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V Computing Language

VCL is a high level way of writting programs with OpenCL using V. These are highly opinionated OpenCL bindings for V. It tries to make GPU computing easy, with some sugar abstraction, V's concurency and channels.


module main

import vsl.vcl

// an complicated kernel
const kernel_source = '
__kernel void addOne(__global float* data) {
    const int i = get_global_id(0);
    data[i] += 1;

// get all devices if you want
devices := vcl.get_devices(vcl.device_cpu)?
println('Devices: $devices')

// do not create platforms/devices/contexts/queues/...
// just get the device
mut device := vcl.get_default_device()?
defer {
	device.release() or { panic(err) }

// VCL has several kinds of device memory object: Bytes, Vector, Image (Soon)
// allocate buffer on the device (16 elems of f32).
mut v := device.vector<f32>(16)?
defer {
	v.release() or { panic(err) }

// load data to the vector (it's async)
data := [f32(0.0), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
err := <-v.load(data)
if err !is none {
	return err
println('\n\nCreated vector: $v')

// add program source to device, get kernel
k := device.kernel('addOne')?
// run kernel (global work size 16 and local work size 1)
kernel_err := <
if kernel_err !is none {
	return kernel_err

// get data from vector
next_data :=
// prints out [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16]
println('\n\nUpdated vector data: $next_data')