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written in Shell
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🔧 .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS
Apps/CLIs/configs I use on macOS/iOS. Fish, Karabiner, Cursor..
🔫 `git unstage` as a service: a Git plugin for the shell that automagically remembers all the different commands there are to remove files from staging and when to use each
LucasLarson / BashAlgorithms
Forked from vtrbtf/bash-algorithms🐚 algorithms for use in the shell via @vtrbtf
🌳 What’s in a name? It doesn’t matter. Find the name of a Git repository’s default branch with a POSIX-compliant shell script.
LucasLarson / BashSpinners
Forked from SteveClement/bash-spinners🍭 Bash Spinner via @SindreSorhus’s `cli‑spinners` via @SteveClement