The levels in this folder are taken from the VGLC:
Some levels were changed to make their tokens better fit the originals levels.
Symbol Reference:
- 'M': Mario Starting Position, not having it will force the engine to start at x = 0 and the first ground floor.
- 'F': Mario finish line, not having it will force the engine to end at x = levelWidth and the first ground floor.
- 'y': Spiky
- 'Y': Winged Spiky
- 'E' or 'g': Goomba
- 'G': Winged Goomba
- 'k': Green Koopa
- 'K': Winged Green Koopa
- 'r': Red Koopa
- 'X': Ground Block
- '#': Pyramind Block
- '%': Jump through platform
- '|': Background for the jump through platform
- '*': Bullet bill where the top '*' will be the bullet bill head
- 'B': Bullet bill head
- 'b': Bullet bill neck or body
- '?' or '@': Special Question block
- 'Q' or '!': Coin Question block
- '1': Invisible 1 up block
- '2': Invisible coin bock
- 'D': Used block
- 'S': Normal Brick Block
- 'C': Coing Brick Block
- 'U': Musrhoom Brick Block
- 'L': 1 up Block
- 'o': Coin
- 't': Empty Pipe
- 'T': Pipe with Piranaha Plant in it
- '<': Top left of empty pipe
- '>': Top right of empty pipe
- '[': Left of empty pipe
- ']': Right of empty pipe