This is a Python script to track usage of best practices and bad practices in the Mobility Database feeds.
Install the gcloud CLI
following the instructions in the official documentation and authenticate yourself.
Once it's completed, make sure you can access the mobilitydata-gtfs-validation-results bucket.
Create a Python virtual environment as described here.
Once the described installation steps are successfully completed you should install xlsxwriter
$ pip install xlsxwriter
After activating the virtual environment and being in the root directory of the mobility-database-catalog repository, run the following commands:
$ pip install gsutil
$ gsutil -m cp -r "gs://mobilitydata-gtfs-validation-results/reports/2023-06-06T02:45/cebc62a4-ed30-4d1b-9816-53b3376baabc" .
Simply run:
$ python3 -m compliance_track.main
To produce the report containing details about practices under discussion run:
$ python3 -m compliance_track.details