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Optimizing compiler for Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)


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Language CPP_Standard CI/CD Documentation License: MIT

HECO is an optimizing compiler for Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). FHE allows computation over encrypted data, but imposes a variety of cryptographic and engineering challenges. This compiler translates high-level program descriptions (expressed in Python) into the circuit-based programming paradigm of FHE. It does so while automating as many aspects of the development as possible, including automatically identifying and exploiting opportunities to use the powerful SIMD parallelism ("batching") present in many schemes.


HECO is an end-to-end compiler for FHE that takes high-level imperative programs and emits efficient and secure FHE implementations. Currently, it supports Ring-LWE based schemes B/FV, BGV and CKKS which offer powerful [SIMD]-like operations and can batch many thousands of values into a single vector-like ciphertext.

In FHE (and other advanced cryptographic techniques such as MPC or ZKP), developers must express their applications as an (arithmetic/binary) circuit. Translating a function f so that the resulting circuit can be evaluated efficiently is highly non-trivial and doing so manually requires significant expert knowledge. This is where FHE compilers like HECO come in, by automating the transformation of high-level programs into lower-level representations that can be evaluated using FHE.

program/function  f --> circuit representation --> FHE Schemes

HECO's design and novel optimizations are described in the accompanying paper. In contrast to previous compilers, HECO removes a significant burden from the developer by automating the task of translating a program to the restricted SIMD programming paradigm available in FHE. This can result in speeupds by over an order of magnitude (i.e., 10x or more) when compared to a naive baseline.

HECO is built using the MLIR compiler framework and follows a traditional front-, middle- and back-end architecture. It uses two Intermediate Representations (IRs) in the middle-end, High-level IR (HIR) to express programs containing control flow and an abstraction of FHE computing (heco::fhe). This is then lowered to Scheme-specific IR (SIR), with operations corresponding to the FHE schemes' underlying operations (e.g., addition, multiplication, relineraization, etc.). Currently, HECO targets Microsoft SEAL as its backend. In the future, HECO will be extended with Polynomial-level IR (PIR) and RNS IR (RIR) to directly target hardware (both CPUs and dedicated FHE accelerators).

Architecture Overview of the Dialects

Using HECO

Python Frontend

Note HECO's Python Frontend is still undergoing a major revision. The current version only prints a (almost MLIR) version of the code. We are working on extending the frontend with more functionality and completing the toolchain, such that frontend programs can be executed again.

Frontend Installation

The frontend requires Python version 3.10 or higher (check by running python --version).

The frontend should be installed automatically with the pip package for HECO:

python -m pip install heco

Currently, the frontend relies on a branch of xDSL to which we added support for frontends. This will eventually be merged to xDSL as a frontend generator.


Examples of HECO can be found in the examples folder.

One of them, for computing the hamming distance of two encrypted vectors, is shown here:

from xdsl.frontend import *
from xdsl.frontend.dialects.builtin import *
from heco.frontend.dialects.fhe import *

p = FrontendProgram()

secret_f64 = SecretType[f64]
arg_type = BatchedSecretType[f64]

with CodeContext(p):
    def encryptedHammingDistance(x: arg_type,
                                 y: arg_type) -> secret_f64:
        sum: SecretType[f64] = SecretAttr(FloatAttr(0.0))

        for idx in range(0, 4):
            sum = sum + (x[idx] - y[idx]) * (x[idx] - y[idx])

        return sum

# XXX: the part below was not yet ported to the new frontend

# Compiling FHE code
context = = 1024)
f = p.compile(context = context)

# Running FHE code
x = [random.randrange(100) for _ in range(4)]
y = [random.randrange(100) for _ in range(4)]
x_enc = context.encrypt(x)
y_enc = context.encrypt(y)
s_enc = f(x_enc, y_enc)

# Verifying Result
s = context.decrypt(s_enc)
assert s == sum([(x[i] - y[i])**2 for i in range(4)])


HECO can be used in three distinct modes, each of which target different user needs.

Interactive Mode

In interactive mode, an interpreter consumes both the input data and the intermediate representation. HECO performs the usual high-level optimizations and lowers the program to the Scheme-specific Intermediate Representation (SIR). This is then executed by the interpreter by calling suitable functions in SEAL.

This mode is designed to be easy-to-use and to allow rapid prototyping. While there is a performance overhead due to the interpreted nature of this mode, it should be insignificant in the context of FHE computations.

Note Interactive mode will become available when the new Python frontend is released.

