Here you can find a few working samples, which will get you started with the library.
- Blog - fully-featured web application sample showing how to use MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc with the best coding practices in mind. Uses AutoMapper, Moq, Shouldly and xUnit.
- MusicStore - sample showing how to use MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc with an automatically resolved
class for testing controllers, view components and routes. Uses the official ASP.NET Core MVC test application and xUnit.
- AutoFac - minimalistic functional sample showing how to use MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc with a third-party dependency injection container. Uses AutoFac and xUnit.
- ApplicationParts - minimalistic functional sample testing whether controllers are found correctly when registered from external assemblies. Uses manual
configuration and NUnit. - NoStartup - minimalistic functional sample showing how to use the testing library without any globally configured
class. Uses MSTest. - WebStartup - minimalistic functional sample showing how to use the testing library with the web application's
class. Uses xUnit.