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An alternative to in-game cfg scripts.


This file contains scripts that can be used in every game. Make sure you have Autohotkey installed and your ingame hotkeys are set properly in the script.

A quick way to save roshan's respawn time

Whenever Roshan dies, click on the time to save it in the chat. When you are not busy type a previously saved time (e.g. 23:13) in chat and press LControl + /. Your input will be replaced with expires 28:13, respawns 31:13-34:13. This will also be saved to clipboard, so whenever you press ctrl+v you will see the same text. This is helpful since the chat only shows the last few messages and your roshan timing could be lost.

LControl & /::
	Send, ^a
	Send, ^c
	Sleep, 100
	variable := clipboard	
		StringSplit, time, variable, :,
		s := time2
		m1 := time1+5
		m2 := m1+3
		m3 := m2+3		
		variable = expires %m1%:%s%, respawns %m2%:%s%-%m3%:%s% 		
		Send, ^a
		Send, %variable%
		Clipboard := variable   ; update clipboard

Quick directional move

This is similar to a quick attack / move, but for a directional move.

global directional_move = "h"
  Send, {%directional_move% Down}{Click, R}{%directional_move% Up}       

XButton2 is the button on the side of the mouse.


IMAO this must be in the client by default, since the usage examples are countless:

  1. Abilities: slark's pounce, sf's raze, mirana's leap, earth spirit's roll
  2. Other: forcestuff, placing an obs from trees.

Capslock remap

When the script is active the capslock will always be turned off.

SetCapsLockState, Off

Additionally you can remap it to some other hotkey to avoid writing CAPS in the chat.

CapsLock:: /


Repeats a click or a button every 25ms. Usage examples:

  1. pick up runes/aegis.
  2. steal items/runes/aegis during ember's w
  3. creep block
  4. blink after rearm on tinker
repeater(key, host)
	Send, {%key%}	
	Sleep, 25
	If !getkeystate("Alt","p") 
	if !GetKeyState(host,"p")

Holding LAlt + g will spam right click every 25ms.

LAlt & g::

Hero specific scripts

You can also create your own custom scripts. Simply create a new .ahk in the root directory and import the main script like this:

#Include %A_ScriptDir%/utility.ahk
#SingleInstance force

You may also add a new icon:

I_Icon = icons/arc.png

Switching between scripts

For convenience there are several shortcuts in the main script that switch between scripts. For example,

  • Alt+ Numpad1 will chnage to utility.ahk
Run "utility.ahk" 
  • Alt+ Numpad2 will chnage to tinker.ahk
Run "tinker.ahk" 


Blink-safe boulder smash

alt + q

  • Places a stone and uses boulder smash.
  • There is a small delay to avoid a selfcast bug after using blink dagger.
    • if stone is placed too quickly after blink, it will be placed on the old location.

1 stone 2 spells

alt + w

  • boulder (q) and rolling (w) using 1 stone only.
  • note that this combo is less effective in 7.20.
    • slow duration is wasted.
    • also not possible to replicate slow to other heroes under magnetize.


Directed raze

alt + q

alt + w

alt + e

  • uses directional move to direct the hero, follows with a raze and an attack hotkey


Click a sphere 3 times

alt + q

alt + w

alt + e


Directed rp

alt + r


Fist & Chain combo

Make sure the hero is watching towards the enemy and there is no rotational animation. A directional move may help direct the hero.

alt + w


requires proper coordinates and pixel colours


alt + d

  1. drop items (shift queue during rearm).
  2. find bottle and use it.
  3. drop everything that gives you mana.


alt + f

  1. pickup items (after rearm).
  2. find soul-ring and use it.
  3. find bottle and use it.
  4. pickup dropped items in the original order (hopefully).


X-mark into torrent combo:

alt + d

  • Use torrent and wait exectly 1600 ms to return an enemy with x-mark.
  • The latest time to return is 2000ms out of 4000ms, after this point the return cast animation will be interrupted and the torrent will be 0-400 ms (cast animation) late.


requires proper coordinates

turn on autoselect summoned units

The issue:

Arc's and Tempest Double's necro book can not be pernamently assigned to different hotkeys. Thus, it is not trivial to send both necro books on different camps relatively quickly.

Quick bind:

If you have a hero and 2 summons selected, deselects the first unit (e.g. Arc or Tempest Double) and binds the rest to a specific hotkey.

alt + z

  • bind book 1 to A

alt + x

  • bind book 2 to S