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File metadata and controls

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Splash Design

This document describes the design details of the Splash project.

Shuffle Algorithm

The shuffle algorithm for Splash is derived from the original shuffle manager. The following section briefly describes the process of shuffle in Spark.

  • The shuffle procedure has two stages: the map stage and the reduce stage.
  • In the map stage, each mapper generates a map output which includes two types of files: index file and data file.
  • The index file contains a list of metadata that describes the start and the length of a partition stored in the data file.
  • In the reduce stage, a reducer collects the partitions belonging to it from the map outputs generated in the map stage. These partitions form the input of the reducer for its incoming reduce operation.

Shuffle Diagram

There are three handlers in the original Spark shuffle manager:

  • The bypass merge sort shuffle handler is applied when partition count is lower than 200 (by default).
  • The unsafe shuffle handler is applied when there is no map side combine, and the serialized data could safely be relocated.
  • The base shuffle handler is the default shuffle implementation.

Splash shuffle manager introduces some modifications to these handlers:

  • Local file access is replaced by the ShuffleFile interface, which provides a more general abstraction that supports both local and remote file access.
  • The logic of committing writes is moved to TmpShuffleFile.
  • The actual network and storage operations are wrapped in the OutputStream and InputStream constructed by TmpShuffleFile and ShuffleFile.
  • The read/write operations in shuffle only communicate with InputStream and OutputStream which is decoupled from a specific network/storage. Shuffle read and write can be implemented using different network transports and backend storage protocols by providing different implementations of the I/O steams.
  • Listeners are inserted into different stages of the shuffle to apply hooks.


In vanilla Spark, each executor directly interacts with its local disks and network.

Splash shuffle manager, instead implements two layers of abstraction between executors and the actual storage and network.

  • The first layer contains the logic for the shuffle.
  • The second layer contains the logic for storage and network.

Shuffle Architecture

There are several advantages of this architecture:

  • The shuffle manager becomes stateless which makes executors stateless.

  • Stateless compute node provides the flexibility to add and remove nodes without re-computing the whole shuffle

  • The commit operation of the shuffle file is atomic. Un-committed files can be cleaned up easily.

  • The separation of storage and computation in shuffle gives the user more choices on the storage media.

    The user can implement different storage plugins through the splash storage interface base on their requirement.

    For instance, user can have a separate dedicated storage cluster for storing the shuffle data.

  • Through the implementation of the storage plugin, the user can have a separate storage cluster for shuffle data, which can provide large capacity and high reliability.

  • Compared to external shuffle service, Splash shuffle manager lives in the executor which reduces the complexity of system and deployment.

Here is the architecture diagram for Splash shuffle manager:

  • The orange boxes represent interfaces defined by Spark
  • The blue boxes represent Splash implementation classes.
  • The green boxes represent basic data structures.

Splash Architecture

More specifically:

  • ShuffleManager is the entry point for the shuffle stage.
  • ShuffleWriter is responsible for writing the shuffle data in map stage. It utilizes SplashSorter or SplashUnsafeSorter to hold the data in memory.
    If there is not enough memory, it spills the data to TmpShuffleFile.
  • After all data are processed, SplashSorter and SplashUnsafeSorter merge the data in both memory and spilled files, creating the shuffle outputs and persisting them into the shuffle data storage system.
  • ShuffleReader is used in the reducer stage to collect data from the shuffle data storage system.
  • SplashAggregator is responsible for performing data aggregation. It uses SplashAppendOnlyMap to hold the data in memory and spill to TmpShuffleData if there is not enough memory.
  • SplashShuffleBlockResolver is used to locate the shuffle data in shuffle data storage system needed by reducer. The algorithm to find shuffle data is stateless.

Storage Plugin

User can supply his/her own storage and network implementation for Splash shuffle manager by implementing additional storage-plugins. Currently, one example plugin is provided out of the box:

  • The shared file system plugin runs on a mountable shared file system like NFS.

This diagram below illustrates the structure of the storage plugin framework.

Splash Storage Diagram

The functionality of each interface is described below:

StorageFactory interface

This interface defines the entry point for the storage/IO functions. The methods of this interface could be divided into several categories.

  • Metadata operations return the storage metadata such as:

    • getShuffleFolder retrieves the location of the shuffle files of the specified Spark application.
    • the number of temp files and shuffle files we have. These methods are used in test only. There is no performance requirement on these operations.
      • getShuffleFileCount returns the total number of shuffle files managed by the plugin.
      • getTmpFileCount returns the total number of temp files managed by the plugin.
  • Temp file generators create the temp files for IO. Those temp files are divided into three types based on their use cases:

    • makeSpillFile retrieves a writable TmpShuffleFile instance for spill temp file.

      Such files are used for holding spilled data. They could be persisted using fast local storage such as DRAM and SSD to speed up writing and reading spilled data.

    • makeDataFile retrieves a writable TmpShuffleFile instance.

      This temp file will be committed to become a shuffle data file when write completes.

    • makeIndexFile retrieves a writable TmpShuffleFile instance.

      This temp file will be committed to become a shuffle index file when write completes.

    File Usages

  • getDataFile and getIndexFile are used to retrieve the ShuffleFile instance.

    • getDataFile retrieves a read only ShuffleFile instance for shuffle data file.
    • getIndexFile retrieves a read only ShuffleFile instance for shuffle index file.
  • getListeners retrieves a collection of shuffle manager listeners.

  • setConf passes a SparkConf instance to a StorageFactory instance so that storage plugins have access to Spark configurations.

  • Cleanup methods reset shuffle output and temp folders.

    • cleanShuffle cleans up the shuffle files of the specified application.
    • reset cleans up all files managed by a storage plugin.

ShuffleFile interface

This is the interface for shuffle related files. Its usage is similar to the Java File class while the files referenced by ShuffleFile are read only.

  • getSize retrieves the size of a file.
  • exists checks the existence of a file.
  • delete removes a file.
  • getPath returns the path of the file instance.
  • makeInputStream constructs an InputStream of this ShuffleFile.

TmpShuffleFile interface

This interface extends ShuffleFile. In addition:

  • commit and recall are atomic methods that allow user to commit the shuffle output or rollback uncommitted shuffle output.
  • swap is used to swap data between two TmpShuffleFile instance.
  • merge combines multiple files into one. The default implementation of this method is to copy and concatenate a list of files into one large file.
  • makeOutputStream constructs an OutputStream of this TmpShuffleFile. Plugin developers need to make sure that this method creates a file for data to be streamed into if the file does not exist.
  • uuid returns a unique UUID instance of this TmpShuffleFile.
  • create creates an empty file in shuffle data storage system.
  • getCommitTarget retrieves the target ShuffleFile. Error is returned if the function is invoked by a TmpShuffleFile instance representing a spill file. This is because the spill file can not be committed to become a shuffle data file or a shuffle index file.

ShuffleListener interface

TODO: Define the listeners to invoke during the shuffle procedure. This interface is not mature yet.