UIx is using React's state hook for local state.
(defui form []
(let [[value set-value!] (uix.core/use-state "")]
($ :input {:value value
:on-change #(set-value! value (.. % -target -value))})))
In some React wrappers state is represented as Atom datatype that has has reset!
and swap!
operations. We take a similar naming approach and suffix state updating function with a bang !
denoting that the operating is mutating a value.
Similar to
from the above example also takes a function that will receive current value of return the next value of component's state. Although unlike withswap!
state updating function doesn't take additional arguments that will be passed into a callback.
When initial value has to be computed before it’s used, it is recommended to pass it in a callback to use-state
. The callback will be executed only once, in component’s initialization stage.
(defn calculate-initial-value []
;; expensive computation here)
(uix.core/use-state calculate-initial-value)
Because state is not directly coupled with components it is possible to build reusable behaviors on top of it. In the example below we create use-validation
function that encapsulates logic that keeps track of a value and applies updates when the value satisfies provided validation function.
(defn use-validation [initial-value valid?]
(let [[value set-value!] (uix.core/use-state initial-value)
on-change #(let [v (.. % -target -value)]
(when (valid? v)
(set-value! v)))]
[value on-change]))
(defui form []
(let [[value on-change] (use-validation "" #(not (empty? %)))]
($ :input {:value value
:on-change on-change})))