All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog (Spanish version), and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning (or at least I'll try to).
0.9.9 - 2021-10-04
- Styles for custom header on Center Template
- Star icons to center partial template
- Options to select specialty and province on slider block
- Fallback image to Center partial
- Function to force content width layout.
- Layout width now based on $grid-width variable
- File structure to load styles in Gutenberg
- Helper functions.
- Gutenberg paragraph font sizes.
- WP comments from Centers template.
0.9.8 - 2021-09-29
- Support for provinces and cities custom blocks.
- Content width to 1280px
- Brand colors according to design
- Pagination colors
- Gutenberg color palette
- Post category meta style on archive pages.
- Blockquote color.
0.9.7 - 2021-09-29
- Support for swiper slides custom block
- Featured image sizes
- Featured image to single posts
- Custom blocks for categories and slider.
- Post archive page design
- Large breackpoint
- Featured image sizes.
0.9.6 - 2021-09-28
- Updated main logo with no space around it
- Fixed header with no shrink effect.
- AvenirNextLt Pro fonts.
- Metropolis free typography.
0.9.5 - 2021-09-27
- Custom nav menu to close when click outside of it.
0.9.4 - 2021-09-27
- Custom header nav logo.
0.9.3 - 2021-09-27
- Custom SVG logo
- Cutsom SVG in header nav menu
- Dark hidden menu
- Wider main header.
0.9.1 - 2021-09-25
- Custom fonts.
- Inicial upload.