API for moving on DiagramSmurf and logging transitions. Logs are used for integration testing of applications.
State transition logs have [TransitionSmurf]
On initialization, State Transition Table is logged with [DiagramSmurf]
Following dependencies must be installed on the host system
- cmake [>= 3.21]
- C++20
- cmlib
- DiagramSmurf
mkdir -p _build && cd _build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j 8
- For building tests use -DBRINGAUTO_TESTS=ON
- Start tests:
$ ./test/transition_smurf_tests
- TransitionSmurf library uses bringauto Logger library, that has to be inicialized before using.
Clone directory to your project and add as subdirectory in CMakeLists.txt:
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(<target> PUBLIC TransitionSmurfLib bringauto_logger::bringauto_logger)
On initialization, state transition table is logged in format:
[YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ms] [appName] [debug] [DiagramSmurf] <Origin Vertex> : <List of destination vertexes>
Example of State Transition Table for following state diagram:
[2022-02-21 10:44:28.900] [virtual-vehicle-utility] [debug] [DiagramSmurf] __START__ : A
[2022-02-21 10:44:28.900] [virtual-vehicle-utility] [debug] [DiagramSmurf] A : A B D
[2022-02-21 10:44:28.900] [virtual-vehicle-utility] [debug] [DiagramSmurf] B : C
[2022-02-21 10:44:28.900] [virtual-vehicle-utility] [debug] [DiagramSmurf] C : D
[2022-02-21 10:44:28.900] [virtual-vehicle-utility] [debug] [DiagramSmurf] D : A
Special vertex __START __ indicates list of Starting Vertexes.
After state transition table, Start of run is logged:
[YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ms] [appName] [debug] [TransitionSmurf] Start of Run
All other logs are state transition logs in format:
[YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ms] [appName] [debug] [TransitionSmurf] Going to state <state>
If a state transition wasn't successful Warning is logged:
[YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ms] [appName] [warning] [TransitionSmurf] Couldn't change state { "to": <state> "from": <state> }
- Example can be found in
or inStateSmurf/SmurfExampleApp/