- url: https://pokemon-auto-chess.com/
- logo: https://pokemon-auto-chess.com/assets/ui/pokemon_autochess_final.svg
- creator: Keldaan
- discord: https://discord.gg/6JMS7tr
- location: North America
The official server maintained by the creators of Pokemon Auto Chess
- url: https://pokemon.darkatek7.com
- logo: https://i.ibb.co/PtQj13y/logo-dark.png
- creator: Darkatek7
- discord: https://discord.gg/kGkUfRqMVJ
- location: Austria/Europe
German Community for Pokemon Auto Chess
- url: https://eternara.site/
- logo: https://i.ibb.co/FK0LzVB/pac-shiny-icon.png
- creator: Nocifer shiroe
- discord: https://discord.gg/GBaDes7kxX
- location: Europe
Eternara is a twin of official pokemon autochess, hosted by a mod of the main server. We will follow the main version and have close link to the official server.
- logo: https://i.ibb.co/zs7Q4TT/PACL-LOGO-TRAN.png
- creator: WhatAUsernameIHave
- discord: https://discord.gg/VvrWy7uR9H
- location: North America - East
The Pokémon Auto Chess League (PACL) is a league that runs events and tournaments with standings and historical rankings ! On invitation only, join Discord to learn more.
- url: https://www.penumbra-autochess.com/
- logo: https://www.penumbra-autochess.com/assets/ui/pokemon_autochess_final.svg
- creator: Kone
- discord: https://discord.gg/jnwUBxKSqZ
- location: Thailand
First Thai Public Server with many Thai Pokemon Auto Chess Member. We have daily minigames with booster packs give away 🎴
- url: https://pokechess.com.br/
- logo: https://i.ibb.co/GM3Q55w/logo-pokechessbr.jpg
- creator: Dog e Bronzato
- discord: https://discord.gg/55R8bHxCJg
- location: Brazil - São Paulo (South America)
O servidor PokeChessBR é a casa da comunidade brasileira dos amantes de Auto Chess e Pokémon. Sinta-se bem-vindo a participar de nossa comunidade. Seja um jogador experiente ou um jogador iniciante buscando ajuda, seu lugar é aqui!