Transpiler Mode

In transpiler mode, HECO outputs a *.cpp source file that can be inspected or modified before compiling & linking against SEAL. HECO performs the usual high-level optimizations and lowers the program to the Scheme-specific Intermediate Representation (SIR). This is then lowered to the MLIR emitC Dialect, with FHE operations translated to function calls to a SEAL wrapper. The resulting IR is then translated into an actual *.cpp file.

Transpiler mode is designed for advanced users that want to integrate the output into larger, existing software projects and/or modify the compiled code to better match their requirements.

Transpiler Mode Instructions

In order to use the transpiler mode, you need to modify the default compilation pipeline (assuming you are starting with an *.mlir file containing HIR, this would be fhe-tool --full-pass [filename_in].mlir) in two ways.

  1. Specify the scheme (and some core parameters) to be used by adding, e.g., --fhe2bgv=poly_mod_degree=1024 and the corresponding lowering to emitC, e.g., --bgv2emitc, each followed by --canonicalize and --cse to clean up redundant operations introduced by the lowering.
  2. Translate to an actual *.cpp file by passing the output through emitc-translate

TODO: Our emitc-translate build is currently broken, use MLIR's mlir-translate --mlir2cpp instead, it's the exact same tool, just not bundled into this repo.

A full example might look like this: fhe-tool --hir-pass --fhe2bgv=poly_mod_degree=1024 --canonicalize --cse --bgv2emitc --canonicalize --cse [filename_in].mlir > emitc-translate > [filename_out].cpp.

In order to compile the file, you will need to include into the file and link it against SEAL (see CMakeLists.txt). Note that the current wrapper assumes (for slightly obscure reasons) that the generated code is inside a function seal::Ciphertext trace(). If this was not the case for your input, you might need to adjust the wrapper. By default, it currently serializes the result of the function into a file trace.ctxt.

Compiler Mode

In compiler mode, HECO outputs an exectuable. In this mode, HECO performs the usual high-level optimizations and lowers the program to the Scheme-specific Intermediate Representation (SIR). This is then lowered to LLVM IR representing function calls to SEAL's C API, which is then compiled and linked against SEAL.

Compiler mode assumes that the input to HECO is a complete program, e.g., has a valid main() function. As a result, any input/output behaviour must be realized through the LoadCiphertext/SaveCiphertext operations in the scheme-specific IR.

Compiler mode is designed primarily for situations where HECO-compiled applications will be automatically deployed without developer interaction, such as in continous integration or other automated tooling.

Note Compiler mode is not yet implemented. If you require an executable, please use Transpiler mode and subsequent manual compilation & linking for now.


HECO uses CMake as its build system for its C++ components and follows MLIR/LLVM conventions. Please see MLIR's Getting Started for more details.



Install cmake, doxygen, and clang/gcc. libboost and python3 dev tools are needed for pybind11.
On Ubuntu, this can be done by running the following:

sudo apt-get install cmake doxygen clang libboost-all-dev python3-dev`

If the version of cmake provided by your package manager is too old, you might need to manually install a newer version.

Microsoft SEAL

HECO supports the Microsoft SEAL FHE library as a "backend" in its interactive mode. Please follow the SEAL instrutictions on how to build and install SEAL. Currently, the most recent version of SEAL with which this project was tested is 4.0.0.

Getting MLIR

There seem to be no binary distrubtions of the MLIR framework, so you'll have to compile it from source following the MLIR getting started guide. Please note that you will need to pull from this fork instead of the original llvm repo, as this project relies on a series of fixes/workarounds that might not yet be upstreamed. You might want to install clang, lld, ninja and optionally ccache.

MLIR Installation/Build Commands

The following is a reasonable start for a "Developer Friendly" installation of MLIR:

git clone

mkdir llvm-project/build

cd llvm-project/build

cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \

cmake --build . --target check-mlir mlir-tblgen


Use the following commands to build SEAL. For more build options, see the official SEAL repo.

Building the HECO Compiler

This setup assumes that you have built LLVM and MLIR in $BUILD_DIR (path must be absolute). To build and launch the tests, run

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G Ninja .. -DMLIR_DIR=$BUILD_DIR/lib/cmake/mlir -DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=$BUILD_DIR/bin/llvm-lit
cmake --build . --target fhe-tool

To build the documentation from the TableGen description of the dialect operations, run

cmake --build . --target mlir-doc

Note: Make sure to pass -DLLVM_INSTALL_UTILS=ON when building LLVM with CMake in order to install FileCheck to the chosen installation prefix.

Alternatively, you can open this folder in vscode. You will want to build the heco-c target for the command line compiler.

