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121 lines (121 loc) · 17.3 KB
Command Option Description
activate-venv Activate virtualenv.
add-git-submodule [url] [path] Add git submodule.
build [platform] Build Odoo Conainer image. Optionally define the target platform.
build-vuepress Create Vuepress build.
change-uuid [env] Change database uuid via xmlrpc.
checkout [branch] Checkout Odoo version / branch.
checkout-all Checkout every Odoo version / branch.
checkout-config-files [branch] Checkout config files from another branch.
checkout-git-submodule Checkout submodule commits.
checkout-revision [revision] Run Odoo revision script or checkout revision set by env var.
clear-assets [db] Clear all assets of Odoo database.
clear-filestore [db] Clear local filestore folder. No param will clear all filestores. Default is branch name.
clear-views [db] Clear all views of Odoo database.
clock-odoo [db] Count custom line of codes. Default is branch name.
commit-git-submodule-all [message][path] Commit all changes in path.
container-login Setup container hub login credentials.
convert-database [db] Convert database backup file from PostgreSQL 9.5 to latest. Default is branch name.
create-git-feature-branch [path] Create feature branch for Odoo module.
create-git-mig-branch [path] Create migration branch for Odoo module.
create-module [path] Create new Odoo module from template.
create-module-repo [path] Initialize Odoo module repo from template.
create-nextcloud-env [env] Create env file for Nextcloud instance.
create-odoo-env [env] Create env file for Odoo Instance.
create-revision [revision] Create new Odoo revision.
create-snippet [id] Create snippet from template.
delete-git-submodule Delete all submodule folders.
dev-vuepress Start Vuepress development server.
disable-mailserver [env] Disable mail server settings via xmlrpc.
disable-snippet [env][path] Disable snippet definition.
drop-db [db] Drop target Odoo database. Default is branch name.
edit-env [env] Open env file in default editor.
fetch-git-origin Fetch all Odoo version branches.
generate-admin-passwd [pass] Generate hash for Odoo master password.
generate-help-doc Write help table to file.
generate-module-model [path][model] Generate model files from templates.
generate-module-overview Update module overview doc file.
generate-module-security [path][model] Generate model access file for a selected model of a module.
generate-module-snippet [path][ref] Generate view snippet from template.
generate-revisions-doc Update revisions doc file.
generate-snippets-doc Update snippets doc file.
get-addons-path Output addons path.
get-git-submodule-status [path] Show status for submodules in path.
get-modules [path][option] Get list of modules in path. Option is 'basename' or 'dirname'.
get-module-version [path] Get module version from manifest.
import-csv [db][path] Import data from csv. Filename must match PostgreSQL table name.
info Show values of project env vars.
init-db [db] Initialize the Odoo database. Default is branch name.
init-git-submodule Init submodules listed in the .gitmodules file.
init-module [db][path,module] Initialize Odoo module. Default database is branch name.
init-venv Initialize python virtual env.
install-native Install Odoo requirements in source folder.
install-odoo-scripts Install Odoo scripts.
install-requirements [db][path] Install python packages from requirements.txt.
install-snippet [env][path] Install snippet definition.
install-vuepress Install Node build dependencies.
lint-module [path] Run pylint odoo for module.
lint-module-repo [path] Run pylint odoo for modules in repo folder.
lint-snippets Run checks for all snippets.
list-env List env files.
list-git-submodule List path and url of submodules.
list-modules [path] Get modules in path as list.
list-revision List available Odoo revisions.
llm-update [path][prompt] Feed module files with prompt to LLM and apply file changes.
load-language [db][lang] Install language package in Odoo db.
logs Tail Odoo container logs.
ls-git-submodule [grep] List submodule path space separated.
odooctl [param] Execute odooctl cli.
patch-database [db][path] Apply sql file to database. Default database is branch name.
ps List container processes.
publish Publish Odoo container image.
pull-git-submodule Pull all submodules listed in the .gitmodules file.
push-git-submodule Push all submodules in path.
pytest-module [db][name,path] Run module tests with pytest.
release-module [path] Create GitHub release for a module.
remove [name] Remove containers and volumes. Options: none, db, admin, odoo, mail.
remove-env [env] Remove environment config.
remove-git-submodule [path] Remove a git submodule.
remove-module [db][name] Remove target Odoo module.
remove-snippet [env][path] Remove snippet definition.
reset-views [db][key] Execute hard reset on views matching keys.
restart [name] Restart container.
restore-dotenv Restore content of .env from pass entry.
run [name][cmd] Run container with command.
save-config [name] Save Odoo database config.
serve-vuepress-build Serve Vuepress build.
set-addons-path Set Odoo addons path env variable.
set-admin [db] Sets the password for the first user in database. Default is branch name.
setup-mail [db] Setup mail config in Odoo db.
setup-mail-sql [db] Setup mail config in Odoo db with SQL.
show-env [env] Output content of the env file.
show-revision [revision] Show references of Odoo revision.
source Source the Python virtual env.
start [name][db] Start container. Options: none, db, admin, odoo, native, mail.
start-psql [db] Start PSQL shell in container container. Default is branch name.
start-shell [db] Start Odoo shell from source folder. Default is branch name.
stop [name] Stop containers.
store-dotenv Store content of .env in pass entry.
switch-git-submodule [branch] Switch branch for all submodules listed in the .gitmodules file.
sync-git-submodule Switch, stash and pull all submodules.
template-docker-compose Template the Docker compose file.
template-odoo-rc Template the Odoo config file.
template-repo [path] Update the repo folder from template.
test-container [clean] Test Odoo image.
test-module [db][name,path] Test target Odoo module.
test-module-repo [db][path] Test target Odoo modules in repo folder.
test-xmlrpc [env] Test json rpc connection.
translate-module [env][path][lang] Generate translation for Odoo module.
update-app-list [db] Update app list.
update-docs Update project docs.
update-module [db][name,path] Update target Odoo module.
update-module-docs [path] Update Readme file of the module.
update-repo-docs [path] Update Readme file of the repo.
update-snippet [env][path] Update snippet definition.
upgrade-module [path][version] Upgrade code of module from target Odoo version.
upgrade-odoo [db][version][mode] Run the Odoo upgrade scripts. Default mode ist 'test'.
upload-module [env][path] Zip and upload Odoo module.
version Show version of required tools.
visualize-dependencies [path] Generate visualizations of module dependencies.
zip-module [path] Create zip file for module.