


Environment vars that should be set:

export GLOO_SOCKET_IFNAME=lo # this interface should be consistent to `--net-interface`
export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=lo # this interface should be consistent to `--net-interface`
export WANDB_NAME=gptj-test # wandb run name

The following arguments should be carefully set:

  • --model-name: The path of model ckpt sharded by layers.
  • --tokenizer-name: Usually the same to --model-name. You can also use HF's model name.
  • --model-type: Indicate the model type. {gptj}. More model types will be added soon.
  • --num-layers: Number of Transformer layers for each GPU. E.g. GPT-J has 28 layers, if we use two GPUs to form a pipeline, --num-layers should be 14.
  • --embedding-dim: The hidden size of the model. GPT-J-6B is 4096. This is used to create buffers.
  • --dist-url: URL of rank 0 worker (master). It is the same to all workers. And this URL should be accessible by all workers. For local training (single machine multiple GPUs), this can be like --dist-url tcp://
  • --world-size: The total number of workers. world-size == pipeline-group-size * data-group-size
  • --pipeline-group-size: Number of GPU workers for each pipeline
  • --data-group-size: Number of data parallel workers. Also the number of pipelines.
  • --net-interface: Network interface. Should be consistent with GLOO_SOCKET_IFNAME and NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME.

The following arguments can be tuned / changed:

  • --train-log-backend : How to log the training info. {print, loguru, wandb}.
  • --optimizer: Optimizer type. {adam, 8bit-adam} (8bit-adam requires pip install bitsandbytes)
  • --load-pretrained-model: Whether to load model weights. Usually true.
  • --task-name: The task name or the path of a jsonl file. For multi-task training separate task names by ,. There is an optional sampling weight after each task name, separated by : (default is 1.0). Sampling weights will be normalized. E.g. it should be like --task-name cot:0.1,/path_task0.jsonl:1.0,/path_task0.jsonl:1.0,/path_task0.jsonl:1.0.
  • --checkpoint-path: Path to save fine-tuned checkpoints.
  • --checkpoint-steps: Save ckpt every checkpoint-steps.
  • --total-steps: Total number of steps for training. (This counts all gradient-accumulate-steps.)
  • --warmup-steps: LR warmup steps.
  • --lr: learning rate
  • --seq-length: sequence length
  • --batch-size: batch size for each GPU device (of each gradient accumulation step).
  • --micro-batch-size: micro batch size for pipeline parallelism. 1 works fine.
  • --gradient-accumulate-step: Accumulate gradients for several steps before updating parameters. This is another way to achieve large batch sizes when GPU memory is not enough.

The following arguments usually do not change:

  • --dp-backend: {nccl, gloo}, default nccl.
  • --dp-mode: {allreduce}.
  • --fp16: Flag to enable FP16 mixed precision training. Should always adding it for the current impl.
  • --pp-mode: always gpipe
  • --profiling: {no-profiling, tidy_profiling}. tidy_profiling will generate profile jsons.