Fully-Cross-Transfromer-One_Shot Public
Forked from GuangxingHan/FCTCode for CVPR 2022 Oral paper: 'Few-Shot Object Detection with Fully Cross-Transformer'
Python UpdatedDec 1, 2022 -
CodeWars-v1 Public
Forked from wncc/CodeWars-v1The Game engine for CodeWars v1, India's first bot-programming contest conducted by Web and Coding Club IIT Bombay for the Freshers'2021.
Python UpdatedDec 22, 2021 -
CVWC2019-pose Public
Forked from wanghao14/CVWC2019-poseUsing HRNet for CVWC 2019 Tiger Pose Track Challenge.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 12, 2021 -
Tiger_Pose_Estimation Public
Forked from amajee11us/ATRW_Ensemble_HRnet_codebaseAn ensemble technique applied on High Resolution net to improve accuracy on pose detection task.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedAug 6, 2019