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DexCall provides a mechanism for calling dex-lang code from JuliaLang. Three main mechanism are provided for this: evaluate, DexModule and the dex_func string macro. Several helper methods are also provided: dexize, juliaize and NativeFunction.

evaluate: just run a single Dex expression.

evaluate takes in a Dex expression as a string and runs it, returning a Atom (see below). It is often useful to use it with raw-string literals, to take care of the escaping

julia> evaluate(raw"sum $ for i. exp [log 2.0, log 4.0].i")

DexModule run a whole bunch of Dex code defining a module.

Similar to evaluate, DexModule takes a string full of Dex code and runs it. However, DexModule is a bit more powerful. It allows you to run multiple expressions, and returns a namespaced module object that you can query to get variables out from.

julia> m = DexModule(raw"""
       x = 42
       y = for i:(Fin 3). IToF x
       z = sum y

       def addTwo (n: Int) ?-> (x: (Fin n)=>Float) : (Fin n)=>Float = 
           for i. x.i + 2.0
DexModule(Ptr{DexCall.HsContext} @0x0000000000000031)

You can then query things from it by name, each of which is returns as an Atom

julia> m.x

julia> m.y
"[42., 42., 42.]"

julia> m.z

julia> m.addTwo
"\\n:Int32 ?->\n  \\x:((Fin n) => Float32).\n    for i:(Fin n).\n       tmp:((Add Float32) ?=> Float32 -> Float32 -> Float32) = (+) Float32\n       tmp1:(Float32 -> Float32 -> Float32) = tmp instance1\n       tmp2:Float32 = x i\n       tmp3:(Float32 -> Float32) = tmp1 tmp2\n      tmp3 2."

If the variable defines is a function you can even call it, though you need to passin Atoms:

julia> m.addTwo(m.y)
"[44., 44., 44.]"

Atoms: dexize, juliaize, NativeFunction

evaluate and the contents of a DexModule are returned as Atoms. These can be displayed, but not much else.

julia> typeof(m.x)

julia> typeof(m.addTwo)

To convert scalar Atoms into julia typed scalars used juliaize.

julia> juliaize(m.x)

julia> typeof(juliaize(m.x))

It is not presently possible to juliaize/dexize arrays (but you can use them / get them as the input/output of NativeFunctions, see below).

You can also use convert to convert between Atoms and Julia objects. When converting to a Julia type it will make the minimal change from the Dex type to get to the type you requested.

julia> typeof(convert(Integer, m.x))

julia> typeof(convert(Int64, m.x))

julia> convert(Atom, 1.5)

julia> convert(Number, convert(Atom, 1.5))

To convert function Atoms into something you can execute as if it was a regular Julia function use NativeFunction. This will compile it and handle inputs and outputs without needing to deal with Atoms directly.

julia> const add_two = NativeFunction(m.addTwo)
(::NativeFunction{Vector{Float32}}) (generic function with 1 method)

julia> add_two([0f0, 10f0, 100f0])
3-element Vector{Float32}:

Performance Note: at present, passing multidimensional arrays to or from a NativeFunction copies them. This is due to Dex using the C memory layout, while Julia's default Array uses the Fortran memory layout. We hope to address this in future versions.

dex_func compile Dex code directly into a function you can call from Julia.

The dex_func string macro allows you to define a function in Dex that you can then call from Julia. The function type it defines is a NativeFunction as described above. In functionality, dex_func is very similar to NativeFunction ∘ evaluate except that it does a whole ton of the work at parse time -- including compiling the Dex function.

You can use it to define named functions in long form:

julia> dex_func"""
              def myTranspose (n: Int) ?-> (m: Int) ?->
                              (x : (Fin n)=>(Fin m)=>Float) : (Fin m)=>(Fin n)=>Float =
                  for i j. x.j.i
(::NativeFunction{Matrix{Float32}}) (generic function with 1 method)

julia> myTranspose([1f0 2f0 3f0; 4f0 5f0 6f0])
3×2 Matrix{Float32}:
 1.0  4.0
 2.0  5.0
 3.0  6.0

As well as in short-form by assigning a lambda to a variable:

julia> dex_func"inc = \a:Int. a + 1"
(::NativeFunction{Int32}) (generic function with 1 method)

julia> inc(Int32(9))

You can also use it to define anonymous functions:

julia> map(dex_func"\x:Float. pow 2.0 x", [1f0, 2f0,  3f0])
3-element Vector{Float32}:

By adding a c flag after the string for a named function (in either long or short form), you can declare it as const. This is a good idea if declaring it at global scope. For example: dex_func"inc = \a:Int. a + 1"c