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Drift Server

Drift Server is a simple library for creating Thrift services using annotations.

Implementing a Service

In Drift, a Thrift service is simply a Java class annotated with @ThriftService. In addition to annotating the class directly, Drift supports annotations on super classes or interfaces. A single service instance is used for all incoming client requests, so it must be thread safe and should handle concurrent requests. For example, the following describes a Scribe service:

public class Scribe
    public ResultCode log(List<LogEntry> messages)
        messages.forEach(message -> System.out.println(message.getMessage()));
        return ResultCode.OK;

To make the service method asynchronous, simply change the return type of the method to ListenableFuture:

public class Scribe
    public ListenableFuture<ResultCode> log(List<LogEntry> messages)
        // process in background using a ListeningExecutorService
        return executor.submit(() -> {
            messages.forEach(message -> System.out.println(message.getMessage()));
            return ResultCode.OK;

The future should be completed with the value to be returned to the client. You can use Futures.catching() or Futures.catchingAsync() to transform errors into a more appropriate response for the client.

Parameters and Exceptions

Parameters and exceptions have the same rules as for Drift Client. See Parameters and Exceptions for details.

Creating a Server

The following code manually constructs a DriftServer using the Netty transport:

// service handler (must be thread safe)
Scribe service = new Scribe();

// create the server
DriftServer driftServer = new DriftServer(
        new DriftNettyServerTransportFactory(config),
        new ThriftCodecManager(),
        new NullMethodInvocationStatsFactory(),

// start the server (it should be shutdown when no longer needed)

Guice Support

Drift includes optional support for binding a Thrift server and services into Guice.

To bind a server, add transport implementation module DriftNettyServerModule and bind the clients with the fluent DriftServerBinder. The following binds a Scribe service:

// see io.airlift.bootstrap.Bootstrap for a simpler system to create Guice services with configuration
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(Stage.PRODUCTION,
        new ConfigurationModule(new ConfigurationFactory(ImmutableMap.of())),
        new DriftNettyServerModule(),
        binder -> driftServerBinder(binder).bindService(EchoServiceHandler.class));

// Start the server. It should be shutdown when no longer needed.
// Note that startup and shutdown are automatic if using Airlift Bootstrap.

Multiple Services

Drift allows binding multiple services into a single Thrift server. However, because the Thrift protocol does not provide any sort of namespacing, all Thrift method names must be unique across all services.