A quick refresher on docker commands is available at the docker cheatsheet.
A docker image with all required prerequisites can be built with the Makefile
in this directory:
make production_build
You should then be able to see something like the following:
$ docker images
mazamascience/airsensor 1.1.1 1518d7aa223e 44 seconds ago 5.39GB
mazamascience/airsensor latest 1518d7aa223e 44 seconds ago 5.39GB
It is best practice to create versioned images and tag the most recent one with "latest".
Spatial data required by the MazamaSpatialUtils package already exists in
the docker image in /home/mazama/data/Spatial
Having built the docker image we can now test it. The following output was
obtained use the provided example_pas
synoptic dataset:
docker run --rm -ti mazamascience/airsensor R --vanilla
pas <- example_pas
> names(example_pas)
[1] "ID" "label"
[9] "longitude" "pm25"
[11] "lastSeenDate" "sensorType"
[13] "flag_hidden" "isOwner"
[15] "humidity" "temperature"
[17] "pressure" "age"
[19] "parentID" "flag_highValue"
[21] "flag_attenuation_hardware" "Ozone1"
[23] "pm25_current" "pm25_10min"
[25] "pm25_30min" "pm25_1hr"
[27] "pm25_6hr" "pm25_1day"
[29] "pm25_1week" "statsLastModifiedDate"
[31] "statsLastModifiedInterval" "countryCode"
[33] "stateCode" "timezone"
[35] "deviceID" "locationID"
[37] "deviceDeploymentID" "airDistrict"
[39] "pwfsl_closestDistance" "pwfsl_closestMonitorID"
[41] "sensorManufacturer" "targetPollutant"
[43] "technologyType" "communityRegion"
pas %>%
pas_filter(stateCode == 'CA') %>%
pas_filter(pwfsl_closestDistance < 7000) %>%
dplyr::pull(pwfsl_closestDistance) %>%
round() %>%
1 2 4 6 7 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 38 40 41 46 47 53 57 58 60 73 74
2 8 2 6 6 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 4 2
make production_publish
A recent image can also be obtained from DockerHub with:
docker pull mazamascience/airsensor:1.0.7