A simple, easy to use python Matrix bot library, based on the excellent matrix-nio library.
NioBot is designed to have a similar (as similar as reasonably possible) design and feel to the discord.py library, which should hopefully give it a familiar feel if you're coming from a discord background.
Please note that there will be teething problems, and as such some advanced features may not be available, as with any client.
Take a look at the docs!, or
(dedicated support room)
Alternatively, take a look at my dev bot, which is a bot that I use to test features of nio-bot before they're released. This bot is very advanced as, since I developed the library, I know exactly how it works, and will have bleeding-edge features built into it, which a lot of users may not use yet.
It is, however, a great example of how an advanced, full feature bot can be created using this library.
You can see it live here (DM it, the prefix is ?, and full end-to-end encryption is supported(*). Average response time is ~300-500ms)
(* May not always work due to key store issues, but it should work most of the time, especially if its your first time using it.)
You can use the PyPi releases:
nio-bot==1.0.0 # or whatever version
# Or to install it with extras
You should use requirements.txt:
nio-bot @ git+https://github.com/nexy7574/niobot.git
# Or with e2ee support (note you will need libolm)
nio-bot[e2ee] @ git+https://github.com/nexy7574/niobot.git
You can figure out how to install it in other ways.
NioBot aims to be as easy to use as possible, so form is preferred over function. Some features you'd normally expect may not be implemented (yet, feel free to open a pull request!) or may not work as intended or how you'd expect, however as with any matrix client.
import time
from niobot import Bot, Context
bot = Bot(
homeserver="https://matrix.org", # your homeserver
user_id="@__example__:matrix.org", # the user ID to log in as (Fully qualified)
command_prefix="!", # the prefix to respond to (case sensitive, must be lowercase if below is True)
case_insensitive=True, # messages will be casefold()ed before being handled. This is recommended.
owner_id="@owner:homeserver.com" # The user ID who owns this bot. Optional, but required for bot.is_owner(...).
@bot.command() # tells the bot to register a command
async def ping(ctx: Context): # Commands can only have one argument, which is the context.
"""Shows the latency""" # a description to be shown in <prefix>help (optional)
roundtrip = (time.time() * 1000 - ctx.event.server_timestamp)
# time.time() * 1000 gets the current timestamp in milliseconds, since server_timestamp is in milliseconds
# Subtracting the server timestamp from our current timestamp shows how long it took for us to get the server event
await ctx.reply("Pong! Took {:,.2f}ms".format(roundtrip))
# ctx.reply() sends a message to the room the command was invoked in, and automatically adds a reply marker
# This is recommended when responding to a command, as it makes it easier to follow the conversation, and can
# prevent spam by having ownership over commands.
@bot.command(name="echo", disabled=True) # creates !echo, but disables the command (it won't show up in help, or run)
def do_echo(ctx: Context):
"""Repeats what you say!"""
await ctx.reply(f"You said: {' '.join(ctx.arguments)}")
bot.run(password="password") # starts the bot with a password. If you already have a login token, see:
bot.run(access_token="my_token") # starts the bot with a login token.
Eventually, you will want to split your code up into several "modules" to make your code easier to read, and also
modular. You can do this using the NioBot.mount_module
Note: Once a module is loaded, you cannot "reload" it. You can unload it, but there is no way to refresh code yet.
Let's assume this file tree:
|- main.py (your bot file, the bit that runs your bot)
|- modules
|- ping.py
In main.py, you'll put some similar code:
import niobot
bot = niobot.Bot(...)
bot.mount_module("modules.ping") # mounts the ping module
When you call mount_module
, it effectively calls import module
under the hood, and then does one of the following:
- Calls the
function, if it exists - Discovers all classes that subclass
in the module, and calls their__setup__
, adding all commands registered under that class
Take the following file as ping.py:
import niobot
class MyPingModule(niobot.Module):
# This class is a subclass of niobot.Module, so it will be automatically discovered and loaded
# It also has two attributes defined that you can use:
# * self.bot: the instance of the bot
# * self.log: An instance of logging.Logger, which you can use to log messages to the console or log file.
# It is recommended to use this instead of print().
# Now we will define a command
async def ping(self, ctx: niobot.Context):
"""Shows the latency"""
roundtrip = ctx.bot.latency(ctx.message)
await ctx.reply("Pong! Took {:,.2f}ms".format(roundtrip))
Notice how here, we use @niobot.command
, instead of @bot.command
? They work the same, however
is designed to be loaded in a module context, where you usually don't have the bot instance at runtime
(since that is injected by NioBot.mount_module
). If you do have the bot instance, you can use @bot.command
which will register your command instantly.
Once mount_module
is called, it will scan through ping.py
. It will find MyPingModule
, realise it is a subclass
of Module
, and will automatically add any commands defined by @niobot.command
After all of this, [prefix]ping
is now available!
You can customise the behaviour of the loading process at two-levels:
- By overriding
, you can customise how the module is loaded. By default, it will scan through the class' functions and detect any that're annotated with@niobot.command
, and register them. You can override this to do whatever you want. - Providing a
function in your module. This will be called when the module is loaded, and you can do whatever you want in here. This is useful if you want to do something that isn't related to commands, such as registering event handlers. Note that definingsetup
must be outside any classes, and it will disable the auto-discovery of commands.