Video Calls Application using WebRTC and Firebase Demo that uses WebRTC for video calls, based on Firebase signaling.
Technologies used:
- Language: Swift 5
- Main Architectural pattern: MVVM + Router
- Dependency manager: CocoaPods
- Signaling and WebRTC: GoogleWebRTC, Firebase/Firestore
- UI: Xib, Autolayout, UIStackView
- Reactive Programming: ReactiveKit+Bond
- Object JSON Mapping: Codable
Functionality description:
- Create room by entering ID and pressing "create"
- Provide you ID to callee and make him enter ID and press "join"
- Enjoy video call
- P.S. Currently it is mocked by simple cat.mp4 video, because of simulator restrictions. So, change the way you capturing video from local file to camera.
You can use WebRTCClient and SignalingClient classes to make your own video call project, just create your own Firebase project and put GoogleService-Info.plist file into it. Don't forget to call FirebaseApp.configure() in AppDelegate