This is currently based on Open-Sora-1.2.0:
Change the index-url cuda version according to your system.
conda create -n fastvideo python=3.10.12
conda activate fastvideo
pip3 install torch==2.5.0 torchvision --index-url
pip3 install xformers==0.0.28.post2 --index-url
pip install git+
pip install packaging ninja && pip install flash-attn==2.7.0.post2 --no-build-isolation
pip install -e . && pip install -e ".[train]"
sudo apt-get update && apt install screen && pip install watch gpustat
We've prepared some debug data to facilitate development. To make sure the training pipeline is correct, train on the debug data and make sure the model overfit on it (feed it the same text prompt and see if the output video is the same as the training data)
mkdir data && mkdir data/outputs/
python scripts/ --repo_id=Stealths-Video/mochi_diffuser --local_dir=data/mochi --repo_type=model
python scripts/ --repo_id=Stealths-Video/Merge-30k-Data --local_dir=data/Merge-30k-Data --repo_type=dataset
python scripts/ --repo_id=Stealths-Video/validation_embeddings --local_dir=data/validation_embeddings --repo_type=dataset
cd data/Merge-30k-Data
cat Merged30K.tar.gz.part.* > Merged30K.tar.gz
rm Merged30K.tar.gz.part.*
tar --use-compress-program="pigz --processes 64" -xvf Merged30K.tar.gz
mv ephemeral/hao.zhang/codefolder/FastVideo-OSP/data/Merged-30K-Data/* .
rm -r ephemeral
rm Merged30K.tar.gz
cd ../..
- shift8 clear but got structural artifacts
- lq, 0.025 vague
- adv not really helpful
- shift8 euler steps 50 v.s. 100 very similar
Scripts are located at scripts/
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, 0.025
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, 0.05
- shift 8, euler_steps 100
- shift 8, euler_steps 50
- shift 8, euler_steps 100, adv
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, 0.025, adv
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, 0.05, multiphase 125
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, 0.1, linear_range 0.75
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, 0.05, range 0.75
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, 0.05, batchsize 32
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, learning rate,1e-7
- shift1, euler_steps 50
- pcm_linear_quadratic, euler_steps 50, 0.05, multiphase 250, ema 0.98, decay 0.1