KubeBlocks is an open-source control plane software that runs and manages databases, message queues and other stateful applications on K8s.
eBPF-based Cloud Native Monitoring Tool
High performance minimalism async-io(proactor) networking for Golang.
csghub-server is the backend server for CSGHub which helps user to manage datasets, modes, and also run Model Inference, Finetune and Application Spaces.
LLM-And-More is a professional, plug-and-play, llm trainer and application builder that guides you through the complete LLM workflow from data to evaluation, from training to deployment, from idea …
A powerful library for parsing on-chain transactions into clear, human-readable actions. 🐋
The first open source cloud-native tcp gateway for edges. 首个开源云原生tcp/udp长连接网关,支持rpc、消息和流,微服务和边缘节点/客户端互相直达!完美匹配mesh vpn、内网穿透、边缘管理、iot网关等场景
More powerful Golang ORM, just like Laraval or Thinkphp's eloquent ORM framework, Use easily but highly secure and performance enhanced in the core. Based on database/sql
A tool for analyzing and visualizing complex software architecture hierarchies
go-preform / kitchen
Forked from ctiom/kitchenA golang framework for building progressive backend services.
node of the decentralized AI network (DeAI), bridging the power of AI and decentralized economy
A series of labs in which build a fault-tolerant key/value storage system by Raft.
Regularly monitor Twitter for tweets sent to telegrambot.