Over CMake

The package installation is integrated in the CMakefile. You can run make install in cmake-build-debug and it will install pyabc.

Manual Installation

To install pyabc, first build the CMake project. Next, run the following command (in this repo's root folder):

python3 -m pip install --user cmake-build-debug/python

(assuming your build folder is cmake-build-debug)

For a developer installation, add the -e option to create a symlink to the freshly built files in cmake-build-debug/python instead of copying them.


Development Environemnt

Visual Studio Code is recommended. Remember to set the -DMLIR_DIR=... and -DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=.. options in "Settings → Workspace → Cmake: Configure Args". The LLVM TableGen plugin provides syntax highlighting for *.td files, which are used to define Dialects, Types, Operations and Rewrite Rules. The MLIR plugin provides syntax highlighting for *.mlir files, which are MLIR programs in textual representation.

Repository's Structure

The repository is organized as follow:

include         – header (.h) and TableGen (.td) files
 └ IR             – contains the different dialect definitions
 └ Passes         – contains the definitions of the different transformations
frontend        – the python frontend for HECO
src             – source files (.cpp)
 └ IR             – implementations of additional dialect-specific functionality
 └ Passes         – implementations of the different transformations
 └ tools          – sources for the main commandline interface
test            – unit tests

There are also additional folders for various configuration/setup things:

.github         – Continous Integration/CI) setup files
cmake           - Configuration files for the CMake build system
docs            - Additional files for Documentation
scripts         - Python scripts for plotting benchmark results

Development Tips for working with MLIR-based Projects

MLIR is an incredibly powerful tool and makes developing optimizing compilers significantly easier. However, it is not necessarily an easy-to-pick-up tool, e.g., documentation for the rapdily evolving framework is not yet sufficient in many places. This short section cannot replace a thorough familiarization with the MLIR Guide. Instead, it provides high-level summarizes to provide context to the existing documentation. See test/ for information on the MLIR/LLVM testing infrastructure.

Working with TableGen

This project uses the Operation Definition Specification and Table-driven Declarative Rewrite Rules which use LLVM's TableGen language/tool. This project specifies things in *.td files, which are parsed by TableGen and processed by the mlir-tblgen backend. The backend generates C++ files (headers/sources, as appropriate), which are then included (using standard #include) into the headers/sources in this project. These generation steps are triggered automatically during build through custom CMake commands.

In order to debug issues stemming from TableGen, it is important to realize that there are four different types of TableGen failures:

  • The TableGen parser throws an error like error: expected ')' in dag init. This implies a syntax error in the *.td file, e.g., missing comma or parenthesis. These errors are presented the same as the next kind, but can be recognized since they usually mention "dag", "init" and/or "node".
  • The MLIR TableGen backend throws an error like error: cannot bind symbol twice. These are semantic/logical errors in your *.td file, or hint at missing features in the backend. Instead of stopping on an error, the backend might also crash with a stack dump. Scroll right to see if this is due to an assert being triggered. This usually indicates a bug in the backend, rather than in your code (at the very least, that an assert should be replaced by a llvm::PrintFatalError).
  • The C++ compilation fails with an error in the generated * or * file. This can be caused by either user error, e.g., when trying to do a rewrite that doesn't respect return types, or it can also be a sign of a bug in the MLIR TableGen backend.
  • The project builds, but crashes during runtime. Again, this can be an indication of a backend bug or user error.

Debugging MLIR

Useful command line options for mlir-opt/fhe-tool (see also MLIR Debugging Tips and IR Printing):

  • --mlir-print-ir-before-all - Prints the IR before each pass
  • --debug-only=dialect-conversion - Prints some very useful information on passes and rules being applied
  • --verify-each=0 - Turns off the verifier, allowing one to see what the (invalid) IR looks like
  • --allow-unregistered-dialect - Makes parser accept unknown operations (only works if they are in generic form!)

Frontend Installation

For Development purposes, install a local package from the repository by running the following in the root of your clone of this repo:

python3.10 -m pip install -e frontend/heco

The following should be handled automatically when you install the heco package. However, should you need a manual local installation of the xDSL pip package from our branch of xDSL, do the following:

git clone [email protected]:xdslproject/xdsl.git
cd xdsl
git checkout frontend
python -m pip install -e .

Publishing PyPi Package

To be able to publish a package, you need to register an account on PyPi and set up an API token. Store the token and username in $HOME/.pypirc, as suggested during the token generation.

To publish a new HECO PyPi package, run the script frontend/ This script follows the process from the Python packaging guide.