Virto Commerce Storefront Kit is Official online shopping website based on VirtoCommerce Platform written on ASP.NET Core. The website is a client application for VC Platform and uses only public APIs while communicating.
!!! note
If Platform and Storefront are deployed in the same on-premises environment, Storefront should be deployed on different port then Platform. You can do it by dotnet run CLI
Navigate to the Releases section of Virto Commerce Storefront Kit in GitHub.
You will find file. In this file the site has already been built and can be run without additional compilation. The source code is not included.
Unpack this zip to a local directory C:\vc-storefront. After that you will have the directory with Storefront precompiled files.
- Open the appsettings.json file in a text editor.
- In the Endpoint section change Url, UserName, Password with correct path and credentials for Virto Commerce Platform:
"Endpoint": {
"Url": "https://localhost:5001",
"UserName": "admin",
"Password": "store",
Storefront appsettings.json file contains ContentConnectionString setting with pointed to the folder with actual themes and pages content
"ConnectionStrings": {
//For themes stored in local file system
"ContentConnectionString": "provider=LocalStorage;rootPath=~/cms-content"
//For themes stored in azure blob storage
//"ContentConnectionString" connectionString="provider=AzureBlobStorage;rootPath=cms-content;DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yourAccountName;AccountKey=yourAccountKey"
You can set this connection string in one of the following ways:
- Build and Copy theme to
- If you have already have installed platform with sample data, your platform already contains
folder with themes for sample stores and you need only to make symbolic link to this folder by this command:mklink /d C:\vc-storefront\VirtoCommerce.Storefront\wwwroot\cms-content C:\vc-platform\VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web\App_Data\cms-content
On Mac OS and Linux:
console ln -s ~/vc-storefront/wwwroot/cms-content ~/vc-platform/wwwroot/cms-content
- If you did not install sample data with your platform, you need to create new store in platform manager and download themes as it described in this article: Theme development
- In order to run the platform only at HTTP schema in production mode, it's enough to pass only HTTP URLs in
argument of thedotnet
dotnet VirtoCommerce.Storefront.dll --urls=http://localhost:5002
- Install and trust HTTPS certificate
Run to trust the .NET Core SDK HTTPS development certificate:
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Read more about enforcing HTTPS in ASP.NET Core
dotnet VirtoCommerce.Storefront.dll --urls=https://localhost:4302/
- Trust the .Net Core Development Self-Signed Certificate. More details on trusting the self-signed certificate can be found here