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SitemapGenerator is a framework-agnostic XML Sitemap generator written in Ruby with automatic Rails integration. It supports Video, News, Image, Mobile, PageMap and Alternate Links sitemap extensio…
guynaor / gstore
Forked from moomerman/gstoregstore is a Ruby client library for the Google Storage API
zaki50 / volley
Forked from adamrocker/volleySample android app using Volley library.
LuckOfWise / rubygems-leader
Forked from mataki/ Leaderboard
LuckOfWise / gruff
Forked from topfunky/gruffGruff graphing library for Ruby
stan / gruff
Forked from topfunky/gruffGruff graphing library for Ruby
android viewgroup
LuckOfWise / Pochi2GCheckout
Forked from kugo/Pochi2GCheckoutclick archive or cancel buttons on Google checkout automatically
Updated Nov 21, 2011
LuckOfWise / aRubyKaigi2011
Forked from takkaw/aRubyKaigi2011An official RubyKaigi2011 program viewer for Android devices.